Dating, Yeppie!!

I do think internet dating works. Have you ever noticed a lot of people tell strangers the truth more then someone they know. I believe in this though because yes...i met my husband on yahoo personals even though we lived in the same town we had way two different lives but when we met we meshed great and ever since then....WOOHO!
WE are inseperatable...well besides
PH seems to think the net dating is not for him. Maybe not for alot. He could be very well right. I know he does not need to look , but still. Dating sites suck,yes. But I have not seen them all, so I can not judge them all. I hear more stories of happy couples finding eachother all the time on the net. How about you?
Believe it or not, I met my last girlfriend IN A CHAT ROOM. Sounds stupid but we talked online for 9 months before meeting. Hel, even got laid by this girl too. First and only girl I ever had sex with. We clicked because we are both going to Penn State and we both like dragons and a few other things. At that, we were from the same state so why the hell not?

But in a sad twist of fate, I was just a guinea pig. She never had a LDR before and I was her first experiment so to speak. She finally realized how she could not handle it and she broke up with me through MSN Messenger. ONLINE MIND YOU!!! I'd have more respect for her if she had told me from the get go that she never did this kind of thing before. (I was over in Korea by the way and saw her on leave.) She also came up with a whole bunch of other stupid ass excuses I mean geez. She had alot of faults but I didn't let them get to me when I was with her. And now, ever since breaking up with me, she has disintergrated in quality as a person. Horribly. Even after I forgave her and tried to be friends, her brain is as simple as a single celled organism. I mean I could go on and on and on about how bad this girl is but I do not want to bore you people seriously. Maybe I'll save that for a thread or something I dunno...

All in all, it is possible to meet someone online. Sounds dumb but it can happen. I just so happened to meet a really bad egg.
Outlaw2747 said:
Believe it or not, I met my last girlfriend IN A CHAT ROOM. Sounds stupid but we talked online for 9 months before meeting. Hel, even got laid by this girl too. First and only girl I ever had sex with. We clicked because we are both going to Penn State and we both like dragons and a few other things. At that, we were from the same state so why the hell not?

But in a sad twist of fate, I was just a guinea pig. She never had a LDR before and I was her first experiment so to speak. She finally realized how she could not handle it and she broke up with me through MSN Messenger. ONLINE MIND YOU!!! I'd have more respect for her if she had told me from the get go that she never did this kind of thing before. (I was over in Korea by the way and saw her on leave.) She also came up with a whole bunch of other stupid ass excuses I mean geez. She had alot of faults but I didn't let them get to me when I was with her. And now, ever since breaking up with me, she has disintergrated in quality as a person. Horribly. Even after I forgave her and tried to be friends, her brain is as simple as a single celled organism. I mean I could go on and on and on about how bad this girl is but I do not want to bore you people seriously. Maybe I'll save that for a thread or something I dunno...

All in all, it is possible to meet someone online. Sounds dumb but it can happen. I just so happened to meet a really bad egg.

Is this where we are at today? Getting dumped on a messenger? Outlaw I'm with ya. Only I've been dumped more times than angie has had abortions! <-- joke/ not that many. Anyway thats real sad when that happens. I know how it feels. It does sound like it may of been a booty call Outlaw??
sixes said:
Is this where we are at today? Getting dumped on a messenger? Outlaw I'm with ya. Only I've been dumped more times than angie has had abortions! <-- joke/ not that many. Anyway thats real sad when that happens. I know how it feels. It does sound like it may of been a booty call Outlaw??

It could have been but I doubt it. I could tell she had feelings for me, whether miniscule or not she did. I could tell. I am not an expert on love but I sensed it. But to be honest with you, the girl is not stable. I am exaggerating nothing I tell people about her. Everyone that I told my story to thought this girl needs to seek some serious help. Even her family gets fed up with this girl I mean wow. And to be honest with ya, I know communicating via a messenger is easier than writing a letter but it would have been alot more respectful if she did it on paper. She could have explained EVERYTHING she was feeling and more thought can be put into it when you write than if you are directly talking to someone. Hell she probably wouldn't have broken up with me if she sat around and took time to think. But that was OVER as year ago man...I still talk to the girl, just as a friend, but she is still the type of person you should not get together with. She would not ever have a chance with me again if she wanted to.

It kinda pains me to write bad things about a supposed friend but that is kind of hard when the individual is so ****ed up and stubborn. In fact when I get a chance, this has inspired me to make a thread...
Outlaw2747 said:
It could have been but I doubt it. I could tell she had feelings for me, whether miniscule or not she did. I could tell. I am not an expert on love but I sensed it. But to be honest with you, the girl is not stable. I am exaggerating nothing I tell people about her. Everyone that I told my story to thought this girl needs to seek some serious help. Even her family gets fed up with this girl I mean wow. And to be honest with ya, I know communicating via a messenger is easier than writing a letter but it would have been alot more respectful if she did it on paper. She could have explained EVERYTHING she was feeling and more thought can be put into it when you write than if you are directly talking to someone. Hell she probably wouldn't have broken up with me if she sat around and took time to think. But that was OVER as year ago man...I still talk to the girl, just as a friend, but she is still the type of person you should not get together with. She would not ever have a chance with me again if she wanted to.

It kinda pains me to write bad things about a supposed friend but that is kind of hard when the individual is so ****ed up and stubborn. In fact when I get a chance, this has inspired me to make a thread...

You did not list anything personal about her. I don't know who she is? Nor should I. I really wanted to be with a girl a met 30 miles from here. We got along great. She listened well. Her parents were awesome. But she did Meth!!!!!! That was that. One of many stories. Things not told over the messenger. Like "her" little issues eh Outlaw?
sixes said:
You did not list anything personal about her. I don't know who she is? Nor should I. I really wanted to be with a girl a met 30 miles from here. We got along great. She listened well. Her parents were awesome. But she did Meth!!!!!! That was that. One of many stories. Things not told over the messenger. Like "her" little issues eh Outlaw?

My ex did weed. Not often but she did it. It annoyed me. I was the type of soldier that would not risk doing anything that could harm my career and my future. I am quite ambitious. I wouldn't hang around her and her ghetto friends when they got to their lil "smoke togethers". But that was the least of her problems. Let's just say she is extremely immature. It wasn't that bad when we was together. But now...I wonder how she exists to this day.
Outlaw2747 said:
My ex did weed. Not often but she did it. It annoyed me. I was the type of soldier that would not risk doing anything that could harm my career and my future. I am quite ambitious. I wouldn't hang around her and her ghetto friends when they got to their lil "smoke togethers". But that was the least of her problems. Let's just say she is extremely immature. It wasn't that bad when we was together. But now...I wonder how she exists to this day.

Hell, sounds like a damn good question. Nothing wrong with setting goals either. I always find it funny, when someone sees a future for someone else. They are fast to shoot them down. As long as you are going no where fast. You will be left alone. I would guess......she is'nt far from how you left her.
I guess. The girl is a straight whackjob. I made a post about ex's in the Off Topic Forum forum. I am more interested in hearing about everyone else's experiences. Call it "old lady gossip" if you may. Then I shall reveal my oddball experiences.
I was just sticking to the net dating problems I've had. I think I have been doing it long enough to give newbies some helpful info.

#1 Don't think someone or something is going to find that person for you. No matter what, you have to do the work yourself.

#2 Use the things that are free, save yourself the money. Messengers are just as easy. Every messenger gives you away to filter your matches.

#3 Make sure the person has more to offer than sex! This is the most important rule I followed.
phreakwars said:
It simply takes working together as a common unit, not as a couple in love. Love comes after you realize without that other person in your life, yours is less meaningful.

Jesus, that was beautiful. (tear in eye)
Outlaw2747 said:
Believe it or not, I met my last girlfriend IN A CHAT ROOM. Sounds stupid but we talked online for 9 months before meeting. Hel, even got laid by this girl too. First and only girl I ever had sex with. We clicked because we are both going to Penn State and we both like dragons and a few other things. At that, we were from the same state so why the hell not?

But in a sad twist of fate, I was just a guinea pig. She never had a LDR before and I was her first experiment so to speak. She finally realized how she could not handle it and she broke up with me through MSN Messenger. ONLINE MIND YOU!!! I'd have more respect for her if she had told me from the get go that she never did this kind of thing before. (I was over in Korea by the way and saw her on leave.) She also came up with a whole bunch of other stupid ass excuses I mean geez. She had alot of faults but I didn't let them get to me when I was with her. And now, ever since breaking up with me, she has disintergrated in quality as a person. Horribly. Even after I forgave her and tried to be friends, her brain is as simple as a single celled organism. I mean I could go on and on and on about how bad this girl is but I do not want to bore you people seriously. Maybe I'll save that for a thread or something I dunno...

All in all, it is possible to meet someone online. Sounds dumb but it can happen. I just so happened to meet a really bad egg.
Eh... at least you hit dat ass, so no big loss.
I can guarantee that if my BF and I had gone on one of the on-line dating services simultaneously, we never would've even met. When we met, we had few hobbies in common-he likes NASCAR, I like baseball....He likes racing R/C cars, I like haunted stuff/going to cemeteries....And yet, we are a perfect match. The great thing about relationships is learning about new things and getting interested in something you never would've thought about BECAUSE of the person you are with.
We met at work. I was dating my psycho ex at the time, so finding a guy was the furthest thing from my mind. I probably NEVER would've paid him any attention EXCEPT for the fact that HE WOULDN'T PAY ATTENTION TO ME. As awful as that sounds...every other guy at work would say hi to me in the a.m., we would chat...and Bobby wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. And that kind of irritated me. So I went out of my way to get him to talk to me. And before I knew it, my best friend was telling me "You totally want this guy. Dump Chris and date him". I had no clue. Turns out, he had me right where he wanted me ;) He knew if he DIDN'T talk to me, I would in turn chase him. Worked like a charm. And I love him to death. So I dumped the ex, and started hanging out with Bob. I only stayed at that job for a few weeks, and ended up going back to my old job...But I was there just long enough to find the love of my life.
angie said:
I can guarantee that if my BF and I had gone on one of the on-line dating services simultaneously, we never would've even met. When we met, we had few hobbies in common-he likes NASCAR, I like baseball....He likes racing R/C cars, I like haunted stuff/going to cemeteries....And yet, we are a perfect match. The great thing about relationships is learning about new things and getting interested in something you never would've thought about BECAUSE of the person you are with.
We met at work. I was dating my psycho ex at the time, so finding a guy was the furthest thing from my mind. I probably NEVER would've paid him any attention EXCEPT for the fact that HE WOULDN'T PAY ATTENTION TO ME. As awful as that sounds...every other guy at work would say hi to me in the a.m., we would chat...and Bobby wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. And that kind of irritated me. So I went out of my way to get him to talk to me. And before I knew it, my best friend was telling me "You totally want this guy. Dump Chris and date him". I had no clue. Turns out, he had me right where he wanted me ;) He knew if he DIDN'T talk to me, I would in turn chase him. Worked like a charm. And I love him to death. So I dumped the ex, and started hanging out with Bob. I only stayed at that job for a few weeks, and ended up going back to my old job...But I was there just long enough to find the love of my life.

You had sex out of wedlock?? No way!?????
angie said:
Your posts just get stupider and stupider.

So put up an Idiot Box poll! Oh thats right, they are already have me in it! Can I have some ass now sweatheart? mwah!
sixes said:
How about, The BirthControl aisle S.G.? Or soon to come. The at home abortion aisle. Are you prolife? or prochoice? hmmm.

Birth control aisle: depends on what you're lookin for. If she's already there lookin, she's either a slut or already taken, right?

The abortion aisle: see above.


As for my own views, pro or pro. I actually don't know. I've never been faced with the possibility for myself... I tend to think against it - I just adore babies, but there are so many factors, and so many pregs that shouldn't have happened... hence, I be on the fence.