December's Shadow


New member
*sigh* 20 minutes to 4 in the morning, listening to my KoRn playlist and I am ******* buggered. Yay. Free day for me tomorrow though, well, I would consider that today, free day for me today.

Another chapter for y'all.

Okay I've just realised a huge mistake in the last update. Forgive me if you find it. I couldn't edit it cos I just realised it was there when I was walking down the highway back from Red Rooster ... just before I got my evening white chocolate Mocha from McCafe, Lol, and grrrr...I didn't see it unitl now.


Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream, I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means, close your eyes, just picture the scene, as I paint it for you, it was World War two...

“Delson!” yelled Jeezy from the doorway of the nurses’ common room, as Brad opened his eyes and spun around. Jeezy lowered his voice, as the only reason why he had raised his voice before because Brad had blared it up so loud that Jeezy speaking normally would be like trying to listen a mouse in a jungle. “Don’t listen to rap **** when you’re on shift work.” Brad turned around and stopped the music that he was listening to, because he knew if he ignored the new guy, well, Brad didn’t know what would happen. Brad hadn’t really been introduced to Jeezy’s attitude. “Thank you.” Brad turned around so that he faced Jeezy. “Out of sheer curiosity why are you listening to music and not doing what you’re being paid to do?”

“Not on surgery for another forty-five minutes,” answered Brad, looking innocent. To be all honest with himself, he hadn’t turned up to the three out of the five surgeries that he was scheduled for today. “So what else is there to do that’s better than to listen to some random rap artist rap away?”

“I could say so much to that but I won’t,” commented Jeezy smoothly. “In fact, I will now that I think of it, yes I will say something to it. Don’t play rap especially when it’s that loud and the patients can hear it. You think of what kind of reputation you’re going to give the nurses?”

“They already have a reputation that is um…how do I put it? Oh yeah, below hospital standards,” replied Brad, as he looked around to see if any nurses were nearby just in case he got in trouble. Brad felt relieved that there weren’t any around and that he just gotten away with a snide comment about Tarja’s department. “Oh yeah, talking about below standards, have you seen Tarja today? She was supposed to give me some schedules but she hasn’t signed on today. I wonder what the **** she’s up to.”

“She’s the head of the nurses; she would be a very busy woman Delson,” explained Jeezy, as Meaghen pushed her way past Jeezy and walked over to Brad, with a very angry expression upon her face. “Hey watch it next time Greyfoxx; you’re going to knock someone down soon if you’re not careful.”

However, Meaghen’s anger had gotten the upper hand on her this time and she was going to snap because of Brad’s latest stunt amongst the interns and of course, radiotherapy and radiology’s equipment. Her eyes were wide open with anger and knowing the good old Meaghen that Ravyn had provoked on a number of times to make her be this way, she stopped in front of Brad and looked at him, as though he had just slaughtered half her family in cold blood. Brad hid his face with his arms.

“Don’t hurt me,” pleaded Brad. “What did I do this time to upset you, you crazy *****?” Brad knew that adding the words ‘crazy *****’ would only give Meaghen a more motive to hurt him to the point of immobilisation. Then Brad realised something, right before he removed his face and then that stupid action, just resulted in what he was expecting out of Meaghen, a big slap across the face. He realised that Meaghen was the next Ravyn. She had the attitude problem, the same angry gaze that he got from Ravyn whenever he decided to **** around with her brain and of course, her work, but she lacked the bullying and autocratic dictatorship aspect of Ravyn. Brad almost forgot the other characteristic of Ravyn, her historic allusions and comparisons.

“Hey, no violence,” ordered Jeezy, taking control of Meaghen’s attitude problem. He walked over to Meaghen, and pulled her around by her shoulder so that they faced each other. Jeezy looked at Meaghen in the anger-filled eyes of hers. “No violence in the work place. You got it? Unless you want your *** sued by Delson for abuse in the workplace.”

“Then it is Azem’s fault for not doing anything about, that’s if it’s reported,” retorted Meaghen. “Wouldn’t mind, seeing that jack *** that has just cut down both of my departments funding by seventy-two percent that… jerk.”

“It’s not his decision, it’s the board’s,” objected Jeezy as though he was sticking up for Azem’s actions. “You know he has the most power inside these walls, and those decisions aren’t up to him entirely. Just like your timetables aren’t up to him.”

“You know, if Harris was still working here and you were here as something else, you would’ve had your head ripped off for that comment,” Brad explained, only going on old memories of various comments and arguments between Ravyn and other people about Grant’s doings, let alone the various evil glares he saw that woman give Azem on a number of occasion during the short time that they were both working in the same workplace. “Not only would you not be here having this discussion with us, you would probably be too bullshitted out to work for another ten minutes. Trust me, been there and done that; never want to go back to it.”

“And who exactly is this person you speak of as though they were such a major threat to hospital safety?” asked Jeezy, diverting his attention to Brad with a quirky look on his face.

“Ravyn, she was in your place before she quit,” answered Meaghen, as she rolled her eyes at Jeezy. She did this to all the people who didn’t know the name Harris even if it smacked them in the centre of their forehead and left a watermark on their faces for the rest of their lives. “If you were here before she left you would’ve made it onto her must-kill list quite easily, by the sound of your approach to Azem and his work ethics. She wasn’t exactly a threat to hospital safety entirely; she was just a threat to your personal safety when you crossed her too many times.”

“Wow, sounds like someone was going through menopause,” muttered Jeezy to himself, as Josh entered the scene by sticking his in through the door. Brad was the first person to notice the sudden appearance of just Josh’s head sticking through the door, shortly followed by Meaghen’s gaze, as she removed her attention to Josh. It was like a headless apparition almost. Jeezy looked to see who or what was behind at, whatever Brad and Meaghen were looking at. Casper the Friendly Ghost mixed in with Grey’s Anatomy, what a delight, Jeezy thought to himself, smiling at his own thoughts, as he saw Josh’s head popping appearing through the doorway. “Ah, I see we have a headless apparition. What a delightful sight, I must say Gradon you’re getting hard to predict.”

“You haven’t been here long enough,” Greyfoxx muttered under breath, crossing her arms. “Yes Joshua. What do you want now? Did you misplace your blanket or your teddy bear this time around?”

“Where the **** is Melissa?” asked Josh, frowning as he ignored her taunts. “She was supposed to start shift work two and a half hours go and I have not heard her distinctively loud and whingey voice so far.”

“So you’re in search of someone just because you miss the sound of their voice?” asked Greyfoxx, getting amazed by the lack of intelligence that this hospital has succumbed to, especially when hiring department heads and second-in-charge. “I wish I got compliments like that.”

“You do, you’re just not around to hear them,” added Brad, as Greyfoxx turned around and shot him a nasty glare. “What? It was a compliment.”

“Don’t ever **** with my interns again Delson, or you may not be able to reproduce in the future,” threatened Greyfoxx. Brad couldn’t help but to laugh in her face about her threat. “I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you.” Brad was trying to fight back a laugh, but was failing with great success as a smile appeared on his face, as he tried his hardest to avoid being hit in the stomach or any other kind of abuse she would inflict on him, on top of that slap across the face that he was yet to find out what had caused such a notion.

“I’m serious guys, I haven’t heard a complaint or a ***** from Phoenix all morning,” Gradon interrupted the pair from throwing threats at each other. Delson and Greyfoxx refocused their attention back to Gradon who was trying to make a point. “And plus, she’s not like this. She loves coming to work –”

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Brad interrupted Gradon’s moving speech about Mel’s disappearance from the workplace. Everyone looked at Brad. “Sorry. Continue.”

“As I was saying before, there’s something not right here, there really isn’t,” Josh continued, as everyone’s attention was back on him, as he moved his full body into view, so that he didn’t look like a headless ghoul appearing out of thin air. “Sarah hasn’t turned up as well.”

“Oh yeah, I was going to mention that, and I just assumed that she doesn’t like me full stop,” added Jeezy, as Brad appeared by Jeezy’s side.

“You got the second part at least right,” replied Brad as Jeezy gave him a nasty look. “Only stating the truth, man. Jeez, I get in trouble for telling the truth. In fact, I get in trouble for **** I don’t do in the first place. What a lovely democratic environment we work in.”

“Blame it on Harris, Delson,” replied Gradon, as Jeezy refocused his attention back on Josh’s woes and *** knows what else that guy will come out with. “Blame it on her; it’s easier that way so you don’t end up feeling like **** afterwards. Anyway, getting back to that whiney son of a *****, Phoenix, I can’t even get hold of her. Her cell’s turned off or out of range; she’s not picking up her landline. I called Sarah’s place and same thing, can’t get her on her cell and I can’t get her on her landline. It’s ******* unbelievable what happens the instant that Harris leaves, everything goes ******* haywire!”

“I wouldn’t put it that way, especially blaming this situation on Harris, that’s an exaggeration in itself and ****, you should know that Gradon,” criticised Greyfoxx, looking at him as though he had become some kind of alien now since Ravyn’s departure from the hospital, let alone the town itself. “It’s Sacred Heart for you, just in general. There’s so many outs and ins to this place it’s like a thatch work gone ******* nuts at those bizarre county fairs those thatch freaks hold all over the country. This place was set for haywire when Harris arrived…not that I can speak for when she arrived, but yeah, you get the general gist of it all.”

“And on top of that Gradon,” Jeezy ignored Greyfoxx’s rants, as did with everybody else who just got the privilege to listen to Greyfoxx’s rant. “Tarja hasn’t turned up. What the **** is going down?”

“That’s just great,” muttered Gradon to himself. Three of his employees haven’t turned up for their shifts and no one can get hold of them. May as well just drown all the donkeys in the world and still, the same result will occur, Josh thought to himself, almost at the point of pulling his hair out. He was mostly thinking about Azem’s reaction that’s all, because if something goes wrong, and has done several times since Azem’s career had started at Sacred Heart, it’s always Gradon’s *** in the firing line. Even if Gradon couldn’t control it. Well, that was half true. It’s only been since Ravyn left that Gradon copped the ****, other than that, everything was just fine and he even thought to himself that Ravyn must’ve been the one to cop all the bullshit if he hadn’t previously gotten it before. He shrugged that thought off. “Well. I’m going to go hide underneath my desk in my office because I am going to be in the firing line for Azem’s ***** attacks.”

“And I was getting under the impression that you liked Azem,” commented Brad. “It’s funny how things backfire on you, isn’t it Gradon?” Suck up, Brad thought to himself, as he thought more of how everything wasn’t going Gradon’s way today, and yet, Brad himself was having a happy day then he thought about Meaghen’s little ***** attack at him over what he did to her interns and how he made them break half the equipment in sight…Meaghen’s ***** attack was nothing, he concluded peacefully.

“Why am I hearing my name being used in sentences that sound potentially negative?” asked Azem, appearing next to Josh, as he was taken by surprised by his presence. “I hope there are no bad connotations being added to either my first name or my surname.”

“Would I do that to you?” asked Josh, as Brad thought again, suck up. Brad rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. Azem looked around the various members from different members of different departments of the hospital. “We were just discussing people’s schedules.” Azem looked back to his second-in-charge personnel.

“Do I look stupid Gradon?” asked Azem, seeing right through Gradon and knew that he was deliberately trying to hide something from him. Josh shook his head. “Then what the **** is that thing floating around in your mind that you’re avoiding to discuss with me?”

“Three people haven’t turned up to work,” answered Brad, getting fed up with Gradon’s suck ups and afraid of being demoted from Azem’s pet to Azem’s doormat. Oh wait, he thought to himself, they are the same thing, *******.

“Make that four,” corrected Josh, finally getting the guts to add another person to the list of the missing employees. “Shinoda hasn’t turned up either. Well, he did, for about ten minutes, and then he just walked out the front doors. He said he hated himself for whatever the **** happened. I don’t know. Something has happened to disrupt the lot of them. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m seeing a trend among them.”

“Oh well in that case, Shinoda and who else is missing?” asked Azem, crossing his arms and in a deep thought.

“Sarah, Tarja and Melissa,” answered Greyfoxx. “They are just wagging work. That’s what I reckon.”

“Mel doesn’t wag work, she even comes in here when she’s sick and we all have to tell her to go home, once I had to give her a direct order to go home because she was a risk to the patients and the risk of infection was too high,” corrected Josh, recalling a certain moment.

“Alright, so we have Mike, Sarah, Tarja, and Melissa missing, that’s alright, they’re replaceable,” concluded Azem.

“Not that easily, though, Mike’s head of the pharmacy downstairs and Tarja’s head of the nurses,” objected Brad. “I would love to see you easily replace them.”

“Alright, they’re fired,” Azem automatically concluded; as he looked as relax with his decision as a young teenager girl basking in the sun’s ray wanting the perfect tan.

“You ******* can’t do that, that’s the boards decision not yours,” objected Brad, thinking the worse of what Azem could reply with. Azem looked to Brad with a dangerous gaze. “You basically have no right to do that. You don’t know what the **** could’ve happened to them.”

“I now have the power to fire and suspend people Delson, so I would be all so very careful how you structure your sentences around me,” replied Azem, smoothly, as he turned back to Gradon. “Erase their timetable. As from now on they don’t work here. Rip up their ID tags and deny all security access to all safety deposits including the money safe and all medical supplies. You never know, they might be shooting up as we speak.”

“Sarah…no way man, she wouldn’t be shooting up,” objected Brad. “You don’t know her history with drugs–”

“So she’s an ex-drug addict then?” Azem interrupted Brad with his question. “More of the reason to have her fired. She defied hospital protocols.” He turned back to Josh, who yet again, was too afraid to say or do anything that might upset Azem. “Why wasn’t her criminal history checked Gradon?”

“That protocol wasn’t in place when she came here, it was only set in place when all the new reforms came in with you,” answered Josh. “I had no idea that everyone still needed a criminal check. There’s no possible way we can do it. We need to go through the court system and that can take years.”

“The board has already taken care of that, she’s not coming back now, she defied hospital protocol,” stated Azem clearly, as he turned back around to face the rest of the people that were overhearing the conversation between him and Josh. “I don’t care what you think. The four of them are goners. Now accept it and move on. If you challenge me, it’ll be the last thing you’ll be doing in this hospital and the first thing you’ll be regretting when you leave the premises. Now do we all understand?”

None of them really wanted to agree with him, but they had no choice. It was one for one. It was the survival of the fittest. It was Darwinism in the purest form of communism a capitalist country could contain. Everyone nodded, as no one really meant the nod. Azem smiled and walked away, as he barked at Gradon to follow. Josh jumped at the volume that Azem had to bark at him with and followed him like dog on a leash. Brad and Meaghen turned to each other.

“I really hate to say it, and as much of a hypocrite I sound when I say this, but I’m going to admit the impossible here and forgive me for it,” requested Brad, looking worried. “I want Harris back. She at least stood up to jackasses like Azem no matter what the cost was. Her suspension was just coincidental. It was not like she had deliberately asked for it. *** out of all the things that had to be suspended for, it was such a minor thing compared to what she’s done to other people in the past. But when you think about it, we can get her back; she’s in D.C. with Rob and at her new job, and with Leo. We can’t call her back.”

“Yeah,” Greyfoxx whispered slowly, as Jeezy rolled his eyes and left the scene, walking out of the common room. “Yeah. I kinda do agree with you on that one, Delson. I really do. Unless we can get Gallagher back.”

“No holy *** no, not Gallagher,” objected Brad, looking at Greyfoxx as though she had just committed a mortal sin. “Just Harris. Or someone who’ll put Azem in his place.”



Something ain't right.

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New member
Yeah, something ISN'T right, who the **** took them I wonder?? Hmm... weird. But Mike keeps stealing the show here for me, first his ambivalent 'male' attitude in the store, then doing the 'daddy' thing, then giving chase after the van... a very visual moment. Could see the camera panning up and everything, very cinematic, if this was a telemovie, if you know what I mean ;)

As for Azem and his protocol - I have a feeling someone will be taking him down a notch or two real soon and I can't say he doesn't deserve it. He came on board in SH with such promise and in a short time threw it all to chit - nothing corrupts so much as power (except maybe money) - man's gonna fall, just a matter of time I reckon. Can't wait to see what happens there. Like clash of the titans or sth ;) haha

As for the rest wanting me back I have but one word to them SUFFER! haha aww so mean, but damnit, I have a new life now, kudos to them for the way they treated me in the past... but is it just me or do I see a crossover here? Are you bringing me back as part of the FBI to track down my previous intern and co?? Oooh... freaky...

Anyhoo didn't get what you meant at the start when you said sth about huge mistake... but anyway you obviously fixed it before I got on. Fair nuf. Makes sense to me *shrugs*

Good. Me want mores. Oh and in case you didn't know by now, NOW the comparisons between our stories should end, on one level... ;)

Thanks again. Look forward to reading more soon.



New member
I'm soooooo lucky no one picked it up. It couldn't let me edit it when I realised what I had just done.

Okay, here's the update I've been so everrr wanting to put up for about 24 hours now. I had too much coffee last night and I didn't end up going to bed until 7 this morning, so I wrote. This story is just proving that I know too much about Nightwish (if you hadn't picked it up Julius' Finnish name is Jukka and Marco, I'm sorry but I love his scream! And of course, Anette & Tarja allusions.)

This update just proves how much of CSI/NCIS nerd I was when I was younger.


“Guess what Ravyn?” asked Marco, as he walked into the autopsy room, where Ravyn sat at her usual desk on a stool with a pen in her hand. She was in the process of compiling the findings that she and Jukka had found. Jukka just left to get them some coffee because working the graveyard shift for two consecutive days including the early bird shift took a lot of effort in not only paying attention to what was happening, but it took a lot of effort to keep on walking back and forth the coffee machine, in which they took turns with getting each other’s coffee. Marco was soon followed by a pair of men who was carrying another body bag. “We’ve got you another one. Feeling lucky by any chance?” She followed the men with her eyes, not paying attention to what Marco had just said, as the laid the body down on one of the steel ‘beds’ that had just been freed up by Jukka, as he had placed Mr Molko’s gutted corpse along with organs in what they called ‘the freezer’. Basically a place where they could stash the body, have someone claim them until cause of death was found and they still don’t give it away as a token of their gratitude to the family and they get to keep the body frozen. “Hello?” Ravyn looked back to Marco, who tonight, was dressed in a black long sleeved top, and black pants, with his normal hair hanging out. “*** you’re spaced out woman.”

“It’s been a long night,” explained Ravyn. “There are just so many things that don’t match up with this guy. With this guy, it’s like placing a dog’s heart with human’s heart. His heart is just, so weird. The arteries are so narrow I don’t know how the **** blood flow could even get through. The ventricles are bent.”

“Did you say, ‘bent’?” asked Marco, leaning up against the wall, as the men who had just previously entered with another body left without the body. “How the **** is that even possible? I’m no medical genius here so go soft on me.” Marco screwed up his face. “No wait. Cut the **** Ravyn and give me time of death.”

“Can’t tell, don’t have the results back, and until those guys give me my findings back I can’t tell the difference between black and white right now, Marco,” replied Ravyn. “One thing also, now that I think of it, it’s not his kidneys.” Marco unscrewed his face and looked at her weirdly. “What’s that look for?”

“We found his kidneys though,” answered Marco. “It was labelled quite clearly.”

“I’m not dyslexic Marco, I read it quite clearly,” objected Ravyn. “Well, one of them is not his kidney. It’s too large for a male his age and size. Weighed it and if this guy had this sized kidney in him, it would kill him. It would crush all of the surrounding tissue resulting eventually in death. And plus, it was **** larger than its sibling one.”

“So you’re telling me we’ve got another victim on our hands that we have not gotten our hands on yet?” asked Marco, he looked as though he had just saw *** or someone. Ravyn nodded. “****… okay, in that case then, give me time of death for the unknown kidney that we are going to call alpha.”

“Alpha’s original time of death, I would say, about, two weeks ago according to the decaying tissue on the perimeters of the kidney,” answered Ravyn, as though it was a well known maths equation that she knew back to front.

Just as Marco was going to throw Ravyn another question about the body that hasn’t been found, but the kidney that has, that they just managed to name it Alpha, Anette barged in, not giving a **** about the door and the fact that she could’ve sent the door flying if she had just broken the hinges on it.

“Cut the **** and tell me what you’ve got,” ordered Anette, as she stood there, just in front of the door, with her arms crossed, in her black knee-high boots and blue dress that many people thought she would freeze to death in.

“Three bodies and two that I haven’t looked at,” answered Ravyn. “Reasonable?”

“What do you mean three bodies?” asked Anette, looking to the two bodies near her. She looked back to Ravyn with confusion. “I can only see two.”

“One of the kidneys that you guys assumed that belonged to Mr Molko, display A…” Ravyn pointed to the stiff dead body of the man on the right. “Isn’t his. The only thing I could find that matched his size and age was his heart and his liver, that’s just earned you a triple word score in scrabble right there, but wait, you haven’t won, we’re missing so many tiles in this game of scrabble that we can’t continue until someone gets off their *** and picks up the fallen tiles off the ground. And I am waiting for Jukka to come back with my coffee before display B gets put on the merry-go-round.”

“Blood samples?” Anette turned to Marco, for Marco to answer that question.

“In the lab,” answered Marco. “There’s a freaking serial killer out there and they know what they are doing. They are deliberately trying to **** with our heads.”

“Just…” Anette trailed off in her sentence as her cell rang. “Yeah that’s just great.” She picked up her cell to see who was calling and then looked back up at everyone. “We better win this game of scrabble before this guy gets all the points and beats us at our own game, and plus, I like winning scrabble, I’m very good at words that don’t include the word ‘****’ in it.” Anette disappeared out of the door and with her ear glued to her cell phone, just as Jukka entered with two coffees and a manila folder.

“Hey we’ve got another one,” said Jukka, as he stopped and saw the second body next to the first one. “****. He got here before I did.”

“Are we jealous?” asked Marco, taking Jukka’s coffee out of his hand and sipping it.

“Thank you but that was mine, now go, and get me one before you end up like Mr Filth has,” retorted Jukka, as Marco ignored Jukka’s request as he put the coffee down and walked over to the body. Jukka walked over to Ravyn and gave her the coffee he had left in his hand. He put the manila folder in front of Ravyn. She took a sip of her coffee and opened the folder up to see what could shock her even more. “You won’t believe this.”

“You moved out from your mothers?” asked Marco, as he stopped surveying display B’s body and looked to Jukka, who was unimpressed by such a remark.

“No, not yet,” answered Jukka, trying to get to the point but he was afraid that Marco would continue mocking him about him still living with his mother. “Lab’s cross-checked the lacerations on Mr Molko to guess what kind of knife?”

“Twenty bucks kitchen knife,” Marco betted.

“Fifty bucks Swiss army knife,” Ravyn betted, not looking up from the piece of sheet in the manila folder.

“How the **** did you know that?” asked Jukka, as Ravyn looked up at Jukka. Both Marco and Jukka looked like stunned mullets ready for the frying pan. “Did you read the lab report before I did or what? Oh let me guess, you can read minds.”

“I wish I could, or I could read my partner’s mind about what the **** he’s thinking some times,” retorted Ravyn. “Now does that mean you owe twenty?” She looked to Marco, as Marco nodded. “Sweet. Saw the cutting patterns on a monthly basis at the hospital, stupid ******* teenagers playing with knifes, so I know the look pretty well. The jagged edges and the bluntness of the blade, is somewhat contradictory but if in the correct hands, it proves a very good mechanical and cutting tool, as in this case. You think of why the Scouts use them, it’s a basic survival knife. Now, if it was to be a kitchen knife, it would have a smooth cut, because they cut meat and they have to be smooth in order to cut the meat properly, but this is very rough. Despite the tactic that this guy has in cutting and the preciseness he’s got going, he made a few errors in trying to remove the liver. Ran it past the lab guys and they found traces of hydrochloric acid on the outer layer of the liver. Now, you get a double word score if you can answer me, this question. Where in the human anatomy can I find large amounts of hydrochloric acid?”

“The stomach,” answered Jukka, interested in where she would take this conclusion. “But how the **** could he make that mistake when the liver and the stomach…I mean, no not that, I mean the stomach is closer to the intestines then the liver.”

“That’s what I thought when I first heard of such a notion, but, here we come to a standstill of my theory, well, that’s what I thought until I had my dose of coffee,” Ravyn explained, as she got off the stool and started to pace the room, trying to remember what her theory. “He’s actually removed all of the organs by himself I don’t have any evidence to suggest that he had external help by a second party…and the hydro, let’s just call it hydro acid, it’s a ****** when you keep on saying hydrochloric all the time. But because of the acidity of hydro acid and the fact that’s it’s pretty harmful when in contact with skin or so, he knew about the dangers involved with that type of acid, so he wore protection or else I would’ve picked up dead skin cells off the burnt flesh. But guess what I managed to pick up? Rubber, blue rubber, or you can be more **** about the term and I’ll call it hydrocarbon polymer, which is a common household substance coincidentally.” She turned around once she reached the end of the room, and started to retrace her steps deep in thought. Jukka and Marco followed her with their eyes. “He knows his human anatomy pretty well and he knew which organs to take out first. He took the kidneys and the intestines out first, because if you disrupt the acid in the stomach too close to the time of death it’s been known to explode. Chemical combustion, I believe it’s called.”

“I like the way you think,” complimented Marco. “Quite good for some one who minored in this stuff in college.”

“Thank you,” replied Ravyn, as she stopped at the end of the room and turned back around, but she didn’t continue her pacing. She just stood there deep in thought.

“But how does that relate back to the fact that you found traces of Hydro on his liver?” asked Jukka. “And how do you know that it was the acid that didn’t explode? Because it would make sense of how it travelled. Acid splatter. Still possible. And what about the heart and the rest of the organs?”

“The acid just travelled via the knife, because of how jagged the blades are on the knife that he used, he must’ve cut into the lining, that’s the only possible explanation with what we’ve got,” answered Ravyn. “The reason why I don’t think it exploded because there are no burns on Mr Molko’s abdomen. It’s still skin and despite the fact the cells would have been dead, doesn’t mean it’s immune to burns it just means it can’t heal.”

“Cause of actual death before he got gutted?” asked Marco, crossing his arms.

“Asphyxiation,” answered Jukka, taking the question the first chance that he got. “Defence wounds under his nails, this guy was fighting someone off.”

“What did he get strangled with?” asked Marco.

“Don’t know,” answered Jukka, as he looked to Ravyn for answers. “Got any idea Ravyn?”

“It looks like a power cord or something, but, there’s a twisting pattern on it, it’s like, I don’t know, it has the thinness and probably the strength of a power cord, but the pattern that it’s created, it’s not,” answered Ravyn. “There are no patterns on power cords. They are designed to be smooth deliberately.”

“Get to work on Mr Filth here, I don’t want him rotting, and stinking up, the room,” ordered Marco as he started to walk towards the door.

“Where are his organs?” asked Jukka, as Marco stopped. “And I’ve got DNA running through the labs right now that I managed to get from the defence wounds.”

“Haven’t found them yet,” answered Marco. “So whatever organs don’t match Molko’s, try to cross reference it with Filth’s and see if you get any matches. They’ve got to be someone’s. I want a report in when you guys are done. Head office is being a crazy ***** over this case. The media is just going stupid like little teenage girls at a Backstreet Boys reunion concert.” Marco left without another word to be spoken. But both Jukka and Ravyn could hear him outside yelling orders once again at people right, left, and centre.

“Okay let’s get to work,” said Jukka, blankly.




New member
Is that Danny Filth AND Brian Molko laying on the tables?? :lol: OMG that made me laugh! Haha awesome... I have to admit the terminology etc made my eyes almost glaze over, I read it of course, but it sounded so intelligent I think I was rendered stoopid reading it... no matter, impressed about the in-story me as opposed to the real life me, I had no idea what 'that' me was on about - sounded clever whatever it was, so yay for that!

Had to laugh at the 'still living with your mother' line, made me chuckle, oh and that last bit about teenage girls at a backstreet boys concert. Funny chit! haha great stuff... technical, but great. I like learning new things... thanks for the edumacation on human anatomy etc! :eek:k:




New member

I couldn't help but to laugh at the first bit of that comment. It's nice having a brother in medical science and pharmacauticals at uni :) ....but...I learnt the hydrochloric acid thing in Yr 10. I don't know how I remember all those NCIS/CSI episodes...and of course, wikipedia was right next to me. I'll try to post some more later. Might be going off for the weekend (mainly to drink with friends in Tumbarumba). So I'll try to post double tomorrow night.



New member
Okay. I'm posting this part cos my wireless network might be out of range when I go to Tumbarumba (I think thats how you spell it??). I have a hangover as well. BIIIGGG night for me last night (think loud drunken rampage down the main streets at 2 in the morning with a bunch of 18-24 yr olds)


It was about half past eleven on that same evening, Rob was home, not alone, Leo was upstairs soundly asleep in his bed, dreaming away in the land of nod. Even the television that was on in front of him, as it flickered through various images eventually ending up in a sequence that made sense to the viewer, didn’t stop him from thinking about Ravyn’s son fast asleep in his bed, unaware what happened before he was born and afterwards. Unaware of how innocent he was as not only as a child but of how innocent his role in his divided family really was. He was sprawled out on the couch, silently falling asleep, in front of the television that now was showing the commercials. He closed his eyes, as he realised that he better get up and turn everything off, except the hallway light for whenever Ravyn arrived back from her work. He opened his eyes and realised also, he may as well just sleep on the couch anyway. He stretched and in the process of stretching his arms in mid air, he rolled over a bit, too far over the edge of the seat and fell off the couch.

“Ouch,” Rob couldn’t help but to complain, as he got up from landing face first onto the soft grey carpet that had only been there for a couple of weeks now. He rolled over onto his back, looking at the chandelier up above. He sighed as he sat himself up straight and looked to the television that still rambled on with its propaganda bullshit society has anonymously named as ads. He got to his feet after realising that the ads were never going to stop and when they did, they would come back again to bore the living daylights out of him, once again. He walked over to the television and the last thing that he recalled of hearing a sound from that box was the sound that it made when it turned off. He turned around to turn the kitchen lights off, that he had left on for an unknown reason. He entered the kitchen and stopped in the doorway. He looked around to see the dishes that were waiting to be put in the dishwasher, scattered everywhere, almost like they were dead bodies dumped in the desert in a pile for no one’s eyes to see them. The dishes were dishes and Rob knew they certainly weren’t dead bodies. He reached in with his hand and turned the light switch off, as Rob’s gaze was diverted to the glowing bulb resting in piece in the state of being dead for the time being. He turned back around to make sure everything that he had been up to, in this case, doing various spreadsheets on his laptop and scattered new menu ideas, wasn’t in Ravyn’s plain view when she got home. She had simply threatened to him that if he didn’t retain his work within the barriers of his own home office, she would shred every bit of work in sight into a million pieces and burn them so he couldn’t tape them back together. Her threats usually worked with him, but there was always ways to work around them, hopefully in the long run, he would avoid them at all. There was a knock at the front door. Rob turned around, walked to the hallway, under the impression that Ravyn had got the ***** with her new boss, and just walked out of the building, that would probably explain why Rob thought she would be at the door, or failing that conclusion Ravyn had forgotten her keys. Odd, he thought to himself, as he frowned, stopped and turned on the hallway light, she must’ve took her keys, unless somehow detaching them from her car keys proved the cause of such clumsiness. He wiped the frown off his face, scratched the back of his neck, and walked over to the front door, where he pulled the door open. He was looking at the floor and not at the person in front of him. “Hey babe didn’t know you were going…” Rob trailed off in his sentence as he looked to see the figure in front of him. It was anything but his partner; he would’ve killed himself and committed the greatest of the mortal sins that had been written in a lifetime. “Okay. This is getting weird.”

“What a lovely greeting Robert, didn’t you know you were so unwelcoming,” replied Vanessa, as she stood outside the door with the security front light reflected upon her face and her sarcastic smile. “Now tell me, where did you get the idea that I was your babe?”

“Since the time that I don’t expect you to be coming around here, at this time in the evening,” answered Rob, blankly, as the curiosity was killing the cat with a pitchfork. “In fact, I didn’t expect you to have the guts to turn up at my doorstep at all, since you obviously know that I’ve moved on from you.”

“It’s pretty obvious that you were going to show up at Macey’s as a response to my letter,” replied Vanessa, as Rob could see scratches on her neck and her hands. “Don’t try to be something you’re not. You were always very good at that. You said it yourself, so the only person to blame is….oh my ***! Yourself!”

“Quit the **** and cut the **** Vanessa, why are you here at ungodly and unwelcoming hours of the evening?” asked Rob, as he was forced to step aside for Vanessa as she automatically made herself welcomed to the dislike of Rob’s never-ending questions about Vanessa. In fact, if he was to compare Ravyn and Vanessa, which one would he end up killing first? A ***** that loves authority or a ***** that demands authority? He shook his head as he stopped trying to get himself to ask her to get out of his life for one and for all. One thing that Rob hated himself on, he somehow always came back running to Vanessa and she had him on a fishing hook stuck in his mouth. He closed the door as Vanessa strolled into the living room that still had its chandelier glowing. “You haven’t answered me.” He paced slowly into the living room, unaware of whatever she would pull on him. Rob may as well just pull a rabbit out of his *** to describe the amount of surprises Vanessa was full of; it was almost like trying to win the pokies let alone trying to get a straight answer out of her. Vanessa sat down on the couch, but she didn’t just sit in any ordinary seat, she sat in Ravyn’s place on the couch, which in all truth made Rob stop in his tracks and dropped his jaw at Vanessa’s lack of respect. He closed his mouth after telling himself that this was the woman that demands authority. “Now tell me, is it just me or you just going back to the old you which is anarchistic-narcissistic-you-can’t-tell-me-****-cos-you-don’t-know-****? Are you already there and I haven’t noticed?”

“Do you even know the reason of my visit?” asked Vanessa, crossing her legs. Rob still couldn’t believe that she would have the guts to sit like that and right there.

To be continued.



New member

“No,” answered Rob. “What is the purpose of your visit anyway?” Rob sat down on the couch on the other side of the room. “I mean if you have the guts to turn up to my place at eleven at night. You’ve got to have some guts, especially if you’re wary of Ravyn rocking up.”

“She’s at work, ain’t she?” asked Vanessa. Rob was astounded by the fact that he felt like he was being stalked by his ex. Rob nodded slowly. “So no need to worry if she’s at work. She’s not one of those partners that tell you off for being near a woman and not being near her is she?”

“She gets up me for not telling her ****,” Rob replied, scratching the back of his neck. “I still don’t understand. Why you aren’t at home bugging whoever you live with and yeah…why are you here Vanessa? You’ve told me your life story practically and not the real reason.”

“Where does she work?” asked Vanessa, softly, as she yawned and covered her mouth with her hand. She closed her eyes while she yawned and reopened them when she had finished yawning. By that stage, Rob hadn’t answered her question about where Ravyn worked; in fact, he wasn’t even going to tell her for the sake of not getting his *** kicked from Ravyn about telling Vanessa about her. “Aren’t you going to tell me?” As Rob’s figure came back into focus for Vanessa. “Why?”

“What, are you going to bug me until I do?” asked Rob. “Fine. She works in conjunction with the FBI; in fact, she works for them if that rocks your boat. She works as a medical genius somewhat or other that stands there and tells you cause of death….ah yes, a medical examiner.”

“Oh…I never you knew you would’ve met someone so…smart, Rob,” commented Vanessa, giving her ex-boyfriend a flirtatious smile. “That’s a big change, don’t you think? Coming from a janitor that went out with a barmaid for a couple of years only to leave her for a ridiculous reason –”

“I was sick of your deceit and lies,” Rob snapped and interrupted Vanessa in her sentence. “And my patience with being the victim of your little girly games is wearing out. Tell me directly so I can be the only who decides wither to get you out of this so-called **** or not. In fact, you should’ve gone to the dogs a long time ago Vanessa.”

“I never mentioned that I was in trouble this time, around, well, yes, I am in trouble, but this isn’t the place or time to discuss it,” Vanessa rambled on trying to continue her little parade. “I just wanted to reflect on about good old times that we had together.”

“Get out of my house Vanessa,” Rob bluntly, as he wished this was just a bad dream that he was having and that seconds later he’ll wake up next to his partner who wouldn’t be there in the first place but at work. “There’s nothing you can offer me that I haven’t already rejected.” Vanessa got to her feet, but instead of walking in the direction of the door she started to walk in the direction of Rob. “No, Vanessa, wrong way, turn around.” Vanessa ignored Rob and Rob couldn’t believe it, nor did he accept that Vanessa’s guts would lead her to sit down on Rob’s lap. “Get off.”

“Is that a threat?” asked Vanessa, as she wrapped her arm around him and smiled.

“I’ll make it one soon,” answered Rob, as he was ready to push Vanessa right off him but for some odd reason he let her stay there. “Why do you have to make life so difficult and why can you not obey such a simple command, like stay away!?”

“You missed me, admit it,” replied Vanessa, still not understanding how Rob felt uncomfortable with her sitting on his lap. “Even I can tell you missed me.”

“I don’t know what ideas you’ve been given, but, seriously Vanessa, we didn’t work out and we are never going to work out,” explained Rob as he started to recall the memories of the constant fighting and the tears shed from either parties about the messy relationship. “Do you not understand that I love someone else and I want to be with her and not you? I don’t think you do and if you do, you’re still refusing to accept it and you’re still refusing to leave me alone. You need help Vanessa.”

“I can’t help it if I’m madly in love with you still, Robbie,” replied Vanessa, as she leant in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Rob was always a sucker of circumstances despite how well he could deal with them, facing them, addressing them were different things, and Vanessa was and has always remained of his weak spots. Rob stood up as he threw her off her and she landed on the ground. She looked up at him with a inquisitive look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to get myself into more trouble, I already feel extremely bad about certain things that I’ve hid from Ravyn and not planning to tell her in the short run,” answered Rob. “You need to get up and leave, before Ravyn comes home for her three hour nap.” Rob offered his hand for Vanessa to get up and she took it, as Rob pulled her to the floor. She smiled at the closeness that they were. Rob had a lot of vain to do this to himself and to Ravyn and her kid, but he did it anyway despite how bad he would feel afterwards. He leant in and kissed Vanessa. He pulled back a couple of seconds later and looked her in the eyes. She stood there smiling. “You need to leave. Before I turn around and start punching holes into this place which I do not own.”

“I should come around more often in that case,” suggested Vanessa, still looking at Ravyn’s partner fair square in the eyes. Rob shook his head. “No? Why no?”

“I wouldn’t be able to go through with another kiss or *** knows what Vanessa, I’m a better man than that rather to do that Ravyn,” answered Rob, as he started to show the guilt on his face now. “You don’t know how bad I feel right now.”

“Then why did you kiss me then?” asked Vanessa. “There’s got to be something subliminal and in fact, there was something subliminal in that kiss. It just wasn’t a normal one…do you still like me Robbie?” Rob didn’t know what to say and he didn’t know what to do. He knew he would regret this for all that it was worth to him, Vanessa and Ravyn. He nodded slowly, truthfully. “Then…why didn’t you say anything before?”

“Because I care too much for Ravyn, and I thought I loved her until kingdom come but, I don’t know now…I’m…meant to be getting married to a woman that I don’t really love, but at the same time I care for her too much to see her leave me,” answered Rob, as he shook his head to get all the emotions that were starting to cloud his thoughts up. “You need to leave, before I decide I want to marry you or something.”

“I wouldn’t be objecting to that notion,” smiled Vanessa, as Rob turned Vanessa around by the shoulders and started to push her out the door. “You’re very dead set on getting rid of me aren’t you?”

“Just say, Ravyn’s met you before and you’ve met her, while we were both at Chicago,” answered Rob, as they approached the front door. “And she does not like you one bit.”

“Isn’t that just in her nature anyway?” asked Vanessa, a bit confused, as she started to remember who Ravyn was at the hospital. “Oh that ICU doctor was it?”

“Yeah,” answered Rob, as he let go of Vanessa and opened the front door. He was half expecting Ravyn to be all on the opposite side of the door but she wasn’t. Just snow and chilly wind. He turned back around to face Vanessa. “You need to leave, before I start falling on my knees and doing stupid stuff in which I’m going to regret, again.”

“Alright then, but it’s good that we got some things clear, I’ll be back around soon, maybe when Ravyn is at home so I can drop a small welcome to her,” Vanessa finally agreed to Rob’s proposition about how badly her departure was needed. Vanessa smiled and exited the house, as Rob closed the door.

He stopped and looked around to look at the dim lights. He couldn’t be bothered doing anything more, he was now emotionally wrecked and physically as well. He climbed the stairs, trying to make less noise as possible and walked down the hallway to check on Leo’s sleeping progress. Rob opened the door just a little bit ajar, and looked in. Leo, Ravyn’s son was fast asleep in his blue rocket pyjamas in his new room, which had various patterns on the surrounding walls and was decorated by various species of toys and books.

“Sorry little man, I think I’ve just hurt our little family we’ve managed to get off the ground,” Rob softly apologised to the little boy that was fast asleep. He closed the door and walked towards his room that he shared with Ravyn. He opened the door, didn’t even bother turning on any lights and just collapsed on the bed. He buried his head in the pillows, screwed up his face and slowly fell asleep, thinking about how much he regretted doing a lot of things, like meeting Vanessa and asking Ravyn to marry him as a way to get away from Chicago and all that it was worth.

It was about ten to twelve when Ravyn stepped through the front door. She looked around to see that some of the lights had been left on, but she had decided that she’ll turn them off in a couple of hours, when she heads out the front door for her early bird shift. She had three hours to sleep before it started so she didn’t waste any time. She took her shoes off at the door and dumped everything that she had in her hands at the front door. She closed the front door and raced upstairs to check on her son. She opened the door slightly ajar to see the small boy deep in sleep. She thought to herself how cute he was when he was waking and closed the door, as she wanted to get to sleep as soon as possible. She walked down the hallway until she reached her room, to see that the door was wide open. Strange, she thought to herself, as Rob usually whinged about having the door open most nights to let ventilation do its job, well the nights that she got to be there to hear him whinge about everything under the sun. She went through the door and turned the light on, only to see Rob spread across the bed, like as though he owned it, well, technically he did, but metaphorically speaking. Rob looked up at Ravyn, trying to block out the brightness of the light above them.

“Sorry,” Ravyn apologised as she turned the light back off, walked over to her side of the bed, pushed Rob over to his side, and started to fall asleep on top of the blankets in her work clothes next to Rob.

“How was work?” asked Rob, with a croaky voice.

“I’ve learnt one thing about humanity,” answered Ravyn, as she felt Rob’s arms wrap around her waist.

“What’s that?” asked Rob, resting his head on her shoulder.

“We are killing machines from day one,” answered Ravyn. “Now I’ve got three hours of sleep to work with for the early bird shift. Disturb me and trust me, you’ll be crying to your mother.”

“I love you,” Rob whispered, as Ravyn couldn’t help but to smile like a little teenager girl.

“I love you too,” Ravyn replied, as both of them started to fall asleep.


Someone's in trouble.....

:yes: :D :eek:



New member
Now y'all get to find out for the mysterious reason why I have Tarja Turunen on my sig (despite the fact that she's played no major role so far in the story and the shaping of all the twists).


It was half past six in the morning for the residents of Chicago. The streets were littered with ice and frost while the sidewalks were littered in rubbish and the scent of mischief and corruption. And the statistics say that Boston was bad for crime, they haven’t taken a closer eye at Chicago and the running underground figures running around like lab rats. All of this was being carefully surveyed by a tall man, in a dark and long leather jacket with the hat of course. He stopped on the sidewalk, as a car past him and narrowly missed hitting a newspaper stand a couple of metres down from where the man was standing.

One house in particular, took that man’s attention. He didn’t go anywhere, knowing that his name would be called out soon. Some of the people that he was here to meet lived in that house, across the road. It almost looked like a haunted house if he had to describe it to someone. It was anything but haunted to him. Three storey house, antique finishing with its lily pond where aquatic life seemed to thrive during the spring of Chicago’s but in this case, it was a frozen over pond that couldn’t sustain life even if a bullet was propelled through it.

“Stenners,” he growled as he could see a figure coming out of it. Matt walked down the stairs and made his way over to the figure over on the sidewalk. “What in ***’s name brings you here?”

“Same thing as what brings Bennington here, and you…” answered Matt, as he approached the sidewalk opposite the figure. He stopped and looked both ways, just in case he got ran over. Nothing was coming; nothing usually drove around this part of Chicago at this time of the morning. He walked over the deserted road and approached the nameless figure. “What’s been going down Hahn?” Matt stopped and the figure that Matt had named ‘Hahn’ smiled softly. “I mean, what’s been going down Joe, man?”

“Is she here?” asked Joe, taking off his hat to reveal his black spiky hair. Matt nodded. “Then, why didn’t you quit the suck up **** and tell me directly?”

“Sorry man,” answered Matt, taking a couple of steps backwards and Joe started his journey over to the house. Matt looked quite better from the last time Sarah had seen him, well he knew how to hide the effect of drugs quite well now and he had become a master of hiding the physical side of it, but not quite there at mastering the non-physical side of it. But one thing he did miss being near Sarah was not Sarah herself, but little Ava that was full of energy. She was just like an energy bomb ready to be detonated. They walked together into the building without another word done or said. More of the fact that Matt was too afraid to say anything for Joe was very deceiving to the eye. Matt opened the door for Joe to go first and Joe accepted with a small smile. He took his coat off almost automatically when the first foot had entered the newly polished timber floor. He took a quick look around to see how everything was going; he turned around to see Matt picking up his coat. He showed Matt his authority by the gaze that he gave him.

“For heaven’s sake Stenners, I tell you a simple and direct order and you cannot even follow it,” Joe bitched on. Matt stood up with his coat over his arm, looking dazed and confused. “Have you been touching that dope of yours again?” Matt nodded. “Now that would explain it. Lay off the dope and start finishing your job off. Now where is she?” Matt pointed up the stairs. “I specifically told you pair to bring her down so I could see her cry her little heart out in front of me, and so I didn’t have to walk up those stairs.”

“I can bring her down if you’re going to get like that,” offered Matt, as Joe shook him and his presence off and walked up the stairs.

When he was at the top of the stairs, he stopped and looked around; trying to figure out which room she could be in. He was contemplating, while Matt downstairs was going to say something that might point him in the right direction of her room, but he had decided to keep his mouth shut for the sake of Joe getting up him for something unreasonable.

Joe couldn’t pick which door to start from. So he locked his vision on one door and walked over to it. He turned the handle with a creak and it opened. He smiled as he saw the woman in the corner with her hands bound and with a number of scratches over her porcelain face. Her legs were bound as well; as the denim of her jeans was starting to become stiffer by every hour they remained that way. He closed the door, gently. He turned back around and he pulled up an antique chair that was in the corner opposite the scared woman.

She couldn’t remember what had happened, because everything had gone too fast for her to remember. First, it was in the shop, second, it was walking to the car in the coldness of Chicago, third, being knocked out stone cold in the middle of the alleyway and last but not least, choking on her own breath when she woke up here in this strange house. Another tear of hers was shed, as she moved more into the corner, afraid of what the man was going to do to her.

“I ain’t gonna hurt you,” Joe soothed, crossing his legs, well aware of how scared the woman in the opposite corner was. “You know me better than that, darlin’, I wouldn’t hurt you unless you’ve deliberately tried to rock my boat. And you know me; people don’t go out of their way particularly with me, to rock my boat. People tend to not like it what happens afterwards.” The woman attempted to talk but all that escaped her mouth was a small peep-like noise. “You know you can start to tell me where we went wrong in this deal that we made last December, when you were last here. But as I recall it correctly, you weren’t bound like this; you were a free woman making a proposition that I really like, now that I come to think about it. You know I wouldn’t have done this if something really annoyed me. I do not like being annoyed, and you should know this like the way you breathe oxygen.”

“I didn’t intentionally mean to annoy you, you know I wouldn’t do such a thing, I am smarter than that,” the woman started spluttering her words uncontrollably. “Things just went from great to bad.”

“We gave you the money, in fact, I personally gave you the money to make sure she would be dead by now, and look! She’s in the next room, thinking she’s been raped or some **** like that,” retorted Joe, looking to the floor just before the woman’s feet and then back to the woman who was at the point of crying in disbelief in herself that she had failed such an important objective. “I wouldn’t have trusted you, unless I knew you were to be trusted. And look what you’ve done now, you’ve failed me, you’ve let the team down. We were on a roll and now you’ve gone and ****** things up. I thought you said you would do anything for me, sweetie? Did you lie to me when you said that?”

“No…I mean, yes, I would do anything for you, and no…I didn’t lie to you, things, they just didn’t go to plan, like I had told you, and now Bennington, look at him, he’s a mess I never meant for him to end up like a crazy deluded serial killer,” the woman spluttered, as she was having the most difficulty trying to find the correct words to try and defend herself. “Like, I know he’s not a serial killer, I don’t know, maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, *** only knows! But again, I never meant her to leave Bennington like this and for that other guy, oh ***, I’ve forgotten his name…Milo....Miles…?”

“Mike,” Joe corrected, as he could detect her nerviness like a sniffer dog sniffing for cocaine. “It’s Mike or Michael. Shinoda to be more politically correct deary.”

“Yeah, silly me, I don’t know why I suddenly forgot his name just then, oh silly me,” the woman continued on with her random splutters. “But I never saw that coming. No one did. I couldn’t do anything. And as for Matthew, ***, you knew how she would react to him being around his daughter and her, and plus, he never did anything to improve the situation. Isn’t the aim of the game Joe? To improve the situation and try to take advantage of it…it was that wasn’t it Joe?”

“Yes it was, but you’re a woman, you mistake the colour grey for pink or purple, or mistake a butcher’s knife for a butter knife, *** **** you women, drive me up with the stupidness of your gender,” bitched Joe, getting sidetracked and he knew it within himself that he was getting sidetracked and that he needed to stop. “Okay, I’m getting sidetracked. Question, why didn’t you do anything from preventing the other chick from coming?”

“I couldn’t help it, she was there with us when you guys decided to play Rambo with us three, I thought you just wanted, you know who I mean, when I say you know who you wanted,” continued the woman, as the panic was starting to show in her body language. She had began to shake even more and she was hard trying to keep her eyes focused on Joe sitting on the antique chair in the opposite corner. “You know, the chick with the kid. Oh ***, I’ve forgotten her name, already, and dammit, I work with her, and I apparently befriended her as well. **** I should know this one.”

“Quit it, I am getting sick of you thinking out loud, it’s getting too frustrating for me to sit here and watch you contemplate wither you told me the truth or not!” Joe barked, as he got to his feet. She followed him with his eyes as he started to pace back and forth. “You know, I really do have a plan, but of course, it’s not for the weakened hearted.” He stopped pacing back and forward and looked at the woman directly in the eyes. “You know the ICU boss?”

“Jeezy, you mean?” asked the woman, not sure if he was referring to Michael or Ravyn.

“Wasn’t there a Harris in that position for yonks?” asked Joe, trying to figure out some sort of plan and agreement that he could let her go on, almost like parole.

“Yeah, but she left almost a month ago now, I don’t know what the **** you would want her now, she works as a medical examiner for the FBI now apparently down in D.C.,” answered the woman, as the woman hadn’t noticed that she had just answered most of Joe’s questions that would shortly follow if she hadn’t extended on her answer. “Don’t go near her. She has a lot of power and her partner, Rob; he is built like the Great Wall of China, doubled over ten times. She’s useless to you and so is Bourdon.”

“Give me two good reasons why I shouldn’t order your death right here and right now, woman,” ordered Joe, walking towards the door.

“No please don’t,” she begged, as Joe stopped in his tracks and turned around to see the grovelling woman. “Ah, to start with, Joe, number one, I’m useful to you with information and two, you would’ve been caught for a number of things if you hadn’t had me to help you along the way.”

“That is true,” contemplated Joe, as he blew her a kiss in the air and turned back around, only to turn the door handle, open the door and walk outside, where he could still hear various pleas from that woman to not go and to come back and tell her that he wasn’t going to order her death amongst the two other men that were in on this. Bennington stood against the opposite door from the doorway that Joe had just exited from. Joe gently closed the door. “You are waiting for something or someone Bennington?”

“Yeah, what’s the orders boss?” asked Chester, giving Joe a nasty smirk.

“Kill her,” answered Joe, as wails and pleas became louder and more noticeable on the other side of the door. She had heard what Joe had just said to Chester, obviously. “Kill Tarja. Make it clean and leave no mess. ”




New member
Well maybe I'm dense but I still don't get the Tarja connection, I figured Joe wants her topped, as to why, maybe I missed it or something?? Anyway Joe as a bad guy cracked me up... not literally, just made me smile. Never know what that man's liable to do. But the rest is good. Chas, Matt and Joe are all villains huh? Would make for a formidable team. All over drugs? Anyways still good. Just wanting more to get some answers...




New member
Yeah sickness does that to you (so much I ain't updating until this stupid thing goes gave it to me!!) but Joe, Matt and Chester secretly hired Tarja to make sure Sarah was dead because of what she did to Matt and Chester, Joe was just in there for the **** of it. It was a brainteaser that one.


New member
Yeah sickness does that to you (so much I ain't updating until this stupid thing goes gave it to me!!) but Joe, Matt and Chester secretly hired Tarja to make sure Sarah was dead because of what she did to Matt and Chester, Joe was just in there for the **** of it. It was a brainteaser that one.
Uh now I get it... and as for me making you sick... that would make this illness paramount to a VTD (Virtually Transmitted Disease)? haha



New member
Aww just cos I am really nice (/****** off with men's attitudes) I did an update.


It was quarter to nine for Mike as he walked out into the living room to see where Ava was. He looked around and couldn’t find her. She was here three seconds ago where on Earth had she gotten to in those few seconds?

“Ava?” asked Mike, as he looked around to see Ava standing in the hallway with her pink teddy bear. “Jesus, you scared me for a second. Next time stay in my sight why don’t you?”

“Sorry,” apologised Ava. “Mummy?”

“She’s…” Mike trailed off, as he was running out of excuses to the child where her mother was, in all true fact, the child wasn’t completely stupid. “…at work still. She’ll be home soon.”

“Oh,” Ava replied shortly as she ran away out of sight. Mike felt really bad for many reasons concerning her mother’s disappearance. The fact that he hadn’t done anything about it, like report it, which in all the truth be told, it should’ve been the first thing that he should’ve done after seeing the white van drive away. There was a knock at the door. Ava turned around in excitement where she stood, and ran back up to Mike, who was confused about who that could be. “Mummy!” Ava ran out of sight and Mike ran after her. He grabbed her by the arm, as they approached the front door, and stopped the child in her tracks. “Let go.” Ava was annoyed now that Mike had decided to hold her back from seeing who was at the door. Mike shook his head in disapproval. “Please?”

“Keep on trying and you’ll get the same response every time, no,” answered Mike, as he picked up Ava and of course, Ava being the disobedient two year old that she was, started to wriggle her way out of Mike’s grip. Mike was starting to get fed up with playing the father figure to Ava and was now starting to show by the lack of patience that he now had achieved. “I’m not letting you go.”

“Down,” requested the child, as Mike just tightened his grip around the child. Mike shook his head in disapproval once again. The child gave up as she was slowly learning that whatever Mike said, he said it without taking it back, he was very direct in his orders and his actions as there was another knock at the door. “Mummy…”

“We can only hope so,” sighed Mike, as he had just realised that he hadn’t been to work for a day or so, because he felt obliged to take care of Ava first. Mike didn’t have the money to pay her day care fees up straight, Sarah did, as it was that time of year where all the centres took the living daylights out of everyone’s wallets. Mike opened the door only to reveal Brad standing on the front door step with his hands in his front pockets. Brad smiled as soon as he saw Mike holding Ava.

“I didn’t know she was forcing you to play Matt’s role,” commented Brad. “But hey, you learn something new every day.”

“Just, come on in before I smack you in the face for snide comments,” Mike warned, as Brad accepted his invitation to come on in. He closed the door after his mate.

“Bad…” sniffled Ava, as Brad turned around and smiled at the child.

“Brad,” corrected Brad, still smiling at the small child’s small vocab. “Can you say my name? B..rr…a….d.”

“Bad,” replied Ava.

“No, Brad, there’s a brr in it,” Brad was starting to get annoyed at the small child’s inability to pronounce his name properly.

“Bad,” Ava repeated again, but was starting to smile even more at the fact that Brad was now starting to get annoyed over such a small thing. Mike was starting to enjoy this. He perfectly knew that Ava couldn’t pronounce his name properly, in all known truth; she couldn’t pronounce the sound of br. Mike stood on the sidelines.

“You think of why we call you Big Bad Brad, even the kid thinks so,” Mike commentated. “And ***, she’s only two! Go little Ava.”

“Brad,” Brad was starting to repeat himself, still looking at the small child in Mike’s arms. He looked to Mike. “What the **** is wrong with that child of Sarah’s? She can’t even say my name properly.”

“Dude, she’s two, she can’t even tell the difference between left and right, let alone she cannot even count to ten,” replied Mike, as Ava looked to him and then snuggled into his shoulder.

“Aww, ain’t she cute?” asked Brad. “I’m never a sucker for small children, but I have to say out of all the ages of women to steal my heart like Ava does, no one’s managed to do it, not even Meg.”

“Cold,” whispered Ava in Mike’s ear.

“Okay, we’ll get you in front of the heater, how about that?” asked Mike, as he signalled for Brad to move rooms with him. They moved from one part of the house to the warmest part of the house. Brad and Mike sat down on the couch, as Ava didn’t move as she started to fall asleep on Mike’s lap.

“Dude, where’s Sarah?” asked Brad, as Mike’s stomach took a giant leap of guilt and plummeted over the edge. “It seems too quiet. Last time I was over, you could hear nothing but her voice…not like it’s a bad thing, but you know what I mean, man.” Mike nodded slowly. Mike didn’t answer as he looked from the small child asleep on his lap to one of his best mates who were right next to him on the couch. His eyes started to glaze over with tears. “Dude…are you crying…?” Mike couldn’t help it, but he nodded anyway. “What’s the matter? I haven’t seen you cry since you got bitten by that snake Bennington decided to chuck into your college bed.” Brad couldn’t help but to chuck a bit as he thought of the time where all three of them were in med school, and Bennington was drunk as an ***, broke into the zoo and stole a random snake that for Mike’s luck, was non-venomous, but still managed to bite him when Chester threw it into Mike’s bed at three in the morning. Mike cried like a little girl for several hours after that until the hospital staff cleared him of any fatalities. “Dude, what’s wrong?”

“She’s gone,” Mike tried to fight back the tears, but couldn’t help it. “She’s gone and I don’t even have the guts to try and find her…”

“Who…Sarah?” asked Brad, as Mike nodded in agreement. “You’re ******** me right? But where did she go?” Brad had decided to hold off the news about Mike losing his job, along with Sarah, Tarja, and Melissa. Mike shook his head, as Ava started to stir, but Mike started to stroke her hair that she had inherited from her father. “Man…why haven’t you reported it or some **** like that?”

“How the **** am I supposed to tell Ava or even let alone Allie or that, Sarah might be dead?” asked Mike. “If I don’t have the guts to tell Allie or…even Matt, yeah like he would care, what are the likely chances that I’ll have the willpower to go to the cops? Ava’s already has an ******* for a father, the last thing I want to tell her is that yes, her father is an *******, I won’t tell her those words, and that her mother, the person that she’s leant on for just support in general, might be a goner for good? You know child services will not let Matt gain custody, she’s going to end up in Allie’s care, and ****, how old is Halle again? She’s like two years older than Ava. Allie’s got enough on her hands.”

“Stop bombarding me with all these questions that I don’t have the answers to, just, like you, I don’t know,” requested Brad, crossing his arms and thinking. He had to tell Mike sooner or later that he had lost his job or Brad will never get around to it. “I hate to drop another bomb on you, but Azem’s gone ******* mental.”

“What’s it over this time?” asked Mike, as the tears started to dry out. “Harris left so I kinda would have figured that he would’ve stopped all the **** hey.”

“He went ******* mental over the fact that you dropped work so quickly the other day, when you came in for about ten minutes and then just walked away,” explained Brad. “I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you mate, but Azem’s let you go.”

“There’s no ******* possible way that has the right to let me go automatically,” objected Mike, in pure disbelief. “He doesn’t have the power or the right to do that to someone.”

“Apparently he does now, he’s also let Tarja, Melissa, and Sarah go as well, and now Jo’s back in charge of the nurses,” Brad explained. “I’m sorry to bring this up like I just did, but that’s why I came over and of course, yeah, to see how your little girl was doing. Just do me a favour, don’t do anything stupid, she’ll come back, and I mean it’s not the end of the world right man?”

“I hope I don’t, I just don’t want to end up giving Ava to Matt,” answered Mike, as Brad shook his head in disagreement.

“You said before, there’s no ******* possible way that Ava will end up in Matt’s care, the child welfare department will chuck a lawsuit someone’s way if that ever happens, Matt is a drug addict and we live in a better society to do that to a child, especially to your little girl,” objected Brad, as he got off his backside and looked at the time and then back at Mike. “I’ve got to get home before Meg decides she wants to be a PMS ***** to me and complain that I wasn’t home for breakfast or some other lame excuse to get my attention. You, you just take care of yourself and don’t do anything to yourself that’s stupid. You hear me? You just, got to learn on the bright side and think there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Just learn to think a bit more positive, and you’ll never know she’ll come back; I have a strong feeling that she will. She loves you and Ava too much, I don’t know about me, but hey, she’ll have some loved ones to come back to in the end.”

“You know the sad thing about that dramatic speech you just gave?” asked Mike.

“What?” asked Brad.

“You sounded exactly like Bennington before he lost the plot when Sarah and him broke up,” answered Mike.

“Oh talking of Bennington,” Brad started. “He came in this morning, when I was on roster. He had severe scratches up and down his arms, like bleeding everywhere type, and talk about on the sides of neck, looked like Tarja or someone had attacked him full core. Pfft, Bennington, he couldn’t fight off a virus with one arm let alone trying to pick fights with everyone in sight. Oh well, better get going, before Meg gets too up my *** and gets **** about everything in sight.” Brad smiled at the sleeping child in Mike’s arms. “Bye little lady.” Of course, Ava didn’t stir nor did she hear anything that Brad had just said to her, she was dead to the world. Brad looked back at his mate. “Bye, man, and yeah, again, don’t do anything you won’t regret. If you are going to do anything, make sure Ava’s not around to see it. She’s a sponge cake.” Brad waved goodbye to both individuals, but only one was actually awake to see his farewell wave. Mike smiled as Brad quickly left the scene, after slamming the door shut, which, did not disturb Ava one bit, as Mike thought the opposite.

Mike sighed, as he picked up the sleeping child and threw her over his shoulders, so she wouldn’t be hanging off him like as though he was carrying a dead animal corpse or something more morbid. He walked upstairs, trying not to make much racket as possible. He opened her bedroom door with one hand and laid her down gently on her single bed that was covered in cartoon characters that she was addicted to. He didn’t pull himself away from the sleeping child automatically, but sat down next to the sleeping child and was in deep in thought about what would happen to her if the worst was to occur and no one found Sarah or failing that, her corpse. She would inevitably end up in Allie’s care…Matt was too much of a loony and drug addict to even be allowed near his daughter. He got to his feet and gently closed the door.

He made his way back down the stairs and walked directly into the kitchen. He was looking around for something in particular and shortly found it, top cupboard above the stove and oven. He pulled out a bottle of Jim Bean, straight Jim Bean, closed the cupboard, and huddled himself in the corner. He opened the white bottle of the large bottle and drank in straight, as his eyes were starting to glaze over with tears again. He swallowed hard, as he looked into midair and started asking himself a lot of questions, mainly starting with why the **** did he care so much when Sarah was a bet gone wrong set down by Josh and him? Why had he grown so attached to a family of two, when he only wanted the five hundred dollars that Josh and he had put on the table? He took another long sip, as he started to feel the alcohol getting to him. Why did he feel such a bond between Ava when again, originally, he wanted his money from Gradon? Mike was now starting to regret a lot of things. He was no longer the man-***** of the hospital, for a starter now, he apparently doesn’t even work there according to Brad, because he’s meant to be dedicated to Sarah, or so, that’s the impression he was told to give out. He actually…didn’t want to be with just one woman, but at the same time, he did now. Was it because of the fact that Mike originally felt sorry for Sarah about what Matt had done to her? Was it because Mike couldn’t walk away from a child and a woman that couldn’t sustain a decent relationship? Or was it because he was too greedy and was just in for the money?

He didn’t know.

And he didn’t want to know right now.

He took another sip of the straight alcohol and sighed.

“***, I hate my life,” he whispered to himself, as he closed his eyes and just wanted to wake up next a beautiful woman and to know this was just a big dream would really make his day. It was a nightmare for him, and one that he wanted to end, but was too afraid to tell, because he couldn’t ever have the guts to tell Sarah his real intentions about the relationship they’ve got going. Mike could just see Sarah committing murder on someone, if he ever broke the news to her. It was Josh’s fault. If Gradon hadn’t brought up the bet and if Mike hadn’t agreed, it wouldn’t have happen.



"Forgive me, I have but two faces

One for the world,

One for *** save me"

A lot of two-faceness going on isn't there? First it was Rob with Vanessa, Tarja with Sarah and now...Mike with...yeah Sarah. I have to say I really do feel for Sarah she's only trying to do what's right and everytime she trusts someone, almost everytime she has her heart betrayed..well Mike I just wanna slap now *slaps Mike until kingdom come* well, I AM having a teenage angst night tonight *pfft who needs Daniel when I have Jukka & Brian and sad to say I LOVE DANI FILTH!* Holy ****, Lisa's rubbing off on me. She should be happy. And yes, my dear brother has met Dani Filth *looks to avy*. He was telling me about an interesting conversation he had with the fella, about brick walls. Anywho enjoy the update and please, refrain from yelling at the screen, people next door might hear you and might think it's a domestic disturbance. Haha.



New member
So... Mike's behind the disappearance - or just getting with Sarah in the first place? 0_o What the **** is wrong with everyone here? That is cold... But just for the record it's Jim Beam with an M and I should know, if I stop drinking it the company that makes it will unquestionably go out of business ;) Haha. But yeah, very sweet - Mike kind of doing the 'daddy' thing and feeling burdened by guilt... poor guy. Sorta. But get the impression that Sacred Heart as a backdrop to the story has now been replaced, or is about to be, by another place, as in the FBI quarters or sth for instance? Just a thought. But yeah so far so good. Would like a few more questions answered but guess I just have to wait like everyone else. And as for the duality of the characters I think it serves for good fiction. More interesting to read about drama than happiness - the latter is too boring otherwise. Good. Yah. Want more.


New member


It was about an hour or so later, when Tarja stumbled into the front doors of the hospital. They had just ordered her death, more, or so, Joe had ordered her death. She thanked her lucky stars that she was still alive, she was so happy that she managed to get her way out of that house, it was a hellhole. All of her friends had betrayed her just because she couldn’t give them Sarah’s death. She had tried on several occasions, but because of her failure, her own life was put at stake, and she knew this was coming. Everyone, who tries to betray another, and they fail, always gets murdered in cold blood.

People looked at the skinny figure that hadn’t eaten in a day or two, that had scratches and heavy blood stains on her chest, which had soaked through her white top. She walked in barefooted, and stopped as she looked around. She had to find a member of Sacred Heart that she trusted with her life. Joanna? She had to find Jo. She had ran out of the building, away from Chester’s and the guy she wish he would just stop being an *** to humanity, Viking, despite the fact that he tended to be more passive aggressive and hardly turned up to whatever Joe had asked him to make an appearance for. Her feet were numb with December’s frost and she was starting to find it hard to breathe as well. She feared that she had lost too much blood from Chester’s attack on her and these were the starting effects of it all. She started walking again, as the world around her seemed so deceptive and small, as she scanned the room for any evidence that Jo had been there or she was there. She couldn’t find any unhappy nursing interns, all of them were smiling. She just couldn’t be here. She started to walk at a fast pace, as her hair started to stick to her skin, even despite how short it was right now, it was sticking to the dried blood on her neckline. She knew if she told someone she would be a goner, and it was the last thing she wanted to do. She knew the extent of Joe’s unpredictability and the last thing she wanted to do was test it and his lack of patience.

“Hän ajaa ihmiset aina häntäpää sama?” Tarja started to speak in her native Finnish tongue. In other words, she asked why do men always turn out the same? “*******.” The Finnish people had the same word for ******* like the English speaking community of Earth did. She arrived at the elevators and frantically started to push the up button. She knew pushing it a lot didn’t make the elevator go any faster, but it was her eagerness to run into Joanna that was pushing her to push the button faster. “Come on you piece of ****. I ain’t got all day to wait on my sorry ***…” the elevator came to a halt on the opposite side of the doors. “Yes thank you…but you’re still a piece of **** that needs to be put in its place…” The doors opened and everybody that had business to attend to, or were getting off their shift headed out the elevator doors and past Tarja. Her feet were freezing and she felt like her toes would just drop off any moment. But at least they were getting warmer. She walked inside and frantically pushed the level for the nurses. She had to get to Joanna, before Chester came and got the vile of blood before he did. They had taken some blood from Sarah and she knew if she got to it first, Joe will chuck the ***** with Chester and maybe she would be back in Joe’s favour. The doors closed and Tarja could feel the lift pull its weight up to the next few or so levels, where she waited anxiously, crossing her arms, and tapping her fingers until the elevator came to a halt and opened its doors. She uncrossed her arms and exited, as she sighed. She stopped and looked around to see any sign of Joanna.

“Tarja?” asked Jo, standing a couple of metres from where Tarja stopped to look around. Tarja swung around with a smile on her face. Jo approached Tarja with a clipboard in one hand and nothing in the other. “What’s the matter with you? Are you okay?” Jo surveyed Tarja’s wounds with her eyes. “You need medical attention.” Joanna looked back to Tarja straight in the eyes. “Come with me.”

“No thanks,” Tarja rejected. “I’ll be fine.”

“Then why are you in here?” asked Joanna, a bit confused by Tarja’s sudden appearance.

“Has Bennington come in here today?” asked Tarja, as Joanna started to pick up Tarja’s nerves. Jo nodded. “****. Okay…where’s that vile of blood he dropped in?”

“On Azem’s desk…why are you so curious?” asked Jo. Then Jo jumped to a conclusion once again. “Jesus Tarja…why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?” asked Tarja, not sure of what Jo was getting up her for.

“I didn’t know you were pregnant, you could’ve just said something to me instead of disappearing off the face of the planet,” Jo answered, a bit worried. “Well. You didn’t know that you were pregnant until we did the test for you, but is Chester the father because he was the one that dropped it in?”

“Oh Jesus,” Tarja sighed to herself. “No. Can I have that vile of blood thanks?”

“How’s this for an answer?” asked Jo, as she took a short breath in. “No. You know it dammit Tarja, we keep, and then we give…the results.”

“But I need it!” objected Tarja, getting a bit angry, but her anger died down when she saw Chester in the corner of her eye. “I have to go.” She disappeared from Joanna’s site within ten or so seconds. She had to get the results first, if she couldn’t get the vile. But no matter how fast she walked, or how quickly she broke into a run, Chester caught up to her. “No…” She ducked into someone’s office, which coincidentally had Mike in it throwing everything out of the filing cabinet and onto the floor. He looked around as soon as Tarja slammed the door shut. Tarja was unaware that Mike was even there.

“Do you ******’ mind?” asked Mike, drunk. Tarja spun around in surprise.

“****, Shinoda, you scared me,” answered Tarja, trying to catch her breath. Something wasn’t right with Mike. Due to the fact that he was sitting down on the floor, he still looked like he was about to fall over due to his swinging motion. “Are you…drunk Shinoda?”

“Little bit, trying to look for some stupid ******’ files, I’m not drunk enough to the point where I can’t drive, stupid coppas,” replied Mike, as he opened another manila folder, took a glimpse inside, scoffed and threw it aside, throwing all of the papers out of it.

“Mike….” Tarja was about to tell him the news that Joanna had mistaken her for being the person needing the results. Tarja was going to be the Good Samaritan, as Chester started to knock loudly at the opposite side of the door. Tarja ignored Chester, because she knew she had locked the door and she also knew that Chester wouldn’t damage hospital property. Mike looked up to look at Tarja. “…I don’t know how to put this….”

“In English?” suggested Mike. “Instead of your freakin’ Finland **** language.”

“…Sarah is…p...r…e...g...n...a...n...t…” Tarja drifted off slowly. Mike got to his feet and tried to maintain his balance but he fell back down. He hit his head on the floor. “Are you ok?”

“Yes yes, I’m not freakin’ dying you craazzy…person!” yelled Mike. “That’s just effin’ great! Another kid to look after! Oh ****.” Mike got up as he remembered something important. “Ava’s at home, with no one there….****! Fuckity ****, I hate my life!” He got to his feet, started to walk in Tarja’s direction, but collapsed all over Tarja when he got to where she stood. “We’ve got to go home.” Tarja was busy contemplating. She already knew that Sarah was pregnant and what proof did she need more than her trusted word? Chester by now had given up by now and probably were three steps ahead of Tarja trying to find the documentation for Joe to believe it. Tarja shook her head.

“I don’t have my car here,” Tarja blankly stated.

“I drove here anyway,” mumbled Mike, as Tarja pushed him off her. “Has anyone told you how hot you are?” Tarja smiled and nodded. Mike laughed and walked towards the door, unable to walk in a straight line. He opened the door, as Tarja walked out behind him. She closed the door behind her, and looked both ways before crossing the corridor, much like looking both ways to cross the road freakishly.

In a matter of moments, Tarja came from listening to Mike’s fears about Sarah being pregnant again and how it better be his child or it would be the end of that ***** for good, to Mike trying to forcefully trying to fit the key to Sarah’s front door in the ignition key. Tarja slapped her forehead as she leant over and picked out the right key for Mike to use to start the car up.

“Thank ***,” Tarja sighed, as Mike burnt the cars tyres on the slippery road, trying to go around a bend on the highway outside the hospital. Mike smiled at the fact that he was drunk as **** and he thought he could drive perfectly. Mike slammed the accelerator down to the floor. “Slow the **** down Shinoda.” Mike smiled again because he thought that Tarja must like this for her to swear. He wasn’t thinking straight in other words. “I’m ******* dead serious. Slow down.” Mike ignored Tarja, as Tarja tried to grab the wheel off him but he ended up swerving a car ahead of him. Things were going too fast for Mike and he was enjoying it.

And then suddenly, a car appeared out of nowhere as it approached the main road wanting to turn onto it. Mike didn’t have time to swerve the car in front of him and hit full on.

“****,” was the last thing Mike remembered saying and the last thing that he heard was a combination of Tarja screaming and hundreds of pounds of metal crumbling up.

A witness called emergency as soon as he found his phone in the back pocket of his seat car and dialled 911 despite the stiffness and the fact that his heater hadn’t been working. The ambulance was called and so were the police. The police were there to hold back the circle of people that had gathered around what seemed to be a pile of scrap metal.

Diana and Sygy got out of the ambulance and looked at the three bodies. A fire fighter and a policeman saw them get out of the ambulance and started to walk their way to produce to them the news.

Di gasped as soon as she realised who they were. Sygy as well repeated Di’s reaction.

“Holy ****,” gasped Di. “Is that…Shinoda and Tarja?” Sygy nodded. “Holy ****.”

“You’ll be saying that a lot,” scoffed the fire fighter with the policeman by his side.

“What happened?” asked Sygy.

“Speeding,” answered the policeman. “This guy here didn’t see this old woman pulling out, well, that’s what witnesses tell us and just, yeah, ran straight into her.”

“Are they okay?” asked Di.

“I’m sorry, I take it you know them,” apologised the fire fighter, as Di and Sygy nodded.

“Mike and Tarja,” Sygy quietly replied.

“All three of them died on impact,” the policeman broke the news to them, as Diana and Sygy fell limp with grief.





New member
Are you telling me Mike is dead?! :':)':)'( No!! Nooo!! Not Mikey! Idiot! Why did she let him drive in the first place?? Anyway... I guess Joe and co will be happy now that Tarja's gone. Made their job arguably easier. Sarah's gonna freak when she finds out I'm sure... and wondering who the daddy to her newest is?? Hmm...


New member

“You coming to the meeting or what Harris?” asked Anette, as she popped her head into the autopsy room where Ravyn sat at the table eating an apple and staring into blank air. “Hey, you ain’t being paid to look into fairy land.” Ravyn looked over to Anette, who stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and looked like another version of herself at Sacred Heart. Just a bit taller though and less autocratic, but more bossy. “Do I have to get a rope of some sort and ******* throw you a rope?”

“Why would I need a rope?” asked Ravyn, as she threw her apple in a nearby bin. She looked back to Anette, as she got off her seat and walked over to Anette who was standing in the doorway.

“Because you’ll be drowning in debt soon because I fired you,” retorted Anette, she turned her back and walked away.

“Ah…wow…it’s another me,” Ravyn whispered to herself, as she stood in her spot.

“Are you coming Slowpoke?!” yelled Anette from over at the doorway of the meeting room where everyone sat include Jukka and Marco who were in deep discussion about some random political debate. Anette rolled her eyes as the words of their political debate got to her head and she was able to deconstruct them to conclude it was total bullshit. Ravyn walked. Anette entered the meeting where the lights had been dimmed out and their was a projector against a large white wall showing various things. “Hey guys, it’s not the presidential election so…can everyone just sit down and shut up please?” The room fell quiet as Ravyn entered and took a seat next to Jukka. “That’s more like it. Head office is up my *** for not producing enough evidence to pin at least someone to these murders.”

“We don’t have enough evidence to pin any particular individual to these crimes,” clarified Marco. “But…we do know it is a female.”

“A chick is doing this damage?” pouted Anette.

“It’s possible,” replied Marco.

“It’s not possible that a woman could hold down these guys, by herself,” objected Ravyn. “She is either having external help or she’s ******* strong.”

“Or we have a copycat on our hands,” Jukka added. “A very good one.”

“No such thing, a good copycat,” Anette scoffed. She turned to Ravyn, who again was looking into mid air blankly. “Jesus. Are your eyes glued to those small molecules in the atmosphere or something?” Ravyn didn’t react to Anette’s smart remark about her habit of tuning out and dawdling in her own little world. “Harris!”

“****, yeah?” asked Ravyn, getting back into the world Anette wanted her to be in. She looked at Anette’s unimpressed expression. “Sorry about that.”

“You should be,” Anette scoffed. “Get your medical *** up the front and present your findings…” Anette looked at Marco and Jukka again; who were back in conversation about *** knows what, again. “Jesus. Take it outside my hearing space.” Ravyn got to her feet and walked towards the front of the meeting room. She stopped once she was there and looked around at the various faces that were looking her way, wanting to know what she had found with the four bodies that she had now done several autopsies on. “While we’re still young.”

“Well. Okay, you want a long story cut short folks, we’re not dealing with a copycat, I know this for a factor,” explained Ravyn. She looked to the person behind the projector. “Got those things?” The woman with the thick black glasses nodded. “Okay, show me my undead corpses.” The woman followed her order to start the slideshow, the projector presented an image of the first victim, and Ravyn moved so the image didn’t mirror off her face. “Welcome to the freak show everyone. This is exhibit a, and yes, it’s a man, looks much like a chick don’t he? Show on the road, Mr Molko, bartender on Thirty-Third Street, died of strangulation to start with and look at him now, he’s a gutless corpse.” The slide changed to the next victim. “Exhibit b, jeez what is it with this woman killing guys that look like chicks? Mr Filth, undertaker originally from Los Angeles, don’t know how the **** he ended up with us, unlike Mr Molko he died of drowning, as demonstrated by the fluid in his lungs and yet again, he’s a gutless corpse.” The slide changed to the next victim. “Now the next two victims are different, but similar to Mr Molko and Filth. It’s a repetitive pattern in the way they’ve been gutted. Across, across and then down, with the same tool, a Swiss Army knife. They’ve both been dead before gutting. This one, Mr Keenan, boilermaker, died of sodium nitrate poisoning.”

“Sodium nitrate?” asked Marco. “You mean to say that this guy ate garden fertiliser?” Ravyn nodded. “How? You don’t mistakenly eat that ****.”

“Judging by defence wounds on the hands and the wounds on the back of his head, he was physically forced to eat it,” answered Ravyn. “Our guy here was grabbed by the back of the head and forcefully lowered down into the ground.”

“It’s winter not spring, no one does their gardening at this time of the year,” Anette objected.

“That’s what I said to myself, before the results came back,” replied Ravyn. “And it is because of this discovery that I fear there are more bodies out there. These bodies have been miraculously preserved. It’s like she’s planting them for us, and she’s got more coming.”

“Easter hunt,” Marco whispered to himself. “So she’s got more and she’s taking her time bringing them out for us to find, is that it?”

“She knows how to preserve organs in mint condition, but she doesn’t know how to hide her tracks very well,” Ravyn went on explaining. “I know something about this woman just by the way she cuts these bodies up. Next slide please.” The slide changed to the final corpse. “Presenting Mr Reznor, owner of a Greek restaurant down on the Main Street, found not gutted. This guy on some parts of his body had third degree burns and then he was frozen alive. She thawed him out, but his organs hadn’t thawed so she left them inside. She cuts with preciseness and it is as though she knows how to handle a surgeon’s knife as well. This guy was cut open with a surgeon’s knife.”

“I’ve managed to get three partial fingerprints off that guy,” added Jukka, as everyone turned to him. “She’s good; she’s very good whoever she is.”

“Found any connections?” asked Anette, as no one said anything in reply to Anette’s question. “Good work everyone. Everyone, just go home early tonight. I’m exhausted and so is everyone else here. If anyone finds out anything, give me a ring or something.”

“Does that mean my early bird shift is off as well?” asked Ravyn.

“Nice try, but no,” answered Anette, as everyone started to get to their feet. The projector was turned off and the lights were switched back on. “Have a nice sleep everyone.” Anette left the room. Ravyn packed up her folder in front of her that she had been carrying everywhere. “Harris!” Ravyn thought to herself what she could’ve done wrong. “Come outside.” Ravyn picked up her things and gave Jukka and Marco a short smile, as they stood in the corner talking about something under their breaths. She left the room to see Rob and Leo asleep in his pyjamas in Rob’s arms next to Anette. “You’ve got friends.”

“Just in time, we just got pulled off work,” smiled Ravyn, as she looked to her son fast asleep in Rob’s arms. Anette left the scene.

“About time, I was about to pull you off work myself if Anette didn’t,” replied Rob. “Have you seen the news?” Rob dropped down to a solemn tone, as Ravyn shook her head because she couldn’t stand seeing the media go like girls at a Backstreet Boys reunion tour go into a feeding frenzy. “I think you should turn a television on.” Ravyn walked a couple of metres to where a TV was and turned it on.

This morning on a drowsy Chicago morning, two lives where lost in a high speed drunken collision just on the highway down from Sacred Heart hospital. It is believed that a young Japanese-American man by the name of Michael Shinoda was heavily intoxicated and beside him was a Finnish woman named Tarja Turunen, didn’t see the elderly driver, and smashed right into her. Mr Shinoda was pronounced dead at the scene but medics quickly revived his heart. Sadly, the elderly woman and Miss Turunen were killed on impact. Mr Shinoda will be facing two counts of murder, endangering lives, reckless driving, and driving under the influence.

“So…they thought Mike was dead?” asked Ravyn, wanting clarification as Rob nodded. “Oh ***. Pity. ******* should get that for hugging me.”

“Got a phone call from Brad today,” Rob started another conversation as Ravyn withdrew her eyes from the TV set and looked to Rob. “More dramas. Melissa and Sarah are missing…”

“You sound like there’s more to that drama then what meets the eye,” commented Ravyn, as Leo started to wake up.

“Sarah’s pregnant with Mike’s child,” Rob blurted out knowing what Ravyn’s reaction would be. A reaction full of heinous ***** comments about how the girl needed to keep her legs shut and other horrible comments. Surprisingly, Ravyn didn’t say anything nor did she do anything. “Are you alright? I don’t like it when you’re quiet, because it means there’s something wrong with you.”

“Mummy?” asked Leo, removing his face from Rob’s shoulder and he turned around. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, come here,” answered Ravyn, as she took her son from Rob’s grasp and held him in her arms. “Okay, you’re heavy. How come you’re here?” Leo shrugged. “That’s okay. You needed one of my long delayed hugs anyway.” She looked to Rob. “Are you serious…she’s missing and she’s pregnant?” Rob nodded. “Oh ***. What’s been happening with Ava and that? Allie got her?”

“I don’t know anything, Brad told me a lot of things have gone wrong since we’ve left,” answered Rob, shrugging. “Azem’s been firing people left right and centre. Chester’s lost the plot after he found out that Sarah and Ava weren’t his. Sounds like everything is going haywire without us after all, you were right.”

“I am always right,” smiled Ravyn. “Just tell Brad to keep us informed about Sarah. I have a bad feeling about who might be behind this. If it’s this ****** here that we’re dealing with, the last thing I want to see when I come into that autopsy room is Sarah’s corpse. On a lighter note, I’m starving, dinner anyone?”

“I made some stuff it’s in the fridge,” answered Rob. “Aren’t I good?”

“Very,” Ravyn added, as she handed Rob Leo. Rob accepted the little boy that was growing tired of bright lights and faces of people that he didn’t know. He was getting too heavy for Ravyn’s arms. It was bad enough she spent the days writing up reports both by hand and ink and by laptop in her spare time. “Let’s go home. I’m dead tired for some sleep.”





New member
Sweet - that little family moment at the end. Must be mellowing out (might be MS effecting me) but am enjoying these little moments when they come up. Very sweet. As for the rest, great pace. Very visual. Develops well. Anette and I sound like twins don't we? Haha. From bully to victim, poor me. But I liked the confab over the autopsy reports etc. Good. Mr Reznor and Keenan; nice touch. Made me laugh. Took the news on the accident a tad too well I think. Sound like a real cold fish. Glad Mikey didn't die but concerned there's more than meets the eye here too. Right after we hear that Tarja's marked she 'accidentally' dies? I'm skeptical. But no matter. Wondering where Sarah and crew are. And awwness when I picture little Sarah-Mikey junior coming into the world... awww...





New member


It was a couple of hours later when Ravyn woke up from her sleep. It wasn’t a natural wake up like she liked her wake ups to be, but she merely woke up due to the sounds coming from downstairs. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but she was afraid that Rob might be teaching Leo bad habits, consisting of teaching the child the horrid game of football within the walls of the house. She rolled over, as she thought to herself that she was only working herself up and that she was only looking for excuses to go off at Rob. She didn’t want to feel this way, but she couldn’t help but to think of it. Again, racket from downstairs vibrated around the house, so Ravyn sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked through the red velvet curtains that draped either side of the window to see nothing but blackness. The same blackness that she had fell asleep in front of. She leant over towards Rob’s side and turned his bedside lamp on. The lamp dimly filled the room with light. She got out of bed finally, and walked over to the door. She hesitated opening the door as she heard a third party downstairs, one that she thought she must be hearing voices. She waited.

“He’s cute, what did you say his name was again Robbie?” asked the voice, from downstairs. Rob looked to Vanessa with the child still in his arms and the child still wrestling to get out of Rob’s grip.

“Leo,” answered Rob, as he looked to the child as Leo stopped and remained quiet. “You’re not in trouble. Come on, I’ll teach you how to play pigskin. Despite how much your mum would kill me if she ever found out.” Ravyn opened the handle and left her and Rob’s room. She closed the door quietly. “Why are you here Vanessa? Didn’t I make it clear that I didn’t want you coming around anymore?”

“Like I said before, I was in the neighbourhood,” answered Vanessa, as Ravyn started to walk downstairs, eagerly listening to the conversation in the living room between her partner and his ex. Rob got to his feet and put Leo down. “Like I said before, I don’t mean to intrude.”

“Well, you’re doing a fine job of it,” retorted Rob, picking up one of Leo’s toys which was a mini-football and he looked to Vanessa. “You’ve made me very confused about my feelings towards not you but you’ve started to make me doubt my feelings towards my own partner.” Ravyn stopped on the stairs in confusion.

“What about that kiss?” asked Vanessa, as Ravyn’s jaw dropped at either thought of them kissing or…she wasn’t sure, just yet. “You kissed me Robert and it meant something. I know it meant something. You’re staying with her because of the kid is that the case?”

“That’s not true,” Rob denied. “Did I say that? Look, Vanessa, you’re causing more harm then you think, just being in this household.”

“So in other words yes, because I know what kind of person you are, you, are an ******* Robert, you say one thing and then say another, that’s why we couldn’t last, was that it?” asked Vanessa. “And all the time I thought it was something to do with me. It was because you couldn’t make up your mind. I thought you said you wanted me back last time.”

“I didn’t say that, now you’re twisting my words around,” denied Rob, as he sat back down with the toy football in his hands. “I wouldn’t do that to her. I really wouldn’t, I’m… I’m not that kind of person. Yes, I am confused about how I feel about her right now, I’m not even sure how I feel about her son right now, but if you go away from me, I then, can make up my mind.”

“Rob, you said you loved me once a time, what happened to that?” asked Vanessa, as Ravyn knew she was just looking for trouble, as Ravyn continued her secret journey to where Vanessa and Rob stood. “What happened to those times where we would stroll in the park?” There was silence between them, as Leo ran out of the room.

“Mummy!” yelled Leo, as Leo came out of nowhere and threw his arms around his mother. Rob and Vanessa were taken by surprise and this was the last thing Rob wanted happening, Ravyn becoming involved in a conversation with Vanessa, let alone being in the same room. Ravyn picked up her son and walked into the room where Vanessa and her partner were. Rob looked as though he had just seen a UFO and well, Vanessa, she was kind of glad to see Ravyn and was curious of participation in a conversation.

“Vanessa,” was the first thing Ravyn saw and said. She looked around to see Rob sitting on the couch fiddling with one of Leo’s toy football. “What’s happening?”

“Nothing, Vanessa was about to leave,” Rob answered and indicated to Vanessa’s departure, but Vanessa shook her head instead. “Are you off to work now?”

“Why didn’t you put Leo to bed?” asked Ravyn, trying to remain calm about the fact that she felt Rob was going behind her back and he knew it himself, he had just been caught out.

“I was about to, but then Vanessa was in the neighbourhood and paid us a visit, how nice is she?” asked Rob, trying to keep his edge but was failing because he was so nervous and so afraid of the aftermath of Vanessa’s visit. “He wanted to play a little bit more as well.”

Ravyn turned to Vanessa and eyed her carefully.

“Get out of my house, now Vanessa,” Ravyn quietly ordered to Vanessa. Ravyn expected her to move her ground straight away but Vanessa stood her ground. “Do you realise I can get you done for trespassing on private property if you don’t leave when you’ve been requested to?”

“I thought I might just pop around to say hi to you all, is that considered illegal in your text books Ravyn?” asked Vanessa, smartly, knowing that Ravyn worked around legal terms and medical terminology all day. Ravyn didn’t say anything. “I was telling Rob how cute little Leo is. I take it, a child from a previous marriage right?” Ravyn didn’t say anything, because she knew that would just fuel Vanessa and her smart mouth. “Is he the only child?” Ravyn was building up her ammo, as she shook her head. “Oh, how old is the other one?”

Rob was ready to say something in objection to Ravyn’s response to Vanessa’s previous question, but Rob had a bad feeling about whatever Ravyn had up her sleeve.

“Two weeks old,” answered Ravyn, slowly.

“Oh, that’s…nice, I didn’t know you had a second child, what’s its name?” asked Vanessa.

“Don’t know, I only found out today that I am even carrying another child,” answered Ravyn, bitterly, as Rob kept telling himself that she has to be joking or, Rob didn’t know the second part of it.

“Congratulations,” smiled Vanessa, looking Rob’s way as he smiled as a reply. “In that case, all the best in the future.”

“Now, can you just leave us alone please before I chuck a pregnant woman episode at you?” requested Ravyn, finding it hard to maintain her lack of patience problem. Vanessa’s smile quickly faded after Ravyn’s request. “If you haven’t noticed by now, I don’t like you. I have never liked you for many reasons. Now I find out that you’re back in Rob’s life. Just get out, I don’t even want you in my life, let alone be in my child’s life. You have been warned and you have three minutes to get out before I pick up that phone up with my bare hands and call the police. And knowing you, I don’t think you would like a blemish on your public record.”

“Okay in that case,” Vanessa slowly said. “I thought we got along. What happened?”

“*** miraculously poked a stick up my *** and said to me thou shall not like Vanessa,” answered Ravyn, bluntly.

“Could she put it any more bluntly?” Rob whispered to himself, closing his eyes and hoping she hadn’t just said that and he was just hearing things.

“I’ll be off in that case,” said Vanessa, as Rob reopened his eyes to see Vanessa waving to him. Rob waved goodbye. “I’ll give you a call or something.”

“Two minutes,” warned Ravyn, as Vanessa walked past and left Ravyn’s house. Ravyn looked directly and sharply at Robert. “You’re so ******* unbelievable sometimes. I don’t know what’s worse, knowing that she was here or knowing that you’ve been going behind my back, with that, that…thing.”

“I don’t know what you heard but you’ve got me wrong,” defended Rob, as Ravyn walked away to put Leo to bed, who the little child was weary eyed and slowly falling asleep. Ravyn didn’t know what time it was but she was cranky and anyone was going to be in the firing line wither they liked it or not. “Don’t leave!”

“I’m putting my son to bed, if you haven’t noticed the child falling asleep in its mother’s arms Robert,” replied Ravyn, as Rob threw the plush football at the wall, got off his feet from the couch and followed Ravyn up the stairs and into Leo’s room. “Don’t you come in here, Rob, after what I’ve heard, you should be kissing your *** that I haven’t made a rash decision to kick you out.” Rob walked out of Leo’s room and waited for her to come out. The child was already dead to the world by the time Ravyn put Leo under his blankets and turned off his lamp. She closed the door silently. She turned around to see Rob looking like a begging animal fighting for its life because a hunter had shot it. “Don’t you give me that look.”

“What look am I giving you?” asked Rob, a bit confused.

“The poor animal that’s been shot look,” answered Ravyn. “You do it every time that your *** in trouble, like now for an example.”

“I have nothing to hide Ravyn,” explained Rob. “That thing with Vanessa, it’s because of her that I thought and said those things. She’s evil that *****, I really think she’s this enchantress that casts spells on all men around her.”

“No, that’s called being attracted to her,” corrected Ravyn, crossing her arms, as Rob shook his head. “Like I said before, you’re ******* unbelievable sometimes Robert. The things that you manage to do and the things that you say as well and I thought our relationship was going down because of my working patterns.”

“It is!” objected Rob, changing the subject completely but still linking it to what was previously stated by Ravyn. “Our relationship is going down because you’re never home. This wouldn’t have happened, Vanessa’s little visits, if you were just home for once in a while. You come home and all you do is sleep.”

“Do you realise how ******* demanding this job is on me, both mentally and physically?” asked Ravyn. “You wouldn’t have any idea, I was right. And you’re failing to take the blame for your own actions. You just love changing the subject don’t you Rob? Especially, when you have to be in the spotlight over something, like tonight’s little stunt with Vanessa. Tell me, Robert, how times has she been over when I haven’t been home?”

“A couple, but it’s not like I was going to keep you from her, I’ve been telling to cut it out for a couple of days now, she just ***** with my head Ravyn, you’ve got to understand that,” Rob rambled on almost like a senseless lunatic. “As I said before, if you weren’t always at work and kissing Anette’s *** all the time, and if you were home once in a while not sleeping or not eating, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Even Leo is starting to miss you; he hardly gets to spend any time with his mother anymore. He’s always with me, he comes with me into work on the weekends, and he hardly gets to spend any decent time with you.”

“Don’t try and pin this on me, I get home whenever I can, it’s not my **** fault that there’s a lunatic on the loose and we have to pick up the scraps and try to make sense of whatever the **** is happening,” retorted Ravyn. She just felt like her motherhood to Leo had just been questioned and she wasn’t very happy. She tried to be there, but most times, she couldn’t. “I’m going back to sleep Robert. I didn’t get off the early bird shift.” Ravyn simply walked away from Rob standing there, leaning against the rails that prevented anyone failing down to the next level of the house. She closed the door and stood there against it thinking about what Rob had just said. A tear made its way down her face, but she quickly got rid of it with a simple wipe. She sniffled, as she climbed back into bed. She pulled the blankets over her and she looked into the dark. She closed her eyes, trying not to let everything haul over and she was sure that she was going to keep it together and that she wasn’t going to lose the plot over what Rob had just said to her.

“*** **** why are so slow?” asked Azem, sitting at the dinner table, next to Leo who was in his high chair. Azem looked to the child. “Jeez, I hope when you’re her age you ain’t as slow at this.”

“I’m coming,” answered Ravyn, coming through the door with two plates in her hand with steaming food on it. She wasn’t in the greatest of moods today, but she knew she had to restrain it because the worse was going to occur if she let herself completely go at him. She placed the food in front of him and Azem looked at the food oddly. “What’s wrong?” Azem didn’t say anything but glared at the food as though it was poison or something. “It was what you asked for, isn’t it?” Azem nodded, as he took another sip of his beer. Ravyn ignored her worries about Azem not touching his food and sat herself down opposite her husband and her child. She started to eat her foot with the knife and fork that she had placed on the table previously.

“I’m not hungry now,” mumbled Azem. “But nevertheless, I’ve got a resolution to the problem.” Azem picked up the hunk of meat and placed it in Leo’s bowl. “What a growing man needs, iron.”

“Don’t give him that,” Ravyn said, crossly, but she her tone remained the same. Azem didn’t listen but instead looked at the child poking at the hunk of meat that Ravyn had just spent half an hour or so slaving over a hot stove for. “He’s not going to eat it.” Ravyn rolled her eyes, as she got to her feet and removed the hunk of meat from Leo’s bowl. “Give him some mashed potatoes if you’re going to give him anything.” Ravyn put the meat back on Azem’s plate. But all Azem did was put it back in Leo’s bowl that had cartoon characters along the rim of it. Ravyn picked it up again and put it back on Azem’s plate.

“**** you *****, didn’t I just tell you I ain’t hungry and that boy needs iron in him?” asked Azem, as he replaced the empty spot in Leo’s bowl with the same piece of meat. Ravyn didn’t argue and went back to her chair. She sat back down and started to eat her dinner. “Can I have some ice-cream now?”

“No,” answered Ravyn, bluntly. “You said you weren’t hungry.”

“You don’t have to be hungry to have some ice-cream,” replied Azem. “Get it woman!”

“No, get it yourself,” replied Ravyn, as she swallowed a piece of food. Azem got to his feet and grabbed Ravyn by her arms, as she was pulled out from her chair. He made her stand up straight, as he raised his open palm up high.

“Please, Azem, not in front of Leo,” Ravyn begged, as she could feel her bruises on her back tingling with pain and uncertainty. Azem let go of Ravyn’s arm turned around and picked his son up. Ravyn braced herself for the worst. He walked off with him, and Ravyn came after.

“What are you doing to Leo, Azem?” asked Ravyn, as she was keeping up with him. He wasn’t going to answer her, and she knew it. Azem stopped and turned around. He walked back into the kitchen, opened the pantry door, and sat his son on the bottom shelf. “No, Azem, don’t, not to Leo.” But Azem didn’t listen and slammed the pantry door shut, as Leo started to cry from inside.

“Touch him or the pantry, and I’m going to send your sorry *** to ****,” warned Azem, as Ravyn shook her head. He was doing this to test her and she hated being tested. Ravyn pushed past Azem, opened the door and picked up her son who was covered in tears.

“It’s alright, I’ve got you,” Ravyn soothed her crying son in her arms, as she closed the door and looked directly to Azem, who was smirking. “Do whatever you want to me, but never touch my son.”

“Correction, our son, takes two to tango darl,” corrected Azem, still with a smirk on his face. “Put him to bed or something, just make him shut up for ****’s sake!”

“Then don’t do that to him!” yelled Ravyn, really angry now.

“Don’t you ******* yell at me!” Azem yelled, as he snatched Leo out of her arm, and walked straight into the living room with the crying infant in his arms. He dropped the infant on the couch and looked straight around to see Ravyn’s furious reaction. “What are you going to do now, *****, huh?” He walked over to Ravyn, grabbed her arm, raised his bare palm, and slapped her across the face. Not only once, but three times or so, until there were a couple of gashes across her face and blood seeped out from the gashes. “You ******* tell me what to do or you yell at me like that again, the cops won’t have any corpse to pin me to for your murder.”

Ravyn woke up, with cold sweat on her face. She rolled onto her back as she realised what had just happened. It was those haunting memories again, they’ve come back. But why? That fight with Rob, must’ve triggered something off, again. Ravyn hated remembering and reliving those fights with Azem. They ****** her up even more. She didn’t know what was worse, living through those memories to make them memories, or reliving those memories when she thought she had escaped the wrath of Azem and his abusive freak ways.




New member
Lord I really loved this update - it had everything in it! Anger, laughter, ****, betrayal... wow...

“*** miraculously poked a stick up my *** and said to me thou shall not like Vanessa,” answered Ravyn, bluntly.
That line seriously made me laugh out loud. Wow. I wish I was that astute to come out with witty remarks like that in real life. Have to remember that. Good stuff ;)

Vanessa just showing up and Rob repeatedly allowing it made me see red. There was at least twice where I was just bracing myself thinking 'if that were really me he'd be wearing the imprint of my hand on his face by now' but his defense actually rang true as something most men would probably say. We sexes see things so differently that to him he probably did feel innocent, like he had done nothing wrong, but me reading that I got so mad I just wanted to scream at him (or the screen as a nice substitute! haha) That woman really is up to no good. Wish I knew what her problem was - wtf I think I just had a light bulb moment... is SHE the killer I'm after?! :eek: Is she after my man?! >:eek::mad::spiteful: Jesus, for Rob's sake, he better hope not.


“Don’t know, I only found out today that I am even carrying another child,” answered Ravyn, bitterly, as Rob kept telling himself that she has to be joking or, Rob didn’t know the second part of it.
Please explain? Am I thinking I'm you (Sarah) or something here? Sleep deprivation or something or was that just a ruse to throw Vanessa off the track some. Mean tactic if it's not true. Rob would be pretty cut. Considering he virtually ignored it. *** sometimes... hot as **** but dumb as a stump... at least he's a good father figure to Leo. Speaking of fathers... what the **** is Azem's problems with food?! Every argument is around food or the like... I find this notion weird (being a cook in real life) if he gave me that much lip I'd bash his head in with a fry pan while he slept MFR (sorry Real life Azem, you're cool enough ;) ), but for the story he sounds at least like a guy who has an unhealthy relationship with food.

Makes two of us.

And how'd you know my curtains were red? (Well they are in the living room at least) - have you been spying on me again?! haha

Awesome!! OMG I SO see spin offs from this - but I can't. Committed to MS now. Have to see that one through to the end (as much as its killing me). Love this more with each post though. Amusing the transition from earlier 'Scrubs' like mentality to this brooding 'CSI' tone has happened. Love it. Looking forward to more!


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