diana's journal

beer and flowers, what type of beer is this? omg omg

wow, ur jobs sounds rather cute!
Ha ha...well, beer is "Laško Zlatorog" and it's the most famous in our country...I think it's also a monopolist (if it's not, it's gonna get, lol...) And Laško is that town where the festival is...

He he, cute maybe...but also hard...
you got a job? thats cool!! :clap:

well hope you'll have a bit more fun the next time then :D
I knoooow!:D I'm finally gonna get a bit useful...;)

Thanks...I probably will...alcohol will take care of it hopefully...and of course the company...^^

And Frib...see why I wanted you to post?:D
yeah thats why I like it so much LOL

well i know most of those letters... ć, đ, č, ž... the only problem I have is that if you talk to me I can't really say if you write ć or č
I don't know the difference between č and ć...we only use č (slovene)...ć is supposed to be "soft č"...but I don't know how it's pronounced...
Hence I said fake
One time I was talking to this spanish chick, and she had said

"Hola mi amor, como estas?" - Hello my love, how are you?
I replyed...
"Me gustaria a chingar calcientas putas" - I love to **** hot bitches

Yeah than I took two years of spanish and now I am good lmao
Hence I said fake
One time I was talking to this spanish chick, and she had said

"Hola mi amor, como estas?" - Hello my love, how are you?
I replyed...
"Me gustaria a chingar calcientas putas" - I love to **** hot bitches

Yeah than I took two years of spanish and now I am good lmao
Ha ha ha...omg, that was hillarious!:lol:

Well, I don't really like learning other languages...I think german turned me off...lol...

I got some pics from Thursday's concert...

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/menina01.jpg
^ Me and Nina...lol, this pic is like awful! So funny...:lol:

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/thebridge.jpg
^ Just the bridge...Nina loves it, though...;)

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/Siddharta01.jpg
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/Siddharta02.jpg
^ Singer Tomi from Siddharta...

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/Siddharta03.jpg
^ Look at the Tomi's face...:D

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/Siddharta04.jpg
^ This pic is crap...but for some reason I find it cool and maybe a bit scary...I like it, that's the point...:p

Yesterday I should already work but I only fed the horses...so I'm starting doing the full job today...
After that, I'll quickly go home to take a shower and wash my hair cuz I'm going to that fest again...Nina and me are going by train at 10 pm...we'll see when I'm coming home...but the fact is that my dad is pickin me up tomorrow at 9 am, lol...awesome!-.- Nah, I'm gonna survive somehow...;)
haha cool pics
look kinda scary tho (the singers red eyes lol)

have fun then! ^^
Ha ha...why I didn't noticed the red eyes, lol?:D



I just find out about this thingy: http://www.evolutiondevolution.com/home/index.html
Check it out! Especially the trailer...
I don't know if they're serious but 31st July is also a realease day for Korn's new album...and actually, it would make sense...I'm curious about it...