ChesterBabi´s Journal

AMAZING..thats all i have to say.. the last cupple days have been GREAT! Im outta my "Depression" stage. (yes im finally over Azem).. and moving on... umm yes. But i found out Last night that Nick's gunna come hang out for Spring Break,(next week) Umm his buddy has a condo on Winnapasaki lake... So... its going to be kool. ME Him, and Dennis. Chelsea my BFF might come up too.. soo well chill. LOL.. Umm a little info: Nick, 17, Water Town MA, Plays Bass in a band! soo hes chill.. i like him.. well yea.. thats all my news!

hello.. i know i don't reply in your journal.. but i do read it... i just wanna say that i am happy for you that your moving on.. its a very a good and healthy thing to do instead of holding on... you know.. any ways have fun!

Well, today was rather good, talked on the phone a little bit, went on my daily RUN! woo.. yes yes, skool went by fast. Tommorow's my LAST day before break.. soo.. i cant wait. And its Spring BREAK! yesss... lol its goin to be soo chill. lol...well, yea. Spring Fling Dance tommorow night.. that also is going to be pimp! hehee... Talked to Nick for like 5 mins. tonight.. i have to call him bac in like and hour... yea.. soo.. i got really nuttin else to do..talkin to my BFF chelsea.. i miss her.. well thank you all for supporting me.. it feels good to let go.. well im out TRECE OUT!

Im on April/Spring break.. and ahh yea. Lol. Umm Tommorow im going Snowboarding, then to an emplyoee party.. at LOON (a big snowboarding/skiing mt.).. umm its going to be kool. My Best Friend Chelsea, is also on vaca, so shes hopfully comming up on Tuesday. Umm.. Wednesday Nick and his Buddy Dennis are commin up, and were going chill for a cupple of dayz. There going to "Camp" in my back yard. They said they wanted the full effct of Hicksville...soo there going to camp. Dennis has a motor boat, so well go party on that. lol Well Nick drives so we could go like anywhere.. its going to be insane!!! lol. I cant wait. Yea, so im not on this site very much, i think its cuz, i dunno, that im developing more..? and i feel that.. umm i dont really feel like bein on here.. idk.. i still love this site, just my feelings towards it are a little diffrent. IDK.. but i still come on every now and then to post in my journal, or if i see a topic on something i like ill post. but thats about it. Well i think im going to..hmm.. clean, then call nick or chat i dont know. havent made my mind up yet. lol.. im still a little confused. i think some of you ppl should join its an AWSOME site, and if you already have it, lemme know and ill talk to you on there too! TRECE OUT

Brittany (CB7)

My Vampirefreaks sn: whenicryibleed

Well, Yesterday was a good day. I went snowboarding, and then partied at the lodge.. it was kool. NICE SNOWBOARDIN day! for sure. I went snowboarding in my tee, and just some snow pants. lol. I even got a sunburn! lol it was like... umm 73 degrees (Farinehight). Umm.. so now i have a burn under both of my eyes.. hahaha.. Umm so today, im just cleanin cuz Nick, Chelsea, and Nicks friend Dennis are comming over tommorow. Nick and Dennis are stayin til Friday, and i think chelsea's stayin til' umm Sunday. So its going to be pimp. Were all going to camp out in my back yard...hahaha.. thats going to be some FUN. Well i got a new pic, and i figured i'd put it on my journal. Ill go post it somewhere else too, but yea.. check it out. and thanks for listenin! TRECE OUT
Brittany (CB7)
Fireballthefairy [5:00 P.M.]: wife hi and welcome back
URTOY6662007 [5:00 P.M.]: hello hun
URTOY6662007 [5:00 P.M.]: whats up?
Fireballthefairy [5:00 P.M.]: on lpf pma and csf
URTOY6662007 [5:00 P.M.]: ?
URTOY6662007 [5:00 P.M.]: pma?
URTOY6662007 [5:00 P.M.]: csf?
Fireballthefairy [5:01 P.M.]: yes pushmeaway
URTOY6662007 [5:01 P.M.]: oo
Fireballthefairy [5:01 P.M.]: chestersingsforum
URTOY6662007 [5:01 P.M.]: oooo
URTOY6662007 [5:01 P.M.]: ok'
URTOY6662007 [5:01 P.M.]: lol

Fireballthefairy [5:01 P.M.]: yes you rang and i am came
URTOY6662007 [5:01 P.M.]: hahaha
Fireballthefairy [5:02 P.M.]: really
URTOY6662007 [5:02 P.M.]: well im glad you want to talk
Fireballthefairy [5:03 P.M.]: yup
URTOY6662007 [5:03 P.M.]: lol
URTOY6662007 [5:03 P.M.]: so what you wanna talk about
URTOY6662007 [5:03 P.M.]: omg omg "Walkin deads" on the radio
URTOY6662007 [5:03 P.M.]: w00t
Fireballthefairy [5:03 P.M.]: what station
Fireballthefairy [5:03 P.M.]: brb
URTOY6662007 [5:04 P.M.]: okay..
URTOY6662007 [5:04 P.M.]: 100.1 THE PLANET
Fireballthefairy [5:05 P.M.]: damn you where are you from
URTOY6662007 [5:06 P.M.]: New Hampshire
Fireballthefairy [5:06 P.M.]: buttmonkey
URTOY6662007 [5:06 P.M.]: hahaa
Fireballthefairy [5:06 P.M.]: i am not talking till the song is over
Fireballthefairy [5:06 P.M.]: so haha listen after its done im me kk
URTOY6662007 [5:10 P.M.]: ok
URTOY6662007 [5:10 P.M.]: lol
URTOY6662007 [5:10 P.M.]: you can hear it?
Fireballthefairy [5:10 P.M.]: huh
URTOY6662007 [5:11 P.M.]: you herd the song?
Fireballthefairy [5:12 P.M.]: duh fartknocker
URTOY6662007 [5:12 P.M.]: Wait where u from?
URTOY6662007 [5:13 P.M.]: we dont have the same stations if your not from NH
Fireballthefairy [5:13 P.M.]: arizona
URTOY6662007 [5:13 P.M.]: you dont have the same stations, so they wernt playin
URTOY6662007 [5:13 P.M.]: lol
Fireballthefairy [5:13 P.M.]: damn yoooooooooooooooooooooooooou
URTOY6662007 [5:14 P.M.]: hahaha see im smart
Fireballthefairy [5:14 P.M.]: huh
URTOY6662007 [5:14 P.M.]: yea..
Fireballthefairy [5:15 P.M.]: huh you are not smart
URTOY6662007 [5:15 P.M.]: yes i am
Fireballthefairy [5:15 P.M.]: nu-uhh
URTOY6662007 [5:15 P.M.]: Fine i want a Devorce!
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: if you dont think im smart..
Fireballthefairy [5:16 P.M.]: no you are you are smart
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: than i just dont know
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: *cries*
Fireballthefairy [5:16 P.M.]: i said you are smart
Fireballthefairy [5:16 P.M.]: i am the stupid one
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: okay..
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: then ill stay..
URTOY6662007 [5:16 P.M.]: no your not
Fireballthefairy [5:16 P.M.]: yes i am
URTOY6662007 [5:17 P.M.]: No
Fireballthefairy [5:17 P.M.]: yes
URTOY6662007 [5:18 P.M.]: Dont argue with me missy
URTOY6662007 [5:18 P.M.]: lol
Fireballthefairy [5:18 P.M.]: i was alittle ducky who became a llama then a car then msg then the cookie monster then the scary boogie man
URTOY6662007 [5:18 P.M.]: haahaha
URTOY6662007 [5:18 P.M.]: well i got to go eat dinner
URTOY6662007 [5:19 P.M.]: ill talk to you later
Fireballthefairy [5:19 P.M.]: bye
Fireballthefairy [5:19 P.M.]: i was alittle ducky who became a llama then a car then msg then the cookie monster then the scary boogie man
Fireballthefairy [5:19 P.M.]: bye
Fireballthefairy [5:19 P.M.]: *FARTs*
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: lol
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: bye
Fireballthefairy [5:20 P.M.]: bye bye wife
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: bye wife..
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: hahha
Fireballthefairy [5:20 P.M.]: bye
Fireballthefairy [5:20 P.M.]: well sign off already
Fireballthefairy [5:20 P.M.]: but bye
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: haha
URTOY6662007 [5:20 P.M.]: im going im going
Fireballthefairy [5:21 P.M.]: bye
