diana's journal


New member
Horseback riding, eh? Never tried it.. it would probably hurt my groin area though I bet, lol.

Just because you're on here doesn't mean you don't have a life! Don't worry about it, lol.

Well, take care :D



New member
Jeez...thanks... :D

Misery...thanks for stopping by! :D

Well, maybe it'd realy hurt a bit but you know, you get used to it... ;) You actually should try one time... :thumbsup: Thanks for that comforting words...I guess i don't feel so bad about it now... :p


Emmm...so...I guess I barely survived yesterday...you know, cycling, riding and again cycling...oh, and that cycling is about 8 km long in one direction...Meh, I'm glad that today nothing hurts me... :thumbsup: Heh, it's gonna be better soon... :D

Oh, about Miha...he can't go with me today but he'll go one day this week...Today he's going on "downhill" with his bike...Yeah, he's kinda extreme biker...He rides BMX too...Oh, I have one very cool pic of him...let me show it...

Miha on the tree...Prety cool, ha? :p

Okay, I guess that's it...



New member
Yeah, it is cool... :D He showed me one time a bit of his stuff, you know...it's great... :thumbsup:

crazy robster

New member
Hey Di!!! I came to say hi cause I don't want you to think I don't read your journal... *sniffle*... I just don't leave comments sometimes me lazy cow... :( Hehehe...awww... Hope it's all good for ya! *hugs* :D


New member
He he, Jojo, don't worry, I know you read my journal...*hugs* I'm the same...I read journals but I just don't leave comments...ussually I don't know what to write... :confused: Heh... :p

Well, I'm good...everything is just fine... :thumbsup: And thanks for stopping by... ;)



New member
Oh, hey, Sarah! :D

Thanks for stopping by! :) Well, I'm good...it's just that my muscles are trying to hurt slowly...You will know why if you read my journal...if you haven't yet, of course... :p

And how are you, sweety?

Take care...



New member

Okay, update...

Today I went to Miha's place and was there for like 4 and a half hours...we were just chillin, you know...He introduced me to some metalcore music and he even burned me a cd...After that, around 8 pm we cycle to riding club...We should go earlier but it was raining...(thank *** for rain this time... :eek: ) However, I went riding and he waited so we could go back together...Yes, he was really bored but he managed to survive... :p I tried to be as quick as I can, though... ;) Then we just went back and now I'm at home...

****, the more I look at him, the more hot he seems to me! OMG...and he is, believe me...Oh, I can even find some pics! On one website where he's registered...Now you'll be able to see him... :thumbsup:

miha at home...

miha in school....

miha in the park...

Okay, nooow...what do you think? :p

Oh, and I saw the pic of him with his shirt off at his place...OMG...you should see that belly and the muscles...*faints*



New member
Looks **** fine Di!!!! He is interested in you isn't he?? Well' date=' I guess... Good luck!!! :D :thumbsup:[/quote']Thanks, Jojo... :D Well, I hope he is...it's more like I'm ointerested in him but...I don't know if he knows yet...I guess I'll have to tell him...Idk...We'll see... :thumbsup:

crazy robster

New member
He seems interested to me Di! He wouldn't wait for you, since you say he got bored, if he didn't really want to spend time with you... But then, this is just my perspective you know? I hope it turns out good!!! Hey and...just for the record...I fixed the edge...LOL ;)


New member
I just hope you're right...He really seems interested to me too cuz...yesterday we were talking on MSN at night...and this is what happened:


He: I'm gonna cry now...(smilie that cries)

Me: Don't cry! I'm gonna cry too...(smilie that cries)

He: Now we're gonna drown in our own tears...

Me: Yes, true...the happy ending...only the 2 of us...

He: (shy smilie)

Me: (shy smilie)


Yeah...that's it...I guess this is a pretty good sign, don't you think? :D

And, yes, I saw that fixed sig... :p

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