.:C'est la vie:.


New member
Uh, uh...Jos is now active in searching guys...woob woob...

Once you taste it you cannot resist it, huh? :D ;)

Have fun!



New member
once you taste it?


btw, jos i was wrong and im in londinium on the 22 from Dublin!!! w00t w00t

Have fun on your date :)
thaaaaaanks :D

Uh, uh...Jos is now active in searching guys...woob woob...Once you taste it you cannot resist it, huh? :D ;)

Have fun!
haha I wouldnt say active in searching guys its more like "ah you like me? oh well you'll get a chance" :p

but yes once you know what its like to have a bf you dont really wanna miss that

once you taste it?

btw, jos i was wrong and im in londinium on the 22 from Dublin!!! w00t w00t
gosh Sygy xD

my thoughts! LOL


omg thats uber coolness!! so we're gonna see each other!! w00t w00t!!





:D I gotta tell ya :D omg :D I feel so happy :D

so I've been to him from 2:30pm till 8pm and it was so... ^^ hihi

we were actually just lying on his bed watching Terrance Hill & Bud Spencer <3 lol xD and later on tv ^^ and it was soo... dunno... can't describe this feeling ^^ when he put his arm around me and we were just lying there watching tv... gosh ^^ like heaven!! I never felt like this before! and we once were close to kiss each other but I was too busy with stopping him to poke me xD lol

oh well later on one of his buddies came over which was cool bc I know him and that guy is really cool and stuff but also kinda sad bc I'm pretty sure that if we would have been alone the whole evening we would have kissed ^^ but now that I like have to wait it makes it even more exciting ^^ oh guys I'm sorry but I'm soooo like floating ^^ seems like this guy really did it me
:D oh my gee ^^



New member
He he...uuu, it hapenned to me before so I know what you mean...and it really is cute...^^

Good luck!

Thanks guys!! :D


Gosh when I think back it was such an awesome evening!

Yesterday when I went to sleep I couldn't fall asleep bc I was thinking of him the whole time! lol It was so freaking annoying kinda but then again it was such a good feeling ^^ but to all that I get those confusing thoughts like what if he might not feel as much as I do for him or if he just is like that to every girl and that all just bc he kinda didnt like "grab" me and kissed or something xD but then again it comes to my mind that he might just feel the same way I do and maybe also is kinda well like shy and since he doesnt know 100% if I like him as much as he likes me, he doesnt wanna risk something and stuff... gosh I hate this confusing **** in my head lol

I really hope I can go and see him today again
:D I really want to plus we forgot the "real" kiss so I owe him that as he said himself :D

wish me luck! ^^



Active Members
Thanks guys!! :D  

Gosh when I think back it was such an awesome evening!

Yesterday when I went to sleep I couldn't fall asleep bc I was thinking of him the whole time! lol It was so freaking annoying kinda but then again it was such a good feeling ^^ but to all that I get those confusing thoughts like what if he might not feel as much as I do for him or if he just is like that to every girl and that all just bc he kinda didnt like "grab" me and kissed or something xD but then again it comes to my mind that he might just feel the same way I do and maybe also is kinda well like shy and since he doesnt know 100% if I like him as much as he likes me, he doesnt wanna risk something and stuff... gosh I hate this confusing **** in my head lol

I really hope I can go and see him today again
:D I really want to plus we forgot the "real" kiss so I owe him that as he said himself :D

wish me luck! ^^

yeah yeah...just go ahead and kiss him when you see him today....it will lighten things up

yeah yeah...just go ahead and kiss him when you see him today....it will lighten things up
If I just could =/

aww our Jos is in love :D

I honestly don't know if thats good or not... meh...

I start being obsessed with him and Idk if he likes that or if it might scare him or something =/ and right now idk if I should txt him or not... oh gosh



Active Members
If I just could =/

I honestly don't know if thats good or not... meh...

I start being obsessed with him and Idk if he likes that or if it might scare him or something =/ and right now idk if I should txt him or not... oh gosh

you tend to get obsessed too quickly...that's not good...

it could scare him

you shouldn't get into it too much....don't make him think that you are an obsessed stalker....just take things as they come

and do what you have to do

you tend to get obsessed too quickly...that's not good...
it could scare him

you shouldn't get into it too much....don't make him think that you are an obsessed stalker....just take things as they come

and do what you have to do
yeah that's kinda a problem... lol

oh well I haven't txt him or anything today a bit distance might not be that bad ^^ lol

well I'll wait and see what happens... I just hope that it... oh gosh I want it so much that's my problem... when I want something I can't just hold it back
:( I'll do my best tho... don't wanna loose him =/

just let him accept you for who you are and try not to be to obsessed;)
yeah thanks I'll try so :)



New member
Usually when I like a girl, I don´t have the guts to try anything because in my head i´m not sure if she likes me 2

Just let him see that you like him

There could be a kiss, but it doesn´t have to

Just let it go how it goes :)

Usually when I like a girl, I don´t have the guts to try anything because in my head i´m not sure if she likes me 2Just let him see that you like him

There could be a kiss, but it doesn´t have to

Just let it go how it goes :)
hmm yeah I think thats the same with him =) at least I hope so o_O lol

Oh yes Jos you do not want to be a stalker. They are creepy. But nah :D Jos won't be a stalker. Just be slow.

nah I'll try not to be a stalker xD lmao


well right now I'm actually on a good way =P

'in the past' I probably would panic around and txt him or something but guess what... I didn't do anything
:D today I'm actually feeling great not sad bout him not "contacting" me or anything which is great ... gosh this sounds like I'm some psycho o_O I'm scaring myself lol

oh well more news to come when something happens =P

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