diana's journal


Active Members
****...now, some of you are telling me to wait, some to talk to him...bleeee..you are confusing me, guys! Cccc...Well, okay...I'll wait for a bit more...just to see what's gonna happen when we'll meet again...if still nothing from him...I'll tell him... Good plan? He he... :thumbsup:

And Jeez...thank you... :)
Good plan...you should do it like that... :thumbsup:



New member
Yeah...well, I love that... :D


Okay, right now my mum and her guy are leaving...they're gonna pick my sis up in Ljubljana and then they'll go on vacation...seaside...to Bosnia & Herzegovina, I think...hmmm...this should be interesting...

I'm gonna live 7 days without my mum and sis...****, I'm gonna miss mum but...sis...woah, I'm so happy!I haven't seen her for like 4 days and now + 7! :D :D



New member
Sounds like a fun time....but you are not all alone' date=' right?[/quote']Yes, you're right...I'll have to stand other 5 family members...****, I hate family... :confused: But, I love this one right here! LPF! :D


New member
Yeah the LPF family is the best...
Yeah...it's just one of the best thing I've done...join LPF...really...here I found so many nice people that it's almost unbelievable to me...I simply feel loved...it's just amazing, you know...and I even have husband and 2 daughters, I think...lol... :D



New member
2 daughters ?....Is there something I don't know?
Well, isn't Yacky our daughter and...OMG! I made a mistake...sorry...heh...never mind...Yes, only Yacky is our daughter... :p



New member
Red' date='Black and White would be nice... maybe a little ******...[/quote']Hmmmm...I'll try to do something like that...but we'll see... ;)

Yay, now I have something to do... :D


New member


Ummm...In about half an hour I'll go to my friends place and then we're going to town...she has to go in library...after that I'm gonna go riding...again 2 horses...Well, it's fun but after that I'm pretty tired...

However, I can't believe that I don't have life?!? I mean, I'm just hanging on here from the morning! And yesterday it was the same...****! This makes me angry about myself... :mad: Okay, tomorrow I won't be online all the time...I'll, for example, read book or something...Yeah, I'll feel better after that... :D

Oh, have to tell you about Miha...emmm...tomorrow he's going with me when I'll go riding.Isn't he just a sweety? ;) Yes, we'll cycle...I'll have to cycle all week cuz, you know, my mum is on vacation...bleeee...I'm gonna die cuz of exhaustion... :( Heh...whatever...

Now I caht to Miha like everyday on MSN...well, we don't talk much but...it's all good...He acted very strange yesterday...His ex was again bothering him...she's so stupid! ***, I can't believe it how stupid can people be! I mean, she cheated him and now she's with another guy...but yet she's calling him and saying how much she loves him...

Heh, that friend just said that she has no will to go to the library...that's okay with me...So I'll go to the riding club at 5.30 pm...

I hope you've all noticed my thread in the Fan Art section... :p

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