Catchy Thread Title! Read this!

Lethalfind said:
Your wife (if she truly exists) must be so proud.
My guess she died years ago, and you have her propped up in a chair in your bedroom so you can pretend all is well.

Well, according to my book, Hugo's horoscope thingy is as follows:

He is a cautious and stable character. He is easy to be with, as he will do his best to make you relax in his compoany. The Bull (Taurus) is more physical than mental, while the Dog (Chinese atrology ****) can be dedicated and generous to others. A Taurean Dog will form a person blessed with great endurance and warmth of affection; openly honest and never too advanced in his or her thinking to stop and consider another person's point of view. Positive, active and cheerful of outlook, he wil try his best to please, while keeping a sensible outlook for his own interests.
scratches head I think this book is a bit off the mark.

Hmm, in another paragraph, it all says about hugo,
Vigilant and careful, he will appreciate the proper use of money and power and have a fixed scale of values from which he seldom deviates. He will understand how to inspire others and instruct them wisely. yhet because of his high moral standards and unfailing idealism, he tends to overperform and may demand dxcessive dedication and loyalty from others.

Bahaha, it also says about me and hugo's star signs: "Serious clashes and strong conflicts. Cannot comprehend or trust each other. Highly incompatible. Cannot see eye to eye. Unable to resove differences."
sorry by aspects I was refering to the differnt type of the scoripo nature these types are, I had a look in my old books and found the true five aspects to the scorpio.

the Scorpion: which symbolises the hotheaded warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling and manipulative. This is the lowest type of scorpio, if someone has more of these behaviours in them, run, if you are involved with a scorpio of this nature, you better like abuse.

The soaring Eagle: This is the second type, it represents the calm but intense, focused, determined, intuitive and perceptive Scorpio who often develops healing, clairvoyant and counselling abilities. A scorpio with more of these personnality traits is more likely to become a doctor or nurse and take great joy in helping the sick.

The third is the sacret Serpent, an Egyptian emblem of cosmic wisdom, was grounded in earthly reality, but penetrated the higher levels of consciousness. The serpent periodically sheds outworn habits, beliefs and illusions to facilitate growth through rebirth. A scorpio who is more serpent, say they smoke one day, can just quit the next and never look back, they can also throw away old habbits, freinds and even family.

The forth is the Phoenix, they're confident, courageous, positive transformer that transcends personal ego. This is the scorpio you need to watch out for, because if they have some of the phoenix and scorpio in there nature they can really **** you up, manipulate you into doing what ever they want. But if they have more of the serpent and eagle, then its a different story, they'll be motivated, faithful and a true friend.

The final one is the sympathetic, generous Dove, natural healer, infused with love which it transmits to others. These are the type of scorpio that walks into a room and people are drawn to them, they are smooth talkers, helpers are heart and will do anything for a friend. However if you show them disregard or disrespect for the help they have given you, well its your fault what will happen next.

As to how and when the reading fortelling my nums passing happened, I was doing a readying for a friend, I also used I-ching in conjuncton with the zodiac readying, some people use tarot cards, I prefered I-ching. The reading I got was in typical criptic form, but it went along the lines of. The mother hold and bonds the family, her absence will reform the family and enable them to move on. 2 days later my mum went into hospital for a routine gallbladder operation, she suffered cascade organ failure and was dead two weeks later. That is why I no longer do readyings, I don't want to know when someone else close to me is going to die.
Well, I'm a Scorpio, and I honestly had no idea what exactly all this meant 3 or 4 years ago. I thought astrology was extremely stupid until one day I bought this book on the Zodiac, read it, and it basically told me everything I already knew was true about myself. I fit the description of a Scorpio perfectly unfortuntely. I've dated 3 Aquarius' as weird as that is, and my best friend is a Libra. I tend to not get along with other Scorpios, also. Too much like me I guess.
Quarky1.0 said:
sorry by aspects I was refering to the differnt type of the scoripo nature these types are, I had a look in my old books and found the true five aspects to the scorpio.

the Scorpion: which symbolises the hotheaded warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling and manipulative. This is the lowest type of scorpio, if someone has more of these behaviours in them, run, if you are involved with a scorpio of this nature, you better like abuse.

The soaring Eagle: This is the second type, it represents the calm but intense, focused, determined, intuitive and perceptive Scorpio who often develops healing, clairvoyant and counselling abilities. A scorpio with more of these personnality traits is more likely to become a doctor or nurse and take great joy in helping the sick.

The third is the sacret Serpent, an Egyptian emblem of cosmic wisdom, was grounded in earthly reality, but penetrated the higher levels of consciousness. The serpent periodically sheds outworn habits, beliefs and illusions to facilitate growth through rebirth. A scorpio who is more serpent, say they smoke one day, can just quit the next and never look back, they can also throw away old habbits, freinds and even family.

The forth is the Phoenix, they're confident, courageous, positive transformer that transcends personal ego. This is the scorpio you need to watch out for, because if they have some of the phoenix and scorpio in there nature they can really **** you up, manipulate you into doing what ever they want. But if they have more of the serpent and eagle, then its a different story, they'll be motivated, faithful and a true friend.

The final one is the sympathetic, generous Dove, natural healer, infused with love which it transmits to others. These are the type of scorpio that walks into a room and people are drawn to them, they are smooth talkers, helpers are heart and will do anything for a friend. However if you show them disregard or disrespect for the help they have given you, well its your fault what will happen next.

As to how and when the reading fortelling my nums passing happened, I was doing a readying for a friend, I also used I-ching in conjuncton with the zodiac readying, some people use tarot cards, I prefered I-ching. The reading I got was in typical criptic form, but it went along the lines of. The mother hold and bonds the family, her absence will reform the family and enable them to move on. 2 days later my mum went into hospital for a routine gallbladder operation, she suffered cascade organ failure and was dead two weeks later. That is why I no longer do readyings, I don't want to know when someone else close to me is going to die.

Thanks for replying. I understand why you dont want to do readings anymore. As you know, I'm quite into my Astrology but purely to aid my understanding of people. I have complete belief in readings of most forms, but I would never have a reading done for myself, or advise anyone close to me to have one. I dont want to know what might happen in the future and I dont think people should do. That is only an opinion mind, some people would love to know what happens to them. I dont want to. Life is what you make it, not what you've been told its going to be.

You say you havent picked up any books on the subject since the death of your mother. I'm sure you know that reading didnt cause the death of your mother. It simply foretold it. You seem to want to avoid continuing to learn more about these subjects because of the association it has for you, yet you obviously have a strong belief and great knowledge in this area because of your honest whole-hearted post on this thread. Read your books and read more books. Just dont do readings. They dont help anyone.

BTW, can I ask you which book contains the aspects of the signs? I am incredibly fascinated by these! I am a Libra (dont tell anyone). Can you tell me some of my aspects?