If the is a *** everything we do will be ******* them off as I know of christians that
(1) Make certain plants illegal although the bible says that all seed bearing plants and herbs where for use for humans.
(2) Download music, movies, books........... thou shalt not still
(3) (assumption) Oggle and ********** over people they arent married to, the intepritation of the bible states this is wrong.
(4) Use ***'s name in vein (*** **** it)
(5) Worship images of Jesus, ***, etc. Such as paintings and statues, your worshiping an ingraivent image not the actual figure.
(6) Hate people and seek revenge, love thy neighbour totally ignored
(7) Hate their parents............ again against the 10 commandments
Then again that depends if u believe in the Bible
Now that more then anything is contridiction of the word of the bible therefor everyone is going to ****.
I personally dont believe in it and out of all religions Catholic Christians are the most hypocritical of all the Christian faiths.