diana's journal

I hope you fun :D


Uhm...so...about Friday's bd thingy...
We went to drink by the river where I haven't hang out for at least half a year and I really missed it...was pretty nice...was drinkin some wine+cola, got kinda drunk...was talking to people...almost fall asleep, lol...
Then at about 2am we went to that place, 'Musicafe' and it pretty much sucked...damn, there's really not the same as it was...too bad...the only song I went dancing on was Smack My Bitch Up from Prodigy...<3
Oh well, I came home at like 3.30am...slept till 9am...went riding...then was being lazy at home...and at 6pm went to pick up Jure...we went for a walk and later met with Simon and Nina...we went for a drink and ****...I got sooo sleeepyyyy...I should get Jure home and then myself also but that would be like about 60 km (more than an hour) of driving so Jure said I should sleep over at his...and I did...even though we had that incident some weeks ago...*shrugs*
I stayed at his place till yesterday evening (9pm...o.0)...it all turned out okay, I haven't bumped into his parents or anything...so yeah...it was hard to go home...:)

Wah, another week at work...only 2 left...then 2 weeks of real vacation, lol...and then Maribor (uni) again...I'm actually kinda looking forward cuz after all it should be fun (except for the studying and stress...) but on the other hand...you know...it feels so great being lazy...x)

Anyway...that's it...take care, people...
sounds fun ^^
and bout that Musicafe that its not what it used to be... thats the same here =( Its kinda sad bc I always had fun hanging out in "our" bars, but now that there's nohting going on us young ppl pretty much dont go out anymore =/

well lucky you, you at least have some vacation after you're done with work =P

Enjooooy it :D
sounds fun ^^
and bout that Musicafe that its not what it used to be... thats the same here =( Its kinda sad bc I always had fun hanging out in "our" bars, but now that there's nohting going on us young ppl pretty much dont go out anymore =/

well lucky you, you at least have some vacation after you're done with work =P

Enjooooy it :D
Yeah, it's just that back then we used to be there like almost every week and in larger amounts (of us friends) but now uni kinda split us apart...so it's naturally not the same as it was...plus there are new people coming in and stuff...
Ah well, should be better in Maribor...:)

And thanks, I will...^^

On Saturday afternoon Jure and me went to the pool...were there from 4pm till like 9pm...was nice...:) After that I went home since the plan was that I'm going to the competition in Sunday morning cuz one of the horses I ride was competing...but as I was driving to the place, Vesna called me that they're already leaving cuz of the change of plan...so yeah, I just turned around and spent the whole day at home on the computer which hasn't happened for quite awhile now...

Uh, the last week of work started...yay...hope it won't be too long, heh...
Uh...a whole week has passed from the last update?! o.0 Time sure flies by fast...and it's absolutely time for the new one...


So, what's been happening?
I ended my job...and it was actually so sweet...my (ex) co-workers are really awesome...^^ I left with a smile on my face...which is the most important, I think...:)

What else...
On Sunday I went to Jure's place...and slept over...well...there wasn't a lot of sleep...x) Somehow I wasn't really feeling sleepy till about, Idk, 4am, lol...I think it's cuz I slept for like 11 hours the previous two nights...Jure was sleeping, though, for the most of the time...
Anyway, I had to leave at 6am cuz mom needed the car so she could go to work...

Other than that...I'm riding almost every day, I could say...gotta take advantage of those 2 weeks left...when I'm in Maribor, I'm only gonna be able to ride at weekends...

Oh, and holly ****!! It got like über cold during the weekend...and it's gonna stay that cold this week...Idk, it's about 10°C, if I take the average of the whole day...which is really cooold since like last week it was still 28°C? Like what the ****...we're all freezing here...o.0

Tomorrow I'm probably going to Jure's and gonna sleep over...and then again during the weekend...if Jure won't be working that is...
I can do that now since mom is having the rest of the week off work...and she doesn't really need the car...:)
yay Di is also done with her job! :D lol

cool bout the riding =)
I also think you should do that now before you go back to Maribor

and you're so right with the weather o_O
It's the same here in germany! Im actually wearing my winterjacket allready x) lool

have fun @ Jure's :D
raawwrr x)

Yup, I'm at home when I'm supposed to be at Jure's...
The thing is...
When I got there, his father was in front of the house...and as Jure came to me so we could get in...father said I'm not allowed to get in...he said I'm a stranger...I didn't introduce myself...uhm...as long he's the master of the house, I won't get in...blah blah...
He's probably like the most primitive person I ever met and, holly ****, so ****ing stupid!! He wouldn't listen at all...
Well, Jure said he was also drunk...but w/e...
So yeah...that's super bad...but anyway...we definitely won't let this **** to break us apart...
Oh well, we just went to town to have a drink and play some pool...

However...I'm going to sleep now...good night...
gee that immature of him to act like that...

sorry about that Di :\
meh..that sucks..sorry to hear that :/
Hell yeah, I know...
Thank you both...*hugs*
that really sucks o_O
I would never let any of my parents do something like that o_O
Believe me, Jure can do nothing about it...if he could, he definitely would...


Today I went to Maribor...just to finish with my "registration" to the 2nd year of uni...and I did that...=)
I also bought myself this, cuz I need a new one:
Would much rather buy a leather one but that costs like 50€...so yeah...

Anyway, that's actually that...

Today I went to town in the morning to meet with Jure...^^
Till about 2pm there was also his friend beside...we went to play some pool which was fun...they played against me and won about 6:4...though I lost mainly cuz of my own mistakes with the black ball...but it's okay...I'm better anyway...xP
When he left us, we stayed alone so we first went to check out some shoes for me...found out I'll have to do that again in Maribor cuz the selection there is bigger...so yeah, maybe gonna buy new shoes (and some clothes) next week...but probably a week after...Idk...

Oh, also...I feel like sharing this: me and Jure love eachother so freakin much it's almost unbelievable...the only (little) problem is that we see eachother too little...but I really hope this is going to change soon...which will happen if he gets accepted to the same uni as me and so he's gonna end up in Maribor also...if not...well...then he's gonna work...maybe also outside the country...so in that case pretty hard times will be coming...but for now, let's just hope for the best...

In two days I managed to watch like 16 epizodes of House M.D....damn, I love this guy! I'm going from the beginning...and yeah...gonna go and continue right now...;)
Hmmm...it's been over a month...o.0
So here's a lil' update since I'm a bit bored...I should study but I'm so not in the mood for that...>.>

Uhm...so yeah, the school started again...it's going okay...for now...next week I'm having the 1st week (out of three this semester) of tests...like, every day one...so, it's gonna be hard...

In general, I'm enjoying in Maribor...it's always something going on, I actually have no time truly for myself...but it's okay...
Jure got in Maribor also...he lives 5-10 min of walk away from me...we get to see eachother every day...except for the weekends...and I'm happy...it's all love, man...^^
