Chronic's '13 Build


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Just find some old license plates lol
I was thinking just run 3 layers of tinfoil, but the plate idea is pretty good. One sec I'm going to go to walmart's parking lot and grab a few license plates so I can get to work :gr_jest:



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Anyword on Spark's filter & Ring? A bit cheaper than the Dasa but not a make or break amount. Sparks is $50 and dasa is $90.. I've narrowed it down to these two, or an FCI from an 06 if I can find one for cheap haha :bored:


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I've found a few used ones for $25 shipped (just to one off the org a week or 2 ago), new they're $43 on eBay. Just watch out for the cheap poly ones that aren't molded on the backside.


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pretty nifty little airbox isn't it? Screw making an aluminum splash guard if I go that route, I'll just cut up one of those boxes lol

Thanks alan! Muchos appreciated-os



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That look's the exact same as the Sparks kit.. What's up with that Ring VS the Dasa Ring? that's really where I'm unsure.. If it's not close to the Dasa I'll just go with a Dasa, but if it is, **** yes I'll save $55. I'l rather run a foam filter anyway lol.


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I don't think there's anything special about about the Dasa ring apposed to the other rings... All the ring really does is go into the tube so you can clamp a bigger filter over the tube instead of putting it into a tube. If you clamped a bigger filter over the tube with out a ring it's not going to clamp correctly because the tube is soft and will crush from the clamp causing the filter to pop off.

I could be completely wrong here but unless Dasa has some secret design to the radius on the lip of the ring, they are all just rings that support the filter. The larger filter is what I believe makes the intake better

Can someone else comment on this too?



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Well I finally decided on the 'Bold New Graphics' as honda would put it..

But the red is all going to be yellow.. I sold my plain Jane Quadtech seat, had it all boxed up to be shipped and my grandpa thought it was garbage and burnt it :scream:

I was going to use that money to get a JetTrim seat cover, and still will, it'll just be a mid season addition. I don't have the heart to tell him what he did lol.. He'll feel to bad about it.

I ordered a rebuild kit from Fasst this mornign too for the Flexx bars.. Keeping the pink pad though :gr_grin:



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Noooo!! That suuuucks dude... Whats with old people and burning trash?? lol..

Graphics should look sweet, I like the spastic design kits. What color did you end up choosing for the frame?

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