diana's journal

Bye! and have fun :D

Have some fun girl
Thanks...I had...:)

huh? whos gay now? ooooooooooo is this true diana, goddess of virginity and the hunt and the moon?
diana said:
Yes, he is...or is he bi? Idk, but since he dumped me, he only has boyfriends...And it's nice to have a gay/bi friend...^^
That would be Blaž...my 1st bf...perhaps you still remember him...we were dating...hmmm...2 years ago...


So, went driving...first for an hour...then one other girl was driving for 2 hours...then again me for an hour...and it was good...I'm good, man...:D
Anyway, I couldn't drive myself home cuz she didn't have enough time so I had to walk home for about half an hour...and in this heat with sun shining down on me...:eek: Damn, it was bad...

Friday evening...went to town at around 10pm...we hang out by the river and were getting drunk...;)
Here are the pics:

^ I'm so funny at all of them...it looks like I'm completely drunk but I wasn't yet at that time, lol...

Later went to the Musicafe...haven't been there for quite some time...music was cool...we were dancing a bit and stuff...but it didn't lasted for long since I'm out of form for being down there and dancing...:p
Here are the pics which I don't know who took, lol...yes, I don't remember who was using my cam...:eek:
^ I love the last one...cought while dancing...^^

Then a friend came to me and said that Rok is there...you know...the one I was in love with for so long and stuff...that bitch...I felt a bit bad about it...but I was okay...
At some point we went outside and he went also...he came to me and soon kissed me...of course I cooperated...so yeah, we were kissing and stuff...went away to some bench to that new fountain...You can guess we were both drunk...but he was more like always...
However, I was askin him why is he doin this to me and stuff all the time but his answer was I don't know...as always...whatever...I actually started to cry at one point...****...I can't believe it...he also said sorry for couple of times...
Later he kinda fell asleep on me...he actually started to snore...omg...so I woke him up and he started with throwing up, lol...yeah well...quite interesting...*rolls eyes* After that I called the taxi so we went home...I came home at 4.40am...

Yesterday I clicked him twice at msn and he didn't answer...either he was away or he ignored me...whatever...he also had written something like that: I was drunk, I did some funny/wierd stuff... I clicked him again today and wrote that he should start a convo with me when he's gonna be online cuz I want to ask him what it was all about on Friday...

Ugh, I so hate him for doing that on Friday...and myself...and just as I decided that I'm gonna leave guys alone...but nah, he has to come and ruin everything...just to **** me around...and I'm being stupid anough to let him do it...
I also started to hate coincidences...cuz we were both at the same place at the same time...at the place I don't go as much as I used to...and I think it's the same with him...however, that's not good at all...I'm hopeless...

But yet, overall, the Friday night was good...;)
Seems like loads of fun!! ^.^

oh well... sorry bout that thing with Rok... but hey look at it positive rather he puked after you made out than when you were makin out =S *hides*
Yeah, that would be something positive...:D
And positive thing is that I was makin out after some long time...it was good...:eek:
Maybe you should just stay away from places were you could meet him...idk...
Nah...Idk...I have to clear things out between the 2 of us again...but this might take awhile...meh...

Btw, Jeez, I like your ava...^^
Nah...Idk...I have to clear things out between the 2 of us again...but this might take awhile...meh...

Btw, Jeez, I like your ava...^^

Thank you...

I think you enjoy it a lot to be with him still

he has still a place in your heart huh?

...kinda update...
I was driving today again...
In the evening I went to work and I was also riding again...one horse that nobody else wants to ride, lol...I'm exhausted...

Anyway, I got some pics...couple of old ones of me & nina:


...and some of those taken 2 weeks ago of my friends Nina and �*pela and me:

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/spelchmenina01.jpg
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/spelchmenina02.jpg
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/kanaid/concerts/P and C 07/spelchmenina03.jpg

Aren't we the cutest?^_^
Yeah you girls are the cutest for sure...

well...seems like that driving-license thing is going somewhere...

good that you are back on a horse....

was it fun?
Yeah you girls are the cutest for sure...

well...seems like that driving-license thing is going somewhere...

good that you are back on a horse....

was it fun?

It is...but my teacher is goin on vacation this week so I won't drive till 5th August or something like that...and I'll also have to buy more hours...I only have 10 paid and I already driven 6...

Actually I rode on Thursday and Saturday last week...the same horse as today...like I said, nobody wants to ride him...cuz he's one of the stupidest...lol...and pretty hard to ride...
awww i love pics from the Diana, theyre always so enteraining! :) your friends always look dandy!

Ha ha, the diana...rofl...and yeah, our pics are usually pretty special...lol...:D


It's 9am and I just got home from driving...was pretty good...I again met another metalhead, lol...pretty good-looking one too...:eek:


Omg, there's actually a preview of the whole new Korn album on the Korn's myspace place...interesting...