Ravyn looked at the time on the clock as she walked in throw the front door and sighed. It was half past eight and she had only just walked through the door, after picking up her son and coming back from work. Leo stood beside his mother and looked up to her. She looked back at him and wondered how the **** could she ever look at that boy at times and not remember the horrible stuff that Azem did to her in their marriage.
"Have you had dinner?" she asked blankly, as the child nodded.
"Have you?" asked Leo, as she shook her head. "Aren't you hungry?" She shook her head again.
"I'm not really hungry, thanks," answered Ravyn, as she closed the door behind them and the child walked into the the living room. Ravyn was exhausted and almost kicked herself driving home, the first time, almost forgetting to pick up Leo from the babysitter's place. She walked into the kitchen and placed the folders she had in her arm on the bench, she didn't even want to look at them until tomorrow morning.
She couldn't believe it herself, she was so worn down but this was the person that was used to doing shifts until three in the morning back in the old days of working as the head of ICU at Sacred Heart hospital, back in Chicago. She wanted to have dinner but the exhausted feeling inside her was overwhelming, so she ended up having an apple out of the fruit bowl and sat down next to her son who looked like he was going to crash any second on the couch. She turned the volume on the crime drama show down a notch and looked to him for a second. She was about to say something to him along the lines of stop fooling yourself kid, go to be bed, you're buggered, but as always she was interrupted, this time it was by someone knocking at the door.
She was hoping it wasn't work related but last time she hoped along such lines, it turned out to be Marco wanting to get her down to downtown to do her job. She got to her feet and disconnected herself from trying to settle down and have some piece and quiet with the only family she's got in the city right now, and answered the door, after putting the half eaten red apple down on a table on her way to the front door. She wasn't expecting it, but she felt like she was going to have a heart attack when she realised who was at the door.
It was dead silence, as he grinned at her.
"Who's that?" asked Leo, from the lounge room.
"It's me boy," he answered, not removing his menacing eyes from Ravyn's almost scared witless stare. She couldn't find the words to describe how she felt. She just wanted to take her son and runaway, away from him, that's one of the reasons why she moved here, in this new city, was because of him.
"Daddy?" asked Leo, standing up and broke into a run towards his father.
She still couldn't find the words to tell Azem to go away from her property, anyone but him right now. Give her Rob to deal with, and still, he's still better than Azem. At least Rob didn't physically abuse her, he didn't threaten to make her life **** or make her life a short one. Rob just tended to lean to the other side of the pendulum, the heart ripping out of the chest approach. Ravyn couldn't understand it when she saw Leo in the arms of his father, wasn't he meant to hate him because Azem had lied to him throughout his life about his mother's existence?
"How's my boy?" asked Azem, looking to his son in his arms. Ravyn felt like she just wanted to call the police or something, but, she had to tell herself, that he was her son's biological father, also the man who also lied throughout the kid's life about her life on the planet. Leo responded softly and laid his head on his father's shoulder. Ravyn shook her head in disgust. "What's that for?" As he had just seen the shake of her head.
"You don't deserve to know your son after what you did to me," answered Ravyn. "I come here, start a new life without you. I've battled my demons of the past and I'm not going to go back there again. I want you out of this house."
"And are you making this decision based on your disgust of me or on Leo's reaction to my presence in the room?" asked Azem. "I'm here for the boy, not you."
"Bullshit," retorted Ravyn. "You're here to try and make my life **** again."
"You know, the world doesn't solely revolve on your wants," Azem pointed out to her. "I don't want nothing to do with you..."
"Then why in ***'s name are you here?" Ravyn interrupted, as she started to hear her cell phone ring in the kitchen. "Excuse me for a second while I go drown myself in your bullshit." She didn't even think for a second that the person that she was about to pick up to could've been Marco wanting her to go in and stay all night to do more reports. She picked up. "Yeah."
"It's me," said Marco on the other end of the line. She had picked up the worry in his tone easily.
"What's happened?" asked Ravyn.
"You better come down here," answered Marco. "Our office has just been turned into an official crime scene. Jukka's already been told and he's on his way now."
"Alright, I'll go grab my keys and I'll be there as soon as possible," replied Ravyn, as she thought to herself, when is the human race going learn that we weren't born for the purpose of killing one another? Ravyn frowned as she hung up, grabbed her keys and walked back into the entrance hallway, where Azem was still standing. She had to do it, it was either take a child that was about to fall asleep to work or leave him here with his father and let him get some rest in his own bed. She stopped and shook her head again, at him. "I shouldn't be doing this, but I am."
"Then why are you doing it?" asked Azem.
"Because I care about my son," answered Ravyn. "The office has just turned into a crime scene and I've got to be down there as soon as possible. Could you mind him for a couple of hours?"
"Why can't Robert do it?" asked Azem, smugly. Ravyn rolled her eyes at him.
"Because...he's at his mother's place for tonight, she's sick," answered Ravyn. If that is what they call a prison nowadays, she would toast to that. She wasn't in the mood to be made fun of how she can't make any relationship last, and she knew Azem would do it if he ever stuck his unwanted nose in too far in her own personal business. "Please, I'm asking you nicely." Ravyn cringed at her own politeness towards the one man that lived the next day just to see her die another. "I've never asked you of anything, mainly cos I was too scared to, but just do this, not for me, for your son. Okay?" Azem nodded slowly. "Thank you, about ****** time. I've got to go like, ah, now." She came up to the child that was still in his father's arms and gently kissed her son goodbye. She looked at Azem sternly. "Hurt him and you'll never be allowed near him."
"Where's the grog?" asked Azem, innocently.
"Pfft, as if I'm going to tell you," answered Ravyn, as she walked out the door and didn't give Azem a second look.
It was now twenty minutes later and the office that she worked in, was a total disaster. Police and investigators were scattered across the building and trying to get through some people, to get to the actual crime scene was somewhat difficult at times, because they didn't know if she had the correct clearance to pass or not. The building was in lock down mode and even the people who had the correct clearances and passes, were starting to get annoyed with it all.
"Oh well, they're just doing their job," commented Marco as him and her walked down the corridor together to get to the actual crime scene. "Man, I was just starting to get to sleep when they called me about this, I thought it was some sort of sick joke when I first heard about it."
"What do you mean?" asked Ravyn, frowning. "What kind of sick joke?"
"You'll see, trust me on that one," answered Marco as they stopped near a taped off area. "You first." Ravyn didn't know what to expect to be honest, so she continued her journey. "This is the part where your medical talents come into play." She didn't know what to say that so she said nothing. She stopped and she stared at the corpse. She knew the victim. Same clothes, everything from their last meeting. A blue business shirt with black pants and matching heels, but this wasn't a fashion parade. Her face was smothered with blood with her eyes wide open, in front of a pool of red blood. Her right hand draped across her stomach, again, ****** and her pants had been ripped repetitively down the front of them. "So what do you think?"
"What was Vanessa still doing on these grounds at nighttime?" asked Ravyn. "I had asked her to leave me alone, in which she finally did."
"I don't know, still trying to get surveillance footage from security but everyone's either away at the moment, or don't have the authority to obtain the footage," answered Marco, crossing his arms, but she didn't notice, her eyes were surveying the corpse. "COD?"
"I'm not a genius Marco, I need to run a couple of tests to see what killed her," answered Ravyn. "But knowing the girl personally, I know that I'll have to run a tox screening before I do anything." Ravyn knelt beside the corpse. "Her pupils are dilated."
"And what's that meant to mean to me?" asked Marco. "You know how it works, you're the med freak and I'm the gorgeous smart detective."
"*** kill me if the second part ever comes true," Ravyn muttered to herself. She raised her voice to normal level. "When you're scared, adrenaline rushes through you like ****, and it also dilates your pupils depending on how freaked out you are, she was pretty scared. She's banged her head quite bad, judging at this angle." Ravyn lifted the limp head of Vanessa's up to take a closer look at the wound. "Has anyone reported a broken window or something made out of glass being stolen today?"
"We had several things go missing today in the labs, we don't know who took them though," answered Marco, who started to frown. "Why do you ask?"
"She's got glass in her head wound, which logic would have it, she was attacked from behind with a glass object, which should've knocked her out immediately but somehow judging by the dried blood in her hair compared to the blood she's got over her hand, this was the first out of several attacks that she encountered," answered Ravyn. "And yet, she was still alive to hold her stomach."
"I'll get a list of those things stolen then, cross-compare glass samples from the victims to those that were stolen," explained Marco, as Ravyn frowned as she put Vanessa's head carefully back down.
"Now, the blood on her face..." Ravyn muttered.
"What about it?" asked Marco.
"All the blood ran backwards to form that pool of blood, but not forwards and there's no indication that she's had any trauma to the front hairline or the face," answered Ravyn. "But looking at the patterns in the blood, someone was smothering her face with her own blood or something."
"What about the stomach?" asked Marco, as Ravyn diverted her attention to the stomach. She looked carefully at the stomach and lifted the hand up off the stomach gently. She wasn't clenching her stomach, she was holding something in her hand. "What's that?"
"We're about to find out," answered Ravyn, slowing getting the piece of paper from the cold palm of Vanessa's. She quickly handed the crumpled piece of paper to Marco, as she looked at the stomach. "It's as though she's been shot or something. Oh no, here we go again, it's another glassing moment. Whoever did this to her, as far as I can tell right here and right now, she was merely attacked with several glass objects because the glass in this wound seem to be green stained glass. "It's a hack and slash job, I don't think we're dealing with the same person here Marco." She placed the hand back down on the stomach gently, as the piece of crumbled paper slipped her head and she moved on down towards the rips in the victims pants. "The rips in her pants, I can't explain, they're just rips to me. Nothing too medically fascinating, I'll leave that motive up to you." She turned around to face the investigator. He stood there staring at the piece of paper. "What's wrong? What's on the piece of paper, Marco?"
"Nothing," Marco shook his head and his frown disappeared. He looked at Ravyn, sternly. "Take the day off tomorrow, and thanks for coming down, but I want you to show up to this media conference I'm holding. The media are going on one of their field days because of some information that's leaked."What kind of information?" asked Ravyn.
"Just do it," answered Marco, walking off at out of sight.
Ravyn did take his advice but she had to stay back a little bit longer to do some follow up reports on Vanessa. All the way through in writing the reports, Ravyn couldn't help but to think that this was some sort of revenge attack, something had gone wrong, Vanessa did what she did best and backstabbed someone and ended up hurt. Now she had DNA to compare to one of the female chromosomes found on the previous victims, but she couldn't find any motive that could connect Vanessa to any of the victims. But Vanessa did know Rob, and Rob had connections to all of the victims - except for Anette. Why Anette?
She arrived home finally more exhausted then her first arrival. She took a heavily sigh of relief as she closed her car door. She found it hard to even drag her sore legs to the front door, but she persevered onwards, as she told herself that her son was inside and the sooner Azem was gone. She dragged her sore legs through the front door and instantly the smell of alcohol reeked throughout the house.
"****," she automatically told herself, as she remembered the last time she stuck around while he was drunk. She didn't want to remember it but she couldn't help it.
"Mornin' gorgeous," Azem managed to say, stumbling into the entrance hallway. Ravyn rolled her eyes, as she took a step back and opened the front door. She pointed to the black night that laid awaiting on the other end of the door.
"I'm home, now it's your time to go home," Ravyn bluntly said. "I've only let you stay here in the past couple of hours that I've been gone, because if you haven't noticed, our kid is sleeping upstairs, I hope." Azem smiled as he stumbled over to Ravyn and stood over here.
"You're hot," he managed to say, swinging side to side.
"How much have you had to drink?" asked Ravyn. "You must've drunk so much to consider me hot, coming from you." He wrapped a hand around her waist, but she threw him off her. "The door is still open, Azem and it's waiting for you to go through it." He continued to make advancements on her and she could smell how intoxicated he was and the smell of whiskey was strong. "How much have you had to drink and how did you find my compensation stack?"
"Your...stack?" asked Azem, as he laughed.
"I don't care how much you laugh, you're not staying here," reminded Ravyn, removing his hand from her waist. But he put it back on there. "No, Azem."
"Come on have some fun," he replied to her. She removed his hand once again and gave him a smack across the face."Now that was a bit uncalled for."
"Says who?" asked Ravyn. He put his hand back on his waist, and kicked the door shut. "Do you think I have **** written across my forehead or something?" She threw his hand off again, but instead he just replaced both of his hands on her waist and started to force her back against the wall, she naturally resisted. "What the **** do you think you're doing seriously?" She tried pulling him off herself but she was failing greatly as she was overpowered.
"You're just saying that because you're tired," answered Azem, as he finally managed to pin her against the wall. This was the last thing that Ravyn wanted, in any sort of mentality, sane or insane.
"Don't think this has got anything to do with how tired I am," Ravyn clarified, trying to throw him off her but he was too dominating, and too powerful - just like how was before in their marriage. The stench of the alcohol was even worse, when he came in to try to kiss her, but she moved away. She started to try and push him away but all he did was grab her wrists and continue to pin her against the wall. "This isn't funny."
"I'm not laughing," replied Azem, as he attempted to seduce his ex-wife by kissing her neck. She felt sick, she really did. Why was he doing this to her after all the death threats that he had made to her previously? She had to do something, she really needed to do something. So she did something, she knee butted him in the stomach and he let her go. She ran up towards the kitchen to try and ring the police because she knew what he would do if she didn't, but she didn't make it that far. Azem had grabbed her by the hair and started to drag her from it.
"Azem, you have to let me go!" she yelled at him, as he started to drag her upstairs, cringing at both the memories it brought on and both the physical and emotional pain from it.
"You said once upon a time that you loved me, prove it to me now," growled Azem.
"Are you more stupid than I think you are?" Ravyn muttered. She knew if she didn't act quick she would find herself in an uncomfortable position, more comfortable than what she was now in. She was already walking backwards up the steps and she feared the worst. The thing was she couldn't do anything, until he threw her onto the bed and slammed the door after him. She reacted quickly and managed to dash for a sharp object, she felt like she had to protect herself to the point where she would threaten him with a pair of kitchen scissors that she had left up there, trying to cut some old material up. She picked the pair of scissors up and held it menacingly, as she realised that Azem had taken his shirt off. "Don't make me use it, I will use it." Azem just smiled and walked over to her. "Don't make use it, dammit."
"Just drop it," said Azem, relaxed as he came closer and Ravyn took a swipe at him, but missed. He grabbed her wrist and bent it backwards, causing Ravyn to cringe. She was just waiting for a bone to break in her arm, that one tiny crack that told her that she had just broken a bone, or several of them. She wanted to start pleading with him not let go, but she knew what would happen. He literally took the scissors right out of her hands, and tossed them aside. He spun her around and continued in his attempts to seduce her. She tried to fight back, but all he did was retreat from her a little bit and slapped her across the face, just splitting her lip open enough for it to start bleeding. "Just ******* stay still for once."
"No!" she yelled, as she made another dash for a weapon but her attempts failed. "What the **** is wrong with you Azem? We didn't work out because of this reason! We couldn't get along!" He grabbed her wrists and threw her back down onto the bed. She tried to get up but she was forced back down again, as he attempted to unbutton her shirt and try to seduce her at the same time. "What the **** is seriously wrong with you? Get the **** off me!"
"Give me a reason," he requested smoothly, as she felt like throwing up by the smell of him and the amount of alcohol that he had consumed while she was away.
"To start with I'm not your wife and I'm your ex-wife for a good reason," she replied, but he obviously wasn't listening to her. "Why do I try to reason with you at times?" It was obvious that she wasn't prepared to take **** from him physically, but she physically, she didn't have the strength to get him off her, so words were all that she was stuck with.
"Hello?" asked Rob, stepping through the front door downstairs. He looked side to side and didn't see anything, but he could hear some mutter upstairs, it was only faint. "I'm here to get my stuff because I'm out of jail now. Hello? Anybody? Rave?...Leo?" He had been out for about four hours or so, because there had been new evidence that said that he was clear to go. It was unusual for the lights to be on and no one awake. "Rave? Where are you? It's only me." No reply, so he decided to follow the mutter upstairs to see if he could get somewhere with his new life without Ravyn in it. He could hear what was going on now clearly.
Get off me Azem, you're ******* drunk and I ain't going to be your *****...again!
Just shut up seriously woman, you talk too much,
Then stop trying to sleep with me if I talk too much!
Rob barged into his old room that he had once shared the same bed as Ravyn to see a ****** faced Ravyn who was obviously being pressured into doing something that she didn't want to do, especially as Azem hadn't even noticed Rob's presence.
"Rob! Get him off me!" she yelled at the top of her voice not considering that her child was still asleep. Rob reacted quickly, and threw Azem off her. "About time as well."
"What the **** do you think you're doing?" asked Azem, looking at Rob angrily, just before Rob punched Azem in the face. Ravyn seized the chance to quickly redo the buttons up that Azem had undone. Azem looked at him angrily. "**** off seriously."
"No, you're the one that should **** off," Rob calmly said. He was angry and he was finding it hard to withhold it. "Touch her again and my ***, you will be one dead man."
"Yeah, give me a reason why," taunted Azem.
"Because I'm pregnant with his child," Ravyn interjected as she wiped the fresh blood off her face with her sleeve. Rob shook his head as she had done this to him again. Azem didn't know what to say.
"Be here by the time that I count to five, and I will throw you out of a window," warned Rob, as Azem started to stumble out of the room and Rob hadn't even started counting yet. Rob made sure he had left the room and waited until he heard the sound of the front door close. He looked to Ravyn, who had basically thrown her arms around him. "It's okay, he's not here anymore." He patted her softly on the back. "Thank *** for my good timing."
"Yeah," Ravyn replied, almost wanting to cry into the man's chest. There was just silence between the two, and it felt awkward for Ravyn to tell him that she wasn't lying. She in fact was trying to tell him from the day that she had found out and that was when Vanessa was around, but she assumed that Rob thought she was joking. "I'm not lying about it either."
"About it?" asked Rob, as he took her off himself and looked sternly into her eyes.
"That I'm pregnant," answered Ravyn.
"You're joking right?" asked Rob, looking like he wanted to laugh. Ravyn shook her head and his whole expression changed. "How long have you known for?"
"I'm nearly a month pregnant already," answered Ravyn. "I tried to tell you when Vanessa was around but you must've dismissed it as a hoax. I wasn't lying about it." Rob didn't say anything, he was still in the process of trying to process such an announcement.
"And...it's mine right?" asked Rob.
"Who do you mistake me for, Sarah?" asked Ravyn. "Of course it is, who else's would it be?"
"I'm not sure how to handle this news, Ravyn, we're not together anymore and now you tell me that you're pregnant?" asked Rob, a bit hysterical. He let go of Ravyn and started to pace up and down the room, in serious thought. "You're a single mother to Leo and you're expecting me to get back together with you because of this baby?" He stopped, looked at her, and scratched the back of his neck in confusion.
"Am I asking you to?" asked Ravyn. "I'm only telling you, for the second time. It's your own **** fault you didn't listen the first time."
"You should've mentioned it outside the context of Vanessa hanging around and then it would've made a lot more sense that you were being serious," retorted Rob as he stopped scratching the back of his neck. "Look, I came straight here after seeing a friend, to come and get my stuff, knowing that you knew that I still loved you, but in the confusion of loving Vanessa at the same time and...what the **** am I supposed to tell Vanessa?"
"What about nothing?" suggested Ravyn.
"So I go around Vanessa's back pretending that I'm at my job when I'm really here taking care of the kid while you're away at work?" asked Rob.
"You won't even have a Vanessa to report to when you go out, she's dead," answered Ravyn. "Cos you know how I know that she's dead? I did half an autopsy on her not so long ago." Rob fell silent.
"Oh ***, you're not pulling my leg here now are you?" asked Rob.
"Would I ever do that?" asked Ravyn.
"Jesus," muttered Rob, as he left the room, trying to get his mind around what he had been told. "Jesus ******* Christ!" Ravyn followed him only to find out that he was traveling down the stairs rapidly.
"Where are you going?" asked Ravyn, as she was ready to fall down on her knees and outmost apologise to him completely about everything. Azem's sudden attack on her had made her realise how lucky she was to have a man like Rob in her life. "Rob? Where are you going?"
"I'm going to see if I can go kill myself by carbon monoxide poisoning in the car thanks," answered Rob, turning around to face Ravyn at the bottom of the stairs while she stood at the top of them. "Vanessa's dead, you're pregnant and you don't want to be with me. I mean, even as a friend, Vanessa was still okay. I gave up you for her, and when she comes around totally turns her back on me, the only person still facing me through the **** I've given them is you. Why are you still letting me in this household?"
"Despite your insolent your attitude becomes, at the end of the day, through thick and thin, you've always been there for me and for that I love you dearly for it," answered Ravyn, as she broke into tears. "I never said that I didn't want to be with you, tonight. Maybe while you were shoving Vanessa into my face, but not tonight. Leo's still asking where are you, he asks about you more than his own father. What am I supposed to tell him when he asks where is the baby's father? And who's the father? What am I supposed to say to that Rob? Huh? What am I supposed to say when he asks why aren't you back from down the road? I'm not forcing you to come back to me, but we both said some nasty things to each other that day and I admit it, I didn't mean the half of it and I know you didn't mean the half of what you said." Ravyn started to walk down the stairs.
"What are you trying to do tell me Rave?" asked Rob.
"We need you in this household," answered Ravyn, slowly. "I need you as well. Not as a babysitter, but as someone I can cuddle up to at night, someone to make rude comments at the television screen, someone I can vent everything out, I just need that someone to be you." Ravyn stopped in front of him. "Don't you miss me as well?"
"I do, a lot, now that I think of it," answered Rob, softly. "I was starting to miss the stupid things that Leo would come out with and everything that just made this family, our family so unique. I'm not upset that you're pregnant, I'm happy, it means we can build onto the family you've made me miss and adore so much."
"Are you saying this because Vanessa's dead?" asked Ravyn. Rob shook his head.
"She abandoned me completely when I got mistakenly locked up, and even before she did that, I still had that soft spot for you," answered Rob, putting his large arms around her. "We're going to go through with everything as planned?" Ravyn nodded. "Good." Ravyn smiled. "I don't know about you, but I'm buggered and I would love to sleep in that bed of ours, next to the woman that I love most." Rob planted a kiss on her forehead as she led him back up the steps that he had missed so much.