chaz + mono= madness...

joe: *searching for chester on the 2nd floor* CHESTER!!!! CHESTER!!!!! COME OUT. COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!!! I'M NOT GONNA HURT YOU, I SWEAR!!!!!!
everyone else: SHUT UP JOE!!!!!!
joe: WHAT!!!!!!
chester: my god - what does he want from me!!!!!!
mike: i dunno, but i'm kind of afraid to find out
joe: CHESTER!!!!! COME HERE!!!!!!!!!
chester: *succombing to joe's demand* COMING!!!!!!!!
*chester walks upstairs to the 2nd floor landing where joe is*
chester: what do you want????
joe: nothing, nothing at all...
*joe gives chester an evil grin*
chester: *tired and annoyed* then what the hell were you yelling for???
joe: *slyly* i just wanted to tell you that i'm sorry for what i did....i was wrong....why don't you just go to bed and sleep....
chester: *whispering* thank you!!!!! *talking to joe* yeah, i think i'll do that...
joe: okay
*joe smiles a very demonic smile. chester looks at him with an apprehensive look*
chester: 'night joe....'night guys
brad: 'night chazzy!!! see ya tomorrow!!!
*chester walks to his room. the door is shut, so he opens the door. suddenly, he feels something cold fall upon his head. he touches his face, and feels something sticky on his hands. he turns on the light to his room and stares at himself in his small mirror. he realizes that he's got tapioca pudding all over himself, from a strategically placed bucket in his doorway. logically chester's pissed*
chester: JOSEPH HAHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike: *half asleep* ches??? whuh's goin on????
rob: *in the bathroom brushing his teeth* what'd you do now joe???
joe: *between fits of giggles* nothing!!!! just giving *laughing harder* chester a little dessert!!!!!!!
dave: you what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
chester: that ASSHOLE booby-trapped my room with a bucket full of TAPIOCA F***ING PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*the other guys, except for mike and brad who are asleep, start laughing*
joe: i dunno - guess that's your decision!!!!!!
chester: you're SO going to get it!!!!
joe: yeah right!!!!!
chester: don't count on it!!!!!
*joe and the others go to bed while chester cleans up the tapioca pudding from his floor. he then goes into the bathroom to take a shower and rinse off the pudding*
chester: that motherf****r....i swear, someday he's gonna get what's coming to him....
*he steps into the shower and brushes off the rice/tapioca stuff that's on himself. while he's doing that, he begins to think of ways to get back at joe*
chester: hmm...maybe if i take away his froggy...that might, he'd just kill me then...
*he washes off, but still continues to think*
chester: d**n...can't really think of anything...too*yawns* tired....
*chester gets out of the shower and puts on the pajamas he brought with him into the bathroom. he quickly brushes his teeth and walks back to his bedroom (now tapioca free - but the scent's still there)*
chester: ugh...he's gonna pay for that....
*chester crawls into bed and falls asleep*
*the next morning, everyone else is awake except for chester.*
mike: *groggily, because he just woke up* hey...what happened to chester??
rob: joe rigged his room with a bucket of tapioca pudding
mike: *eyes widen* you're KIDDING!!!!!
rob: nope!!!
mike: when'd he go to bed???
rob: i dunno...i guess it was like 2:30 am or something...
mike: oh man!!!!! that's amazing!!!!! he must be livid!!!!
rob: no kiddin!!!! he was cursing, muttering epithets, anything you could think of he did it....
mike: i could think of a lot of things, but i'm sure chester didn't do any of those....
rob: yeah, you're right...let's just have breakfast....
*mike and rob walk into the kitchen, where there are some leftover waffles*
mike: so....*takes a bite of his waffle and swallows* ryu's coming over this afternoon...
rob: nice!!! this'll be he bringing tak along? and cheapshot??
mike: nope, just himself....
rob: cool, just promise me one thing...
mike: what???
rob: talk english around the rest of us, please??? we don't entirely understand ryu and your dialect
mike: what dialect?? i don't speak japanese around him...
rob: you know what i mean, your "secret language"...
mike: *confused* secret language....oh, you mean our hip hop stuff, don't you....
*rob nods*
mike: okay, i'll keep it all on the dl
rob:'re talking hip hop language again....
mike: sorry!!!! *laughs* sometimes i just get like that!!!!
*the morning passes by slowly. chester wakes up around eleven and walks downstairs to the living room*
chester: *sleepy* hey...
mike: what up chazzy???
chester: nothin....
mike: are you still tired???
chester: mhmm....but i wanted to wake up before ryu came.....
mike: god, ryu's like...a celebrity around here, isn't he.....
chester: yup....*chester curls up on the couch and turns on the tv*
mike: anything good on???
chester: dunno...
*chester flips channels for a while, then turns off the tv*
chester: there's nothing on...this sucks....
mike: yeah, i know....what do you feel like doing????
chester: play chess???
mike: okay
*chester and mike play chess for a couple of hours. suddenly the doorbell rings*
mike: wonder who it is....
*mike gets off the couch and opens the door*
mike: ryu!!!!
ryu: what up cuz???
mike: nothin much!!!

i g2g....see ya later!!!! r&r!!!!!
hey guys!!!!!! i'm back with another part to the story!!!!!!!!

ryu: *walking in with mike* not much ere either. where's the invalid???
mike: what, you mean chester???
ryu: 'course that's who i mean!! do i know anyone else who's been sick this past week??
mike: i get it cuz, i get it. he's in here
*mike and ryu walk into the living room where chester's sitting on the couch resetting the chess board*
ryu: hey chazzy, how've you been???
chester: i've been better, obviously. i'm starting to not feel as sick though.
ryu: what've you got??
chester: mono
ryu: *taking a step back from chester* damn cousin!!!!! that sucks!!! *whispering to mike* why'd you invite me over when he's got mono!!!!
mike: *whispering back* he's not as contagious anymore, and we've been extra careful to keep his stuff away from the rest of us so we don't get sick too.
ryu: *apprehensively* ok mike...i believe you...
mike: *looking at ryu with a serious look on his face* does this look like the face of a person who would lie to you???
ryu: well, there was that episode of punkd.....
mike: *laughing* i was under pressure!!! i had to save my ass and besides, i was more worried about that $3,000 fine they were gonna lay on me!!! and there was that woman too; she was PISSED!!!
ryu: *laughing* okay okay i believe you!!!! so...what do you wanna do this afternoon??
mike: you wanna go take a walk outside???
chester: *excited* YEAH!!!!!!
mike: *smiling sadly* chaz, you know what the doctor can't leave the house for another week...
chester: *somewhat whiny* awwww.....mike!!!!!!! please?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
mike: *thinking...then compromising* okay, chaz, here's the can't go walking with us, but you can chill out on the back porch and do stuff....
chester: *smiling* okay, i'm fine with that....
mike: *to ryu* i'll just get my sneakers on and i'll be right out....
*chester and ryu walk out to the back porch while mike gets his sneakers out of the front hall closet. he slips them on and walks out to the back porch*
mike: ready to go??
ryu: yup!!!
mike: all right....we'll be back in a little while chazzy; have fun!!!
chester: bye!!!!
*mike and ryu walk through the backyard to the woods behind the house*
mike: there's a ravine a little ways back...we haven't gone far enough to see where it leads to..
ryu: how come???
mike: joe always starts complaining when we get to the ravine...he's like "mike!!! my feet hurt!!! can we go back????"
ryu: *laughs* that's great...
*mike and ryu walk further and get to the ravine*
mike: here it is
ryu: cool!! wanna keep going??
mike: 'course!!!
*ryu and mike walk along the edge of the ravine. mike steps onto a rock wall that is along that same edge and starts walking on it*
mike: remember when i had to take ap environmental senior year with brad???
ryu: yeah, kind guys always had those field trips, and they got me jealous
mike: they weren't really field trips...we had to take samples of the lake behind the school, remember???
ryu: oh yeah, now i do....
*they approach the end of the ravine, where there is a small waterfall and a lake*
ryu: wow...
mike: this is awesome....
*mike steps onto another rock, which slides out of place*
mike: oops...better not step there
*mike hops to another rock, which falls into the lake and takes mike with it*
ryu: mike???
*mike falls into the deep water, and starts to sink. he starts treading water, and gets his head above the surface*
mike: *spitting out water* ryu!!! it's too deep!!!!! i can't stand!!!!!
ryu: swim over here!!!! i'll grab your hand!!!!
*suddenly mike sees his new york yankees hat floating above the surface of the lake a few feet away from him*
mike: oh s**t!!!! my hat!!!!!
ryu: forget the hat!!! swim over here!!!!!
mike: hell no!!!! i want my hat!!!!!
*mike doggy paddles over to his hat and snatches it in his right hand*
mike: HAH!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!
ryu: come here then!!!!
*mike doggy paddles over to the edge of the lake, where ryu holds out his hand to help mike out of the lake*
ryu: ready???
mike: yup
ryu: one...two...THREE!!!!
*ryu pulls mike's left arm and pulls him out of the lake. they both fall down on the ground*
mike: well....that was a refreshing swim
ryu: oh my god....*laughs*....let's walk home and get you a change of clothes....
mike: *starting to shiver* thanks....
ryu: *watching mike shiver and shake from the cold* mike, take off you sweatshirt and whatever you've got on underneath it.
mike: why???
ryu: it's sopping wet!!!! i'll give you my sweatshirt to keep you warm...
mike: *relieved* thanks....
*mike takes off his sweatshirt and t-shirt as ryu takes off his sweatshirt*
ryu: here...
*ryu gives mike his sweatshirt, and mike pulls it on*
mike: that's better...
*the two of them walk home, mike's sneakers squishing as they hit the ground*

i g2g...hope you like this part!!!!
hey guys!!! i'm back...

*mike and ryu reach the backyard, where they see chester sitting at the porch table drawing*
chester: hey ryu!!!! *sees mike, soaking wet* mike, what happened to you????
mike: fell in the ravine
chester: ouch....are you bleeding or anything???
mike: nope, just soaking wet, hoping i don't catch a cold....
chester: ummm....why don't you take a shower to get a little warmer???
ryu: yeah, and get changed cuz honestly, you smell now...
mike: *sarcastic* i feel offended....
*mike shakes out his hair, spraying mike and chester with lake water*
chester and ryu: awwww mike!!!!! stop!!!! you're getting me wet!!!!
mike: *giggling* well, you deserve it for telling me i smell...
*mike takes off his sneakers and socks, and hangs his socks on the porch railing*
mike: i'll be upstairs if anyone needs me
chester and ryu: have fun
*mike walks inside and climbs upstairs to the second floor landing. he sees joe walk towards the stairs, stop in his tracks, and start smirking at the sight of mike*
mike: joe, shut up.
joe: *smirking* i'm not saying anything...
mike: yeah yeah...
*he walks into the bathroom, turns on the shower and undresses. he steps into the shower and lets the water fall over him*
mike: now i feel warm....
*mike washes his hair, rinses, and turns the shower off. after wrapping a towel around his waist, he walks back to his room and get changed into a t-shirt, sweatshirt and sweatpants. he walks downstairs to the living room, where ryu, chester, and the other guys are playing halo 2. mike sits down in a chair near chester*
chester: hey
mike: hi chaz
rob: ryu told us what feeling better???
mike: mmhmm...i'm just mad about my hat...
chester: *touching the brim of his red sox hat* well, it is a yankees hat....
mike: ugh, not again....
chester: *gleefully* who won the world series this year?!?!?!?!
mike: chester...
chester: come on...say it....who whupped the yankees in the ALCS???
mike: *grumbling under his breath* red sox
chester: what'd you say???
mike: *glumly* the red sox...
chester: YOU GOT IT BUD!!!! *pats mike on the back* you know the red sox own!!!!
mike: but what about the years BEFORE the red sox won, huh?!?!?! 86 years of misery!!!!
chester: *disappointed* don't rain on my parade shinoda....
mike: *sarcastic* don't rain on mine either bennington!!!
chester: *giggling* you wanna start, huh??? wanna take it outside????
mike: don't go there girlfriend!!!!! *gives chester the hand*
chester: *confused* girlfriend????
mike: it's a saying chester...*pats him on the head*...don't worry about it
ryu: would you guys stop acting like a bunch of bet video girls???
*chester and mike burst into a fit of giggles*
phoenix: calm down, you two!!!! *to chester* you're gonna kick me in the thigh!!!!
chester: *breathless* sorry dave...

i g2g....gotta think some more...bye!!!!
hey all!!! i'm back!!! and jelly - the yankees suck, they're 5 games behind the red sox last i heard...but anyways, back to the story

phoenix: it's okay chaz, just...calm down...
chester: sure thing dave...
brad: *stomach growling* are any of you guys getting hungry????
ryu: now that i think about it, i am kind of hungry....anyone want pizza??
mike: yeah!!!
joe: 'course!!!!
brad, phoenix and rob: fine with us....
chester: i'll have some....
ryu: cool...what type do you want???
mike: i'll have cheese
chester: me too!!!
joe: i'll have cheese and sausage on mine
rob: same here...wait, did you say sausage???
joe: yeah...
rob: oh boy...just make sure it's kosher...
joe: wh....oh yeah, the jewish thing...
brad: is there anything wrong with being jewish???
joe: no, no, nothing wrong with jewish people...
rob: good then...umm, would you be willing to go with pepperoni instead???
joe: nah, i'm allergic.....
rob: fine....he can have sausage, i'll go with pepperoni
dave: ooh!!! me too!!!
brad: i'll have hawaiian pizza...
chester: hawaiian pizza???
brad: yeah, it's pizza with ham slices and pineapple.....
ryu: i'm willing to try we'll get 1/4 cheese, 1/4 sausage, 1/4 pepperoni, and 1/4 hawaiian...
chester: sweet!!! i'm really hungry....
*ryu picks up the phone and calls the pizza place*
ryu: hi, i'd like a large pizza, 1/4 cheese, 1/4 sausage, 1/4 pepperoni, and 1/4 hawaiian
pizza guy: ok, you want soda with that too???
ryu: *to the others* hey, want some soda???
joe: yeah, coke!!!
ryu: yeah, one bottle of coke please
pizza guy: sure thing buddy....that'll be $12.99....want that delivered???
ryu: yeah....13 Lincoln Park Road....
pizza guy: okay...13 Lincoln Park Road it i have your phone number, just in case i can't find your house.....
ryu: yeah, 386-9449
pizza guy: okay little guy...i'll be right over....see ya later!!!
ryu: yeah....sure....
*ryu hangs up the phone*
ryu: either the guy on the phone was stoned off his a**, or he's gay...
mike: why???
ryu: he called me buddy and little guy, and he asked for our number...
joe: DAYUMN!!!!! somebody's got a crush on you ryu!!!!!
ryu: shut up!!!!!!!! i'm hoping it's the stoned off his a** option and not the gay one!!!
mike: i dunno ryu....people do say you're pretty cute...
ryu: yeah, WOMEN!!!!!! HOT WOMEN!!!
chester: we'll just have to wait and see....
*chester blushes*
mike: what's up with you chazzy???
chester: nothing....
mike: you're starting to act kind of funny....are you feeling sick again???
chester: *dazedly, like he's thinking* no....i'm fine....perfectly wonderful.....
mike: yeah.....the hunger's just getting to ya, that's what it is....
chester: yeah...maybe...
*suddenly the doorbell rings*
chester: *excited* i'll get it!!!
*chester runs to the door as the others stare in mild amusement*
rob: he must be starving....
*chester opens the door. the pizza guy's there, in a t-shirt and bondage gear*
pizza guy: here's your hot pizza....
chester: *staring at the guy* are you hitting on me???
pizza guy: depends....are you hot????
chester: that's your decision buddy...but i'll tell you one thing...your outfit is quite disturbing....
pizza guy: wow...i'm offended....and that's hot....
chester: gotta go....
pizza guy: call me again sometime, hot stuff!!!!!
chester: *apprehensively* don't're on my speed dial....
*chester shuts the door and walks back into the living room*
chester: wow that guy's weird....
mike: yeah, we heard your conversation with him....what was he wearing???
chester: his pizza t-shirt and bondage gear
mike: *shocked* are you f***ing kidding me!!!!!
chester: no!!!! and it didn't look right on him either!!!! he had this huge beer belly that stuck out and it was totally gross!!!!!
leave me alone...i dont even watch baseball i just said it cause they were the first team i ever heard of aside frm the blue jays anyways great update!
hey!!! another person likes my story!!!! *hugs shadow_serpent* oh and jelly, sorry i offended's just the feistiness of a red sox fan lol....and HERE WE GO!!!!!!

*everyone shakes their heads in disgust*
ryu: that guy's not only gay, but i bet you he was stoned too....
chester: nah, my bet's on the guy being drunk...if you were sober, you wouldn't dare go out like that in public...
brad: yeah, that's like, public indecency
mike: figure we should call the cops???
joe: nah, he's just doing his job
chester: *indignant* hitting on people's his job!!!!!!! that's bulls**t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and besides, you don't drink and drive; that's just f***ed up!!!!!!
rob: well, he did deliver our pizza
chester: i'm gonna see if it's even the right one!!!! if that guy was wasted enough to go around in a t-shirt and bondage gear, he wouldn't be able to take down our order right
mike: okay chazzy...if that'll help you feel better, then go ahead
*chester opens the pizza box. instead of the pizza they ordered, there was a pizza with a bunch of suspicious looking green leaves on it. chester takes a quick sniff of it*
chester: well, i'll be....someone made us a hash pizza.
mike: *astonished* they WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chester: c'mere and take a whiff....that's pure bud they've put on this thing.....
*mike walks over to the pizza box and smells the pizza*
mike: s**'re's a 4:20 pizza....hey, check the order form on top of it; see if this is for snoop dogg
ryu: wait - our pizza has cannabis on it???
chester and mike: yup.
ryu: *ecstatic* SEE!!! SEE!!!!! I TOLD YOU THAT GUY WAS A STONER!!!!!!
chester: so let me get this straight - our pizza gay i mean guy is a stoner, an alcoholic, and homosexual???? this is so f***ed up!!!!!! *to ryu* what's the name of the pizza place you called???
ryu: mary jane and flogging molly's pizza
chester: oh god.....*shakes his head*....dude, do you know what either of those mean????
ryu: yeah, i know what they mean, but hey - it's a pizza place
phoenix: actually it's not - i've driven by there a couple of times; it's a notorious drug trafficking place.
everyone else: s**t!!!!!!!!!!
mike: dude - we've got to get rid of this thing right away....*looks at chester* NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO EAT THIS CHAZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!
chester: what???? that's not what i was thinking!!!!!!
mike: what were you thinking then?????
chester: i say we head down there, hand over the pizza, and hope we don't get caught by the cops along the way
brad: and how do you suggest we do that!!!!! we aren't superheroes you know....*notices that chester keeps sniffing the pizza* CHESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUIT SMELLING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike: do you have to go to the rehab place again chester?????
chester: no - you can't get high off of smelling the bud; only if someone's smoking it and the smoke gets near you
*mike looks at the pizza. much to his dismay, it's burnt. he looks at chester and to his horror notices that chester's pupils are dialating*
mike: S**T!!!!!! CHAZ!!!!! THAT PIZZA'S BURNT!!!!!!!
chester: it is???? *looks at the pizza's burnt crust* f**k.....oh f**k...oh f**k guys i'm sorry......i didn't know it was burnt...i'm going up to bed, you can deal with me tomorrow....
*chester walks upstairs to his room, muttering the f word the whole way. the rest of the guys stand around the box of pizza, wondering what to do about it*
mike: you know, we shouldn't really be standing around it....
joe: you have a point. let's go down to the basement....
mike: you guys go ahead. i'm gonna go talk to chester.....
*mike walks up to chester's room while everyone else goes down to the basement. in the hallway, he hears chester sobbing uncontrollably. mike walks in and looks at chester*
mike: chester???
chester: *furious and upset* go away!!!
mike: chazzy!!! could you listen to me???
chester: *yelling* GO THE F**K AWAY!!!! DON'T BE F***ING SORRY FOR ME EITHER!!!!
mike: *furious and screaming as well* FINE YOU MOTHERF****R!!!!!!!!
*mike storms out of chester's room and slams the door behind him. he walks into his room across the hall, falls on his bed and starts crying*
mike: *whispering to himself* i just wanted to help....he's not alone right now...
chester: *across the hall in his room, still crying* i f***ed up so bad....they probably hate me now......just like anyone else i've gotten stoned around....
*meanwhile, downstairs, the others are making an elaborate plan to get rid of the hash pizza without being exposed to its effects and getting caught by the cops*
brad: i say we throw it in the trunk, drive to the place on back roads so we dont' look too suspicious, and then throw it in one of their trash bins.
joe: but wouldn't the cops be on the back roads looking for dealers????
rob: he has a point; they probably would be looking there.
phoenix: well, why don't we call the cops, tell them what we've got, meet them a few blocks before the place, give them the pizza, and then let that stoner guy get what he deserves!!!!
ryu: but wouldn't that mean we'd get in trouble???
rob: not if we told them it was delivered here by accident
ryu: but we'd need chester to explain that, and he's a little, er, out of it at the moment
rob: what about mike????
ryu: he's talking with chester right now
rob: it's been a while though....
ryu: i'll see what's going on
*ryu walks upstairs from the basement to the second floor. he hears mike's sobs from his room, and chester's muffled yowls from his. he walks apprehensively into mike's room*
ryu: hey cuz...what's the matter???
*mike turns over away from ryu*
ryu: mike....
*ryu sits on mike's bed*
ryu: kenji...there's something up...i can tell...
*ryu starts rubbing mike's back as he continues to cry*
mike: *mumbling* chester...
ryu: what's wrong with him???
mike: he's....*sniffling* mad at me....he yelled at me when i was trying to talk to him....
ryu:'s okay kenji-san......he's upset too.....
mike: i know....i wanted to help....
ryu: i know you did....he's probably too upset to listen right now....
mike: *calming down a tiny bit* i know....*suddenly becoming more upset* why the f**k did i try to even talk to him!!!!
ryu: you're his friend....that's why....
mike: i'm sorry.....i'm so sorry....
ryu: sssshhhh sssh shh shh's okay, it's'll be better in the morning....
*mike continues crying*
ryu: you wanna just, go to bed or something???
mike: *sniffing* yeah, i'll probably do that....
ryu: okay...we'll deal with the hash pizza.....sleep well kenji-san
mike: 'night....
*ryu stands up and walks out of mike's room, slowly closing the door. he puts his ear against chester's door and hears chester's crying subside. he opens the door a little bit and sees chester lying on his bed with his eyes shut, trying to sleep*
ryu: 'night chazzy
chester: *mumbling* g'night....

that's all for now....i figure i'll leave the exciting stuff for you guys later!!!!!
ah screw it...i'll put up the exciting stuff...that part was really sappy anyways...

*ryu returns to the basement where the others have been waiting for him*
joe: where's mike!!!! you said you were getting him!!!!
rob: where is he???
ryu: he's really upset right now....
phoenix: why???
ryu: he tried to talk to chester and he just shut him out....
rob: oh...i chester ok???
ryu: he was trying to sleep when i saw him....
brad: he didn't have anything on his bureau, did he??
ryu: not that i could see
phoenix: i'll go see...i don't exactly trust him when he's sick and upset at the same time
brad: and don't forget stoned
*phoenix goes up to chester's room and opens the door. he sees chester asleep on his bed. he looks on chester's bureau and finds his mono medication three quarters of the way empty*
phoenix: he's supposed to have two pills a should be half way empty now....*suddenly realizes what chester's done* F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*phoenix runs out of chester's room and into mike's*
phoenix: MIKE!!! MIKE!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!
*phoenix pushes mike's shoulders. mike wakes up, startled*
mike: *half asleep* whuh???
phoenix: CHESTER!!!!!!
mike: *suddenly wide awake* what about him???
phoenix: HE OD'D HIS MEDS!!!!!!!
mike: HOLY S**T!!!!!!! ok, i don't care how slightly stoned i am, i'm taking him to the hospital!!!!!!
phoenix: but what about the pizza????
mike: we can deal with that on the way. right now let's get chester taken care of...
phoenix: i'll call poison control first..we might not need to call the hospital
mike: okay...we probably need to make him puke up the pills
phoenix: i'm calling right now
*phoenix calls poison control*
phoenix: yes, my friend over dosed on his medication....what do i need to do???
operator: what type of medication is it??
phoenix: it's for mononucleosis
operator: your friend awake??
phoenix: no, he's asleep
operator: okay...wake him up, and then induce vomiting....after that, call the hospital...his doctor wouldn't be open at this hour
phoenix: okay....*to mike* wake chester up
operator: all right. you can hang up now.
phoenix: thank you
*phoenix hangs up the phone and gets a bowl for chester to puke into. meanwhile mike runs into chester's room and tries to wake him up*
mike: chester!!!!! chester!!!!!
*mike bounces on chester's bed and shakes him. suddenly he wakes up*
chester: mike????
mike: chazzy!!!! did you take too many pills tonight???
chester: *realizing what he did* s**t....oh s**t mike....i'm sorry....
mike: it's okay chazzy...i'm not mad...i'm not mad at you....
phoenix: *running into the room* chester!!! you need to puke into this bucket!!!!
chester: why??
mike: to get the pills out
chester: umm...okay...
*chester sticks his finger down his throat and retches a bunch of times. phoenix and mike watch for any pills to come up. they end up seeing 4 pills come up, two days worth of medication*
mike: chaz, can you puke any more???
chester: *tired and upset* no...
phoenix: good job buddy...was that all you took???
chester: well, besides my one from tonight....
mike: all right...we got both up, so i guess you'll be allright....go to sleep chaz

i g2g...i'll get back to the stoner pizza later
hey guys!!! glad you liked the update!!!! here's some more...and i promise i'll get to the stoner pizza now!!!!

phoenix: 'night chazzy....i'll leave the bucket here in case you have to puke again
chester: *sleepily* thanks
*phoenix and mike start leaving chester's room, but at the last moment chester calls out to mike*
chester: mike???
mike: hmm???
chester: would you mind staying here with me for a while???
mike: no, not at all...i'll stay as long as you like
chester: thank you
phoenix: i'm gonna go downstairs and work on plans for operation stoner pizza
mike: *laughing* is that what you guys are calling this little mission now???
phoenix: yup - ryu thought of it
mike: ok...keep me posted
phoenix: see ya later
*phoenix walks downstairs while mike walks over to chester's bed and lies down on it next to him*
mike: are you feeling???
chester: not too good...
mike: feel like you're gonna puke again??
chester: it's not like that...i kinda feel like i betrayed you guys with the whole sniffing the stoner pizza probably hate me now....
mike: *shocked* we don't hate you!!!! not at all!!!! we know it was a mistake, and speaking of the stoner pizza - we're trying to get rid of it right now
chester: it's no use....and besides, i won't be that much of a help....
mike: neither will i...i sniffed the pizza too, remember???
chester: you didn't get as big a hit as i did....
mike: it's okay...we all make thing we can do right now is sleep...
chester: are the others mad at me???
mike: nope...we were worried about you, actually....
chester: ok....*yawns*....'night mike
mike: sweet dreams chazzy chaz....
*chester and mike fall asleep. meanwhile, down in the basement (now called operation stoner pizza headquarters), the other guys have made a devious and evil plan*
ryu: okay, so we're just gonna call the cops, tell them what happened - and hope we don't get thrown in for possession - and hopefully they'll get that little fairy of a pizza guy
joe: hell yeah to that!!!!
rob: ok, i'm gonna call right now
*rob calls the cops*

i g2g
hey guys!!!! glad you liked the "fairy of a pizza guy"'s the next part!!!!

cop guy: 911 emergency
rob: hi, we have a small problem at our house.
cop: please explain the nature of this emergency
rob: we had a pizza delivered from mary jane and flogging molly's pizza, and we discovered that it had a large amount of cannabis on it.
cop: wait, your pizza had a large amount of cannabis on it??? and it was delivered from mary jane and flogging molly's pizza place??
rob: yes
cop: could you please describe the pizza delivery man???
rob: *to the others* s** of you guys get chester up, they want a description of the guy
phoenix: i'm on it
joe: i'll come with you
*phoenix and joe run up to chester's room and rob tries to stall the cop*
rob: hang on a moment...
*up in chester's room, phoenix and joe try to wake him up*
phoenix: chester...
joe: chazzy...we need you....
chester: *fast asleep* nnnngh....go away....
phoenix: chazzy, can you tell us what the pizza guy looked like???
chester: nnnn....tall as phi....bald....with a comb over.....
phoenix: anything else???
chester: nnngnnn.....really belly....
phoenix: are you getting any of this down joe
joe: *begins scribbling down information* yup
phoenix: what was he wearing???
chester: *sits up really quickly and starts talking rapidly in his sleep* he was wearing a white t-shirt with huge pitstains and bondage gear...really short leather shorts with straps...
*chester falls back down in his bed and sleeps*
phoenix: thanks chazzy
chester: pro*yawns* problem....
*phoenix and joe leave chester's room, bound downstairs to the basement, and enter operation stoner pizza headquarters*
phoenix: rob, here!!!! we got everything!!!
rob: thanks *to the cop* ok, here we go. the guy was about 5"9, bald with a combover, slightly obese with a beer belly, wearing a white t-shirt with enormous pitstains and short leather shorts with straps on the side.
cop: okay. do you still have the pizza in your possession?
rob: yes, but we haven't eaten it
cop: okay. we aren't charging you for possession of marijuana, but you are getting a warning. marijuana is an illegal substance in the united states of america...
rob: we know this already m'am
cop: okay okay. where's your place of residence?
rob: 13 Lincoln Park road
cop: okay. we'll be right over.
rob: we'll wait for you. good bye.
*rob hangs up the phone*
ryu: so???
rob: we aren't getting charged with possession.
everyone in the basement: YES!!!!!!!
rob: BUT, we got a warning
ryu: d**n pigs!!!!!
rob: so, the cops are coming, probably to pick up the pizza, and we need to be out on the front porch waiting for them.
phoenix: should we go now???
rob: i guess we could. anyone wanna play cards???
ryu: i got them right here *pulls out a deck of cards* let's play gin!!!!
*the guys go upstairs to the front porch and wait for the cops while playing gin. 10 minutes later, the cops show up*
cop: is this 13 Lincoln Park Road???
rob: yes, i'm rob bourdon. i spoke with you on the phone.
cop: i remember you. do you have the pizza?
brad: here you go m'am. *gives cop the pizza*
cop: good. *opens the pizza box and sees the untouched, cold, hash pizza* you guys were right, this is a hash pizza. wow. someone probably wanted to get rid of their stash pretty quickly. which one of you was handed the pizza?
rob: that would be our other roommate, chester. unfortunately, he's asleep at the moment.
cop: would you be able to wake him up so i can have a talk with him??
rob: yes m'am
*rob walks into the house and up to chester's room*
rob: chester???
*chester lies in bed, fast asleep. rob nears chester's bed and nudges his shoulder*
rob: need to wake up...
chester: nnnghh....go away...
rob: chester, the cops are here, they need to talk to you about the pizza guy...
*chester's eyes open a teeny bit*
chester: ugh...who's waking me up???
rob: it's rob, chaz. come on downstairs; the cop wants to talk to you..
chester: *unwillingly* okay....
*chester gets out of bed and puts slippers on his bare feet. he walks downstairs with rob to the front porch, where the cop is standing impatiently*
cop: are you chester?
chester: yes m'am.
cop: good. did you have an encounter with a pizza man from mary jane and flogging molly's pizza earlier this evening?
chester: yes m'am
cop: does he match this description?
*cop gives chester the description of the pizza guy*
chester: yes m'am, he does.
cop: what was this guy's behavior towards you like?
chester: he acted very he was hitting on me or something.
cop: do you know if this man is homosexual?
chester: we believe he is, based upon my interaction with him.
cop: okay, i think we have our man. if you could step in the car with me
chester: i'm sorry to interrupt, m'am, but i'm not allowed to leave the house for the next week
cop: you're not?
chester: yes m'am. i've got mononucleosis
cop: well, this doesn't help much. *to the other guys* are any of you skilled at drawing?
joe: yes m'am, i am.
cop: do you think you could make an approximate drawing of this person?
joe: i think so.
cop: okay, i'll wait.
*joe draws the guy (with chester's help). 30 minutes later, he's finished*
joe: here's your picture m'am
cop: thank you very much. have a good night
everyone else: thank you
*everyone goes inside to the kitchen*
phoenix: s**t!!! it's 3 am???
joe: wow; i didn't realize it was that late...
brad: hey, ryu, you wanna stay over tonight???
ryu: *yawning* yeah, i think i'll do that...
rob: the guest room's down the hall, and there's a bathroom next door to it.
ryu: thanks...i'll see you in the morning...
everyone else: 'night ryu!!
*the rest of the guys go upstairs to bed and sleep. around eleven am the next morning, the phone rings and startles ryu awake*

i g2g guys...hope you like this part!!!!
hey all!!!! i'm just bored, so here's tne next part!!!

ryu: *waking up* what the hell???
*ryu picks up the phone*
ryu: hullo???
holly: ryu??? did i call the wrong house???
ryu: no, no you called the right place....i stayed over last night
holly: oh, mike there??
ryu: i think he might be asleep....everyone had a late night last night
holly: you think he'll be up for today???
ryu: i'm sure he will be...what's going on??
holly: oh, i'm supposed to record at his place computer's got a nasty virus
ryu: wow, fun!!! he's great to record figure you'll get sushi??
holly: i dunno...depends
ryu:, i think 3 pm would be ok to come over, that cool with you??
holly: yup, i'm fine with that
ryu: alrighty then, see you at 3
holly: thanks ryu....see ya!!!
*ryu hangs up the phone*
ryu: this should be fun....
*three hours pass. the rest of the guys (sans mike and chester) wake up and chill with ryu. at 2 pm, ryu starts to get nervous*
ryu: do you guys know if mike woke up???
rob: no, he hasn't...why??
ryu: holly's coming at 3
rob: oh...are you gonna wake him up??
ryu: yeah...i think i'll do that...
*ryu walks up to mike's room. he's not there*
ryu: mike??? *thinking* hmmm...where would he be???
*ryu walks across the hall to chester's room. he opens the door a little, and sees mike curled up in bed next to chester*
ryu: wow...this is funny!!!! *takes out cell phone (with camera phone function!!!) and takes a picture* this is definitely going on my desktop....
*ryu walks over to mike's side of the bed*
ryu: *shaking mike's head* mikey....wake up....
mike: *still asleep* *snore* no chester....not there....
ryu: what????
mike: *still asleep* yes...yes...right there chazzy....ooh....that feels good.....
mike: *waking up to ryu's yelling* what??? what's going on!!!!
ryu: wow - that woke you up??? *shakes his head* never mind...listen, holly's coming in...*looks at his watch* 45 minutes to do that recording thing you apparently promised her.
mike: HOLY S**T!!!!! OH S**T I FORGOT!!!!!
*mike scrambles out of bed*
mike: oh god oh god oh god what am i gonna do!!!!
ryu: dude!!! slow down!!!! you have time!!!!
mike: *half pulling on a shirt* no i don't!!!! oh my god!!!!
*mike's scrambling around wakes up chester, who at that moment is having a bad dream. he starts crying*
ryu: *putting his hands on mike's shoulders* mike, you need to calm down. you just woke up chester.
mike: what??? *looks at chester, who is sitting up in bed trying to stop crying* chazzy....what's wrong????
chester: nothing....bad dream....nothing i can't handle...
mike: *hugging chester* it's okay man....are you still tripping or something???
chester: *wiping his eyes* i think so....
mike: you'll get over it....

sorry for the abrupt ending to this part...i'm tired....g2g2 bed....see ya later!!!!
ok the part when mike was like: yes...yes...right there chazzy....ooh....that feels good....that was nasty! but the part where the were curled up next to each other that was pretty cute and funny. aww poor chaz...bad dream lol