Canada/US Relations.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
I'm not too sure on the current laws regarding passports since it's hot in politics right now. Mexican, American and Canadian leaders met during this past week discussing certain issues, one of which was having passports.

As far as I know, America is trying to have it so that passports are required for entrance to the USA, Canada, and Mexico. On my last trip to the USA, the only thing required of me was photo identification - no passport.

The idea of smart cards came up, where all our identification, history, etc. would be recorded on it.

Do you think this law should be passed? Should we have it so that Canadians going to the US would need passwords and/or smartcards, and Americans coming to Canada would need the same?

In general, I say yes to this idea. I don't know why we haven't already.
A lot of Canadians have gotten their panties in a knot over this. "It's not cost efficient, or time efficient. Wahhhh. It's too much of a hassle. We're such closely related countries."

Well, I say this to Canadians. Why do you forget that Septemer 11 ever happened? It was a wake up call, not only to America, but to the world. They lost something very precious - not their pride - but the notion that they will always be safe. We need to respect that. Not only should we respect it - we owe it to them. Canada has much more lax immigration policies. We let ****ing terrorists into our countries who can then easily get into the USA.

I think it's a great thing to help security. The cost of a passport won't put a hole in peoples pockets. Plus, it's a handy thing to have if you want to travel to other countries.

I don't see what the whining is about. In this day and age, we can't afford to be lax when oversees there are a couple countries that would love to bomb the **** out of America.

What say you?
Paperwork can be readily forged. Even if it did keep the terrorists on their toes, it would only be temporary. What is next, a computer chip implant? I have hunted on the Canadian border and the Mexican border, I could be in either country in short order, with little or no interference.

This is not our problem. The problem lies with those who would do us in.
They are forcing us to patrol our ports, our borders, our airports ect.ect.
They are the problem, eliminate the problem. We are killing hell out of them in Iraq. George Bush said we would eliminate terrorists and those that harbor them.
Because of this anti-****ing war crowd, this motto has been severely weekened.
Musharof does not want us in Pakistan,we might offend some pakistani's, if we were to find Bin Laden and blow his head off.
Pandering to the Saudi's, so they don't interrupt our oil. This is where the majority of insurgents are from. They won't reform their madrassas and what they teach.
Iran is sending all kinds of supplies into Iraq, as is Syria.

I will not bow to a ****ing terrorist!
All those who are against the war in Iraq should get passports shoved up there ass!
Kill the ****ing muslims that hate us, and we may go about our business, peacefully and without paperwork or worse.
Words from a true conservative, Pat Buchanan.

The United States remains committed morally and politically to the security and survival of Israel and to providing her with the weaponry to guarantee it. No president is going to back off that commitment. But because Israel is a friend does not mean that the Sharonites have preemptive absolution to settle or seize Arab lands or permanently to deny Arab peoples the rights we preach to the world. In our own national interests, we must say so
You know what I have always noticed about Canada??

No one feels the need to put up a fence to keep the Canadians on their side of the line...
TheJenn88 said:
I'm not too sure on the current laws regarding passports since it's hot in politics right now. Mexican, American and Canadian leaders met during this past week discussing certain issues, one of which was having passports.

As far as I know, America is trying to have it so that passports are required for entrance to the USA, Canada, and Mexico. On my last trip to the USA, the only thing required of me was photo identification - no passport.

The idea of smart cards came up, where all our identification, history, etc. would be recorded on it.

Do you think this law should be passed? Should we have it so that Canadians going to the US would need passwords and/or smartcards, and Americans coming to Canada would need the same?

In general, I say yes to this idea. I don't know why we haven't already.
A lot of Canadians have gotten their panties in a knot over this. "It's not cost efficient, or time efficient. Wahhhh. It's too much of a hassle. We're such closely related countries."

Well, I say this to Canadians. Why do you forget that Septemer 11 ever happened? It was a wake up call, not only to America, but to the world. They lost something very precious - not their pride - but the notion that they will always be safe. We need to respect that. Not only should we respect it - we owe it to them. Canada has much more lax immigration policies. We let ****ing terrorists into our countries who can then easily get into the USA.

I think it's a great thing to help security. The cost of a passport won't put a hole in peoples pockets. Plus, it's a handy thing to have if you want to travel to other countries.

I don't see what the whining is about. In this day and age, we can't afford to be lax when oversees there are a couple countries that would love to bomb the **** out of America.

What say you?

Did you not hear of the Palestinian Terror group who took in hostages... One of them was Canadian, they ask where he was from, he said Canada, they set him free the next day. Did you not hear of James Loney, and Hermeet Sudan? They were Canadian Hostages freed in Iraq...
Lethalfind said:
You know what I have always noticed about Canada??

No one feels the need to put up a fence to keep the Canadians on their side of the line...

Speak for yourself.haha
The Borg are coming and you will be assimilated. Do not fight them it is futile.

Leave Isreal to destruction (they are the real enemy)
Get some paperwork to feel warm and fuzzy
The borg like canadians and would never harm them
sell canada and mexico

**** it, come on borg, lets dance!
Prior to 9-11, we didn't even need ID to cross the border.

Oh how things have changed.

I am Canadian and American. Passports for both. Grew up on the border. Half the relatives were up across the line, the other half were down across the line. The border was just a couple blocks past Denny's. On Sundays we'd go play in the park that straddled the border. Border hop all day long.

In Nov of 01, I went back home to Vancouver to visit, ... then drove down to go visit the rellies across the line.. .. the border guard had a total fit when she found out we hadn't brought my daughter's ID. She treated us like idiots for not having any, all in a huff for our temerity, - daring to approach the border without proof of birthplace.

I let her know she was green as grass.... and that we'd crossed the border all our lives with no ID what-so-ever. Hell, I used to ride my bike across the line.

It was a hassle..but lesson learned. Times have changed.

Having to show passports will just slow things up a bit. What with the Canadian dollar exchange, gas and dairy product prices.. don't matter much anyway. Canadians quit going down for cheap GMC. (Gas, Milk & Cheese) awhile back. .. and since Expo 86 you can now buy beer on Sundays in Canada, and Red Hot Video successfully challenged the laws against Rated X videos and movies... so why go to the States anyway?
Lethalfind said:
Your new nickname is Genius...I was comparing Canadians to Mexicans...Canada isn't a **** hole like Mexico is so our friends to the North are happy to stay home...
Ok ,please remember I thought as deeply as I could to offend as many as I could with this next statement. herr hrmmm "Atleast Mexico did'nt sell out the the English" "Mexico sold out to us" har har har ;)
sixes said:
Ok ,please remember I thought as deeply as I could to offend as many as I could with this next statement. herr hrmmm "Atleast Mexico did'nt sell out the the English" "Mexico sold out to us" har har har ;)

Amazing....a typing celery stalk.
hugo said:
Amazing....a typing celery stalk.

You are just pissed cause Paco and his family took off when you needed them the most. A ****ing penny extra an hour hugo! geez...
sixes said:
You are just pissed cause Paco and his family took off when you needed them the most. A ****ing penny extra an hour hugo! geez...

How do you know Hugo isn't Paco...

Actually the Mexicans I have known are far more interesting and decent people then Hugo...
Lethalfind said:
How do you know Hugo isn't Paco...

Actually the Mexicans I have known are far more interesting and decent people then Hugo...

Decent people are losers.
skategreen said:
Prior to 9-11, we didn't even need ID to cross the border.

Oh how things have changed.

I am Canadian and American. Passports for both. Grew up on the border. Half the relatives were up across the line, the other half were down across the line. The border was just a couple blocks past Denny's. On Sundays we'd go play in the park that straddled the border. Border hop all day long.

In Nov of 01, I went back home to Vancouver to visit, ... then drove down to go visit the rellies across the line.. .. the border guard had a total fit when she found out we hadn't brought my daughter's ID. She treated us like idiots for not having any, all in a huff for our temerity, - daring to approach the border without proof of birthplace.

I let her know she was green as grass.... and that we'd crossed the border all our lives with no ID what-so-ever. Hell, I used to ride my bike across the line.

It was a hassle..but lesson learned. Times have changed.

Having to show passports will just slow things up a bit. What with the Canadian dollar exchange, gas and dairy product prices.. don't matter much anyway. Canadians quit going down for cheap GMC. (Gas, Milk & Cheese) awhile back. .. and since Expo 86 you can now buy beer on Sundays in Canada, and Red Hot Video successfully challenged the laws against Rated X videos and movies... so why go to the States anyway?

Cheap MILK! NO WAY! 5 DOLLARS A BAG!! Well, it's prolly cuz I have 2 bags of milk a day.
Hamza123 said:
Did you not hear of the Palestinian Terror group who took in hostages... One of them was Canadian, they ask where he was from, he said Canada, they set him free the next day. Did you not hear of James Loney, and Hermeet Sudan? They were Canadian Hostages freed in Iraq...

I'm afraid I missed your point. Was it that the world loves Canadians? Because that's a **** point. We can't bank on everyone adoring us for a reputation we don't have. We're weak. We're not peaceful (or maybe we're a mix of both?). Either way, if the point you're trying to make is that being Canadian makes us safe, you're wrong. Canadians died on 9/11. Canadian troops are dying in Afghanistan. Real hate - recklessness, killing indiscriminantly - that DOESN'T assign nationalities to death. The people everyone should worry about are those people who kill for the sake of killing.

Dear Hamza, I don't even know why you were asking me if I knew about the hostages or not. Do you take me for someone who doesn't know ANYthing? I may not know everything, but for the goodness's sake, don't think I don't have access to a fricken TV, newspaper, or internet.

If I have still missed your point entirely, I'm afraid you must attempt to make one next time you post. Your regurgitation of released Canadian hostages makes for a rather vague and/or frivolous point.