.:C'est la vie:.

He's older xD lol

I think he'll be 18 this year in September ^^


uhm so yeah... hah... ^^ well I've been thinkin bout him pretty much not like WOO THE WHOLE TIME but I did... lol... and I hope he'll get on soon because he'll be operated tomorrow and I wanna ask him if he'll stay in the hospital or go home after the operation and of course that whenever he feels like seeing me or is bored or something that he just has to let me know and I'll come :p hahahaha yeah I got loads of time lol

oh and well yesterday I had a huge arguement with my parents -.- I didn't feel really well bc I didnt see him yesterday and my parents were like "if you have a problem then tell us! and dont ***** around if we ask you something" what I 'did'

The argument ended up kinda positiv tho... so its all fine... but I told them my 'problem' or like the reason why I felt bad lol so actually now my parents know that I like this guy lol not too cool but meh ^^


Something on another note I got my English test today
:D got an A and teh French test we wrote some days ago le moi also got an A :D aahh love that :D hehehehe *muahaha*

oohhh, going great on school!!! two A's :D
good girl

haha Parents are always not cool when their precious little daughter's ready to fly out.

especially dad's lol..
:thumbsup: to your your grades:D

tell me bout it... >.<
Thanks thanks :D


Oh **** sometimes I really think they're kinda over proceting -.-

and I told that my mum yesterday and she said that they just worry and that they're scared if something happens to me and stuff so yeah... ^^ I'm ok with that but just sometimes (like on sunday) it's just all too much for them and me so it ends up in an argument

uhm yeh... so bout today all my girls are kinda sick
:( Sabrina and Anna didn't even come to school and Tanja did but she was so ****** up seriously... I hope they'll get well till friday because we're supposed to party again all together :D lol

I'm not that sick as I said in the how you feeling thread my throat hurts and I'm caughing a bit but that's it ^^ and I hope it'll stay like that!

uhm what else... well that guy who was over and balbala (the 'new' one =P) Imma give him a name now since it'll prolly start being confusing if I always say "this one guy" lablabla ^^ well everyone calls him Fish and I'm the only one who's allowed to call him Fishi
:D hehe so yeh ^^ and he calls me Joshi xD lol oh well fun ^^

So he'll be or maybe already is operated today... **** is that I dont have any money on my phone so I can't text him :'( but maybe he's even allowed to go home and maybe he'll see my PM
:D hehe

yup thats it ^^ I'm bored and muh and meh and yeeeeeeeaaaaah xD




New member
all parents are worried things happen to their child, but we have to learn from our own mistakes aswell and they should allow us to make those mistakes^^

hope he is fine and reads your message soon:)

lil update:

So I am sick
:D well let's say I was? Dunno, it started yesterday evening my face was all hot and I felt kinda sleepy... this morning I woke up and my voice was totaly gone, my face hot and I felt like uber meh -.-

I wanted to go to school and actually was about to leave but my dad said I should rather stay at home and rest bc I really didn't look good... so I did that. I slept and stayed in the bed the whole time... I think I even kinda puked what I didn't do for a few years what made me kinda worry
:( because I don't wanna be sick :( so right now I feel allright my voice is still kinda ****** up but I can talk and I feel more like a got a lil cold. So I hope it won't get worse so I can go to school tomorrow and then in the evening to that party! :D

I guess my positiv thoughts help me out a lot

Now a bit bout "the Jos harem" xD lol

I've been chattin with that guy, Fish, I thought there might be a bit more... but either it's just his "meh" mood since he's sick or it's really the fact that he just likes me as a good friend what I think it is ^^ but I'm fine with that... oh and the other one, Benny:
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r50/draco-jojo/benny.jpg well he's kinda back in the game :p we were chattin some days ago and he actually wanted to go out and drink something with me tomorrow but we won't because my schools out at 12.30pm and he has sports at 1pm =( but he said that he'll sure have time after 1st term now which will be in like 2 weeks :) I'm fine with that because I think that he's pretty busy with school plus we're just gonna meet up for fun and drink something :) no hooking up planned yet ;)

so yeah... tomorrow's this party near me, the caribbean night and I first wanted to go but now I don't anymore
:( Sabrina is sick and like 95% won't come and the guys are like dunno... and my other girls are not the right one to party with I mean if you wanna drink get drunk and then party they're awesome kinda but if you wanna dance and have fun... nah... =(

plus my ex and his best friend will be there too, I mean I don't have anything against her she's really an awesome girl but the fact that I'm kinda pretty sure that there's more than just a friendship going on and that they both or anyone else deny that is kinda annoying me ^^ I mean ok I might or probably be totaly wrong but still... I just get this **** feeling don't even know how to explain it its like gaaahhh........... but I decided to leave him alone actually kinda ignore him ^^ hehe or like in genaral start ignore everyone who can't manage to tell me what they really want from me

hmm well that's it ^^ I kinda realized that I'm focusing to much on kinda getting a guy in the past few days o_O and its annoying me bc its makin me all meh and -.- but I doubt I can change that from 1 day to another so I'll keep it going and do my best






here some random tests I took on facebook:

What is your secret sexual fantasy? - to let other people watch and to be an outwardly unwilling, but inwardly willing, exhibitionist (i have no idea what that means but whatever xD lmao)

What is your *** song? - can't get enough of your love, babe by Barry White

What is your *** color?
- Pink lovers are born flirts and usually flit from one sexual relation to the other

Are you a *** machine? - You are 30% human and 70% *** machine *LOL*

What kinda guy should you sleep with? - the romantic overachiever: He’s Crude, Direct, and Loving Often times this guy will be a genius in his own right, and has a certain swagger about him. He has a grand notion of romance and love, but also of life and success. His own goals and talents can often intersect with the competing interests of companionship and loyalty. This guy believes in complex and deep relationships with many people. In a group, he may be looked at as a leader or relatively high in the pecking order. His ambition, sociability, personality make this guy well-liked. He’ll give women his love, but with it they agree to a lifestyle that may not be suitable for the unprepared passenger.


yes bored people take different quizes bout ***
:D smexy :D lol

no way, it's like everyone there in Deutschland is getting sick!! u'r sick, Jeezy's sick.. :(

..hope u get well soon dear ;)

and good luck with all those guys!! :lol: ahah

(btw Benny is such a hottie!! jaja) :D

no way, it's like everyone there in Deutschland is getting sick!! u'r sick, Jeezy's sick.. :( ..hope u get well soon dear ;)

and good luck with all those guys!! :lol: ahah

(btw Benny is such a hottie!! jaja) :D
yeah I guess some virus is goin around or something :(



haha thanks lol!

yeah isnt he yummy?? ^^

get well soon!
and lol about those tests...

30% human 70% *** machine



Yeah that's kinda my new fetish, do *** related tests when you're sick lol!


If I would comment that it'd be "So true, sooo truuueee" but as said... IF I'd comment it...


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