Dating younger people

If it were an older teen, fine. They're not exactly babies in diapers, and know what it sex is, and can probably handle it and know when to say NO. But 14...SHE'S A ****ING BABY!
Its against the law, you will get in trouble and it will follow you for the rest of your life. Why would anyone who is sane do something like that?? Conviction of this will put this person in the sex offender category, meaning he will be watched for the rest of his life.
Common sense would tell you that if this child, 14 years old is the love of your life (yea, right) then wait for her to grow up before you become physically involved.
I for one have plans to watch my daughter carefully. A child of 14 is not equipped to make such decisions and can easily be taken advantage of. God help the person who thinks their going to get by with something like that. I might just loose my mind and start hearing voices and have to shot the mother ****er !!!
This bullshit of starting a thread based on whining that I can't do what I want even though its against the law and widely known, is ignorant and says alot about the **** head who started it.
It would be interesting to peg just exactly when the social mores took this turn.

From the various postings it's evident that most are fully outraged at the idea of an 18 or 19 year old having sex with a 14 or 15 year old, and it sounds like we'd all run out and personally clamp on the handcuffs, if given the opportunity.

Raise your hands if your over 40. you guys probably remember when it wasn't that way! (oh, I see only one person raised their hand, and oops, it's my hand, oh well, I'll just talk to myself) :)

(quavery Grandma Voice) waaay back in the wasn't that least in small towns.

We all knew the empty headed "little chicks" who would sleep with the seniors in a feeble attempt to be "grown up". Remember Theresa? She was banging the guy with the Trans Am on a regular basis when she was 13. And that other chick - that short one with the 40 pound breasts - (Jesus, what the Hell happened there? She was like some ****in mutant or something)...I still remember her hanging at the Keggers long past her bedtime... then there was Karen...looking for love way too early. sigh.

We viewed these girls with pity. They were sad cases looking for recognition. If the parents "found out" or knew about it, they'd beat the gal or ground her or.... ignore it. They guys were looked "GUYS" ... "Jesus Christ, can't you get it from something half grown, you pathetic excuse ...." The guy was looked on by some with disgust, but somehow it was a notch above the pity meted out to the girl.

These days, if you're a public school teacher, you can't hug your students. Hell, you can't ruffle their hair unless you want to be branded a pedophile. An 18 year old doing jail bait get's just that - jail.

So when did that change? How gradual was this?
If we jump back Granny's day..hell, they just got pregnant and married, more often than not.

It still went on...

As much as I can jump on the band wagon of "jail the *****", - having a daughter of my own, I can see how pissed off I would have been - as much as all that...I can still muse...the trend of society's mores on this ... where will it end? it truly valid?

Oh, and one other thing ... check your a flip here - do you feel the same way about an 18 year old gal doing a 14 year old boy?
skategreen said:
It would be interesting to peg just exactly when the social mores took this turn.

From the various postings it's evident that most are fully outraged at the idea of an 18 or 19 year old having sex with a 14 or 15 year old, and it sounds like we'd all run out and personally clamp on the handcuffs, if given the opportunity.

Raise your hands if your over 40. you guys probably remember when it wasn't that way! (oh, I see only one person raised their hand, and oops, it's my hand, oh well, I'll just talk to myself) :)

(quavery Grandma Voice) waaay back in the wasn't that least in small towns.

We all knew the empty headed "little chicks" who would sleep with the seniors in a feeble attempt to be "grown up". Remember Theresa? She was banging the guy with the Trans Am on a regular basis when she was 13. And that other chick - that short one with the 40 pound breasts - (Jesus, what the Hell happened there? She was like some ****in mutant or something)...I still remember her hanging at the Keggers long past her bedtime... then there was Karen...looking for love way too early. sigh.

We viewed these girls with pity. They were sad cases looking for recognition. If the parents "found out" or knew about it, they'd beat the gal or ground her or.... ignore it. They guys were looked "GUYS" ... "Jesus Christ, can't you get it from something half grown, you pathetic excuse ...." The guy was looked on by some with disgust, but somehow it was a notch above the pity meted out to the girl.

These days, if you're a public school teacher, you can't hug your students. Hell, you can't ruffle their hair unless you want to be branded a pedophile. An 18 year old doing jail bait get's just that - jail.

So when did that change? How gradual was this?
If we jump back Granny's day..hell, they just got pregnant and married, more often than not.

It still went on...

As much as I can jump on the band wagon of "jail the *****", - having a daughter of my own, I can see how pissed off I would have been - as much as all that...I can still muse...the trend of society's mores on this ... where will it end? it truly valid?

Oh, and one other thing ... check your a flip here - do you feel the same way about an 18 year old gal doing a 14 year old boy?

Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
When you DO turn 18, along with the respect, comes RESPONSIBILITIES.

Number One of those responsibilities is your sexual conduct. The TOP rule of this sexual conduct list is YOU MAY NOT ENGAGE IN ANY SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH SOMEBODY UNDER THE AGE OF 18. PERIOD.

No excuses. No rationalizations. No justifications. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Male or female makes no difference.
Things do change with the times.
I believe the reason it was socially acceptable at one time, and in some cultures still, is the life expectancy factor. Over the last 100 years, life expectancy has increased dramatically. Thus decreasing the need for young people to begin breeding at such an early age.
Between 1800 and 2000, life expectancy at birth rose from about 30 years to a global average of 67 years, and to more than 75 years in favored countries. This dramatic change, called the health transition, fundamentally altered patterns of human survivorship and cause of death.

As these changes happen, culture changes, and what is socially acceptable. Perhaps that contributes to the reason that is has become socially unacceptable to be sexually active in early teen years. Not to mention the fact that they aren't doing it because they are married or starting a family, simply for recreation.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.

I use to think it made a difference. As there are alot more men sex offenders.
sixes said:
I use to think it made a difference. As there are alot more men sex offenders.

True but there is NO reason that females should be exempt from this rule. The law is the law. If the age is illegal, it is illegal. No matter the sex or the occurence of sex offenders. If this just applied to males, it would become a sexual discrimination issue and we surely do not need that.
Outlaw2747 said:
True but there is NO reason that females should be exempt from this rule. The law is the law. If the age is illegal, it is illegal. No matter the sex or the occurence of sex offenders. If this just applied to males, it would become a sexual discrimination issue and we surely do not need that.

With all due respect Outlaw. Tell that to congress man. The "Bill" that you speak of has been overturned more times than I can count. I'm not taking sides Outlaw. Just listing facts.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.

In actual fact, I did get your point, and I'm not in disagreement with it at all. I do think we're remiss in our parenting if we don't drive home this point of responsibility and how consequences change at the age of 18 - kids can be so very insular and the big bad world of consequences can come as a shock..

I'm not in favor of 18 year olds having sex with below age people, and in fact, I'm not one to advocate teen sex. (many hours of candid talks with my daughter will attest to this!) .. however...

reading the simply struck me - how society had changed on this point. It's changed in MY lifetime - and I proceed to muse as to when that occurred - then...musing further - one pulls in other changes along this line - eg. - how fricken careful teachers have to be to avoid being accused of abuse ... and came up with - where does this lead, where will it end as trend, and is that fully valid? Responsibility is valid, .... but we now have isolated cases where little Johnny, age 5, got kicked out of school for kissing a cute gal in the drinking fountain line.

"In 1996, the North Carolina school district suspended a 6-year-old boy for kissing a 6-year-old girl on the cheek. Despite the publicity of the case, the school board stood by its handling of the matter and other school districts have followed their lead. In the past few months alone, an eight-year-old Mississippi boy was suspended for kissing a girl during a game of
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.

In some states, mostly the south and other more barren out of the way states(Hawaii & Alaska), it is not considered illegal for some who is 18 to date someone who isn't yet 18. The theory is that if the two subjects had a releationship, BEFORE one of them turned 18 then there is not crime being committed. Hawaii has changed alot in the last decade and I do not know if they still follow this logic; however, I can tell you from experience that it was a common practice during the early 80s.

Hawaii's law (at that time) actually allowed for a sexual relationship provided the partys were under 18 as long as they were within 7 years of eachother age wise.

Hawaii is an odd state. THere is no doubt of this. However, seeing as how the girl being discussed is only 14 and the guy involved is 19 I would say there is sufficent cause for him to be arrested, if he had sex with her. However, if all he did was kiss her, I do not see why he needs to have his life ruined.

Just my thoughts.

Where the **** is people's sense of RIGHT and WRONG? All this ****ing Smoke and MIrrors "Gray Area" BULLSHIT is just that...BULLSHIT!

Having sex with a minor, after you have "Come Of Age" is WRONG.

Stealing something from a store is WRONG.

Keeping something that was not yours to begin with is WRONG.

Ripping off Sweet & Low, Equal, and Sugar packets from a restaurant is WRONG.

Eating or drinking someone elses food or drink is WRONG.

****ing Asswipes. Wrong is Wrong. QUIT RATIONALIZING THIS BULLSHIT!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Where the **** is people's sense of RIGHT and WRONG? All this ****ing Smoke and MIrrors "Gray Area" BULLSHIT is just that...BULLSHIT!

Having sex with a minor, after you have "Come Of Age" is WRONG.

Stealing something from a store is WRONG.

Keeping something that was not yours to begin with is WRONG.

Ripping off Sweet & Low, Equal, and Sugar packets from a restaurant is WRONG.

Eating or drinking someone elses food or drink is WRONG.

****ing Asswipes. Wrong is Wrong. QUIT RATIONALIZING THIS BULLSHIT!

What is your blood pressure at this moment in time, CES? :eek:
What is your blood pressure at this moment in time, CES? :eek:

It's fine. Thank you.

My point is this...

People keep trying to RATIONALIZE their own or others WRONG behaviors.

rationalize: to apologize, defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning;

If something is against the law, it's just that; against the law. Don't whine that the law is unfair because it is used to punish you for breaking it.

If something is a transgression against another human being, such as stealing, it is wrong. There is no excuses; it's just wrong.

People do not seem to have this basic sense of right and wrong anymore. It really disgusts me.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
It's fine. Thank you.

My point is this...

People keep trying to RATIONALIZE their own or others WRONG behaviors.

rationalize: to apologize, defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning;

If something is against the law, it's just that; against the law. Don't whine that the law is unfair because it is used to punish you for breaking it.

If something is a transgression against another human being, such as stealing, it is wrong. There is no excuses; it's just wrong.

People do not seem to have this basic sense of right and wrong anymore. It really disgusts me.

I know that having sex with people under 18 is illegal, unless you happen to be married to the minor you are having sex with.

What I don't understand is what harm is done in the 19 year-old kissing the 14 year-old?

I would put the fear of god in him, but I could not send him to jail over a kiss.

That was what I was commenting on :p
I have an Idea:

Let's raise the age to 25, since everyone who's in the late stages of adolesence is still a helpless baby in diapers and will be physically and psychologically harmed by sex since they don't know what it's all about.

And let's also require the couple involved be married and intent to produce children, because of the simple reason that that's the moral thing to do because some dead guy or a group of people who are against everything said so.
Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.

In the state of new york, it is 2nd Degree rape,a class D felony for an adult male to have sexual relations with a minor female, however it is only sexual misconduct a class A misdemenor for an adult female to have sexual relations with a minor male.... now i think that is ****ed up..
dshogan1 said:
[quote/] Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.
In the state of new york, it is 2nd Degree rape,a class D felony for an adult male to have sexual relations with a minor female, however it is only sexual misconduct a class A misdemenor for an adult female to have sexual relations with a minor male.... now i think that is ****ed up..

That is ****ing stupid. Just because they have a vagina, that exempts them from the same punishment? That is pure horseshit. Gender equality my ass! Show that to a feminazi and I bet they will try to justify that.

Where did you find this info?
Here is what I found on NY age of consent laws:
2nd degree is now over 18 & under 15.
The below is also included in the second second. I'm assuming that what this says is similar to what used to be in section 1 about under 17 & over 21, or more than 4 years (15-20, etc). I'm not a lawyer, but this is what I can make from this.
1st degree is now under 11, or under 13 & over 18. You can confirm all of this from the law which is direct from NY State.
It shall be an affirmative defense to the crime of rape in the second degree as defined in subdivision one of this section that the defendant was less than four years older than the victim at the time of the act.

S 130.55 Sexual abuse in the third degree.
A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he or she subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter`s consent; except that in any prosecution under this section, it is an affirmative defense that (a) such other person`s lack of consent was due solely to incapacity to consent by reason of being less than seventeen years old, and (b) such other person was more than fourteen years old, and (c) the defendant was less than five years older than such other person. Sexual abuse in the third degree is a class B misdemeanor.

S 130.40 Sodomy in the third degree.
A person is guilty of sodomy in the third degree when: 1. He or she engages in deviate sexual intercourse with a person who
is incapable of consent by reason of some factor other than being less than seventeen years old; 2. Being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in deviate sexual intercourse with a person less than seventeen years old; or 3. He or she engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another person without such person`s consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent. Sodomy in the third degree is a class E felony.

S 130.25 Rape in the third degree.
A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when: 1. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person who is
incapable of consent by reason of some factor other than being less than seventeen years old; 2. Being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person less than seventeen years old; or 3. He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person without such person`s consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent. Rape in the third degree is a class E felony.
I'm not seeing anything that says it's okay for a female and not for a male.
So I think SOMEONE is full of crap.
Outlaw2747 said:
dshogan1 said:
[quote/] Nice, (with hand waving in the air still for the over 40 question!) but missing my point all together.

Male or female makes no difference.

That is ****ing stupid. Just because they have a vagina, that exempts them from the same punishment? That is pure horseshit. Gender equality my ass! Show that to a feminazi and I bet they will try to justify that.

Where did you find this info?

more men in politics than women = great probability that these statutes were written and enacted by men.