Coming Out to Your Parents = Getting kicked out of house.

Man...that's really bad...

I'm sorry for you...

maybe they'll understand it one day
I'm sorry, but what!? You came out to them about being what?... Gay!?

If so then I know what it feels like. I finally told my mom that I was Bisexual and she uh... didn't take it too well. But eventually she got used to it and invited me back into the house. So I know how you feel if that is what it is. I'm sorry
im sorry ur parnets didnt take as well as they should man i think u should go back and make them understand that u r u and if they dont like they can go find some perfect child and call it their own

*if u do take my advice good luck*
LPpinkfreak821 said:
I'm sorry, but what!? You came out to them about being what?... Gay!?

If so then I know what it feels like. I finally told my mom that I was Bisexual and she uh... didn't take it too well. But eventually she got used to it and invited me back into the house. So I know how you feel if that is what it is. I'm sorry

Yeah.. It's a shame how most people are these days in dealing with that subject.
i can't understand why any parent would abandon their child because of this. i mean you could be on hard drugs mugging old ladies to feed youe habit. aslong as your happy why should it make any diffrence to how they feel about you. i have 3 daughters and if any of them came and told me they were gay i'd just tell them that aslong as they are happy and find someone who respects them and loves them then i'm happy.
Good Luck with everything that is to come.. I am sorry to hear your parents took it so badly.. Things will work themselves out.. Just take care of yourself for now..
I think that is so wrong for your parents to do that. I mean your there child and to just kick you house of the house cause your gay! come on that is mean. I for one would never become gay but I hate to see people of different orientation than me be treated like crap cause they aren't straight. Come on people have a heart! this world is cold a cruel!
ShinodaBear said:
just wanted to clear that up while the alochol is flowing in my blood.

I'm sorry, bro. Like alot of people have stated before me, thats just not right. And I have to agree 100%. I honestly don't understand why parents, and people in general, are like this when it comes to homosexuality.

Life is too short, people. And life is hard enough as it is. If you find love, you are a lucky person. Who cares who it is with, honestly?

I just really don't understand how people can be so heartless to other people. :(
hey, sorry to hear what happened, thats shitty.
all the best though, things will go right eventually :)
They only act like that because everything is judged by their definition of whats normal, thats why parents dont take well to bi or homosexuality...they just thinks its not normal...I am i'm far from homophobic...and i'm blabbing...sorry...
I sorta understand what you mean. And it sucks. I haven't come out yet but I kinda hinted and all of a sudden my mom was telling me that if I liked girls I would no longer be part of the family. I'm sorry that you got kicked out. It's pretty ****ed up.