"Chesters girlfriend"

Nov 10, 2004
i hope this is good please tell me if it is or if it isnt

chapter 1

chester woke up by the noise mike was making "get up lazy ass" mike said. chaz yawned and went back to sleep "you...we are gonna be late for school again" mike said picking up from the floor chesters glasses. "i think you arent gonna need your glasses while you sleep" he said laughing pretending to brake chesters black framed glasses. chaz jumped off the bed runnig to mikes room ,he found the picture of mikes girlfriend karina and he puted it under his boxers holding it with his right hand so it wouldnt slide.
"oh come on, it had karinas perfume on it now i dont want to know how it smells like"mike said "well give me my glasses". they kept on chasing eachother around the room until they ended on the floor chaz trying to get his glasses back and mike figuring out a way to get his picture without touching something he didnt wanted to. "what is it now?" rob asked laughing at what he was watching from the rooms door "give me my glasses and you ll have your picture back" chaz told mike.
they both got up mike gave chaz his glasses and chaz took out mikes pic from his boxers.he looked at the picture and smiled "i think she liked it" he said returning it to mike and runnig to his room. they were already late for school however chaz took a shower and dressed up in 13 minutes beating up his record again. chester went to the kitchen were rob and mike were eating breakfast "it-it took me forever to get his ass up " mike said with his mouth full of potato chips he ate them for breakfast "the same it used to take me and joe" rob said "hopefully joe is at his brothers mansion now" mike said. chester didnt ate anything but water.
they went to get their backpacks and than their scateboards from the backyard.they rode to phoenix and brads house that was across the street then they all togheter rode to their highschool six blocks away.brad ,phoenix and rob were riding a few feets awayfrom of mike and chaz that were the last as always.they were discussing how mike had woken chaz up chaz then felt like loosing control of his scateboard and he spinned through the air hitting his knees first,then his elbows,hands,chin,and nose.they all atopped and looked at him "chester?"mike asked picking up from the ground chesters glasses again...

please tell me if you like it so i can keep on writing more i still have waiting more chapters and i think the storie turns intersting
ooops!!!!! i just read the thingy that we cant write about any lp getting hurt i m sorry i hadnt read it does anyone know if i can finish on what i am on i wont hurt any one else
chapter 2

"chester?" brad asked. they all saw blood coming from one of chesters knee "cheter are you okay?" mike saked "i dont know" a weak voice answered. they helped chazzy stand up and mike took a look at chesters knee "looks very bad ,but you will survive" he said chester smiled "what about my elbow it hurts a lot?" mike pulled chesters sleeve up and saw the elbow he just made a face "do you wanna return home or are you gonna go to school?" he asked "i am going home i dont wanna go to school with this scratches besides they hurt " chester said. the scratches did hurt but he really didnt felt like going to school "i ll go with you" mike said "no thanks mike you should better go to school i ll take care of myself" chester said turning back home "wait" mike yelled "what do i do with your scateboard and your glasses it looks like the wheels were the problem three are missing" "put that scateboard at my locker i dont want to see it til my scratches are healed but i do want my glasses" chesster said getting his glasses.
when he was two streets away from home he saw four boys coming in his direccion, he couldnt really see who they were for his glasses were all broken but he thought they were aaron and his friends "stupid ****" he wispered not because he didnt wanted to be heard but because his chin was hurting "hey chaster it isnt halloween yet" aaron said his friends laughed "i have a feeling that somebody did something to the wheels of your scateboard" he and his friends laughed even harder then before "******* you did it didnt you?" chester yelled he felt anger in his veins "no i dont think so why would i do that do you know why chester?" chester knew why " i told you to stay away from avril i saw you with her on saturday" aaron said. aaron was one year older then chester but he looked five years older bacause he was much taller then him " she is my girlfriend and i dont want you with her or both will suffer the concequences" aaron continued "dont you touch her" chester said walking away going home
when rob and mike returned home chester was in the kitchen drinking a soda mike took one too "he did it" chester said "who did what?" mike asked "aaron did it" "dont tell me aaron did what i think he-" chester interrupted mike "yes i saw him when i was returnig home he told me to stay away from" chester stopped and looked away "you saw her again?" rob asked "yes it was on saturday when i said i would go buy some cds but i dont know how he saw us" "chester you know aaron knows every step avril takes he protects avril more then his own ass"mike said walking from one side of the room to the other "mike you know that i love her i cant keep on hiding my feelings and she feels the same for me she just fears that when she finishes aaron he would go crazy and do something like he did today"chester said sadly "look chester if you dont care about your ass we do,but you have to choose avril or your ass i know you dont care bout your ass but what about avril he will hurt her too" " no, i have to call her" chester said realizing she could be in danger too...

please keep on telling me if you like it or not