Dating younger people


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
I have a 19 year old friend who has a 14, almost 15 year old girlfriend, he has just turned 19, now her parents found out his real age after 2 mos of the lieing to them unbeknownst to my friend, well after finding this out the parents went to their school and upon talking to the priciple, obtained a security footage tape with them kissing, nothing more on it, they went to the poilce and had him arrested for sexual misconduct of a this pisses me off for many reasons, number 1 i dont think it is wrong for him to be dating her, number 2 the school did not feel this is wrong, but as soon as the parents had a fit, the school made a big thing about it, and any student 18 or older seen kissing or holding hands with a student under 18 would be suspended. number 3 it is ****ed up that he can be arrested for merely kissing her, even though she was totally against them arresting i just biased or is this really ****ed up?
No dude, that is not ****ed up. I am so sick of ****ing pedaphile losers robbing the cradle because they still live in their Mom's basement and can't get a girl in their generation. It's called STATUTORY RAPE. It's wrong, and I don't think it is right for some dumbass that is 19 to date a 14-year-old. That's underdeveloped, naive ***** that the guy is taking advantage of. I think he should be shot just for being such a catholic (for the slow, catholic is synonymous with pervert).
What is the difference if she is being ****ed by a 14 year old guy? Isnt it still the "underdeveloped naive *****"? Does that make it more right? Also she was no virgin when he met her. She was no virgin long before he met her.
Now i am not really saying that if it were my sister or daughter, i would react differently than her parents did, the point im making(and i forgot this originally) is that as long as she was ****ing 14 15 16 17 year old guys it was soon as it passed 18 they had a huge coronary, i mean if my daughter was ****ing anybody at 14 she would get her ass beat, and the guy would be dead.
HE IS STILL 19. I never said I condoned teenage sex, I just pointed out that a fully developed adult is ****ing a 14-year-old kid. If you don't see the wrong in that, you are a moron.
She can **** whomever she wishes. When she starts fellating adult tools is when the trouble starts...for the adult. And it is the parents' fault she is a trollup at such an early age. Her folks are the ones that need to be cornholed by a silverback gorilla.
I see wrong in it in certain situations, this is not one because of many facts including the fact that she was having sex long before she met him, and in fact they never had sex untill almost 3 mos into their relationship. At the point that he got arrested they had only had sex once. I mean there are certain exceptions to everything right?
The parents are definatley to blame, and they deserve the most sever punishment for having such a slut for a daughter, and allowing it, that i dont deny...i was merely protesting the inconsistency in their punishments, or lack thereof. And the schools for that matter.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
She can **** whomever she wishes. When she starts fellating adult tools is when the trouble starts...for the adult. And it is the parents' fault she is a trollup at such an early age. Her folks are the ones that need to be cornholed by a silverback gorilla.

You can bet your ass if that was my daughter I would be doing the same thing. But obviously the parent's haven't done much until now if she's been sexually active for a while. 14 year olds have no business getting laid. I don't care how old the boyfriend is. They need to lock her ass in her bedroom til she turns 18.
All joking aside, here is the RAW TRUTH.

Young people, you complain to us all the time that you can't wait to be 18 and be considered an ADULT. We know, we did the exact same thing with our parents. It's expected.


When you DO turn 18, along with the respect, comes RESPONSIBILITIES.

Number One of those responsibilities is your sexual conduct. The TOP rule of this sexual conduct list is YOU MAY NOT ENGAGE IN ANY SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH SOMEBODY UNDER THE AGE OF 18. PERIOD.

No excuses. No rationalizations. No justifications. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Otherwise, you should expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law including PRISON and LIFETIME labeling as a CHILD MOLESTER.

Yes, that's right. MOLESTER! DON'T DO IT!

You want to be viewed as an adult, start acting like one! :mad:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
All joking aside, here is the RAW TRUTH.

Young people, you complain to us all the time that you can't wait to be 18 and be considered an ADULT. We know, we did the exact same thing with our parents. It's expected.


When you DO turn 18, along with the respect, comes RESPONSIBILITIES.

Number One of those responsibilities is your sexual conduct. The TOP rule of this sexual conduct list is YOU MAY NOT ENGAGE IN ANY SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH SOMEBODY UNDER THE AGE OF 18. PERIOD.

No excuses. No rationalizations. No justifications. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Otherwise, you should expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law including PRISON and LIFETIME labeling as a CHILD MOLESTER.

Yes, that's right. MOLESTER! DON'T DO IT!

You want to be viewed as an adult, start acting like one! :mad:

If the truth hurts, wear a damn band-aid next time.
I have a 19 year old friend who has a 14, almost 15 year old girlfriend

Me, too. Well, they just broke up about 2 months ago. He was 20, she was 14. It's not right, and it should be illegal. Dating someone this much older than you is unhealthy. Not only is it WRONG, but it won't work. I don't care how immature the 19/20 year old is, or how mature the 14/15 year old is, they can't have many things that they both enjoy. So, you know what they're doing in their spare time. Parents..yet again, another issue that could be solved if some people would assume their responibilities as a parent. :cool:
just a ****ed up situation all around i guess, everybody is wrong here, parents, boyfried, girlfriend, all of them are ****ed up in some way. I guess that is the way i see it.
dshogan1 said:
just a ****ed up situation all around i guess, everybody is wrong here, parents, boyfried, girlfriend, all of them are ****ed up in some way. I guess that is the way i see it.
Yeah it is... Maybe Jerry Springer can invite the whole clan to his show!
Being on the Jerry Springer show is just just national recognition that you're an idiot.

It's degrading and ****ed up.

It's exactly what they need. :D