diana's journal


New member

whered yoooouuuu goooooo??

i misss yoooouuuu sooooooo!!

seems like it's been forever that you've beennnn goneeeeee





New member
The return... :)

Jeez...thanks...and now I'm back... :D *hugs*

Frib...thanks for stopping by! :D

Well...my mom haven't pay the bills for the internet so...yeah...

Oh, and thanks...I'm pretty satisfied with my weight now... ;)

Boris...I love you too...*hugs and kisses*

He he...that's cool... :p

Well, it's all good...and I hope I'll find another soon... ;)

I too can't wait to hear from you! :D

Jojo...I too missed you as ****!*huge hugs*

Hope to talk to you soon...take care...

Len...aaawwww...thank you...I missed you too...*hugs*

Yacky...my girl! I'm back, finally...How are you? *hugs*


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back! Yes, I am... :D

Well...life is okay...let's say...I was a little bit bored without internet but...it's all good now...I hope it'll never happen again!

Oh, and btw...I had to give 60$ and my mom gave 50 for bills... :( I payed them yesterday...

However...the big news is that I dumped my bf...Why?

Well, it's like that...I somehow got tired of him after 7 months (!!!)...and I don't love him anymore as a bf...I could love him as a friend but he can't...oh well...guys can be really weird sometimes...

Emmm...I don't know what to say... :confused: So, let it be enough... :p

Take care, mates...


crazy robster

New member
Di, my sweet, I'm so thrilled that you're back!!!! We've all missed you and I think you realised this! If I were Internet-deprived for so long I would simply have gone insane!!! LOL Well, it's sad to hear you dumped your bf but still, it's you who quit this relationship so I guess you don't feel so sad... I hope you're doing OK anyway...WELCOME BACK!!!!! *squeeze hugs* :D


New member
Jojo...thank you so much...now I really feel loved...and now I'm sure that LPF is my family...I'm gonna cry...*cries*

I'm good...and yeah...I'm okay...and he is too...so it's all good... :thumbsup:



New member

di is back!

*tackles di in a hug*

omg! i missed you sooooo much!

so, so , so very happy to see your back

*is still dancing*

love ya mom!




New member
OMG, you guys are all so sweet...I can't believe it...

Boris...thanks, me too... :) I hope we'll talk soon...

Shaun...heh, you have the same problem I had...that's bad...

Thanks for dropping by...*hugs*

Len & Frib...thanks you guys...it feels good to be back... :D

Meh, Frib, it's all good...I don't regret what I did... :thumbsup:

Yacky...*hugs* I missed you too, honey, my dear...

Thanks for that warm welcome...it means a lot to me...really...I love you too...


Well, today I'm happy cuz my sis went to Metal camp on the other side of our little country...She won't be back till Sunday... :D *dances*

And next week, on Monday, my mom, sis and my moms bf are going to the seaside...they won't be back till next Sunday...How cool is that??*dances even more*

I could go but I don't wanna...I'd be too ****** bored out there...and I'm not really a sea_lover...But I won't be home alone, though... :( There still will be 5 family members at home...**** it... :mad: Oh well...I'm alone right now... :thumbsup:

However, today I went riding in the morning...I was on the horse at 8 am! Yeah, I know...early as ****...but, at least it's not hot like later...

Today it's gonna be just one boring day, I think...We'll see...

Take care, mates!



New member

Okay, today I'm at fathers place...I haven't been here for awhile...very long time, actually...I'm gonna go home today, though...I wouldn't come for more time...Why? Cuy I'm bored here, I have nothing to do...This time I could get on the internet but this com[uter sucks as ****! It's freaking windows 98 and the connection is very slow! Yes, I know...but I guess they're not using it so much...

Oh, yesterday I forgot to show you 2 new pics from competitions that I found on the internet...So here thez are...

me and randi in Velenje...

me and randi in Lasko...

One of my friends said that on the first one I look like I need to take a ****...lol...Well, it is kinda funny but it's okay... ;)



New member
He he Jeez...professional? Hmmm, maybe...lol...I'm pretty satisfied with my riding and jumping, actually...Many of others are jumping very bad...I mean, it looks ugly, really... :confused:

Well, I'm glad you like them... :)



New member
Frib & misery...thanks...it means a lot to me...*hugs*

Oh, and misery...thanks for stopping by...I appreciate that... :)


I have to tell you something...I think I like one guy...he's my ex-schoolmate...I'll show you his pic later...I think he kinda likes me too...or at least I hope he do...****, I hope we'll get together somehow... ;) He called me today, though...he asked me if I have some time...I unfortunately didn't have cuz I went riding...but we'll meet tomorrow...at least that's what we said...he's gonna call me or something...or we'll talk on MSN...I'll see...I'm looking forward to that... :)

That's all...I'll tell you more next time... :thumbsup:



Active Members
You really seem to be into him...I wish you luck with that...maybe you guys will be together, soon...
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