Cloud's Journal!


New member
in london you two would be fine, i find ppl outside of london are a wee bit more predudice....


New member

Well sygy good lukc on ur problem!

I'll post in this journal with my days doings and feeling 2moz



New member
Ok thanks hun.

Glad sygy is still here, someone i kno to talk to... :D

Well whatsup guys? wait. This is my journal.

Hmm... Well it's been 10 months on the 20th I've been together with my girlfriend :) Everythin is going great.

EEmotionally and physically im healthy too. I've just come on the forum out of missing you all :D

Love you all <33



New member
Yes, i am still here. I tried to MSN u but u didnt reply..this was a while ago though...BUT HEY BRANDY, glad ur back!!


New member
My 2 fav girls on the forum. Well I'm glad I'm back helping everyone out.

Anyone else think that LP's new album kinda sucked *****, I just hated it lol. Let's hope the real one will be better eh.

Well Rissy I'm sorry forgot about you, just me n SYGAI! Had a very interesting phone call which I yet to forget :rolleyes: She just stuck in ma head.

Specially when I guessed what her house looked like, kinda got vibes LOL!

Well Heya Rissy n Sygy! How ya lot been?



New member
i stuck in your head? it must have been my whiney voice. was actually sp freaky when u guessed my house and i was like. how does he know my room is orange. tehehe

it was the best 3 hour long phone convo ever!!!!!

im fine, looking for to my gcse *MEGA SARCASM*

are u still with ur girlfriend (who ppl didnt like)?



New member
WOW, thats amazing! seriously good for you.

Btw, i was flicking through ur journal, and i only just now understand what 'bounty' means. :rolleyes:



New member
Haha! Nice. Haven't heard that one in a while. It's calmed down now about all the racism.

However I find the ones that like her talk to her more, which is funny. I'm confident we will last. I mean who writes their BF 9 sides of A4 paper of why they love em etc.

I just love her too I guess, which makes life worth living these days.



New member

Well naturally I kinda panicked of what I could do for her... I found getting her a silver chain of what I call her on it, We both call each other Babez! So I got it specially made for her :D

Here's a pic of her with it on (She never takes it off LOL)

Here's me n her... At school >.<

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