Congressional Inquirey Into Slow Response in New Orleans


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
For those of you who are so partisan that you can't admit that this situation was ****ed up, the Congress seems to think there might have been a problem.

The media, the people and even Bush is now saying the response was too slow.

CUBA even offered to send 1100 doctors to us, we don't even have a diplomatic relationship with this 3rd world country and they want to help us.

That really says alot about our leadership.

When your in charge of a company, your responsible for what your department heads do. The same is true of the High and Mighty President, he is responsible ultimately for what the people under him do.

STOP saying that Bush couldn't have stopped the hurricane, of course he couldn't have BUT he could have made sure the money was allocated to fix the levy that burst. The levy was the problem, it didn't burst until AFTER the hurricane.

The people of Iraq mean more to BUSH then the people of New Orleans (and the rest of the US no doubt). We are stretched so tight that 3rd world countries are offering the mighty US help.

Doesn't that make ya feel proud !!!

Where are our priorities ?????
**** Yooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Amount Of Pre-planning, Or Dry Runs Would Make A ****ing Differance It Was A Massive Disaster You ****ing Retard !!!!!!

And Now You Get To See What Humanity Is Really Like Underneath.

The Biggest Thing I See Is People Who Didnt Listen, Dont Plan, Live Plastic Disposable Lives, White And Black, And Now Are Crying About ****, **** Them, **** New Orleans And **** All You Uncle Sam Take Care Of Me Bitches.
OmegaManiac said:
**** Yooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Amount Of Pre-planning, Or Dry Runs Would Make A ****ing Differance It Was A Massive Disaster You ****ing Retard !!!!!!

And Now You Get To See What Humanity Is Really Like Underneath.

The Biggest Thing I See Is People Who Didnt Listen, Dont Plan, Live Plastic Disposable Lives, White And Black, And Now Are Crying About ****, **** Them, **** New Orleans And **** All You Uncle Sam Take Care Of Me Bitches.

I AGREE!!! ;)

Yeah let the federal Govt plan since morons like the ppl of NO didnt
And you want to know why 3rd world countries are offering help...cause we help them! Yes thats right they feel like they should.

Russia, Japan, Canada, France, Honduras, Germany, Venezuela, Jamaica, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Guatemala, Paraguay, Belgium, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Italy, Guyana, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Lithuania, Spain, Dominica, Norway, Cuba, Bahamas, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Iceland, India, Jordan, Luxembourg, the Philippines, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.

I think we have helped all these countries in some way. I hate people who dont think in complete thoughts and just ramble anything they think is true in public...all you do is Look STUPID
As far as the levy situation is concerned, the ACE has been begging for money to one.. research and fix teh levy situation and also to test disaster effects recovery and cleanup. The ACE uses NO as a staging ground for disaster training and has so for years because of the possibilities of what is happening now. The FED gov has not raised teh research grants in ten years and THIS year was teh first that it actually went DOWN ($70 million I believe) This is where blame falls onteh govt. The tests donw in NO are not only for teh city itself but for the country in total. From recreating wetlands and researching how to cut down on teh nitrates from the MISS that are killing the wetlands, to flood control and disaster research. Aparently the Govt is learning that research done there IS important to us all (unfortunately they are learning that too late) Obviously proper evacuation plans have never been properly created (that was admitted by the ACE) and they also admitted that in all teh years of their research and preparation, a disaster of this magnitude as far as human suffereing was never even imagined. What happened in NO could happpen anywhere in teh US. If you don't think the Govt failed to some degree on preparation, comunication, and action, I hope you realize it very well could be you next. Only NOW are they wondering why they didn't use all those busses that now lie ruined onder the waters of lake pnchitrain (sp??) to get people out. They could have saved thousands of people not to mention their busses. It has allready been decided that in future situations should a mandatory evacuation be needed ALL available transportation WILL be used to get people out. (I believe NYC has also begun adding that same thing to their evacuation plans in teh wake of the NO disaster)
Dude I didn't take your shoutbox prevelages away so you are barking up the wrong tree. You'll learn LOL
OverFiend said:
And y will learn to worihip me like you should. 6 flags tomorow huh

You are one step away from being a goner, Over. You're being a dumb **** and we like smart ****s here.
WTF did I do to this kid. It usually takes a little more than that for someone to attempt to hurt my wittle feelwings. AWWWWWW I have a spalker how cute
I guess this dumbass hasn't read the rule changes LOL You're beat kid. And if you don't straighten your **** out, you will become the new resident chew toy LOL
OverFiend said:
**** you you NAZI **** tard im gettng my 25 posts so i can have an avitar and i will never leave this site, this site was made for me, i am the ****ing inbodyment of this site, you *****, suck it yup big boy, get used to it becaue im not gooing anywere, whe i want your opinion i will give it to you, and as far s smart goes, you ant seen nothing yet chuckles

Ever see Gone In 60 Seconds? Yours will be even quicker, ****tard.
As far as the levy issue is concerned, it was a matter of "don't fix it if it ain't broke". Now im asking, is that the sort of thinking that our leaders should be making decisions with? Well, it broke. Now they need to fix way more then a levy.
It seems to me that many of you are reacting to the idiot blacks that are blaming Bush for the hurricane. I to am shoked at the crybaby bull **** that is spewing out of this region. It would seem that many Americans are spoiled little brats that are far too acustomed to our drive-thru society. Where all problems can be fixed with a snap of the finger. The unfortunate ugly reality is everyone involved has their due share of blame. The government (local, state, and federal) for their egrigious lack of aforethought, and the victims that attempted to defy mother nature and put themselves in harms way.

First, the government. Yes they issued a mandatory evacuation. Yes they warned the general public to get out of New Orleans. History and simple demographics should have provided them with a lesson. With the overwhelming poverty in this region, not to mention the amount of infermed and hospitalized patients, it should have been grossly apparent that many tens of thousands would remain behind. Add to this the long standing knowledge that the levys protecting New Orleans were not fit to withstand cat 4-5 storms. Add again the knowledge of the 'bowl' effect that would follow a levy breach. Now lets say your a FEMA disaster crisis official. Take this formulae provided and tell me what the possible worst case scenario would be. As a FEMA official it is your job to consider all possible parameters involved. To save the cost of both human life and financial, you must attempt to think outside the box. What could we do to cut the cost of life and money that will be spent extracting people from their homes???
Could we take a fleet of public school buses (that are now a total loss as they are under 6 feet of water) and provide free transportation to poor folks of this region that will remain behind due only to lack of transportation? Could we construct a 'tent city' for the evacuees to be bused to 50 miles north of the strike zone???

Do you see? How they failed. Why they failed. How much money is being spent evacuating people from the city? Many of whom would not have been there if provided free transportation. Just the cost of saving the buses would have paid for the WHOLE GOD DAMN THING. YA, many numbskull ****tards would have stayed. But i'd bet my left testy that the number would have been drasticaly reduced. I bet the welfare ******s that looked into the CNN cameras and said "its your fault" would have lost their voice due to ignorance on their own part.
Despite the level of keen planing given to the situation beforhand, this would still have evolved into a great tragedy and loss. It was, after all, the greatest storm to pop this region in the history of the nation.
The agencies responsible for overseeing these matters failed every American. It failed the blacks, it failed the whites. They gave the blacks license to say "its your fault".
Incompetence from government. Gee, why ain't I surprised? Of course, 90+% ofthose in "the zone" were capable of walking.
hugo said:
Incompetence from government. Gee, why ain't I surprised? Of course, 90+% ofthose in "the zone" were capable of walking.

YOu bring up a valid point. Self reliance. This is why this issue is so compelling. Its so multi-facited. We are talking about an astronomical number of people who rely on welfare checks and unemployment. It seemed perfectly natural for them to stand around with their pathetic hands outstretched, waiting for whitey to bail them out.

By the sound of you, I bet we both would have done the same. Grab the kids, stick grandpa in a shopping cart and walk my ass north till I dont see bodies floating down the street in polluted flood waters.

Was it lazyness, complacency? Why? Why wait for the white man that you so openly denounce to save you black ass from despair?
I try to look at this from both sides, but no matter which side of the fence I stand on, I see failure.

I am not a chest thumping patriot by any means. But I can not help but to feel embarassed to be an American. This wasn't one part of America that failed, it was the whole of America. All involved.
Part of the reaosn for the slow response from the Feds is due to the fact that everyone had to come back form vacation

From what the news said... the prez was on vacation and so was congress

G Dubya was able to get back faster than the congress because congress was all over the country and had to return to one place

The other fact here is that congress was not just making decisions about New Orleans. Yeah that bitch is under water... only so much can be done there. There are 90,000 sq miles that were blown the **** away by this hurricane and I think the Federal gov't responded as quickly as they could. They can't just in a matter of minutes say here, here's 10 BILLION dollars. They had to see where that money was coming from.

As everyone saw... relief has been coming faster and faster with each passing day. The response has come in its own time and all will be well later.

Part of the reason for there being so much to be done is that half of the fckers left in those areas should have left before the storm hit. I know I know theres another thread on that so no details on that here. But these are the ****s I'm talking about...

Dumb ****S!
My mom, who is from Germany, spoke with my uncle on the phone yesterday. My Uncle lives in germany and is kind of high up in the polical scheme of things there. He said that germany sent a bunch of relief stuff to New Orleans but the authoriities there would not let them release it to the people but rather to the authorities so it would appear as if the stuff was from them and not from germany.

Why would they do that?
I have seen a lot of should of would of could of this week (myself included) especially in regards to getting poeple out before the storm. I say......

And if they used the school buses without proper insurance, one mishap and you would have lawsuits up the ass. Hind sight IS 20/20 but while you are looking back you have to keep in mind the restrictions put on those in charge. How you way pro's and cons in teh moment is very different than when you weigh them after the fact. What NO did is no different than what any other city has done in the past, why should they have to be different? This is not the first storm to cause major damage. Poeple in Biloxi were under mandatory evac as well, but how many people are sitting around playing armchair quarterback there? Why weren't al of you saying this BEFORE the storm? probably a lot of the same reasons officials were not.
Tizz, I think you missed my point. Your right about the insurance issues. There is a tangled web of red tape involved with any evac plan. Which is exactly why it took many days for FEMA to properly respond. These government agencies have had billions of dollars pumped into them. They swore they were prepared to take immeadiate action.

The point i'm trying to make is this. The chain of command needs to be narrowed down to one person/agency. Whether its a disaster that was forecast ahead of time or one that just sprang up and surprised us all. Congress needs to get involved, laws will need to be passed. So that there is a definitive control over all issues involved. That way agengy 1 doesn't have to have a meeting with ageny 2. Then agency 2 holds a press conference. Then agency 2 meets with agency 3 to get approval for agency 1. Now agency 1 has approval but they need to meet with agency 4. It goes on and on and on. We need to do better for our own. This bureucratic bullshit is unacceptable.
What you are saying is that litigation, or the threat of the same, is standing in the way of saving lives? Now we see the folly of the system itself.

Much despised commie leader Castro managed to evacuate the city of Havana completely, prior to hurricane hugo. No lives lost. No litigation started.

Simple ****, really. :cool:
builder said:
What you are saying is that litigation, or the threat of the same, is standing in the way of saving lives? Now we see the folly of the system itself.

Much despised commie leader Castro managed to evacuate the city of Havana completely, prior to hurricane hugo. No lives lost. No litigation started.

Simple ****, really. :cool:

Again, its embarassing as an American. Crisis is not the time for meetings and endless pages of forms to be signed and approvals to seek. You throw our resources together as fast as you ****ing can with no god damn questions, with no ****ing press conferences, and you get there and do SOMETHING now. If its somewhat chaotic when all the help shows up, fine. At least someones there. Dont forget the first 3 or 4 days of the situation in New Orleans. How many times did you here "troops are on the way " "relief is coming " "help will be there soon "?
The unexpected issues in New Orleans serves as a microcosm to what will happen if we are attacked again on a large scale.

And there are those in government that want to take my ****ing guns away, HA !!!! No thanks, I think i'll be keeping my semi-auto's. By the looks of things, I might just need them.