December's Shadow

Son of a bitch! God damn it I hate that man! >:eek: This is so wrong, what he's doing... Damn, past catching up with a person... Mind you it reads well.
I can't tell you how much your writing has improved. This is probably one of the most insightful updates I think you've ever done, has empathy, suspense, drama, even a little humor despite the current circumstances. You really have a sense for the characters now, they're starting to come into their own and be more three dimensional instead of words on a page, that's a sign of good writing.
Mind you I am not a huge fan of romance but I have to say that interraction between Rob and almost anyone here was just sweet. Wasn't too much to make me cringe but was just nice. Congrats on that. Just wish Rob all the best truly, the man's had a really **** time with things lately, he deserves some happiness!! But anyway sincerely great. As always makes my night when I come home from work to read more of this little universe. Great. Looking forward as always to more!
BTW thanks for the shocker at the start, I had to read that a few times before I got my breath back! Haha... meanie ;)
Well at least you have something to look forward to whenever you jump online/get home. :)

It was a couple of hours later and Chester had woken up, giving Jo a fright as she was writing on his chart that hung at the end of the bed. Chester looked around to see where he was. He couldn’t remember Jo. Chester knew he’d seen her somewhere but didn’t know her name.
“Can you not give me a fright next time you decide to wake up?” asked Jo, getting off the shock of Chester’s eyes suddenly being opened. “Well. At least you’re awake now, in which, out of reality and all sadness, it’s a good thing. We all thought we were going to induce you into a coma.” Chester was confused, as he tried to sit up straight but couldn’t due to weakness. Chester stared at Jo for a second or two. “How are you feeling? You got a pretty nasty blow to the head, so I won’t be surprised if you don’t remember me.”
“Sarah?” asked Chester, as Jo shook her head and held back a laugh. The only name that he could come out with was previous lover’s name. “Then who’s Sarah if you’re not Sarah?”
“Joanna, Chester,” answered Jo blankly, as she hung his charts back on the end of his bed and pulled up a nearby seat to sit next to Chester and try to go through some memories of his, the ones that he doesn’t want to know and the ones he has to know. “Do you remember me?” Chester shook his head. “Do you know where you are?” Chester shook his head. Jo sighed as she realised there was really no point trying to get Chester to remember her. “What do you remember Sarah as?”
“My wife…” answered Chester. “Isn’t she?” Jo was torn apart from telling him the truth and telling him about the messy break up between the ex-lovers. Jo nodded, after a couple of seconds of hesitation.
“Do you recall Ava?” asked Jo. Chester nodded. Jo couldn’t say that Ava was his daughter, but she figured that Chester had already assumed that Ava was. “She’s three this year…and she’s your daughter.”
“I already knew that,” replied Chester, as Jo’s worse fears about this situation just came true. Jo felt bad now. And she knew in the long run, Chester was going to be released pretty soon and the first person he’ll come home to, is shocked Sarah. Especially, when Sarah wasn’t going out with Chester, but with Mike, the one person that Chester didn’t want going near his ex. “Where’s Sarah?”
“Ava had to be admitted to hospital, and Sarah’s on her break with her daughter,” answered Jo, getting up from her seat, ready to leave the ward and go bang her head against the nearest wall out of his sight.
“Wait, before you go,” said Chester suddenly, as Jo stopped and turned around to see the person she had just emotionally ****ed with. “Can you please get Sarah? I want to see her.”
“I don’t think you’re in any state to see Sarah,” objected Jo. “You don’t know how you got here in the first place…am I correct?” Chester nodded. “You’re not physically or mentally capable of seeing Sarah right now. And plus, her daughter is in a needy time. Don’t make her choose between you and her daughter Chester, for future reference.” Jo walked out, feeling worse then ever before. She walked straight out of Chester’s ward, straight down the bustling corridor and right into the nursing common room. She walked up to the nearest wall and started to bang her head against it, saying to herself of how stupid she could be.
“Why the hell, do you want to lose more brain cells woman?” asked Josh, as he stood in the doorway, after hearing some banging on the opposite side of the wall that Jo was currently banging on and still continuing to bang her head against it, despite his presence. “You’ve lost enough through gossipping and doing God damn knows what when I’m not around.” Jo continued, as she thought to herself that everything would collapse eventually and she’ll be the one having the blame finger pointed at. “Stop it. That’s a direct order.” Jo stopped but didn’t look to him but continued to look at the wall. Josh walked over to Jo and turned her around by the shoulder. They looked at each other in the eyes. “What the hell Joanna?”
“Chester just woke up and he’s suffering from memory loss,” answered Jo. “He reckons that Sarah is his wife and Ava is his daughter. And I foolishly just confirmed that lie.” Josh’s expression suddenly changed from being concerned and confused about Jo’s actions to annoyed and confused.
“Tell me you’re joking woman,” requested Josh. “Seriously. Did you tell him that they were some weird happy family?” Jo nodded. “You’ve ****ed things up from here, pretty bad, especially for Sarah and Mike. Why?”
“Because it’s what he wanted to believe and I didn’t know what to do, I don’t do this psychology bullshit, it’s the therapist job not mine,” answered Jo.
“No, as in why did you have to be the one to tell him what to believe and why couldn’t you have just filled out an application form for him to seek therapy?” asked Josh, as he just realised he hadn’t made himself so clear.
“I wasn’t thinking,” Jo tried to explain herself but she knew her explanations would be useless in this circumstance.
“Well…if Azem finds out he’s going to take your actions to the board and the board is most likely to suspend you,” replied Josh. Jo looked at him worried now about the consequences that she’ll have to face…one day concerning the medical board. “It’s under the new hospital reforms. Members of staff, who take matters that are not in their medical profession concerning patients, will face a tribunal of assigned members of the board to oversee the case. And if Azem knows about it and he doesn’t report it, he could lose his job and we could go back having lazy ass Gallagher back in top spot of this hospital.” There was a slight pause. “As much as I don’t want to admit it and how much of a suck up I must sound when I say this, but I like Azem. He does a better job and he’s moving his ass. Something Gallagher never did, and plus, let’s face it, Azem’s way nicer than Gallagher was to us, even on a social basis.”
“Gradon!” yelled the only person that Josh just happened to be talking about, Azem, who was standing at the front desk flipping through some papers.
“Speak of the devil,” whispered Josh to Jo, as that made Jo smile.
“I am not going to wait for you to stop chatting up whoever you’re with in there, and nor am I going to let this hospital go down the spiral, like Gallagher managed to achieve,” Azem started, getting a bit annoyed at Josh’s slowness and his tendency to duck off behind Azem’s back. “Now if you’re in my sight within thirty seconds of me finishing this sentence, I’ll let you keep your job.”
“****,” swore Josh under his breath, leaving Jo suddenly to deal with her problems to aid Azem in whatever he was up to. Josh came out from the common room and was beside Azem’s side within those thirty seconds of retaining his job. “Sorry about that, I wasn’t chatting anybody up, I was talking to Jo about something.”
“My point precisely, you were chatting someone up and that someone got to be Jo,” replied Azem, as he knew who was boss between him and Josh. “Tell me something…Joshua…” Azem stopped trying to find a particular patient’s chart and looked to Josh, as he felt he wanted a man-to-man talk. Josh stood in full attention mode, still. “Why do you like Harris collapsed when she saw me yesterday?”
“I wouldn’t have a clue, other than the fact that she was dehydrated according to Tarja,” answered Josh, wondering why the hell Azem was wanting to rip off his head one second and the next have a heart felt conversation about him about another female employee. Josh restrained his imagination going wild.
“She’s a doctor, she knows how to prevent such a thing occurring,” objected Azem. “So I don’t care Tarja’s diagnosis was, I want to know the real truth…do you think Harris likes me Gradon?”
“Maybe,” answered Josh, hoping that the conversation would never go down this road for his mental stability reasons. “I guess people pass out when they attracted to that other person so much that they can’t bare to look them in the eye and then, they pass out.” Josh was hoping for Azem to change the subject really soon because the thought of someone liking either person, either Harris or Azem, made him sick to the bone. “I have to go. Sorry, I just realised that Greyfoxx wanted me for something and I got sidetracked talking to Jo.” Josh was sure to leave quickly and leave quickly, is what he did, before he got too sick, and couldn’t keep the vomit in any longer.
Azem started to flip through the patient’s charts again until he stopped at one. It was the one that had Ravyn’s name at the top of it.
“Dear dear,” Azem whispered, as he took it out of the pile, and walked away, and into the safe haven of his office which was nearby, luckily.
He sat down at his new desk, placed the paper gently on the desk, and pulled out a pen. He started to scribble some medication that another doctor had been giving her and replaced it with other medications. The type of medication that Azem knew Ravyn would have an allergic reaction to. After all, he was married to her for four or so years and he still knew perfectly well what she was allergic to.
He placed the pen gently back on the desk, got up from his desk, with Ravyn’s patient chart in one hand. He walked normally back to the pile of other charts and placed it back in its original spot.
He knew this method would get him one step closer to what he wanted.
Ravyn gone for good, for his medical career’s sake and for his reputation’s sake to his son as the best father in the world.
True :yes:

*bawls eyes out*

But anyway, aside from my character's numerous woes for a second, I can't believe what Jo has done!! I was like WTF? If I were Azem I'd have her suspended too, that's just immoral in a hospital where the patient's physical, emotional and mental state has got to be paramount (yes Azem, pay attention *muahahaha* ;)) I feel so sorry for so many people here, not just Chas for his delusions, but Mike too - finally stops his pimping ways and settles down and now his old rival is soon to rock that boat too! You know, I can't believe I'm even going to say this but I actually pity Azem in a way too. His heart's in the right place (probably) but his head is just... scheming. Silly man. Smart yet silly man. Go figure. I can't wait to see Sarah's reaction when Chas does the whole 'Honey, I'm home' business and Mike's all 'Uh, wtf?' :lol: Classic.
And as for me...

*bawls eyes out again*
Hmmm.....hold onto White Zombie or Static X for another 15 or so minutes for another update can you? I know Theatre of Tragedy is helping me write like buggery tonight...not even Nightwish had this effect on me and my writing patterns.
Hmmm.....hold onto White Zombie or Static X for another 15 or so minutes for another update can you? I know Theatre of Tragedy is helping me write like buggery tonight...not even Nightwish had this effect on me and my writing patterns.
Of course I can wait!
And just for the record it's neither tonight, its actually the soundtrack to Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers... right now, 'Sex is Violent' by Jane's Addiction ;)
I'll sing along and wait... I can be patient when and if I try... like REALLY hard haha
Okay. Last update for tonight. I might change my mind like I did this morning and come back on and post another update...

There was a knock at Sarah’s door. Sarah was outside in the backyard having a cigarette, as she indicated to Matt through the glass door to attend to whoever was at the front door wanting her attention. She was too stressed right now.
Jo had been acting funny around Sarah all day, in fact, Jo couldn’t even look Sarah in the eye without resorting to looking down to the ground three seconds later after Sarah tried to make conversation with her…on several occasions. It wasn’t the feeling of rejection in that case, it was more a case of what was going that was so bad that no one could tell her? If it was something to do with Ava, Andrea would’ve rung her or somehow told her on her break up in Ava’s ward.
Sarah put her cigarette out, trying to clear her head another way.
The door opened.
The first thing, not the first person that Andrea saw, was Matt. Andrea froze with curiosity and confusion.
“What the hell are you doing here?” asked Andrea to Matt. “Aren’t you supposed to be living in that filth bag they call a cardboard box on the sidewalk?”
“I live here now…Sarah’s letting me board…” answered Matt, slowly, as he wasn’t use to such rapid questions being thrown at him, well, he was used to Sarah doing it, but even that took time to build up that kind of talent. “You wanna come in or should I just let December claim you as another victim of its snow storms and let your corpse rot in the front yard?”
“Can I please just talk to Sarah and not to some insolent junky?” asked Andrea, not wanting to continue a pointless conversation with Matt any longer. She was still shocked that Sarah was letting him stay with her. Andrea was more comforted by the fact that she knew her and the pharmacist were together, not her, and the junky. Matt let Andrea in as she showed her the way to the backyard, where Sarah was contemplating a lot of decisions. Andrea walked through the kitchen, looking at the pieces of food that had been left out, and into the back of the house, where she saw Sarah sitting with her back to the glass door. Andrea opened the glass door as Sarah turned around to see who was opening the door. She got up as soon as she saw Andrea.
“Hey, I was just thinking about you,” said Sarah, as Andrea closed the glass doors. “What brings you here?” Andrea sat down on the step where Sarah had been previously been sitting. Andrea looked serious and unsure. Sarah sat down again, next to Andrea. “Is everything alright? I ask this, because you only look over-serious when you have that look on your face. And you’ve only used that expression around me a couple of times.”
“No,” answered Andrea, bluntly. “I’m aware of what Ravyn told you the other day about Azem.”
“Do you know about him as well?” asked Sarah. “I didn’t want to say anything, just in case more rumours started about her. The rumours are bad enough as they are with Jo and Meg saying a bunch of **** that in the end, just a pack of lies.”
“Good, keep it quiet, keep everything you know about Ravyn’s past a secret, apart from you, I’m the only one that knows what really went on in her previous marriage to Azem,” answered Andrea, looking at Sarah now as before, she wasn’t looking at her. She was looking at the ground trying to get some clue of where to start with. “What you know, is very little.”
“And that very little part that I do know of, it was a major contribution to her break down just recently,” reminded Sarah. Andrea still looked sternly at Sarah. “I’m not telling you that you should tell me what happened, but I know a little part, or so it seems, and there are just so many things that don’t fit. The puzzle doesn’t make sense.”
“Logic would have it…logic would have a lot of things that but logic doesn’t compensate for a lot of things in this twisted story,” mumbled Andrea to herself, but Sarah could clearly understand her mumbles. “I was there throughout the four years they were married. I was there by the second year telling her to get out of it. Azem was doing to her, what I call, ****ing hypocritical bullshit, compared to what he was doing to her by the third or even the forth. I thought the second year was full of ****, I didn’t know what he had in plan for her. Then, Leo was born, in the forth year that they were married, and I can tell you now, it was the last thing Ravyn wanted to go through, a pregnancy with a child that had an abusive father but knowing that dumb ******* he forced her to go through with it.”
“Everyone has choices in life; don’t ever say no one has ever had a choice…” Andrea interrupted Sarah in her sentence.
“I know that, but God, the stuff that she would come crying to me about,” Andrea interrupted and went on. “I don’t know if they are still there, most probably, but one time when she was wearing the top that cut low on her back, I saw all these scars and fresh wounds. Azem got more agro at Ravyn’s mothering patterns with Leo. He hated how naturally children always stick with their mothers first, he hated it so much. He wanted to be adored by his six month year old son. He was like this crazy sadistic asshole that loved causing Ravyn not only physical pain but emotional pain.”
“God, and I thought Matt was bad,” commented Sarah.
“No, Matt’s just a lazy junky get it right,” corrected Andrea, trying to not work herself up with the whole Matt-being-at-Sarah’s-place situation, but merely shook it off and said to herself that she’ll get up Sarah another time for another stupid decision. There was a solemn silence between the two women. Andrea knew it was coming and she didn’t want to admit that she felt like she had just defied Ravyn as one of her best friends for not telling her by now. “I saw Leo today in the hospital.”
“What?” asked Sarah, not knowing what to say. “Didn’t Azem burn all of his pictures? Didn’t he like put him up for adoption in Russia or something? You’ve got to be kidding.”
“I thought I was seeing double, I even tried to convince myself that I was hallucinating because I wanted the best for Ravyn and the **** that she’s being put through,” Andrea tried to explain herself. “I saw Leo in Azem’s office; I was just passing by because…it was just an innocent bypass really. I stopped when I saw him. I tried not to think that little boy was the boy that Azem apparently told Ravyn that he’ll grow up to be just like his father. So I kept on walking. But Leo followed me to the elevator, Azem must’ve turned his back or something, but there he was. I looked at him and I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t the little boy I last saw a couple of years ago in Ravyn’s arms fast asleep. I just couldn’t convince myself and then he started talking to me. Everything just sparked from there, he even told me his name, and who his father was. But the one that made me want to go up and slap Azem across the face in front of all of the other doctors was that Azem’s apparently told Leo that his mother is dead. ‘Up in heaven’ he put to me as. It just made so angry.”
“The question comes down to, why you haven’t told Ravyn if you’re meant to be like, her best friend or something?” asked Sarah. “That’s…not you…it’s her kid Andrea, it’s Ravyn’s kid and all you could do is try to convince yourself that it wasn’t little Leo…what the hell is wrong with you Andrea?”
“I don’t want to tell her, I know I’ve said a lot of things in the past that doesn’t give me an excuse not to tell her, I just…she’s having enough of a traumatic ordeal dealing with reliving memories of her and Azem,” explained Andrea.
“How bad are those memories on a scale from one being the best to ten by the worse?” asked Sarah.
“There’s no number to describe what she went through, she still has the mental scars and most probably the physical scars still,” answered Andrea. “I’m sorry Sarah, I feel so bad about it. I don’t think right now, with her being in hospital and all, I don’t think she has the right to know that her kid that’s been out of her life for about four or five years now, is just around the corner from the bed where she lies in right now.”
When words can't say it... emoticons always can ;)

Just... heart wrenching. The more I read the more I get hooked in. It's gone from almost slapstick humor to all out melodrama, oh my lord, it was making me misty! haha I kid you not... And I repeat, damn you woman, the more I read the more I see another damned spin off (and I don't need another distraction on top of MS! I haven't studied in weeks dagnammit! :-| But truly, I usually do read these updates of yours just before bed, and I'm going to sleep not with MS in my head but this! 0_0 See what you're doing to a person?! haha :p)
As always great work. Nice description of Sarah in the backyard too... well worth a mention ;)
Just on a side note, I'd be happier with another update before you go for the night. You know I can't get enough right now. Pfft, who needs sleep? Sleep's for the normal average do-right-types. Me, I'm being rebellious. Or trying to. In an ideal world I wouldn't need to sleep for a few days at a time so I could get all my ideas out fresh and on time... *sigh*
Damn you real life sometimes...
I have one more update in the process, though, my eyes are re-focusing constantly now and my ass is so numb right now.....I haven't moved for about... 4 or so hours now ....
Pick one.


I don't care which one you choose.
I have one more update in the process, though, my eyes are re-focusing constantly now and my ass is so numb right now.....I haven't moved for about... 4 or so hours now ....
Pick one.


I don't care which one you choose.
Ordinarily I'd be more thoughtful and respect your need for sleep and all but meh, I am a selfish creature at heart and I want what I want when I want it - now ;)
Thank you.
And then have sweet dreams.
*gives Ravyn the proverbial finger*
Just cos I can and I will :p
OK. Last one (for tonight I mean)

It was the next morning and Azem’s shift started. He walked into the nursing common room to find a nurse to see how Ravyn was doing. He was hoping that she would be dead by now, because of that little slip up with the medication yesterday. He found Tarja in the corner stirring her coffee with a plastic spoon.
“Turunen, or how ever you’re surname is pronounced,” said Azem, from the doorway as Tarja’s attention was caught by now. Azem secretly congratulated himself as he realised that he just caught the nurse’s attention that was in charge of caring for Ravyn. She looked to him. “Is that how you pronounce your last name Tur-un-en?” Tarja nodded as she sipped her freshly brewed coffee. “Ah, I was afraid I was going to pronounce it wrong. How’s Harris coping?”
“She had an allergic reaction to something last night,” answered Tarja, putting the coffee down back on the bench. “Not sure what it was.”
“Any major reaction?” asked Azem.
“Not really,” answered Tarja, trying to think about last night’s shift. “But we took her off half her medication because it was doing nothing and in the end, she’s recovering pretty quickly. She should be out pretty soon if she keeps on going with her success rate of recovery. I don’t why people complain about her, we did all the usuals, and she’s pretty healthy.”
“Yeah, but not healthy when it comes to her attitude, even I know that for a starter,” reminded Azem. “Has she been moved?” Tarja shook her head.
“We couldn’t find a reason to move her to start with,” answered Tarja. Azem left the doorway for a split second and came back, to see Tarja back sipping her coffee.
“How would like Jo’s job as head nurse?” asked Azem. Tarja choked on her coffee sending it haywire and spilled over her uniform. She couldn’t believe what Azem just proposed. “Sorry.” Azem left the room, after he felt the need to apologise to Tarja’s reaction to his proposition. He was getting sick of Jo’s suck ups and gossiping on the job. She really bugged Azem. Azem walked down the corridor and back into his office. He opened the door to see Leo in the corner playing with his dinosaurs. “You want to take a walk with Daddy to see a friend?”
“Yes please,” answered Leo, as he got to his feet. He raced over to Azem, as Azem held hands with the child, as he closed the door to his office. “What’s their name?”
“Ravyn, her name is Ravyn,” answered Azem, as they started to walk towards Ravyn’s ward. Azem figured if she was asleep she was asleep and missed out to see her son. He had also concluded trying to get her to have an allergic reaction to the medication wasn’t going to work; her immune system had always been a bitch to try and ruin. So instead, he’ll taunt her, with a living memory that wasn’t himself. “She’s always wanted to meet you.”
“Is she nice?” asked Leo.
“Yes, she’s very nice but she can get a bit grumpy sometimes, so be polite,” answered Azem, as they approached Ravyn’s ward. “Stay here for a second. She might not be awake. She is sick.”
“Oh,” commented Leo. “I hope she gets better.”
Azem ignored that last comments of his son’s and walked into Ravyn’s ward.
Ravyn saw who was coming and froze with fear.
“Cat got your tongue hey?” asked Azem, trying to remain cool with the woman that divorced him. “Don’t worry. Got a visitor.”
Ravyn just wanted to get to her feet and smack Azem until her hands were numb. But the only thing that restrained her was the drip in her arm. She hated drips, wither if she was inserting them, taking one out, or being the victim of one.
“Hello,” said a small voice, as she looked to see who the source was. It was him. Leo was hand-in-hand with a smug Azem. “My name’s Leo.”
Ravyn didn’t know what to do. She just wanted to break down in tears but she couldn’t. She was going to hunt down and kill Azem now. Originally, she only wanted to kill him, by any means. It was her son. It was Leo.
It was the child that she came back for that day to find out that he was gone. It was the child that Azem had deliberately burnt all photos of, just to assure Ravyn that she was a bad mother and that Leo was dead because of her.
But at the same time of wanting to hunt down and kill Azem, she just wanted to jump up, grab Leo, and run. She knew she couldn’t do that option. Azem would pull some stupid legal **** on her that she wanted never to get in, the divorce was bad enough and that only went through because Ravyn was under the impression that Leo had abducted or been adopted out without Ravyn’s consent.
She looked to Azem smiling.
“What did you do that day I came back? Where did you take him?” asked Ravyn, wanting answers. Azem told Leo to leave the room and Leo unsure, obeyed his father’s orders. “I looked everywhere in the house for him. I looked, when you thought I had gone for good. I still had that spare key which you poorly hid underneath the doormat.”
“I burnt his pictures long time before you realised,” Azem started to explain. “You’re starting to become a pain to me Ravyn, again, so I suggest you leave your job or handle being not able to tell Leo who his mother is.”
“How the hell have you gotten away with not telling who Leo’s mother is to his face and not sleep like crap that night?” asked Ravyn, ignoring Azem’s threat. She was more focused on Leo and wanting answers.
“You’re not going to get the answers you want, so stop before you get yourself stupid ideas about becoming mother of the year to a son you never stuck around for,” retorted Azem.
“I didn’t abandon my own son, I actually came back for him, and when I did, he was gone, and ever since leaving you I thought you must’ve done, I don’t even wanna start,” defended Ravyn. “How dare you accuse me of abandoning Leo…just like that…I was a better parent to him during the time I had him then you ever were. You were always on the couch, drinking your beer and beating the crap out of me for little reasons. I want my son back Azem.”
“Good luck, is all I have to say to you,” said Azem, as he walked out of the room.
“Azem, come back! That’s an order!” yelled Ravyn.
“You’re not my boss, so good luck at that,” replied Azem, as he took his son by the hand and led him back to his office.
Ravyn now knew that Leo was still alive…and the tears had started again. She fell back against her pillow, curled up into a ball underneath the white covers, and closed her eyes. She kept telling herself that it was all a dream or a really big sick joke from Azem’s mind.
“Leo?” asked Ravyn, as she searched the house. She looked upstairs…everywhere…under the beds and in closets. She knew Azem must’ve hidden him somewhere like he used to do to her when the cops came around to investigate a claim made by the neighbours about domestic disturbances. “Leo, honey? Where are you? Mummy can’t find you. She needs to get you away from here.”
She opened the linen cupboard to see all the family albums gone. Everything from vacations to ceremonies…she may as well look in Africa for them because apart from the sheets and towels and the other various linen in the cupboard nothing was there. Even the framed pictures of Leo were gone.
That’s when she remembered. She closed the closet doors and retraced her step into her room that she shared with Azem. All the photos were gone. Nothing. She walked back into Leo’s room. Near his bed, once hung a picture of herself, Leo and Azem in the park. It wasn’t there anymore. All of the photos were gone…what had Azem done with the photos? Where was Leo? What did Azem do before he left for work this morning? What did Azem do to little Leo…?
Can I get Rob, since he's so good with his hands apparently, to choke the last vestige of life from my ex husband? Think that would work? haha Jesus H Christ on a rubber crutch.... I really get lost for words when you describe the past between my character and Azem. Jesus. Just Jesus. Or Leo. It's like 2:13 am and I'm tired. But damnit, what the hell does he want? WHAT?! To kill me, send me mad, or quit? Maybe extortion is the name of his game; quit and get a shot at Leo maybe? Quit and he'll leave me alone, so I can what, move back in with him and his obsession with perfect food and firepokers or something? haha Damn man... I don't get him at all... He's sort of like Matt in the story, just... the epitome of frustrating. *shakes head and keeps shaking it*
I really don't know what to say except... Leo?

BTW I laughed aloud at the finger bit. Noice. If there's one thing I love more than drama it's dry sarcastic wit at ungodly hours of the morning... ;)
Here's a bit. I'm quite tired tonight/hungover from my weekend consisting of drinking with daniel and his I'll update either late on tonight or tomorrow before class.

“Okay, here’s my resignation letter you asshole…here’s Leo’s birth ceritifcate…and you thought you could get away with the whole him not being my son situation and…here’s another job offer I’ve secretly been offered…”
It was a few days later after Ravyn was released from hospital and she was in Azem’s office currently, placing each document down in front of him. She hadn’t bothered to go to the police about Azem’s little conspiracy act that he had just pulled on his ex wife. Azem picked up the last document with curiosity being the leading emotion in his body and mind, as he scanned the words on an official letter from the FBI.
“Oh that’s a very good forgery you’ve got there…in fact…two forgeries in one,” retorted Azem, as he put down the letter and picked up Leo’s birth certificate.
“I don’t commit fraud unlike some people in this room when it comes to their degrees,” corrected Ravyn, almost as a natural instinct. “Go look on his birth certificate Azem, see that signature at the bottom? That’s mine. Confirming I’m his birth mother.”
“You’re a weird woman…in other words you haven’t really changed that much,” commented Azem. “I already know you’re Leo’s mother. Do I look that stupid?”
“Yes,” answered Ravyn, bluntly. “If you’re anything like the man you were when I left you all those years ago, yes, you do look that stupid, because you were that stupid to let me get to Leo’s birth certificate. It’s called the births, marriages and deaths office.”
Azem shook his head.
“And what’s the point of bringing his birth certificate to me at this very instance of time?” asked Azem, putting Leo’s birth certificate down on the desk. He slouched in his chair. “And if the answer is going to be that you want to tell him that you’re his mother, good luck. He’s only five and can’t even tie his own shoelaces. His mother is dead to him.” Ravyn was going to say something outrageously out of line for the situation but she felt like it needed to wait for another severe blow to her emotional and mental state. He picked up the other piece of paper that he had picked up before Leo’s birth certificate. “What are you even going to do for the FBI to start with? You couldn’t even stand the sight of blood when we were together.”
“I’m a ****ing doctor, I see blood as another form of oxygen in this hospital,” objected Ravyn, angrily. “I am so sick of your two-faced ******* acts. I got offered this job a long while ago. I rang up yesterday to see if the job was still vacant and guess ****ing what Azem? It is and I accepted it with wide arms open. Because I’m leaving this hospital, I want my son back.”
“Not going to happen,” Azem bluntly replied, with a smug smile on his face.
“What part is not going to happen?” asked Ravyn. “The part where I tell him that his father was so mean and made his mother cry on a daily basis for four straight ****ing years? Or the part where I go and show the cops what you did to me…”
“I didn’t ****ing do nothing to you woman,” objected Azem, interrupting Ravyn, getting to his feet and putting the piece of paper back down on the desk. He had that look in his face that told Ravyn that he was going to lose his patience and that Ravyn should stop pushing his buttons. Ravyn wasn’t like that anymore, she wanted to challenge him. “I only did what a husband would do and that was to give unconditional love to his wife. And what the **** Harris? You didn’t even want to go through with the pregnancy…”
Ravyn interrupted him.
“And yet, I was forced to go through with it or be decapitated for not giving you an heir to the fortune you’ve obtained through lies and deceit in the medical community,” Ravyn interrupted. “I remember those memories like they were yesterday. Do you want to see the scars on my back Azem? Remember the fire poker and what you used to do to me with it?” Azem shook his head in denial. “Don’t you ****ing shake your head at me Azem. I am just lucky that Leo has his mother’s surname not his father’s.” Azem walked over to the wide open door and closed it. He turned around, as Ravyn had followed him with her eyes closely. “Open that door Azem, that’s an order.”
“You can’t ****ing order me to do jack all Harris, you’re not my superior,” retorted Azem. Ravyn got to her feet, collected the two pieces of paper, leaving the letter of resignation behind on Azem’s desk and walked over to the door, but Azem was still blocking it. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“I know where I’m going, and that’s out of here, because I don’t officially work here anymore, and I am going to get my son, and I don’t care if you like that or not,” replied Ravyn, knowing what’ll happen if that door remained closed. Azem was and most probably was still very good at keeping things secret behind closed doors. “Because now, I work for the FBI and now, I’m way more powerful than you are right now. Now move.”
“No!” snapped Azem, rapidly. “Don’t go up to Leo and say to him that you’re his estranged mother. Don’t do that to the kid.”
“Well, in that case, you should’ve thought twice when you decided to take him away from me,” replied Ravyn, smoothly.
Woo-hoo! Quiver in fear you *******, as Mike so eloquently sung it once, 'it's going down!' :lol:
Well I'm a bit stunned but at least now maybe I can move on with my life with my kid. Maybe Rob too (if he's not in lock up with pending manslaughter charges *shakes head*) Wow, I can pick 'em thats for sure!
Great! I guess this is either coming to an end or spinning off or I am exiting this story now huh? Move off into the sunset with my bub perhaps? Well done. Looking forward to more as always - and to see how this news effects the rest of the hospital! Haha - my protege (you) will become the new menace in the wards huh? haha awesome!! :D
continuation :)

There was a knock at the door. Ravyn rolled her eyes at the timing of the knocking. Azem turned around and opened the door.
“What Phoenix?” barked Azem.
“Ah, mail time,” answered Mel slowly, as she held various sized envelopes in her hand. She passed them to Azem and he accepted them. “Is…everything okay?”
“Yeah, I was just on my way out,” answered Ravyn, taking Azem’s question, as she pushed past Azem. Azem wasn’t going to make a little deal out of Ravyn’s exit from the room and the hospital.
“Can you believe this Phoenix, Harris is abandoning Sacred Heart’s shortage of doctors?” asked Azem, as Ravyn stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned around.
Mel was shocked by the sudden news. She turned around to make eye contact with Ravyn but Ravyn was focused on Azem.
“More like, is anyone in this hospital surprised by your shortage of pleasantness?” Ravyn corrected. “Oh wait, there can only be a shortage of something if it even exists in the first place.”
“Why are you leaving?” asked Mel.
“Like I’ve said to you many a times, Phoenix,” started Ravyn, turning her focus on the nurse. “I don’t have to answer to you and nor will I ever have to.” Ravyn turned around and started to walk the opposite way.
“Bitch!” yelled Azem. “You ungrateful bitch!”
Ravyn stopped, as she realised she was still in Azem’s eye contact. She didn’t turn around. She simply just put the proverbial finger up at him, over her shoulder and walked away.
“Hey just think of it, Grant couldn’t get her to leave, but you sure did,” commented Mel. “I think you’ve just done a lot of staff members in this hospital a large favour. I don’t know about the patients though.”
“Don’t you have some better thing to do other than be in my sight?” asked Azem, bitterly, as he knew Ravyn leaving the hospital to be a good thing. But he couldn’t help the fact that her leaving the hospital staff would be she would still be around in his life. She was a stubborn bitch, Azem thought of her as, and Azem was assured that Ravyn would somehow obtain Leo.
Sneered and walked off to the cafeteria where she knew a coffee would be waiting for her to consume it. She walked down the corridor but before she had the chance to get near the elevators, she saw Rob mopping the floor at the very end of the corridor. She decided that the coffee could wait but she had to tell Rob, being the loudmouth she was.
“Rob!” yelled Mel, as she approached him. Rob looked up and stopped mopping the floor.
“At least someone’s excited to see me,” replied Rob, as Mel stopped in front of him, as she struggled to maintain her balance for a few seconds because she hadn’t read the hazard sign that read slippery when wet, and, she started to slip. “You know that’s why I put that sign there for people not to do what you had just done.”
“Sorry,” apologised Mel. “Did you hear? Of course you didn’t, silly me. I’m probably the only one that’s heard.”
“What are you rambling on about?” asked Rob.
“Ravyn just quit her job,” answered Mel, as Rob’s facial expression changed dramatically. “I think she’s been offered a better job. It’s the job she doesn’t like or Azem. Or maybe both.”
“Have you been sniffing those permanent markers again Melissa?” asked Rob, looking at Mel a bit strangely. Mel shook her head in denial. “So, you’re serious?” Mel nodded. “And how long ago did you hear this?”
“About two or so minutes ago, before Ravyn put her finger up at Azem and walked off,” answered Mel.
“I’ve got to talk to her, I didn’t even know that Ravyn had been released,” said Rob, resting the mop against the wall and started to walk away from his mopping spot. Mel followed. “I didn’t ask you to come along, did I?”
“No you didn’t,” answered Mel. “Rob, why are you so upset by the news?” Rob stopped as well did Mel and shot her a look. “Oh, yeah, the whole going out thing. I completely forgot about that. But I thought you were over her…aren’t you?”
“Figure it out Melissa,” answered Rob, bluntly.
“Rob, don’t do anything stupid,” requested Mel.
“And who are you to tell me what to do?” asked Rob, as he continued walking off. Rob had just annoyed Mel a lot by that comment as Mel stood her ground and rolled her eyes.
“God dammit, those two should get married, especially as they tell me the same thing,” muttered Mel to herself.
Rob couldn’t have been bothered to use the elevators, so he opened the emergency stairs and ran down them as fast as he could find Ravyn. Rob figured if she was leaving she wasn’t going to be in the cafeteria having a farewell party, in fact, that would be the last thing on Azem’s agenda, Rob figured out by his attitude towards Ravyn. She would be in her office packing her things up. He opened the stairway door and walked onto the corridor where bustling interns and nurses were talking away like an out of control ATM dispensing money. He walked past them, ignoring their glares and their looks. He saw that Ravyn’s door was open, which gave him a ray of hope that she’ll be in there. He saw Andrea and Ravyn in deep conversation through the doorway.
He didn’t want to interfere, but stepped to the side, out of curiosity, he just wanted to hear why the name ‘Azem’ was being said too often to make out like it was something nice they were saying about.
“This is so hypocritical of you Ravyn, it really is, you said you wouldn’t leave Sacred Heart because of Azem,” bitched Andrea, as she sat on her couch. Ravyn sat at her desk, with various boxes on top, stuffed with junk that Ravyn could connect any value worthwhile to. “And now you say you’re going to get Leo back. I’m sorry to take sides but the man has a point, you can’t do that to a five year old.”
“I know it sounds weird, but, if I can prove what Azem did to me in the past, I could claim custody over Leo, the custody I never had in the divorce settlement because I thought Leo was dead,” replied Ravyn, as Rob’s jaw dropped at several parts. The divorce settlement part and the impression that Ravyn had a child that he never knew about… it was a Sarah and Chester tragedy all over again. “I know I’m a hypocrite, it’s just I can’t stand working in the same environment as that man. I thought I could handle it, but I just couldn’t, if you get what I mean. With this other job, I have fewer hours and, if all things go to plan, I have more hours with Leo. Try and make them up to him, and myself.”
Andrea looked to her watch and realised that if she didn’t leave this conversation there would be three outcomes. The first one was that she was going to get yelled at by Azem for not showing up for meetings, the second she would slap Ravyn senseless for being a hypocrite and the third, she was going to end with a major headache provoked by people’s bullshit.
“I have to go now sorry, to leave so soon, but I wish you all the best for the future and you’ve got to give me a ring at least once a week to tell me how things are,” said Andrea, getting to her feet and then walking off outside. Ravyn followed her and both froze when they saw Rob standing outside Ravyn’s office.
“Are there a couple of things you would like to tell me now Ravyn?” asked Rob, crossing his arms and frowning.
Uhh... uh oh...:eek: :confused::no: hahaha
Well... I feel sorry for Andrea who has stuck by Ravyn through the hard times and is probably now feeling abandoned and you can't blame her for that. Thank god Mel loves eavesdropping etc or Azem and Rav could have gotten into deeper crap, so that was a blessing. But her running off to Rob is definitely bad. I would think after everything that's happened he would understand... or maybe not. That's right Rav hasn't exactly told him EVERYTHING has she? I think if she doesn't she's gonna lose Rob for good, poor guy can't take much more of the crap and again can't fault him either. Yes as was said very Chester and Sarah all over again isn't it? Have to laugh in some ways at how much alike they really are... and when you look back at the start you never would have seen this coming.
Good. And nice touch giving the old boss now the finger. Thank god he didn't reach out and break it. Now to save Leo. You know what would be cute, Leo and Ava becoming friends at creche or something. Especially if Mike's now playing daddy to Ava (Jesus I'm getting confused now between our stories! Damnit!) can you imagine, Rob and Mike sitting around watching the kids play, neither one being biologically related, while their significant others work at making other people's lives hell... talk about spooky ;) haha
Thanks for updating.
Am working on mine as we speak. Just got home from work. Have to verify a few details before I update. Should be soon, sometime tonight. Going out to the pub tomorrow with a few friends so need to get something constructive done before I murder a few more brain cells ;)
Look forward as always to more.
Thanks again :)
I'm with you there with the murdering the braincells part. Jeez. Reminds me of my weekend trip to Narrandera. I only remember having two of those really tall Jim Beans mixed with coke, two Goon Sunrises (the ****tails) and two Smirnoff Double Blacks. On top of that, I remember dancing to "Sunsets" by Powderfinger, ranting on about a random shop owner's photography in his store ("you're quite drunk aren't you...?" me - "very. but not enough not remember my photographic breakdowns of a picture") and playing pool drunk...don't get me started on Dan's mum being a complete drunk in front of everyone and how she ranted on about how gorgeous I was and how Daniel has "scored big time" ... lmao


Anywho. Another update. I supposed you've been wanting this ever since Daniel managed to break half my computer's software last night. Which meant I couldn't open the file for the story and I had to start from scratch in another new file. Phew. I have a net backup of it.
Ok. Gonna shut up now and stop spamming my own thread.

It was midnight.
Sarah and Mike were trudging through the snow like drunken teenagers, with drinks in either hand. Just by coincidence that they were drunk like teenagers. They were walking downtown in the park, arm in arm and their spare hand was occupied by carrying their drink. Mike suddenly collapsed and Sarah could do is stand there and laugh at him. He hadn’t really collapsed more like he lost his balance and just let himself fall down in the soft snow.
Sarah stopped and laughed, as Mike grabbed her hand on pulled her down as well. He only managed to pull her down to her knees; she didn’t want to lay down in the snow, even if she was drunk, the snow was too cold for her drunken liking.
“I don’t know how the hell I ended up with you,” Mike started his drunken rants. Sarah smiled, as she drank another mouthful of vodka. Mike could barely see what Sarah was doing. He was relying on the streetlamps to stop dimming the environment and he wish magical lights could just pop out all around the drunk couple, like the animated films showed. Mike took another sip of his beer, and then tossed the empty bottle away into the distant snow covered park. Mike rubbed his eyes with tiredness.
“Aww…is Mikey boy a bit tired?” asked Sarah in a cute voice, which in the end, Mike didn’t know if she was mocking him or trying to make sense. He couldn’t tell either way. Mike nodded, as Sarah sat down upright next to him and took another sip of her drink. “Man, I’m going to have such a hangover tomorrow morning when I get ready for work.”
“I’m not even going to bother turning up,” replied Mike, slurring his words in the process. Sarah was also slurring her words, but not as much. She hadn’t been drinking since four that afternoon, only eight did she pick up her first drink. “You know, we’re going to get done for public drinking, you do realise this?”
“And we’re most probably going to get done for other illegal public acts,” added Sarah as Mike caught her drift and both laughed at Sarah’s comment. Sarah tried to get to her feet, but lost her balance halfway up and fell straight back down. She couldn’t have been bothered trying to get to her feet, so she laid straight down next to her boyfriend. She looked around to see if she could remember where she was. “Where are we Mike? I don’t recognise this place.”
“Of course you wouldn’t recognise this place, you’ve been drinkin’ half the night,” slurred Mike in his speech. “I think you’ve…had more to drink then I have.” Mike was at the point where stringing two words together to make sense was starting to become difficult. “Babe, I don’t feel…so well…”
“Nor do I, because you’ve been drinking more than I have!” spluttered Sarah, as she rolled over to her side and started to look at the people coming down the path. “I’ve got a feeling we’re in the park Mike. Look there’s people coming.”
“I wonder who they are…” whispered Mike, sitting up right and causing himself a head spin. “Okay, shouldn’t have done that.” Mike looked at Sarah lying down. “You…know what you remind me of?”
“A supermodel?” asked Sarah, smiling.
“No, remind me of a teenager rollin’ ‘round in the snow makin’ snow angels,” corrected Mike, as he grabbed hold of Sarah’s wrist and pulled her up right. “Come on, we better get out of here before one of us gets busted for public drinking.” Mike managed to make it to standing on his feet standing up right, while Sarah had the more trouble getting to her feet. Mike finally rolled his eyes after Sarah’s three attempts to get to her feet. Mike lifted her up to her feet, and wrapped his arms around the drunk woman who was still drinking her almost empty of vodka. “In some respects I guess you do remind me of a supermodel. You’re tall and slender, got the right build for it. In fact, why the **** are you workin’ at Sacred Heart when you could be earnin’ millions as a supermodel?”
“Cos, I ain’t,” answered Sarah, as she started to realise whose voice she could hear in the distance. “Oh no. Why out of all people do I have to run into him?”
“Who?” asked Mike.
“No, get ****ed Viking, you major asshole,” complained Sarah, as Viking came into view. Viking was also quite drunk and had a couple of too many drinks at a nearby pub.
“Bitch,” said Viking in the distant. “Whore!”
“You wanna say that to my face?” asked Mike, as he found himself soon in Viking’s personal space. “Do ya? You wanna say it again? This time to my face.”
“Whore,” repeated Viking, looking to Sarah. Sarah pulled Mike away from Viking. “Come on you whore, come one bring it on. Stop getting your boyfriend to fight your wars. Come on, I dare you.” Within a couple of seconds of finishing his sentence, a crowd of drunken people that had befriended Viking in the bar watched from a distance. A couple of them even came up behind him to back him up. “So what do you say to that bitch? Is a challenge too much for you to handle?”
Sarah looked at him angrily, as all of the memories of his taunts and how he never stood up for her in front of Amy or Matt. He was always quick to conclude that Sarah was a whore and had told Matt a number of times that she wasn’t worth his worry and in the end, Viking succeeded. Sarah walked up to him, stood in his personal space, as Mike backed out, and looked on to see what was happened. She could smell the spirits and the beers that Viking had been drinking that night. And Viking could smell the cigarettes and the spirits that Sarah had drunk and smoked outside the pub. Sarah thought she could go for the spot where it continually hurt for all guys, but decided that he was better off in more pain.
What she did next in the three or seconds that it took for Sarah to smash her vodka bottle over Viking’s head, leaving him with multiple head wounds, was something that Sarah wished she had done a long time ago.
“How’s that for having the ****ing guts to do something?” spat Sarah, as Viking clutched his head in pain and fell to the snow covered ground. All the people that were standing around him, had suddenly freaked out, calling Sarah a crazy bitch, and running off. Mike started to freak out and started to pull Sarah away from the crying victim of Sarah’s anger. “I would start to be scared of me Viking; I ****ing hate you for everything you did to me in the past. And I will never get over it. I hope you die.”
“Come on Sarah, the cops are going to come soon and they’re bound to arrest you for something,” urged Mike, as Sarah wiped some broken glass and some of Viking’s and her own blood from her hand onto her pants. Mike pulled Sarah along by the arm out of the park and down the road, paranoid that the cops will see the blood on Sarah’s pants and start to give them a thousand questions. “Wait…is it illegal to walk home drunk?” Mike and Sarah stopped at a pair of traffic lights, the same ones that Sarah had ran into Amy the other night. Sarah shook her head, as she couldn’t but to laugh at the idea of walking home drunk and getting fined for it. “Okay, well I’m just checking we’ve got a couple of minutes more until we get home…” Mike couldn’t keep his balance any longer and totally collapsed on Sarah. Sarah was struggling to keep him up right, but she knew she couldn’t support his weight for very long.
“Mike…babe…are you okay?” asked Sarah, as she tried to lift Mike’s head but she couldn’t. He was too heavy for her. “Babe, wake up…I can’t support your weight.” There was no response. Sarah cussed under her breath, as the thought of Mike having his stomach pumped only just occurred to her. Sarah juggled Mike’s weight on top of looking for her cell in her pocket. She dialled emergency and urgently yelled at the operator for paramedics to come down and get Mike.

I wonder if Mikey is going to be okay?? :'(
Poor Mikey! What the hell is Viking's problem?! At least his drunken buddies sodded off, that's a blessing (unlike the Aussie mentality, one in, all in, like some pack of wild dogs, sad state of affairs) - glad that Mike stood up to him and defended his chick. Sad that he had to collapse at the end, sort of went out on a low note instead of a high point as his bravery deserved. No matter. But the start with them in the park was soooo cute! That was an aww moment, or a series of aww moments. Just classic hallmark - with a touch of alcohol. Idiot. No, make that plural. Idiots. Let's hope he doesn't really have any major damage from drinking too much... though we know Mike in real life doesn't mind a bit... good 'ole fun loving dude he be :D
WARNING Make sure your chair legs are stable and don't be drinking or eating something when you read this update. May cause choking.

“Blood pressure Jo?”
“Two hundred over a hundred and sixty and rising,”
“A hundred and fifteen and rising,”
“Okay,” sighed Azem, putting his stethoscope around his neck, as he walked alongside Mike’s limp body in the trolley bed down the hallway, which was being pushed by a number of people. Sarah stood at the entry to the exit with a hopeless look on her face. Azem looked down at Mike’s blank face. “I don’t know what the hell happened with you, but I’m going to make sure you’re better for your shift in two days.” Azem raised his head to see Jo inserting a needle into the drip that eventually ended its passage in Mike’s veins. “Jo. Get me thirty five milligrams of adrenaline and get me twenty milligrams of Prothrax before you meet me in the emergency room. Understand?” Jo nodded, as she pulled back the needle and disposed of it in a safe manner. She detached herself to go to the supply room.
She walked away from the rush to open the door of a nearby supply room, which, if anyone was that stupid, they could easily mistake it for the janitor’s cupboard. She had no doubt in the stupidity of this hospital’s staff sometimes. She put the dim light on. She sighed quickly as she realised she should’ve got Rob to change this light ages ago. But the labels could still be read. She skimmed her eyes through the number of various bottle sizes and the colours. She got onto the tips of her toes to see if the adrenaline was on the shelf that always, she had to stand on something to see. She saw it, almost instantly. She got a hold of it and as soon as she got hold of it, she dropped the bottle and the contents of the bottle splattered on the floor, along with the sound of the breaking glass. She sighed, she was in a rush to get these two simple things that she did on a regular basis and yet, she couldn’t even hold them. So she tried again. She grabbed hold of another bottle. This time she didn’t drop it, as she thought she must’ve, knowing her clumsiness sometimes. She skimmed through the labels again looking for the Prothrax. She clutched both bottles tightly in on hand, turned around and put the light out. She closed the door of the closet and hurried off.
But before everything could go right and she could make it to the emergency room without any little accidents she crashed right into Brad. The two bottles smashed all over Brad, leaving him wondering what the hell was up with Jo. Jo apologised and ran back into the supply room, repeating the same steps. Brad sighed as a walked off and went to get Rob. Neither of them had said a word to each other.
Brad wasn’t even on the roster today but he had to come back in to make sure some things in the operating theatres weren’t faulty. He could’ve done this some other time, but since he couldn’t get to sleep (in other words Meg was keeping him awake half the night bitching on about Joss), he thought he may as well do it now rather than to forget about. He thought he better get himself cleaned up first. But before he had the chance to go and clean himself up, he ran into a version of Sarah that looked half-drunk and half-emotionally distressed.
“Hey Shinoda’s new lady,” greeted Brad, with a smirk on his face. Sarah looked up from looking at the ground. She soon revealed her tear stained face that had eyeliner down it where the tears had mixed in with the eyeliner to form black veins down her face. Brad stopped strutting over to Sarah, and looked at her, now worried. “Oh god. What’s happened now?”
“Why is it, everyone that I go out with, past or present, always ends up in hospital?” asked Sarah, angrily.
“Wait…you went out with your own child?” asked Brad, changing his expression to enlighten Sarah’s mood. Sarah shot him a look. “I’m only trying to cheer you up. You know how you’re like when you’re down. So what happened that’s got you manically depressed this time around?”
“Mike collapsed,” answered Sarah, shortly. She got to her feet and walked off. She didn’t want to retell the events to Brad, as she had done so to a million other people because of the hospital procedures. Sarah knew them too well. She had made so many people repeat the story of the occurrence of an injury.
“Jesus,” Brad whispered to himself, as he shrugged it off and then realised that a child was up and about at this time in the morning in the corridor. “Hey.” The child turned around. It was Sarah’s girl, Ava, dressed in her pink Barbie pyjamas and blue slippers. “You’re not supposed to be awake at this time of the night.” Brad walked up to the small child and picked her up. “Holy crap, you’re heavy.”
“Holy crap,” Ava whispered softly. “Where’s Mummy?”
Brad just realised what he had just done. He had unknowingly taught Ava to swear. He looked at her. She looked a lot like Matt. Sarah must hear that a thousand times for her to yell at everyone who tells her that her child looks like the man that had left her all those three years ago.
“Your tummy still hurts?” asked Brad. Ava nodded. “Okay I’m going to put you back to bed, because soon, I am going to get my ass kicked by either mean old Azem for skylarking around in the corridors or Shinoda or your Daddy is going to walk in and see me trying to play a role to you that I will never intend to play.” Brad started to walk in the opposite direction with the child still in his arms. Then stopped and realised he didn’t know where her ward was. Andrea was off for the night, and so was Joss. Half the paediatrics staff hated him because he’s cracked on to them or something, and everyone else was on call. “Okay, I have no idea where your bed is, so I’m going to walk around with you until you either fall asleep or until I have some idea where your ward is, without contacting any of the paediatrics staff.” Ava smiled and rested her head on Brad’s shoulder. “I wonder if the TV room for the kids is still open.” Brad was starting to talk to himself. He walked a couple of metres to the elevator as he realised, she couldn’t have gotten up on this level, unless she had either walked the stairs, or caught a lift in an elevator. “Did you push buttons by any chance?” Ava moved her head so that she could see Brad and nodded. “Ah, that would explain a lot.” Ava lent over and pushed the button, as Brad struggled to hold her off-balanced weight.
“Buttons,” smiled Ava, as Brad couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Yes, buttons,” laughed Brad, as the escalator doors opened and they both stood in the elevator. The doors closed and the elevator went up.
“Mummy?” asked Ava, still wanting to know where Sarah was.
“Not here,” answered Brad. “In fact, I don’t know where she went. She got angry at me and walked away. I wonder happened.”
“Mike?” asked Ava.
“No, I don’t know where he is either, and trust me, I’m not Mike,” answered Brad. There was a silence between the pair. The elevator stopped with a sudden jolt scaring the small child. She had her face in Brad’s shoulder. The doors opened and the pair exited. Brad walked down the corridor with the small child still in arms and still with her face buried in his shoulder. He stopped and saw Rob, sitting down; looking more depressed than Sarah was when Brad saw her last. Brad put Ava down, but Ava didn’t want to stand and held onto Brad. Brad sighed as he picked her back up again. Brad walked over to Rob and sat down next to him.
Rob had just done something he shouldn’t have just done and now, he was still unsure if it was a right move towards a brighter future with the woman he loved, or if it was the wrong move.
“Why do you have that child in your arms which I might want to remind you, she is not your child?” asked Rob, sternly, as he turned his attention to the small child tightly clinging to Brad, as though he was her father or some important figure.
“I found her wandering in the corridor, trouble is, I don’t know where her ward is man,” answered Brad. “I’m not trying to suck up to Sarah if that’s what you’re thinking. No way, man, Meg would kill me until kingdom come.”
“Just checking,” muttered Rob to himself, as he went back to his serious face about the decision he had just rapidly made. He felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders now and there was nothing he could to back out of it without hurting Ravyn’s feelings.
“What’s been happening, man, I haven’t seen you around for yonks around this joint?” asked Brad, as a nearby television in the corridor caught his attention. Ava wanted to be let down and Brad let her go over to the television and she looked so intrigued by the people in the music film clip Ava was intoxicated by the people dancing around on the screen.
“Music,” peeped Ava, turning around to face Rob and Brad.
“She’s so young and innocent,” commented Rob, not wanting to answer Brad’s feeling. He had a feeling that there was going to be another emotional landslide and Rob wasn’t ready to tell anyone. He was just fearful a little bit, that Ravyn had already spread the word. Out of sheer amazement out of his stupidity or for some other God damned unknown reason. Brad laughed at the people on the screen.
“Look at these douche bags, dancing around like they're some kind of retards,” commented Brad, as Ava turned back around to only see an animated whale flying in midair.
“Whale!” yelled Ava, as Brad hushed her to be silent. It appeared at the bottom of the screen, in a small cleverly designed circle, the name of the song, the artist, and the album names….In the End, Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory. “Sorry.”
“Why do we play such **** music in this hospital on our TV screens for our waiting patients?” asked Brad. Rob shrugged not in the mood to be talking. Brad looked back to Rob. “Spill it. I know something’s up. You get quiet and hostile.”
“I’m not hostile,” objected Rob. “It’s just…I just did something so stupid of myself…I wasn’t thinking when I asked her.” Brad looked at him awkwardly.
“You’re talking about Harris right?” asked Brad. Rob nodded slowly, as Ava ran back into Brad’s lap and hid her face in his shoulder once again. “You didn’t ask her what I thought you asked her…”
“She’s moving to DC for her job and she said she wasn’t likely to come back, not even for Andrea, she said she hated the place that much,” explained Rob. “She said that we should call everything off because there’s no chance of her moving back here, not Andrea’s sake, not for heaven’s sake…not even for my sake.”
“Dude, you’ve only been going out with her for less than a month and between that time and now, you’ve hurt each other pretty badly,” advised Brad. “Why did you do it?”
“What question do you think I asked her?” asked Rob, a bit confused.
“To…meet her parents…” answered Brad. Rob shook his head. “That was the question I thought you would’ve asked her. I don’t know where I got that impression from. Oh wait; I know where I got it from…Meg.”
“No, Ravyn’s a lot more different than Meg,” stated Rob, firmly.
“Then what was the question that you asked her?” asked Brad, a bit confused but at the same time he was thankful that Rob had clarified a bit of what seemed to him to be his version of the Rubik’s cube.
“Did you hear also?” asked Rob, changing the question, but still knowing he could link it to Brad’s answer that he was about to give him. “I also quit my job tonight.”
“What?!” asked Brad. “For Harris?!” Rob nodded. “What the **** is wrong with you? You’re a crazy and deluded love-sick puppy!” Ava, who was in the process of falling asleep, woke up and faced Brad. Brad’s attention was diverted to the awoken child.
“Go to sleep,” ordered Ava, as Brad figured that Sarah must’ve said that to Ava a number of times and Ava just picked up on it.
Brad’s attention was back on Rob, as Ava fell back asleep on Brad’s chest.
“What the hell is wrong with you Bourdon?” asked Brad, still amazed by Rob’s naiveness and…just the whole situation shocked Brad entirely. Rob leaving his job for a woman he’ll end up leaving anyway? What the hell is wrong with him? Brad couldn’t justify it either way, it seemed too short and too wrong. Brad suspected more to the story. “Please tell me you’ve been drinking or something.”
“No I haven’t I am as sober right now as anything could be that hasn’t touched alcohol for a good week and a half,” replied Rob. “But there’s more to the story Delson. The reason why I left, a, is because Azem’s cutting my shifts back to the point where I may as well get fired because there would be no difference in my wages, and b, I want to be with Ravyn.”
“You’re a crazy man,” muttered Brad.
“In a long story cut short Delson,” told Rob. “I asked her to marry me.”
YAY!! Haha :yahoo: Well at least the real me is happy about that! I'm not sure he's made the right decison but I could see where you were going with it. I have to agree with Brad, as much as Rob's heart's in the right place his head isn't - he is a love-sick puppy and no good can come from that. Marrying someone so you won't lose them does seem like a dumb solution. In the end this can only end badly. And while we're speaking of such, my god that cracked me up! Brad asking why they play such crap music at the hospital! Wonder why he didn't recognise that face rapping on TV beneath the whale and stuff looked eerily like his buddy laying down there in ICU? haha Was still funny was all. Couldn't help but laugh out loud. And Ava's so cute. Kids at that age sometimes are. So full of wonder. Yes so innocent. Such little sponges. Nothing but endless days and nights of questions that will never have a fulfilling answer - gotta love it. Glad I don't live with it though!
Sarah's comment about her toxic relationship patterns was funny too. Would certainly be enough to make a person want to consider going chaste. Meh. Whatever. Worried for Mike though, and that pic of him in your sig makes me worry even more. Gives me that instant impression all's not right in the land of Shinoda ;)
Good. More?
“Wake up Sarah,”
Sarah raised her head from the cafeteria table to see who had interrupted her long needed sleep. Of course, by now, it was mid afternoon and already Sarah wanted to go home after only working three hours out of her nine and a half hour shift she was scheduled on today. She thought Azem would have the decency to try and cut her shifts back. But no. It didn’t happen. It was the smiling and bubbly face of the over eccentric nurse, Melissa.
“Yes…” muttered Sarah, as she grumbled something about waking her up on her much deserved break from reality then she put her head back onto resting on the table. “Sarah is not available right now; please leave a message after the beep.” Sarah made a really bad attempt at making a beeping sound to try and deter Mel off her over hyperactive activities.
“Andrea just sent me to tell you that Chester is awake and his under the impression that you’re his wife,” Mel put it nicely, as she figured she could’ve put it in a lot meaner words.
Sarah raised her head, with a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look implanted on her face.
“What?” asked Sarah. “Did I just hear you correctly?”
“Yeah, I don’t confuse things up very often,” answered Mel, smiling and then walking off.
Sarah was like what the **** was wrong with that girl? She thought it might’ve been a trick that Mel has somehow managed to pull perfectly or Sarah was living in a dream. Sarah shook her head to get such thoughts of her being married to Chester out of her head and went back to sleep on the cafeteria table. But as soon as she managed to get at least ten minutes of lovely and much needed shut eye, Sarah was awoken again. But not by a nurse. Just the head of the nurses.
“God, why can’t people leave me alone?” groaned Sarah, as she sat up straight knowing that Jo would want to talk to her. Then, Sarah noticed the look on Jo’s face. She was sad. Which in all truth, Sarah hadn’t seen Jo like this ever since coming to Sacred Heard. “Oh, Jo…are you alright?”
“I don’t know,” answered Jo, bluntly. “Would you be alright if someone just suspended you and then automatically replaced you with someone else?”
“Oh, I guess not, why what has Azem done this time around?” asked Sarah. “I take it something pretty sinister to make you be like this.”
“He, and the board, suspended me over an incident the other day with Chester,” answered Jo. “And he’s got Tarja to permanently replace me. So that means I’m no longer the head of nursing, but I’ve been demoted back to Senior Nurse. I’m starting to hate Azem, he’s cutting everyone’s hours down and blaming it on the board.”
“But he’s certainly increased my hours, I don’t even have time anymore to see Ava,” explained Sarah, as her attention was diverted to a screaming child.
“Mummy!” yelled Ava, as she appeared at the doorway with Andrea by her side. Ava detached herself and ran to her mother. Sarah, still very tired from having a very long night consisting of drinking, worrying about Mike and everything on top of it, wore Sarah down like a flat tyre trying to drive to the nearest station to get a replacement one. Sarah embraced her only child, still too exhausted, but managed to say a couple of things to her daughter and Andrea.
“How’s my baby?” asked Sarah, as Ava had decided to stand on Sarah’s lap. “No.” Sarah forced Ava to sit down by picking her up and turning her around so that she faced Jo. “You hurt Mummy with your weight when you stand on her.” It was more like Ava hurt Sarah’s belly bar and nearly ripped it out last time Ava stood on Sarah’s lap. Ava’s foot had scrapped down Sarah’s belly catching her belly bar and almost ripping it out. However, in this case, it was the weight issue. There was a heap of things Ava could not get away with now that she could do before. Sarah almost kicked herself as she remembered Ava rarely responded to the name ‘baby’ but more to her real name. “How’s Ava today?”
“Good,” answered Ava, wanting to be let done. “Down?”
“No, you’re staying on my lap,” answered Sarah, firmly, as Sarah noticed Andrea’s presence. “Good afternoon.”
“And same to you,” replied Andrea, as she pulled up a seat and sat down next to Sarah and Ava. “I’ve got some good news and bad news. Which one do you think you can handle first?”
“Preferably the good news, unless of course you’re going to say that the good news is that there is no bad news,” answered Sarah, as Ava reached over to Sarah’s empty coffee cup and started to stick her finger in it. “Ah! No.” Ava looked at Sarah’s authoritative expression. Ava backed down from trying to taste the remains of Sarah’s coffee.
“She’s a bit restless today,” explained Andrea. “So. Getting onto the good news. She can be released today. But, on condition that she stays away from certain foods, Joss wrote them down but I must’ve forgotten to bring them down with me. I’ll get the list before she officially gets released later on today.”
“And the bad news…?” asked Sarah, as Ava caught her attention again trying to reach for Sarah’s coffee cup. “You don’t like coffee, remember the time I gave you some iced coffee, you didn’t like it.” Ava gave Sarah a sad look.
“Mike?” asked Ava, looking curious. “Where’s Mike?”
“Mike is hurt, he’s not here,” answered Sarah, blankly. Trying to figure out why she keeps on asking for Mike and not Matt or Chester.
“Oh no,” replied Ava, giving Sarah another sad look.
“Okay. Mummy and Andrea are having a conversation, be quiet or monsters will come after you when you’re asleep,” warned Sarah, as Ava put her small hand over her mouth. “That’s more like it.” Sarah turned to face Andrea. “You were about to tell me some bad news…”
“Yeah, how would you like to play wife to Chester for a couple of days?” asked Andrea, bluntly. “And yeah, how would Ava like to say his name more often then Mike’s?”
“Who’s the retard that told him such a ridiculous thing?” asked Sarah. Sarah had completely forgotten that Jo was still at the table. Andrea looked to Jo which in the end, Sarah caught her drift and looked to Jo. Jo raised her hand slightly and wrapped it around her latte. “Jo…what the…” Sarah looked to Ava and then realised the last time she swore around her child Sarah got in trouble from her mother. “…hell? Why did you tell him that?”
“Because I wasn’t thinking straight, and that’s how I landed myself that suspension I was telling you about before,” answered Jo, feeling guilty as never before in her life. “I got what I deserved.”
“Oh Jesus, how am I going to explain to him that I’m actually his ex girlfriend and I take it, I’ve got to somehow tell him that Ava’s not his daughter, well, by birth?” asked Sarah, distressed.
“We suggest you don’t right now,” answered Andrea. “Just go in there and tell him who you are and who Ava is, and then…we’ll somehow work around that. But it’s standard and compulsory standards if he asks to for you to sign the release papers, don’t, you’ll be defying strict standards. He has to be told the truth and seek therapy first.”
“I’m sorry, if that helps, in which in all truth, I don’t think it does,” apologised Jo.
Ava looked to Sarah’s expression on her face.
“Why sad?” asked Ava. “Mummy, please don’t cry.”
“I’m not, I’m thinking,” answered Sarah. “Does Ava want to see Chester?”
Ava’s eye lit up as she remember the last days of her mother’s relationship with that man named Chester. He had always been good to her in the couple of days that they had known each other. Chester’s disappearance had always confused Ava. But she was sure Mike was going to stick around, for her at least.
“Chester!” yelled Ava, as Sarah hushed her child. “Sorry Mummy.”
“Just, do me a favour, stop yelling,” ordered Sarah, not taking her eyes off Andrea. “So I march in there and pretend to be a happy wife and have a happy child with him.” Andrea nodded and so did Jo. But Sarah could only see Andrea’s reaction. “You’ve got to be joking me.”
“I wish I was,” replied Andrea, smoothly.
“As do I,” muttered Sarah, picking up her child that had finally settled down and got to her feet. Ava looked to Sarah.
“Mike?” asked Ava.
“No, we’re going to see Chester, not Mike,” Sarah answered, with uncertainty in her voice.
“Hey baby, well, two babes we’ve got here,” said Chester, as Sarah, Ava and Jo stood in front of Chester’s bed as the wind fluttered the curtains with a cold and chilly wind. Chester sat up comfortably in the hospital bed.
“Chester,” muttered Ava to herself.
“No it’s Daddy,” corrected Chester, as Sarah let go of Ava on Chester’s bed. Ava got on all fours and crawled to Chester who welcomed Ava with arms wide open. Ava accepted his hug and snuggled into his side. “How’s Daddy girl going?”
“No, you’re Chester,” objected Ava, tiredly as she yawned. “Sleep. Sleep time for Ava.” Ava closed her eyes and attempted to be asleep. Sarah knew within herself that it was rare for Ava to go to sleep without being told a million times to go to sleep by her.
“Night,” whispered Chester, as he kissed Ava on the head and looked back to Sarah. “So how are you going?”
“I’m alright,” answered Sarah, slowly. “How are you going? Is the question worth mentioning rather than asking how I am.”
“A bit tired and a bit confused,” answered Chester. He looked to Jo. “You’re that nurse right? Joanna?” Jo nodded. “I thought I knew you from somewhere. So do you know when I can get released and come back to our comfy home?”
“Not until a couple of more weeks,” Jo answered Chester’s question, when she knew it was originally meant for Sarah to answer it. “We’ve got a couple of more things to do before we release you.”
“Oh,” replied Chester, shortly. He looked to Ava and then looked back to Sarah. “I think she needs to be taken home.”
“More like she needs to be taken back to her ward,” corrected Sarah. “Ava’s sick with a heredity disease.”
“You should put her back then,” said Chester, as he picked up Ava. “God she’s heavy.”
“Well, what do you expect of a healthy three year old to weight?” asked Sarah, as Chester passed her over. But before Sarah could get away, Chester gave Sarah a small kiss on the cheek.
“I love you babe,” Chester told Sarah, as Sarah put Ava’s head on her shoulder, smiled, and walked out, as Jo trailed behind them shortly after she gave Chester a small smile and told him not to move his ass.
Sarah felt helpless as she walked out and stopped. Her ex thinks they are married and he thinks that Matt’s child is his. She looked to Jo, but Jo shrugged and patted her on the shoulder that Ava wasn’t leaning on.
“Crap,” muttered Sarah, as she started to cry. “What do I tell Mike when he wakes up?”
“Nothing,” answered Jo.
“Crap,” repeated Sarah, softly. “Mike’s going to hit the roof.”