Cloud's Journal!


New member
I wish I could rat poison his ******* girlfriend but that's sadly illegal!

Well at least he is happy, and Sygy no I'm not gonna rat poison someone lol!



New member
nope... I don't really believe it's her fault... She's just thick in the head lol. I wanna see the eviction though.


New member
Awww...****, I'm jealous...but hey, great for you!

I'm glad that you have a good, happy life...^^



New member
Well I can't really really kinda complain lol! Everything's just going well today.

So how is everyone?

Haha! I like being a vampire :thumbsup: I've never been called that before. Well I'm gonna get some more pics of me and observe lol!



New member
Yea I saw it lol!

It was a very interesting watch!

Well I wanna tell you guys about my new brother and sister.

My brother named Camden came into my life almost 10 months ago, he was from my step mom (which is very kind and a step mom that should get an award for being so great). I love him loads, he has about8 teeth already and all he does is laugh and smile, unless he's hungry, then he screams like a girl :thumbsup:

My sister is about 1 and a half months old. She so cute and tiny, I just love to stare at her and of course she stares back. She hardly cries, she just grunts like a growl kinda thing lol!

I'll post pictures soon, unless you wanna check ma bebo out...<-- I think that links it lol!

Anyways I kinda update the bebo from time to time so I hope you guys check it too.

I hope everyone is ok :thumbsup:



New member
wow, babies have large heads and rather huge eyes! shes very small.

your brother is called Camden? thats soo cool. In london ,camden is where all the cool peeps hang out.



New member

he is 10 months so he'll be quite big. My godson is like 7/8 months and he is MASSIVE.



New member
nope, he is my ***-son or whatever, basically, if his mum dies i look after him. His name is Ellis.
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