Chronic's '13 Build


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Hahaha I know man! I went to grab it to ship and it wasn't there.. got to looking and asking about it and sure enough.. Luckily tthe guy I bought it from laugjhed it off and I sent him all of his cash back + a few bucks because I felt so bad about it. Took that one on the chin, no **** :gr_judge:

Frame is going black, same as last year.. I think white or yellow would have been too much color.. I kind of like the cartoon-y graphics, should lood sweet with the yellow! Might get another set in red and black for the 400ex..



New member
Thats just too funny man. Ive had my parents throw out stuff before and thats why I made sure after it happened a few times that they ask before doing anything if they dont know whose stuff it is.


New member
oh man chronic, that sucks! I'm with baileyguns, idk what it is with old people.... my grandpa likes to burn trash too o.0


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the ring that Matt is talking about having to bore is the NOSS adapter or whatever they are called to match an FCR to an 04/05 intake. If you go with an 06+ intake setup, then there is no need to bore anything. The dasa rings for both bikes accept the same filters, so that is probably why you are seeing different rings for the 2 different gens. Bailey is exactly right on the rings function as to simply hold the flimsy intake rigid enough to accpet a filter on the outside of it. (if you want to be a real cheapskate, then order a replacement filter from Dasa & cut the ring off the stock cage from an 06+ filter


New member
well not every one bailyguns. Apparently Maine is behind by a few years compared to other states. We just started trying to be more green lmao.


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Do ya really think swapping to the larger filter is gonna make that much of a difference over the smaller filter? Im guessing at most 1hp on the dyno but IDK for sure.

I say this b/c im running the 04-05 box with the smaller filter.



New member
Oh I agree. But in the grand scheme of things to me its one of those "well I could do it, or not. Wont break my build if I dont" at least thats my opinion. Course Im also not looking to squeeze out every last little bit of power outta mine either. Dave is lol..

btw, I shoulda taken u up on that offer for the arms..kicking myself for them. But who woulda known Id find a job that paid more or sell the 400ex?



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Agreed... But a regular K&N is $50 anyhow... A uni is $30ish (I don't run them so I'm not real sure lol)....

It is what it is. Dasa or Hotdogz. Hotcam or web.... It's all $$ and what you're after.

I think I paid $35 shipped for my intake... Used buy like new. I play the patients game, wait for a deal and make due till I find it.



New member
^ Yup, I always wait for the deals if possible. Worth waiting around cause you can find some really good stuff usually from someone parting out.

Which brings me to another Q. If you buy the dasa adapter (is there any other that may work) its possible to run an 06+ filter in the 04-05 right? I can nab an 06 filter for free from a buddy but havent even tried to fit it.



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06 Filter Will Work With A Dasa Ring, Racers Edge ring, Or Anything Similar, But Not Stock 04/05 intake


New member
Gotcha Burke. 06+ box would work nicely. I also thought about going to the cfm box so you can use the huge 250r filter.


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I have a very goofy set up... I am running a ring from Racers Edge with no box, but I couldn't get a decent A/F ratio on the dyno with the huge filter they like to use, so we ended up going with an FCI filter from a Raptor 700. (It is a bit smaller, and fixed my lean spiking issues). A 40mm FCR would probably help me out too, but I want to try one before I buy another carb and get a powerjet put in it ** cough cough Dustin cough cough **.


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A bit of an update.. Should have my frame back from PC early this week

Just picked up a decent Rossier that will be refinished (thinking black coating, new style end cap)

Some of Matt @ Dynomite Perf.'s work, Awesome guy to deal with

These are CRF250 carbs, 37MM stock and 42.5mm bored (mines the top one ;) )

I didn't want to post all of the pics I got of the head, I'm not sure if that's alright to do.. I remember one thread went to **** for it.. here's the exhaust port though;

I have a **** of a lot of stuff waiting for me in NY too, so I'll have a bunch to post on here in the next week.



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And for at LEAST 4-5 more HP I bought this hour meter.. cost me $9 and change.

There was a guy sellign a cheaper one but he had a 0 feedback rating..



New member
I bought the same hour meter from ebay as well Im sure. Mines an hour/tach tho and black.

You should get excellent power out of that setup, push at least 50hp right?

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