diana's journal


Okay, okay...I am sooo stupid! I lost my cell-phone in the last 200 meters as I was walking home today at about 4 am...It apparently fell out of my pocket...but I didn't hear anything...So, when I came home and realize that there's no phone, I was like WTF?!? Went back and checked a bit but I couldn't see a lot since it was still dark...checked again few hours ago and there's no sign of it...
So yeah, no I'm without a cell-phone...****...:-|
On Tuesday I'll go and ask if I can get the same number again and I hope I'll get an old phone from somebody who doesn't need it...

Anyway, outside was AGAIN nothin special...so I'm not going out next Friday...at least not to Musicafe...

Today I'm meeting the guy with whom I'm going to see Korn for the first time...it should be interesting...lol...

OMFG! I just found out that my phone was in my uncle's shoe!!:rofl:
How did it get there? Well, when I came home I patted our dog and it fell out...ha ha ha...Really, nobody can be me...:eek::rofl:
I knew it couldn't just vanished away like that...;)
He he, thanks Frib...so am I...:D

Thanks Jeez...glad you found it funny...cuz it was...not from the beginning but at the end...;)

Syg, yeah, it really seems to be like that...
Ummm...I don't have a pic of the dog...I can take a shot of him for you...