New member
*sigh* 20 minutes to 4 in the morning, listening to my KoRn playlist and I am ******* buggered. Yay. Free day for me tomorrow though, well, I would consider that today, free day for me today.
Another chapter for y'all.
Okay I've just realised a huge mistake in the last update. Forgive me if you find it. I couldn't edit it cos I just realised it was there when I was walking down the highway back from Red Rooster ... just before I got my evening white chocolate Mocha from McCafe, Lol, and grrrr...I didn't see it unitl now.
Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream, I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means, close your eyes, just picture the scene, as I paint it for you, it was World War two...
“Delson!” yelled Jeezy from the doorway of the nurses’ common room, as Brad opened his eyes and spun around. Jeezy lowered his voice, as the only reason why he had raised his voice before because Brad had blared it up so loud that Jeezy speaking normally would be like trying to listen a mouse in a jungle. “Don’t listen to rap **** when you’re on shift work.” Brad turned around and stopped the music that he was listening to, because he knew if he ignored the new guy, well, Brad didn’t know what would happen. Brad hadn’t really been introduced to Jeezy’s attitude. “Thank you.” Brad turned around so that he faced Jeezy. “Out of sheer curiosity why are you listening to music and not doing what you’re being paid to do?”
“Not on surgery for another forty-five minutes,” answered Brad, looking innocent. To be all honest with himself, he hadn’t turned up to the three out of the five surgeries that he was scheduled for today. “So what else is there to do that’s better than to listen to some random rap artist rap away?”
“I could say so much to that but I won’t,” commented Jeezy smoothly. “In fact, I will now that I think of it, yes I will say something to it. Don’t play rap especially when it’s that loud and the patients can hear it. You think of what kind of reputation you’re going to give the nurses?”
“They already have a reputation that is um…how do I put it? Oh yeah, below hospital standards,” replied Brad, as he looked around to see if any nurses were nearby just in case he got in trouble. Brad felt relieved that there weren’t any around and that he just gotten away with a snide comment about Tarja’s department. “Oh yeah, talking about below standards, have you seen Tarja today? She was supposed to give me some schedules but she hasn’t signed on today. I wonder what the **** she’s up to.”
“She’s the head of the nurses; she would be a very busy woman Delson,” explained Jeezy, as Meaghen pushed her way past Jeezy and walked over to Brad, with a very angry expression upon her face. “Hey watch it next time Greyfoxx; you’re going to knock someone down soon if you’re not careful.”
However, Meaghen’s anger had gotten the upper hand on her this time and she was going to snap because of Brad’s latest stunt amongst the interns and of course, radiotherapy and radiology’s equipment. Her eyes were wide open with anger and knowing the good old Meaghen that Ravyn had provoked on a number of times to make her be this way, she stopped in front of Brad and looked at him, as though he had just slaughtered half her family in cold blood. Brad hid his face with his arms.
“Don’t hurt me,” pleaded Brad. “What did I do this time to upset you, you crazy *****?” Brad knew that adding the words ‘crazy *****’ would only give Meaghen a more motive to hurt him to the point of immobilisation. Then Brad realised something, right before he removed his face and then that stupid action, just resulted in what he was expecting out of Meaghen, a big slap across the face. He realised that Meaghen was the next Ravyn. She had the attitude problem, the same angry gaze that he got from Ravyn whenever he decided to **** around with her brain and of course, her work, but she lacked the bullying and autocratic dictatorship aspect of Ravyn. Brad almost forgot the other characteristic of Ravyn, her historic allusions and comparisons.
“Hey, no violence,” ordered Jeezy, taking control of Meaghen’s attitude problem. He walked over to Meaghen, and pulled her around by her shoulder so that they faced each other. Jeezy looked at Meaghen in the anger-filled eyes of hers. “No violence in the work place. You got it? Unless you want your *** sued by Delson for abuse in the workplace.”
“Then it is Azem’s fault for not doing anything about, that’s if it’s reported,” retorted Meaghen. “Wouldn’t mind, seeing that jack *** that has just cut down both of my departments funding by seventy-two percent that… jerk.”
“It’s not his decision, it’s the board’s,” objected Jeezy as though he was sticking up for Azem’s actions. “You know he has the most power inside these walls, and those decisions aren’t up to him entirely. Just like your timetables aren’t up to him.”
“You know, if Harris was still working here and you were here as something else, you would’ve had your head ripped off for that comment,” Brad explained, only going on old memories of various comments and arguments between Ravyn and other people about Grant’s doings, let alone the various evil glares he saw that woman give Azem on a number of occasion during the short time that they were both working in the same workplace. “Not only would you not be here having this discussion with us, you would probably be too bullshitted out to work for another ten minutes. Trust me, been there and done that; never want to go back to it.”
“And who exactly is this person you speak of as though they were such a major threat to hospital safety?” asked Jeezy, diverting his attention to Brad with a quirky look on his face.
“Ravyn, she was in your place before she quit,” answered Meaghen, as she rolled her eyes at Jeezy. She did this to all the people who didn’t know the name Harris even if it smacked them in the centre of their forehead and left a watermark on their faces for the rest of their lives. “If you were here before she left you would’ve made it onto her must-kill list quite easily, by the sound of your approach to Azem and his work ethics. She wasn’t exactly a threat to hospital safety entirely; she was just a threat to your personal safety when you crossed her too many times.”
“Wow, sounds like someone was going through menopause,” muttered Jeezy to himself, as Josh entered the scene by sticking his in through the door. Brad was the first person to notice the sudden appearance of just Josh’s head sticking through the door, shortly followed by Meaghen’s gaze, as she removed her attention to Josh. It was like a headless apparition almost. Jeezy looked to see who or what was behind at, whatever Brad and Meaghen were looking at. Casper the Friendly Ghost mixed in with Grey’s Anatomy, what a delight, Jeezy thought to himself, smiling at his own thoughts, as he saw Josh’s head popping appearing through the doorway. “Ah, I see we have a headless apparition. What a delightful sight, I must say Gradon you’re getting hard to predict.”
“You haven’t been here long enough,” Greyfoxx muttered under breath, crossing her arms. “Yes Joshua. What do you want now? Did you misplace your blanket or your teddy bear this time around?”
“Where the **** is Melissa?” asked Josh, frowning as he ignored her taunts. “She was supposed to start shift work two and a half hours go and I have not heard her distinctively loud and whingey voice so far.”
“So you’re in search of someone just because you miss the sound of their voice?” asked Greyfoxx, getting amazed by the lack of intelligence that this hospital has succumbed to, especially when hiring department heads and second-in-charge. “I wish I got compliments like that.”
“You do, you’re just not around to hear them,” added Brad, as Greyfoxx turned around and shot him a nasty glare. “What? It was a compliment.”
“Don’t ever **** with my interns again Delson, or you may not be able to reproduce in the future,” threatened Greyfoxx. Brad couldn’t help but to laugh in her face about her threat. “I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you.” Brad was trying to fight back a laugh, but was failing with great success as a smile appeared on his face, as he tried his hardest to avoid being hit in the stomach or any other kind of abuse she would inflict on him, on top of that slap across the face that he was yet to find out what had caused such a notion.
“I’m serious guys, I haven’t heard a complaint or a ***** from Phoenix all morning,” Gradon interrupted the pair from throwing threats at each other. Delson and Greyfoxx refocused their attention back to Gradon who was trying to make a point. “And plus, she’s not like this. She loves coming to work –”
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Brad interrupted Gradon’s moving speech about Mel’s disappearance from the workplace. Everyone looked at Brad. “Sorry. Continue.”
“As I was saying before, there’s something not right here, there really isn’t,” Josh continued, as everyone’s attention was back on him, as he moved his full body into view, so that he didn’t look like a headless ghoul appearing out of thin air. “Sarah hasn’t turned up as well.”
“Oh yeah, I was going to mention that, and I just assumed that she doesn’t like me full stop,” added Jeezy, as Brad appeared by Jeezy’s side.
“You got the second part at least right,” replied Brad as Jeezy gave him a nasty look. “Only stating the truth, man. Jeez, I get in trouble for telling the truth. In fact, I get in trouble for **** I don’t do in the first place. What a lovely democratic environment we work in.”
“Blame it on Harris, Delson,” replied Gradon, as Jeezy refocused his attention back on Josh’s woes and *** knows what else that guy will come out with. “Blame it on her; it’s easier that way so you don’t end up feeling like **** afterwards. Anyway, getting back to that whiney son of a *****, Phoenix, I can’t even get hold of her. Her cell’s turned off or out of range; she’s not picking up her landline. I called Sarah’s place and same thing, can’t get her on her cell and I can’t get her on her landline. It’s ******* unbelievable what happens the instant that Harris leaves, everything goes ******* haywire!”
“I wouldn’t put it that way, especially blaming this situation on Harris, that’s an exaggeration in itself and ****, you should know that Gradon,” criticised Greyfoxx, looking at him as though he had become some kind of alien now since Ravyn’s departure from the hospital, let alone the town itself. “It’s Sacred Heart for you, just in general. There’s so many outs and ins to this place it’s like a thatch work gone ******* nuts at those bizarre county fairs those thatch freaks hold all over the country. This place was set for haywire when Harris arrived…not that I can speak for when she arrived, but yeah, you get the general gist of it all.”
“And on top of that Gradon,” Jeezy ignored Greyfoxx’s rants, as did with everybody else who just got the privilege to listen to Greyfoxx’s rant. “Tarja hasn’t turned up. What the **** is going down?”
“That’s just great,” muttered Gradon to himself. Three of his employees haven’t turned up for their shifts and no one can get hold of them. May as well just drown all the donkeys in the world and still, the same result will occur, Josh thought to himself, almost at the point of pulling his hair out. He was mostly thinking about Azem’s reaction that’s all, because if something goes wrong, and has done several times since Azem’s career had started at Sacred Heart, it’s always Gradon’s *** in the firing line. Even if Gradon couldn’t control it. Well, that was half true. It’s only been since Ravyn left that Gradon copped the ****, other than that, everything was just fine and he even thought to himself that Ravyn must’ve been the one to cop all the bullshit if he hadn’t previously gotten it before. He shrugged that thought off. “Well. I’m going to go hide underneath my desk in my office because I am going to be in the firing line for Azem’s ***** attacks.”
“And I was getting under the impression that you liked Azem,” commented Brad. “It’s funny how things backfire on you, isn’t it Gradon?” Suck up, Brad thought to himself, as he thought more of how everything wasn’t going Gradon’s way today, and yet, Brad himself was having a happy day then he thought about Meaghen’s little ***** attack at him over what he did to her interns and how he made them break half the equipment in sight…Meaghen’s ***** attack was nothing, he concluded peacefully.
“Why am I hearing my name being used in sentences that sound potentially negative?” asked Azem, appearing next to Josh, as he was taken by surprised by his presence. “I hope there are no bad connotations being added to either my first name or my surname.”
“Would I do that to you?” asked Josh, as Brad thought again, suck up. Brad rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. Azem looked around the various members from different members of different departments of the hospital. “We were just discussing people’s schedules.” Azem looked back to his second-in-charge personnel.
“Do I look stupid Gradon?” asked Azem, seeing right through Gradon and knew that he was deliberately trying to hide something from him. Josh shook his head. “Then what the **** is that thing floating around in your mind that you’re avoiding to discuss with me?”
“Three people haven’t turned up to work,” answered Brad, getting fed up with Gradon’s suck ups and afraid of being demoted from Azem’s pet to Azem’s doormat. Oh wait, he thought to himself, they are the same thing, *******.
“Make that four,” corrected Josh, finally getting the guts to add another person to the list of the missing employees. “Shinoda hasn’t turned up either. Well, he did, for about ten minutes, and then he just walked out the front doors. He said he hated himself for whatever the **** happened. I don’t know. Something has happened to disrupt the lot of them. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m seeing a trend among them.”
“Oh well in that case, Shinoda and who else is missing?” asked Azem, crossing his arms and in a deep thought.
“Sarah, Tarja and Melissa,” answered Greyfoxx. “They are just wagging work. That’s what I reckon.”
“Mel doesn’t wag work, she even comes in here when she’s sick and we all have to tell her to go home, once I had to give her a direct order to go home because she was a risk to the patients and the risk of infection was too high,” corrected Josh, recalling a certain moment.
“Alright, so we have Mike, Sarah, Tarja, and Melissa missing, that’s alright, they’re replaceable,” concluded Azem.
“Not that easily, though, Mike’s head of the pharmacy downstairs and Tarja’s head of the nurses,” objected Brad. “I would love to see you easily replace them.”
“Alright, they’re fired,” Azem automatically concluded; as he looked as relax with his decision as a young teenager girl basking in the sun’s ray wanting the perfect tan.
“You ******* can’t do that, that’s the boards decision not yours,” objected Brad, thinking the worse of what Azem could reply with. Azem looked to Brad with a dangerous gaze. “You basically have no right to do that. You don’t know what the **** could’ve happened to them.”
“I now have the power to fire and suspend people Delson, so I would be all so very careful how you structure your sentences around me,” replied Azem, smoothly, as he turned back to Gradon. “Erase their timetable. As from now on they don’t work here. Rip up their ID tags and deny all security access to all safety deposits including the money safe and all medical supplies. You never know, they might be shooting up as we speak.”
“Sarah…no way man, she wouldn’t be shooting up,” objected Brad. “You don’t know her history with drugs–”
“So she’s an ex-drug addict then?” Azem interrupted Brad with his question. “More of the reason to have her fired. She defied hospital protocols.” He turned back to Josh, who yet again, was too afraid to say or do anything that might upset Azem. “Why wasn’t her criminal history checked Gradon?”
“That protocol wasn’t in place when she came here, it was only set in place when all the new reforms came in with you,” answered Josh. “I had no idea that everyone still needed a criminal check. There’s no possible way we can do it. We need to go through the court system and that can take years.”
“The board has already taken care of that, she’s not coming back now, she defied hospital protocol,” stated Azem clearly, as he turned back around to face the rest of the people that were overhearing the conversation between him and Josh. “I don’t care what you think. The four of them are goners. Now accept it and move on. If you challenge me, it’ll be the last thing you’ll be doing in this hospital and the first thing you’ll be regretting when you leave the premises. Now do we all understand?”
None of them really wanted to agree with him, but they had no choice. It was one for one. It was the survival of the fittest. It was Darwinism in the purest form of communism a capitalist country could contain. Everyone nodded, as no one really meant the nod. Azem smiled and walked away, as he barked at Gradon to follow. Josh jumped at the volume that Azem had to bark at him with and followed him like dog on a leash. Brad and Meaghen turned to each other.
“I really hate to say it, and as much of a hypocrite I sound when I say this, but I’m going to admit the impossible here and forgive me for it,” requested Brad, looking worried. “I want Harris back. She at least stood up to jackasses like Azem no matter what the cost was. Her suspension was just coincidental. It was not like she had deliberately asked for it. *** out of all the things that had to be suspended for, it was such a minor thing compared to what she’s done to other people in the past. But when you think about it, we can get her back; she’s in D.C. with Rob and at her new job, and with Leo. We can’t call her back.”
“Yeah,” Greyfoxx whispered slowly, as Jeezy rolled his eyes and left the scene, walking out of the common room. “Yeah. I kinda do agree with you on that one, Delson. I really do. Unless we can get Gallagher back.”
“No holy *** no, not Gallagher,” objected Brad, looking at Greyfoxx as though she had just committed a mortal sin. “Just Harris. Or someone who’ll put Azem in his place.”
Another chapter for y'all.
Okay I've just realised a huge mistake in the last update. Forgive me if you find it. I couldn't edit it cos I just realised it was there when I was walking down the highway back from Red Rooster ... just before I got my evening white chocolate Mocha from McCafe, Lol, and grrrr...I didn't see it unitl now.
Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream, I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means, close your eyes, just picture the scene, as I paint it for you, it was World War two...
“Delson!” yelled Jeezy from the doorway of the nurses’ common room, as Brad opened his eyes and spun around. Jeezy lowered his voice, as the only reason why he had raised his voice before because Brad had blared it up so loud that Jeezy speaking normally would be like trying to listen a mouse in a jungle. “Don’t listen to rap **** when you’re on shift work.” Brad turned around and stopped the music that he was listening to, because he knew if he ignored the new guy, well, Brad didn’t know what would happen. Brad hadn’t really been introduced to Jeezy’s attitude. “Thank you.” Brad turned around so that he faced Jeezy. “Out of sheer curiosity why are you listening to music and not doing what you’re being paid to do?”
“Not on surgery for another forty-five minutes,” answered Brad, looking innocent. To be all honest with himself, he hadn’t turned up to the three out of the five surgeries that he was scheduled for today. “So what else is there to do that’s better than to listen to some random rap artist rap away?”
“I could say so much to that but I won’t,” commented Jeezy smoothly. “In fact, I will now that I think of it, yes I will say something to it. Don’t play rap especially when it’s that loud and the patients can hear it. You think of what kind of reputation you’re going to give the nurses?”
“They already have a reputation that is um…how do I put it? Oh yeah, below hospital standards,” replied Brad, as he looked around to see if any nurses were nearby just in case he got in trouble. Brad felt relieved that there weren’t any around and that he just gotten away with a snide comment about Tarja’s department. “Oh yeah, talking about below standards, have you seen Tarja today? She was supposed to give me some schedules but she hasn’t signed on today. I wonder what the **** she’s up to.”
“She’s the head of the nurses; she would be a very busy woman Delson,” explained Jeezy, as Meaghen pushed her way past Jeezy and walked over to Brad, with a very angry expression upon her face. “Hey watch it next time Greyfoxx; you’re going to knock someone down soon if you’re not careful.”
However, Meaghen’s anger had gotten the upper hand on her this time and she was going to snap because of Brad’s latest stunt amongst the interns and of course, radiotherapy and radiology’s equipment. Her eyes were wide open with anger and knowing the good old Meaghen that Ravyn had provoked on a number of times to make her be this way, she stopped in front of Brad and looked at him, as though he had just slaughtered half her family in cold blood. Brad hid his face with his arms.
“Don’t hurt me,” pleaded Brad. “What did I do this time to upset you, you crazy *****?” Brad knew that adding the words ‘crazy *****’ would only give Meaghen a more motive to hurt him to the point of immobilisation. Then Brad realised something, right before he removed his face and then that stupid action, just resulted in what he was expecting out of Meaghen, a big slap across the face. He realised that Meaghen was the next Ravyn. She had the attitude problem, the same angry gaze that he got from Ravyn whenever he decided to **** around with her brain and of course, her work, but she lacked the bullying and autocratic dictatorship aspect of Ravyn. Brad almost forgot the other characteristic of Ravyn, her historic allusions and comparisons.
“Hey, no violence,” ordered Jeezy, taking control of Meaghen’s attitude problem. He walked over to Meaghen, and pulled her around by her shoulder so that they faced each other. Jeezy looked at Meaghen in the anger-filled eyes of hers. “No violence in the work place. You got it? Unless you want your *** sued by Delson for abuse in the workplace.”
“Then it is Azem’s fault for not doing anything about, that’s if it’s reported,” retorted Meaghen. “Wouldn’t mind, seeing that jack *** that has just cut down both of my departments funding by seventy-two percent that… jerk.”
“It’s not his decision, it’s the board’s,” objected Jeezy as though he was sticking up for Azem’s actions. “You know he has the most power inside these walls, and those decisions aren’t up to him entirely. Just like your timetables aren’t up to him.”
“You know, if Harris was still working here and you were here as something else, you would’ve had your head ripped off for that comment,” Brad explained, only going on old memories of various comments and arguments between Ravyn and other people about Grant’s doings, let alone the various evil glares he saw that woman give Azem on a number of occasion during the short time that they were both working in the same workplace. “Not only would you not be here having this discussion with us, you would probably be too bullshitted out to work for another ten minutes. Trust me, been there and done that; never want to go back to it.”
“And who exactly is this person you speak of as though they were such a major threat to hospital safety?” asked Jeezy, diverting his attention to Brad with a quirky look on his face.
“Ravyn, she was in your place before she quit,” answered Meaghen, as she rolled her eyes at Jeezy. She did this to all the people who didn’t know the name Harris even if it smacked them in the centre of their forehead and left a watermark on their faces for the rest of their lives. “If you were here before she left you would’ve made it onto her must-kill list quite easily, by the sound of your approach to Azem and his work ethics. She wasn’t exactly a threat to hospital safety entirely; she was just a threat to your personal safety when you crossed her too many times.”
“Wow, sounds like someone was going through menopause,” muttered Jeezy to himself, as Josh entered the scene by sticking his in through the door. Brad was the first person to notice the sudden appearance of just Josh’s head sticking through the door, shortly followed by Meaghen’s gaze, as she removed her attention to Josh. It was like a headless apparition almost. Jeezy looked to see who or what was behind at, whatever Brad and Meaghen were looking at. Casper the Friendly Ghost mixed in with Grey’s Anatomy, what a delight, Jeezy thought to himself, smiling at his own thoughts, as he saw Josh’s head popping appearing through the doorway. “Ah, I see we have a headless apparition. What a delightful sight, I must say Gradon you’re getting hard to predict.”
“You haven’t been here long enough,” Greyfoxx muttered under breath, crossing her arms. “Yes Joshua. What do you want now? Did you misplace your blanket or your teddy bear this time around?”
“Where the **** is Melissa?” asked Josh, frowning as he ignored her taunts. “She was supposed to start shift work two and a half hours go and I have not heard her distinctively loud and whingey voice so far.”
“So you’re in search of someone just because you miss the sound of their voice?” asked Greyfoxx, getting amazed by the lack of intelligence that this hospital has succumbed to, especially when hiring department heads and second-in-charge. “I wish I got compliments like that.”
“You do, you’re just not around to hear them,” added Brad, as Greyfoxx turned around and shot him a nasty glare. “What? It was a compliment.”
“Don’t ever **** with my interns again Delson, or you may not be able to reproduce in the future,” threatened Greyfoxx. Brad couldn’t help but to laugh in her face about her threat. “I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you.” Brad was trying to fight back a laugh, but was failing with great success as a smile appeared on his face, as he tried his hardest to avoid being hit in the stomach or any other kind of abuse she would inflict on him, on top of that slap across the face that he was yet to find out what had caused such a notion.
“I’m serious guys, I haven’t heard a complaint or a ***** from Phoenix all morning,” Gradon interrupted the pair from throwing threats at each other. Delson and Greyfoxx refocused their attention back to Gradon who was trying to make a point. “And plus, she’s not like this. She loves coming to work –”
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Brad interrupted Gradon’s moving speech about Mel’s disappearance from the workplace. Everyone looked at Brad. “Sorry. Continue.”
“As I was saying before, there’s something not right here, there really isn’t,” Josh continued, as everyone’s attention was back on him, as he moved his full body into view, so that he didn’t look like a headless ghoul appearing out of thin air. “Sarah hasn’t turned up as well.”
“Oh yeah, I was going to mention that, and I just assumed that she doesn’t like me full stop,” added Jeezy, as Brad appeared by Jeezy’s side.
“You got the second part at least right,” replied Brad as Jeezy gave him a nasty look. “Only stating the truth, man. Jeez, I get in trouble for telling the truth. In fact, I get in trouble for **** I don’t do in the first place. What a lovely democratic environment we work in.”
“Blame it on Harris, Delson,” replied Gradon, as Jeezy refocused his attention back on Josh’s woes and *** knows what else that guy will come out with. “Blame it on her; it’s easier that way so you don’t end up feeling like **** afterwards. Anyway, getting back to that whiney son of a *****, Phoenix, I can’t even get hold of her. Her cell’s turned off or out of range; she’s not picking up her landline. I called Sarah’s place and same thing, can’t get her on her cell and I can’t get her on her landline. It’s ******* unbelievable what happens the instant that Harris leaves, everything goes ******* haywire!”
“I wouldn’t put it that way, especially blaming this situation on Harris, that’s an exaggeration in itself and ****, you should know that Gradon,” criticised Greyfoxx, looking at him as though he had become some kind of alien now since Ravyn’s departure from the hospital, let alone the town itself. “It’s Sacred Heart for you, just in general. There’s so many outs and ins to this place it’s like a thatch work gone ******* nuts at those bizarre county fairs those thatch freaks hold all over the country. This place was set for haywire when Harris arrived…not that I can speak for when she arrived, but yeah, you get the general gist of it all.”
“And on top of that Gradon,” Jeezy ignored Greyfoxx’s rants, as did with everybody else who just got the privilege to listen to Greyfoxx’s rant. “Tarja hasn’t turned up. What the **** is going down?”
“That’s just great,” muttered Gradon to himself. Three of his employees haven’t turned up for their shifts and no one can get hold of them. May as well just drown all the donkeys in the world and still, the same result will occur, Josh thought to himself, almost at the point of pulling his hair out. He was mostly thinking about Azem’s reaction that’s all, because if something goes wrong, and has done several times since Azem’s career had started at Sacred Heart, it’s always Gradon’s *** in the firing line. Even if Gradon couldn’t control it. Well, that was half true. It’s only been since Ravyn left that Gradon copped the ****, other than that, everything was just fine and he even thought to himself that Ravyn must’ve been the one to cop all the bullshit if he hadn’t previously gotten it before. He shrugged that thought off. “Well. I’m going to go hide underneath my desk in my office because I am going to be in the firing line for Azem’s ***** attacks.”
“And I was getting under the impression that you liked Azem,” commented Brad. “It’s funny how things backfire on you, isn’t it Gradon?” Suck up, Brad thought to himself, as he thought more of how everything wasn’t going Gradon’s way today, and yet, Brad himself was having a happy day then he thought about Meaghen’s little ***** attack at him over what he did to her interns and how he made them break half the equipment in sight…Meaghen’s ***** attack was nothing, he concluded peacefully.
“Why am I hearing my name being used in sentences that sound potentially negative?” asked Azem, appearing next to Josh, as he was taken by surprised by his presence. “I hope there are no bad connotations being added to either my first name or my surname.”
“Would I do that to you?” asked Josh, as Brad thought again, suck up. Brad rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. Azem looked around the various members from different members of different departments of the hospital. “We were just discussing people’s schedules.” Azem looked back to his second-in-charge personnel.
“Do I look stupid Gradon?” asked Azem, seeing right through Gradon and knew that he was deliberately trying to hide something from him. Josh shook his head. “Then what the **** is that thing floating around in your mind that you’re avoiding to discuss with me?”
“Three people haven’t turned up to work,” answered Brad, getting fed up with Gradon’s suck ups and afraid of being demoted from Azem’s pet to Azem’s doormat. Oh wait, he thought to himself, they are the same thing, *******.
“Make that four,” corrected Josh, finally getting the guts to add another person to the list of the missing employees. “Shinoda hasn’t turned up either. Well, he did, for about ten minutes, and then he just walked out the front doors. He said he hated himself for whatever the **** happened. I don’t know. Something has happened to disrupt the lot of them. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m seeing a trend among them.”
“Oh well in that case, Shinoda and who else is missing?” asked Azem, crossing his arms and in a deep thought.
“Sarah, Tarja and Melissa,” answered Greyfoxx. “They are just wagging work. That’s what I reckon.”
“Mel doesn’t wag work, she even comes in here when she’s sick and we all have to tell her to go home, once I had to give her a direct order to go home because she was a risk to the patients and the risk of infection was too high,” corrected Josh, recalling a certain moment.
“Alright, so we have Mike, Sarah, Tarja, and Melissa missing, that’s alright, they’re replaceable,” concluded Azem.
“Not that easily, though, Mike’s head of the pharmacy downstairs and Tarja’s head of the nurses,” objected Brad. “I would love to see you easily replace them.”
“Alright, they’re fired,” Azem automatically concluded; as he looked as relax with his decision as a young teenager girl basking in the sun’s ray wanting the perfect tan.
“You ******* can’t do that, that’s the boards decision not yours,” objected Brad, thinking the worse of what Azem could reply with. Azem looked to Brad with a dangerous gaze. “You basically have no right to do that. You don’t know what the **** could’ve happened to them.”
“I now have the power to fire and suspend people Delson, so I would be all so very careful how you structure your sentences around me,” replied Azem, smoothly, as he turned back to Gradon. “Erase their timetable. As from now on they don’t work here. Rip up their ID tags and deny all security access to all safety deposits including the money safe and all medical supplies. You never know, they might be shooting up as we speak.”
“Sarah…no way man, she wouldn’t be shooting up,” objected Brad. “You don’t know her history with drugs–”
“So she’s an ex-drug addict then?” Azem interrupted Brad with his question. “More of the reason to have her fired. She defied hospital protocols.” He turned back to Josh, who yet again, was too afraid to say or do anything that might upset Azem. “Why wasn’t her criminal history checked Gradon?”
“That protocol wasn’t in place when she came here, it was only set in place when all the new reforms came in with you,” answered Josh. “I had no idea that everyone still needed a criminal check. There’s no possible way we can do it. We need to go through the court system and that can take years.”
“The board has already taken care of that, she’s not coming back now, she defied hospital protocol,” stated Azem clearly, as he turned back around to face the rest of the people that were overhearing the conversation between him and Josh. “I don’t care what you think. The four of them are goners. Now accept it and move on. If you challenge me, it’ll be the last thing you’ll be doing in this hospital and the first thing you’ll be regretting when you leave the premises. Now do we all understand?”
None of them really wanted to agree with him, but they had no choice. It was one for one. It was the survival of the fittest. It was Darwinism in the purest form of communism a capitalist country could contain. Everyone nodded, as no one really meant the nod. Azem smiled and walked away, as he barked at Gradon to follow. Josh jumped at the volume that Azem had to bark at him with and followed him like dog on a leash. Brad and Meaghen turned to each other.
“I really hate to say it, and as much of a hypocrite I sound when I say this, but I’m going to admit the impossible here and forgive me for it,” requested Brad, looking worried. “I want Harris back. She at least stood up to jackasses like Azem no matter what the cost was. Her suspension was just coincidental. It was not like she had deliberately asked for it. *** out of all the things that had to be suspended for, it was such a minor thing compared to what she’s done to other people in the past. But when you think about it, we can get her back; she’s in D.C. with Rob and at her new job, and with Leo. We can’t call her back.”
“Yeah,” Greyfoxx whispered slowly, as Jeezy rolled his eyes and left the scene, walking out of the common room. “Yeah. I kinda do agree with you on that one, Delson. I really do. Unless we can get Gallagher back.”
“No holy *** no, not Gallagher,” objected Brad, looking at Greyfoxx as though she had just committed a mortal sin. “Just Harris. Or someone who’ll put Azem in his place.”
Something ain't right.
Something ain't right.
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