chaz + mono= madness...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
in the shadows
hey guys!!! i'm back...i haven't really been too inspired lately, but i'm gonna start writing again...yeah, this story is about chester getting mono and everything else that happens while he's "incapacitated" to his bed also features HOLLY BROOK, RYU, and LUPE FIASCO!!!! if you don't know about any of these guys, go to the fort minor boards - it's crazy fun!!! anyways, back to the story.....

*it's morning at the linkins (haha!! the linkins are back lol - separate story line though). everyone is awake, except for chester*
mike: *watching espn* ooh!!! nascar!!!!
joe: i thought you didn't like car racing..
mike: who says i didn't??
joe: you..
mike: whatever...they're showing the results for the indy 500. mind getting chester up?? he said he wanted to see this...
joe: hell no!!!! i'm not going into his room!!!! it smells!!!!
mike: yeah, like axe, whereas yours....
joe: *giving mike an evil look* how do you know!!!!!
mike: i just do. go get chester up, and i won't tell everyone about you cheating on your YOU-KNOW-WHAT....
joe: all right...
*joe walks up to chesters' room. he stops in the linen closet to get a clothespin for his nose. after securley placing it on his nose, he walks in. chester's still asleep, and he doesn't look well. his face is paler than normal, and his forehead is kind of sweaty*
joe: chester???
*chester doesn't wake up*
joe: chester!!! dat nascar ding is on!!!!
*chester still stays asleep*
joe: chester!!!! wake up!!!!
*joe pushes chester's shoulder. chester wrinkles his face in pain*
chester: nuhhh...owww....
joe: are you okay chaz???
chester: *moaning* owww...that huuurrrttt......
joe: sit up for a second chester...i wanna take a look at you
*chester doesn't move*
joe: hang on, i'll help ya...
*joe helps chester sit up and turns on his desk light*
joe: are you sick???
*chester nods his head sadly*
joe: what's wrong???
chester: everything hurts and i'm exhausted....
joe: that doesn't sound you wanna go downstairs and watch the nascar ding???
chester: *sighing* i don't wanna go anywhere. i wanna sleep...
*joe lets chester lie down in bed*

i g2g...i'll be back soon!!!!
okay guys!!! i'm back!!!! and i've got the next part of the story!!!!

joe: don't fall asleep yet chaz - i've got to take your temperature
*joe walks to the upstairs bathroom and gets the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet. he returns to chester's room where chester is asleep again*
joe: chester!!! i told you not to fall asleep!!!
*joe shakes chester awake again, which makes chester start crying*
joe: *apologetically*'s okay...i know, it sucks being sick...*joe hugs chester, who leans on joe's shoulder in exhaustion*...could you open your mouth so i can take your temperature??
*chester opens his mouth a little. his breath stinks (because he's got sick breath), so joe hurriedly sticks the thermometer under chester's tongue*
joe: this will only take a minute; then you can go back to sleep.
*joe waits a minute adn takes the thermometer out of chester's mouth. he reads it*
joe: 102.7 - damn!! you're sick!!! go back to sleep chaz; i won't bother you anymore...
*joe lets chester lie down where he falls back asleep. joe walks downstairs adn sits down next to mike*
mike: what took you so long??
joe: chester's really sick. i think he's got mono
mike: s**t!!! are you serious???
joe: yeah - he's got a high fever, he's exhausted, and he's sore all over...
mike: aww...poor guy...but you don't know yet though...he might just have a bug or something.
joe: i'm pretty sure he does.
mike: and you would know because....
joe: my sister had it. she wouldn't leave her room for about 3 days...
mike: well, i say let's give it a day, let him sleep, and then see how he is tomorrow..
joe: okay, but you owe me an ice cream if he has mono...
mike: yeah, a LOW CARB ice cream...
joe: damn you!!! quit rubbing it in my face michael kenji shinoda!!!!
mike: i'm not, i'm not....*grins evily*
*the rest of the day passes uneventfully. every once in a while, each of the guys checks on chester, who stays asleep most of the day. the next morning comes around, and mike gets up to check on chester. he walks into his room and sits next to him*
mike: hey bud, you awake??
*chester stays asleep. mike brushes back chester's bangs to feel his forehead*
mike: he still feels really hot. i'm gonna take him to the doctors' office.
*mike gently shakes chester, who squints his eyes in pain*
mike: have to wake up now...i'm taking you to the doctor's..
chester: *slowly waking up*...mmmike??? what???
mike: wake up buddy, i have to take you to the doctor's office...
chester: no...i'm too sleepy...i don't wanna go...
mike: you can sleep in the car, okay?? i promise...
chester: do i have to see mr. cipro again??
mike: it's not mr. cipro, it's dr. greene...come on, get some sweats on (meaning put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants for those of you who don't get this expression) and get in the car. i'll be there in a minute...

i g2g now - i'll bbl!!!! don't forget to read & review!!!
hey guys!!!! i'm back again!!!! here's the next part for you!!!!
*mike leaves chester's room so he can get changed out of his pajamas. he goes into the front hall and calls dr. greene's office on his cell phone*
receptionist: dr. greene's office
mike: yes, i'm wondering if dr. greene would be able to see my roommate, chester bennignton. he's been very ill for the past 24 hours.
receptionist: could you tell me what his symptoms are???
mike: he's had a high fever, around 102.5-102.7 for the past day, he's not gotten out of bed because he's been completely exhausted, adn he says his muscles are achy.
receptionist: okay. dr greene will see you around 9:30.
mike: thanks. we're coming right now
*mike hangs up and walks out to the linkinmobile. he sees chester in the front seat fast asleep, so he gets in and starts up the car. they drive for 30 minutes until they get to the doctor's*
mike: chazzy...wake up...
*chester slowly opens his eyes, and suddenly squints them*
chester: damn it!!! augh...
mike: what???
chester: i've got a migraine..i've been trying to sleep it off, but that hasn't worked
mike: *comfortingly* hang in there chester. we're at the doctor's now, so you'll get better soon.
*mike and chester walk in ot the doctor's office and sit in the waiting room. another girl in a linkin park shirt is sitting next to chester looking quite afraid*
chester: *glumly* what are you here for??
girl: i'm getting blood drawn today. i've got lyme disease. what about you?
chester: i'm sick. really sick.
girl: i'm sorry. i hope you feel better.
chester: thank you
receptionist: chester? the doctor will see you now.
girl: are you chester bennington??? from linkin park???
*chester nods. the girl smiles*
girl: can i have a hug before you go in???
chester: i don't think that's a good idea. i might get you sick.
mike: chaz, go on in. i'll give this girl a hug for you.
*chester walks into the doctor's office as mike gives the girl a hug and advice about getting blood drawn. chester lies down on the examination table and closes his eyes. mike walks in and sits in a chair next to chester and waits for the doctor, who arrices soon after*
dr. greene: hi mike; how's everything been?
mike: it's been good; not necessarily today though. chester hasn't been feeling too well, which is why we're here.
dr. greene: i heard about that. how long has he had these symptoms?
mike: since yesterday morning, although i do remember chester being a bit lethargic (meaning really tired and not wanting to do anything) the day before yesterday.
dr. greene: okay then, if you can get chester up, i'm going to do a test on him
mike: sure *to chester* chazzy...dr. greene is here. he needs to talk to you
chester: *slowly waking up* ugh...hi doc.
*chester sits up*
dr. greene: hi chester. you haven't been feeling well???
*chester shakes his head*
dr. greene: you don't look well either. if you don't mind, i'm going to need to draw some blood to see if you've got anything serious
chester: *tiredly* can i lie down?
dr. greene: sure. lie down and roll up your right sleever. i'll get the needle ready
*chester lies down and rolls up his right sleeve. he starts to close his eyes, but mike stops him*
mike: don't fall asleep chaz. dr. greene's gonna need you.
chester: please???
*mike shakes his head*
mike: sorry bud, you can sleep in the car, ok???
chester: *wistfully* okay...
dr. greene: all right chester, this will only take a minute. ready?
*dr. greene wipes down a section of chester's forearm and puts elastic bands around the section to expose the vein*
dr. greene: one...two...three
*dr. greene puts the needle in and draws out a small amount of blood. chester cringes*
dr. greene: done. i'll be right back with the results. mike, if chester wants to sleep, you can let him.
mike: sure thing.
*dr. greene leaves the room as chester closes his eyes. mike watches him sleep with a sad look in his eyes*
mike: poor chester. i hate seeing him like this.
*mike starts fingercombing chester's messy hair. it feels greasy, like he hasn't showered in days. mike grimaces*
mike: first thing he's doing when we get home is taking a shower, or a bath, or something. this is vile.
*dr. greene returns*
dr. greene: well, it looks like chester's got mononucleosis. it's not as bad as it looks, however. his system's been doing a good job trying to fight it off. here's a prescription for some medication, and in addition to that he's not to leave the house for two weeks at a minimum. don't let anyone share drinks, food, toothbrushes, or anything that has his saliva on it, because they will catch mono as well. let him rest and relax, and he'll get better.
mike: thanks dr. greene.
*mike stands up and looks at chester*
mike: chester, time to go.
*chester stays asleep*
mike: i'll bring him out.
*mike picks chester up in his arms and carries him out of the office. dr. greene follows them and opens the passenger side door for mike. he puts chester in the front seat and buckles him in. mike then goes to the driver's seat, gets in, and starts the car. he drives home. when they get in the driveway, mike wakes chester up*
mike: chester, we're home.
chester: *startled, but still tired* okay, i'm going to bed.
mike: no you're not. first thing you're doing is taking a shower.
chester: *whining* mike....come on!!!!!
mike: it'll help you feel better, really!!! just take a quick one!!! you can even take a bath if you're too tired...
chester: *pleading* no...please...
mike: i know you're sick and you want to sleep, but i know you'll feel better if you shower and then sleep. so, i suggest you take a shower and get into some different pajamas before you go to bed. then you can sleep as long as you want.
chester: *tiredly* fine. you win. i'm taking a bath though.
mike: take a shower first though. the bath water will be cleaner that way.
chester: ok...
*chester and mike walk into the house. mike goes into the kitchen while chester walks upstairs to the upstairs bathroom. he undresses, turns on the shower, and steps in*
chester: uhh...i hate this....*yawns* ...i wanna sleep....

i g2g...r&r please!!!! oh, btw - mike's shadow, i <3 azumanga daioh too!!! could you make a chiyo chan banner for me, w/a blue background??? i'd love it!!!!
Great Update!!!...poor Chaz!!...i hope he doesnt fall asleep in the shower/
hey all - sorry for the delay...this is gonna be a BIG ASS entry into the story...hope you like it!!!!!!

*chester quickly scrubs his hair with some 2 in 1 (meaning a shampoo/conditioner combination hair product, which saves one the time of using shampoo first and then conditioner lol). after rinsing his hair, he finds some bubble bath rob's girlfriend left next to the bathtub. he plugs the drain, pours out some of the bubble bath, and lets the tub fill up to his knees. then he turns the shower off and sits down in the tub*
chester: hmm..this feels good...
*chester lies down in the bath and sighs contentedly. then he hears a knock on the door*
mike: chester? how're you doing?
chester: good. i'm tired.
mike: mind if i come join you?
chester: *angry* NO!!! head...
mike: *giggling* not like that chazzy!!! i mean like sitting out here and just talking and stuff, you know??
chester: *yawning and partly closing his eyes* sure...
*mike opens the door to the bathroom and walks in. he sits down on the floor near the closet as chester sinks lower into the bath*
mike: *sniffing* smells good in here
chester: *indifferently* i guess so...
mike: remember when we were on tour, and joe pushed me over in a porta potty, and you guys had to spray me with lysol???
chester: yeah...i remember that...we couldn't wait to get you in a shower, you smelled so bad.
mike: yeah..that was like, the first thing you guys did to me when we got to the locked me in the bathroom until i took a shower...
chester: *smiling* yeah, and your hair hadn't dried by the time the show started, so you'd spray people with your wet hair adn they'd get really annoyed with you...
mike: yeah...great memories...i'm still shocked you've really got mono though...
chester: it isn't that surprising. i do get sick a lot..
mike: i know. you usually get better quickly too..
chester: thank..*yawns*..god for that...
mike: you still feel like sleeping??
chester: mmhmm....
*chester's eyes fully close. mike stands up, walks over to the bath tub and splashes some water in chester's face to wake him up*
chester: *waking up* mike!!! what the f**k was that about!!!
mike: you nodded you want me to get you some pajamas to change into so you can go to bed???
chester: sure..i'll get out right now..
*mike leaves the bathroom as chester starts to drain the tub. he stands up, draws back the shower curtain, and steps out of the tub. he wraps a towel around his waist and picks up his clothing from the floor. he leaves the bathroom shivering , as mike walks by him*
mike: you're out already??
chester: mmhmm...
mike: get your pajama top on; you're making me cold..
*chester gets his pajama top(a long sleeved t-shirt) from mike and puts it on, making his shivering diminish*
mike: *handing chester the rest of his pajamas* sleep well chazzy..
*mike gives chester a long hig. chester leans on him for support as he slowly drifts off to sleep*
mike: *apprehensively*'re kind of falling asleep on me...
*chester wakes up, startled*
chester: *embarassed* oh..sorry..i'll get going
*chester walks into his bedroom. after he gets his boxers on, he unwraps his towel and puts on his pajama pants. he then gets into bed and falls asleep. meanwhile, mike has gone downstairs to play halo with the other guys*
rob: so, how's chester?
mike: he's got mono.
mike: *slyly* yeah, you're right...i know, i think those smart ones ice cream bars are on sale...
joe: *scornfully* mike...
mike: well...
rob: just shut up and play, will ya?!?!?!?
*the guys play team halo, with joe by himself and losing horribly*
brad: this isn't the same without chester.
phoenix: he's upstairs sleeping, smart one!!! you're talking as if he's died or something!!!
brad: i know he's asleep, dave; what i mean is i have one less person to massacre, whereas you and mike have three.
phoenix: i see your point. but at least we have joe
joe: *fake coughing as if he's really sick* no you don't. i'm getting sick too
mike: quit being a smartass. you're just upset you're losing..
joe: and i have every right to be, cuz my mommy says i'm a winner!!!
mike: know what else your mommy says????
*joe's brute comes up behind mike's master chief and melees him*
joe: my mommy also says YOU GOT SERVED BITCH!!!!! TEXAS STYLE!!!!!
brad: *sarcastically* did you know there's a village in texas who's missing their idiot??
phoenix: *not completely getting the joke* yeah - president bush...what about it???
brad: *whispering to phoenix* not that village idiot...
joe: *getting brad's joke and starting to become angry* i'm telling chester that you guys are making fun of me!!!
mike: no!!! don't!!! he's sleeping!!!
joe: f**k that!!!! he'll stand up for me, even if he's sick!!!! he's my sugar brother!!!!
brad: don't make him feel worse than he already does, joe..
mike: he fell asleep twice at the doctors, dude. he needs to sleep!!!!
joe: screw you guys - i'm going up there!!!
*joe runs up to chester's room as the others watch him in horrified amusement*
phoenix: joe's gonna get his ass kicked...that's for sure...
*joe runs into chester's room and jumps on his bed, barely missing chester*
joe: chester!!!! wake up!!! the other guys are making fun of me again!!!!
chester: *startled* whuh???
joe: *bouncing on the bed, making chester quite uncomfortable* the guys are making fun of me again!!!!
*joe bounces a little too hard, and chester is tossed from his bed. he falls on the floor*
chester: YOU B*****D!!!!!!
joe: *happy chester's out of bed* now, let's go downstairs and you go tell them off...
chester: *furious* HELL NO!!!!!! AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING BACK TO BED, AND I'M LOCKING MY DOOR!!!!!!!!
*downstairs, the other guys cheer*
joe: *grabbing chester's arm* come ON!!!!!
*chester gets out of joe's grasp and pushes joe out the door*
chester: GET OUT!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!
*chester locks his door and lies back in bed*
chester: no wonder i've got mono...with a guy like him in this house, it's enough to make anyone sick....
*joe walks downstairs and sits down on the couch*
joe: *sulkily* chester pushed me out of his room
brad: well, you deserved it. chaz doesn't like to be woken up when he's sleeping, you know that...
*joe pouts*
mike: at least this was all really entertaining
*joe punches mike in the shoulder. suddenly the phone rings*
mike: i got it...*picks up the phone* hello, mike shinoda speaking
holly brook: hey mike, this is holly
mike: hey holly!!! how've you been??
holly: i'm doing all's everything around your place??
mike: as normal as it'll ever get
holly: that's good. look, the reason i'm calling is because i need to record some more stuff for my cd, and my computer at home is down. mom got a virus, and it's eaten up most of our computer files, including pro-tools. fortunately i have all my files up to yesterday on my jump drive, so i'll be able to record on any other pro-tools program. since you've also got pro-tools, would it be okay if i came over to do some more recording???
mike: um, i dunno how to say this holly, but you won't be able to record here today, or for the rest of the week. chester's got mono, so we're giving him a couple of days to start getting better. what's the day today??
holly: umm...tuesday....
mike: why don't you come around here on sunday???
holly: sure, that sounds good to me....tell chester i hope he feels better...
mike: sure thing...see ya sunday!!!
holly: bye!!!!

i'm gonna go...hope you like the new addition!!!!
holly = holly brook, one of the artists contributing to the fort minor cd, y'all want another entry?!?!?!?! then HERE YA GO!!!!!!!

*the next two days pass uneventfully. chester sleeps most of the days, with the exception of waking up to get his medication. the rest of the guys take care of some band business, and mike stays at home to take care of chester. finally, friday morning, chester wakes up. he feels energized, which he hasn't felt in almost a week*
chester: wow...guess my meds are really working...
*chester's stomach growls*
chester: i didn't realize i'm this hungry either...
*chester gets out of bed and leaves his room. he walks downstairs and enters the sunlit kitchen where the other guys are having breakfast*
mike: hey chazzy!!!! feelin' better??
chester: yeah, loads better....i'm really hungry for some reason...
phoenix: well, considering you haven't eaten since sunday, you should be...
chester: wow - it's really been that long???
*everyone nods except for joe, who still feels betrayed by chester*
rob: so, what do you want for breakfast chaz???
chester: about some scrambled eggs???
brad: are you sure about that??? they might upset your stomach...
chester: nah, i'm sure i'll be okay...
rob: whatever you say chaz....i'll just make one though, just in case..
*rob cooks chester a scrambled egg. while rob is doing that, everyone else tells chester about everything he missed out on*
mike: yeah, phoenix and i kicked joe's ass in halo again yesterday afternoon...
joe: don't remind me!!!! dude, for a halo council member, i'm pitiful...
mike: and that's why we love you
chester: anything happen business wise??
rob *from the kitchen*: mike and joe are working on some new clothing designs for lpu...we've still got the contest going on, so they can't do too much yet...
chester: that's cool...
rob: your egg's ready..
chester: ok..
*chester gets up from his seat and walks over to the stove with a plate. rob puts chester's egg on the plate*
chester: thanks a lot
*chester walks back to the table and sits down. he takes a bite of his egg, swallows, and suddenly begins to look sick*
brad: chaz??? are you ok??
chester: one minute..
*chester runs into the downstairs bathroom and pukes up the egg. after rinsing his mouth out, he returns to the table with a forlorn look on his face*
mike: that egg didn't agree with you, did it....
*chester nods*
mike: er...wanna try some cereal??? oatmeal's supposed to be good when you're sick....
*chester shakes his head*
chester: nah, i won't risk it...

i g2g, but i hope you liked this part!!!!
hey guys!!! i'm back w/another entry!!!! hope you like!!!

brad: chester!!! you've got to eat something!!!!
mike: yeah, have some toast or can't just starve...
chester: *giving in to the other guys* okay...i'll have some toast
*chester goes over to the toaster and puts some bread in it. he pushes the lever down as the toaster starts toasting the bread. he walks back to the table and sits down*
rob: what's up chazzy??? you seem kinda down...
chester: i hate being sick
rob: *sighing* yeah, don't we all...
chester: what's up with you???
rob: *itching his eyes* allergies...they suck ass....
chester: got that right
*the toaster pops out in the kitchen*
chester: i'll go get that....
*chester walks out into the kitchen and gets his toast out of the toaster. he puts it on a plate, walks back to the kitchen and sits down. he then starts nibbling at his toast.*
mike: that's better....hey, you wanna play halo after you're finished??
chester: sure!!!!
*chester eats half his piece of toast and then runs over to the couch*
chester: i'm ready!!!!!
mike: wow - you're pretty eager
chester: i haven't played video games in a week, what do you expect???
*mike laughs*
mike: i guess i can understand...come on, i'll get the controllers
*mike gets out the xbox controllers and turns on the xbox. he and chester play halo for a few hours, until chester gets tired*
chester: mike, i'm going to take a nap, ok???
mike: sure, that's fine. wanna stay here???
chester: yeah.
*chester gets a pillow and a blanket and curls up on the couch. he falls asleep a few minutes later. meanwhile, mike gets out his sketchbook and starts drawing a design for the new lpu shirt. as he works, he thinks of all the other things he has to do, which makes him increasingly more stressed. finally, a few minutes later, he cracks. he lies face down on the couch and starts crying. chester, who's a light sleeper, hears mike's miniscule sobs and wakes up*
chester: mike???? are you okay???
*chester looks at mike, who is shaking from head to foot*
chester: *comfortingly*'s okay....
mike: *growling*'s not okay...i've got all this s**t i have to do with the band that's not gonna get done in time and then there's you...
chester: me??? what've i got to do with this???
mike: you're sick. i've been taking care of you if you haven't noticed....
chester: *shocked, then sad* mike!!! you didn't have to do that....i'm better now....
mike: you're not better - you have to stay at home for at least another week, and i've been staying here, hoping that you'll get better and not get worse.....i've been worrying my f***ing head off about you and all this other s**t and it's gotten over my head.....
*chester helps mike sit up, and mike sobs into chesters' shoulder. chester holds mike in a close hug and tries to calm him down*
chester: mike, it's okay now...i'm getting better...i can take care of myself, you don't need to worry anymore....
*mike's shaking subsides. chester looks into his eyes, which are bloodshot*
chester: mike, you need to get some sleep, otherwise you'll get sick...why don't you go take a nap or something???
mike: i dunno...

i g2g...r/r please!!!!
hey jelly (the only one who wants to read my story lol)'s the next part, just for you!!!!! lol...and anyone else who wants to read the story...

chester: do something to relax...for me....please???
*mike stares at chester, tears still running down his face*
chester: crying's not gonna help mikey; believe me, i should know...
mike: *sighing* yeah...i's not gonna get anything done either...
chester: you gonna take a break???
mike: yeah, i guess...*runs his fingers through his hair*....i need a shower anyways...
chester: you go off and do that then....

i'm gonna go...need to think some more
hey guys!!!! i'm back with a new part!!!!!

*mike walks upstairs to the bathroom, where the door is shut. he waits outside until the door opens. rob comes out, his hair wet and a towel around his waist.*
rob: your turn, i guess...
mike: thanks
*mike walks in, undresses, and turns on the shower. he steps in , not needing to adjust the temperature. he stands underneath the showerhead in a daze, letting the hot water pound on his shoulders and head. then, he realizes that he still needs to wash his hair, so he steps out from underneath the showerhead and washes his hair with the 2 in 1. he steps underneath the showerhead and rinses his hair. after doing so, he decides to take a bath. he plugs the drain, lets the shower run to fill the bath, and looks for some bubble bath (since rob's girfriend found out some of hers was missing and assumed rob was cheating on her). he finds some of anna's and pours it into the bath. he turns off the shower, steps into the bath, and lies down. he closes his eyes and starts to fall asleep. meanwhile, downstairs, chester has finished his half of toast for lunch and is wondering where mike is*
chester: *to rob, who's in the kitchen making a tuna sandwich* rob?? where's mike??
rob: er...last time i saw him he was in the bathroom taking a shower...
chester: the shower's not on anymore though..
rob: um...he might be in his room then...
chester: thanks, i'll check there...
*chester walks upstairs to mike's room and opens the door*
chester: mike???
*chester steps inside mike's room. he isn't there*
chester: *thinking* okay...rob said he was in the bathroom, so i'll check there...
*chester walks to the bathroom, where the door is shut. chester knocks on the door*
chester: mike??? are you in there???
*mike doesn't answer. chester opens the door a little and walks in. he opens the shower curtain partway, and he sees mike's face. he's fast asleep, but even then his face is forlorn. chester sits down on the floor next to the bath tub and watches mike sleep. pretty soon chester's eyes droop, and he falls asleep as well. then, a while later, joe comes in to use the bathroom, and he sees the two of them asleep. an evil idea forms in his head*
joe: chester...mike...asleep??? this is gonna be good....
*joe picks up chester (who is fully clothed, mind you), and places him on top of mike. then he goes off to do his business and watch the fun unfold. ten minutes later, mike wakes up and sees chester nose to nose with him*
chester: *startled, then noticing his precarious position* huh??? OH MY GOD!!!!!! HOW'D I END UP HERE!!!!!
*joe is sitting on the toilet laughing his ass off*
chester and mike: JOE!!!!!!!!!
joe: *smirking* yes???
chester: *standing up to the side of mike but in front of joe, his face a pale pink, but very angry* what the hell am i doing in this bath tub, soaking wet, and ON TOP OF MIKE!!!!!!!!!
joe: i dunno...i just found you like must have been having a very good dream if you found yourself on top of mike
mike: *angry* you sick pervert *to chester* not you chazzy, i know you weren't part of this...
chester: that was a really dirty trick you pulled joe...if you weren't taking a s**t right now i'd kick you in the b***s/
joe: *eyes widen* you wouldn't
chester: oh yes i would
joe: *nervous* ought to get changed before you get sicker...
chester: this isn't over yet, joseph hahn...
*chester grabs a towel from the towel rack, wraps it around himself, and walks out indignantly*
mike: why'd you have to go and do that!!!!! if he drooled on me, i would've gotten mono you idiot!!!!!
joe: like that matters...he kicked me out of his room
mike: and WHY do you think that is!!!!
joe: just forget it, i'm sorry, i'll leave you alone...
*joe gets off the toilet, washes his hands and leaves. mike lies down in the bath again and sighs*
mike: he's never gonna get it, is he....
*twenty minutes later, mike gets out of the bath, wraps a towel around his waist, and goes to his room. after getting changed, he walks over to chester's room. chester's lying on his bed in a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt, listening to the radio*
mike: *knocking on chester's door* may i come in???
chester: sure, go ahead
*mike walks into chester's room and sits in his desk chair*
mike: well, that was kind of awkward....
chester: what, you mean what happened in the bathroom???
mike: yeah....i know you're not like that
chester: yeah, i know...hey, are you feeling better???
mike: yeah, i'm much better now...thanks for asking...
*the phone rings*
chester: i got it....*picks up the phone* hello, chester bennington speaking....yes, he's here....ok, here he is....*to mike* mike, it's ryan
mike: okay....*gets the phone from chester* hello??? what's up ryu???
ryu: not much man, i was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow and just hang out or something
mike: you know, i was gonna ask you the same thing...
ryu: d**n cousin, we're on the same wavelength as each other
mike: i know, right!!!! so, what do you feel like doing???
ryu: i dunno, i'll probably come over there, see you and the other guys....
mike: that would be great!!! when do you wanna come over???
ryu: tomorrow???
mike: hang on, lemme ask chaz - he's been sick, but he's getting better...*to chester* hey, chester, think you can handle ryu coming over tomorrow???
chester: 'course!!!! it's contact with the real world, what do you think!!!!
mike: *to ryu* he says yes...i'll see you tomorrow then
ryu: cool - see ya later cuz!!!!
mike: bye!!

i'll update later!!!! hope you like it!!!!
hey guys...what up??? here's the next part to the story!!!!!!

*mike gets off the phone with ryu*
mike: this'll be fun!!! ryu's really funny
chester: so i've heard...what do you feel like doing now???
mike: i dunno...i'll probably get back to work on the design thing...
chester: *yawning* that's good...*pulls up his blanket and curls up under it*....i'm gonna take a nap for a little while...
mike: okay...sleep well chazzy
chester: 'night mike....
*chester falls asleep underneath his blanket. he naps for a half hour and wakes up when phoenix wakes him up for dinner*
phoenix: chester....dinner....
chester: *slowly waking up* oh, hi's time for dinner already???
phoenix: *smiling* yup...we're having pasta
chester: yum...i like the sound of that...
phoenix: come on downstairs then, unless you still feel like sleeping..
chester: *sitting up in bed* nah, i'll come down with you...i'm still kind of hungry...
phoenix: kind of?!?!?! are you kidding!!!! if i were in your place i'd be starving!!!!!
chester: *laughs* you would be, wouldn't you...
phoenix: shut up man!!!! *laughing*...let's just go downstairs, the other guys are waiting
*chester gets out of bed and follows phoenix downstairs. they walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table*
rob: hey chaz, feeling better??
chester: yeah, i'm starting to
rob: that's great...

i g2g....gotta think some more.....bye!!!*
hey guys!!!! back again!!!! so finally the quick reply's working lol...and here's the next part!!!!

chester: are you doing all right???
rob: mmhmm...
mike: ok, let's get off this depressing conversation...
*chester laughs*
chester: yeah...did you get the design finished while i was sleeping??
mike: it's getting there...adobe photoshop's being stupid, so i ended up going on the fort minor site...
brad: yeah, he and jon got in a bigass rap battle in ryu's thread
mike: it was great...ryu ended up kicking jon's ass for me b/c i actually ended up nodding off for a bit....
brad: yeah, and then joe walked in with a cup of water and poured it on mike's face...he was PISSED!!!!!!
mike: hence why joe's making the pasta...neither of us wanna deal with him right now....
joe: I HEARD THAT!!!!!
mike: yes, we know
joe: fine!!! i'm not putting pasta sauce on your pasta then!!!!
mike: *attempting to make joe think otherwise* we all love you joe
brad: *understanding where mike's going with this* yes, you're the bestest!!!!
chester: *confused* bestest??? is that even a word????
dave: *patting chester on the head* don't worry about it...*whispering* they're just sucking up to him
*chester giggles*
chester: i guess it's working....
*joe finishes cooking the pasta, and the guys eat. after that, everyone goes into the living room to play halo 2*
brad: finally, we can have teams....I GOT DIBS ON CHESTER!!!!
joe: no, I DO!!!
chester: geez, why's everyone fighting over me???? i feel like i'm like, a stud magnet or something...
mike: er, chaz, i don't think that was the best thing to say....
*the rest of the guys laugh*
chester: forget what i just said....
rob: ok
*the guys play halo for a few hours. brad and chester end up being on a team, and they get second (over mike & phoenix of course)*
joe: i'm getting tired of this
mike: that's because you're losing!!!!!! *mike nails joe's brute with a carefully planned rocket launcher shot*
joe: can we watch a movie?????
rob: come on joe!!! can't we just finish this round without you complaining!!!!
joe: i'm getting bored!!!!!!
mike: joe, i only need one more shot....*shoots chester in the back of the head with a sniper shot*......and it's over.
chester: not funny mike....i almost had you!!!!!!!!!
mike: whatever....what do you wanna watch???
joe: *yelling in a hyper fit of happiness* MATRIX!!!! MATRIX MATRIX MATRIX!!!!!!!!!
chester: joe....please shut up. you're giving me a headache....
joe: awww, am i making poor widdle chazzy sick again.....
rob: that's not funny joe...
chester: forget it...let's just watch the matrix...
joe: *extremely happy* YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
mike: settle down joe, please, you're pissing everyone else off
*the guys start watching the matrix. chester is sitting between mike and phoenix, and as the movie progresses, he starts to feel more tired. eventually, he falls asleep with his head on mike's shoulder*
mike: chester???? are you awake???
*chester stays asleep*
mike:'re asleep on my shoulder....this is lovely....
*mike takes chester's head off his shoulder and places him on his lap. he pulls a blanket off the top of the couch and lies it on top of chester.*
phoenix:*whispering to mike* hey, what's up with chester???
mike: he's asleep
phoenix: oh...poor guy....
mike: well, it's expected...he's still pretty sick...
phoenix: you have a point...let's just let him sleep
mike: yeah, and don't let him near joe
phoenix: *quietly laughs* okay...
*the guys finish watching the movie*
joe: *tired* 'night everyone...
brad: "night joe
*joe walks upstairs, not even noticing chester being fast asleep*
mike: *whispering to phoenix* he didn't even notice chester!!!!!
phoenix: wow - that's great....guess he's forgotten about it
joe: *calling from upstairs* hey!!! where's chester!!!!
mike and phoenix: s**t!!!!! *calling up to joe* he's in bed, don't bother him!!!!!!!
*because of mike and phoenix yelling up to joe, chester wakes up*
chester: ugh...what's going on....
joe: HE'S NOT IN BED!!!!! YOU LIED TO ME!!!!!!!!
mike, phoenix and chester: s**t

i g2g...hope you like the story so far!!!!