Does a woman really need a man?

I think its wonderful when a woman can really find their better half, as Ang mentions. Someone they can love and who can respect them back.

However its the women who try and make any old worthless piece of **** work...that are the problem.
Lethalfind said:
However its the women who try and make any old worthless piece of **** work...that are the problem.
Some women take that whole maternal instinct thing a little too far. They try to mother their partners and it just doesn't work that way.
I think alot of women feel they don't deserve someone who will treat them well and take care of them. This comes through in the way they act so that all they attract is trash.

**** having to be MOMMY to your man. Let him go home and suck his REAL Momma's titty.

im 16. like ive said in other posts.

you act one way on the internet, you act one way in person.

who knows maybe ur reasonably intelligent in life ...
i did - i just said it.

its not terribly confusing. well ... for most of us anyway, clearly ur struggling a tad.
You don't need to be all needy, but it is nice, speaking as a woman about to marry, to have someone share in your adventures. Sure you can do all the physical crap, but with whom are you going to share all your acheivements, joys, and sorrows with. And friends can only go so far. I thought friends would always know more than my boyfriends or even my husband, but I was seriously wrong.

My soon to be husband is my best friend above all my other girlfriends.

I think women need men, but that's me!
challgeek252 said:
You don't need to be all needy, but it is nice, speaking as a woman about to marry, to have someone share in your adventures. Sure you can do all the physical crap, but with whom are you going to share all your acheivements, joys, and sorrows with. And friends can only go so far. I thought friends would always know more than my boyfriends or even my husband, but I was seriously wrong.

My soon to be husband is my best friend above all my other girlfriends.

I think women need men, but that's me!

Check back with us IF you get divorced and see the other side of the male/female relationship...
Anything can change, but my beliefs rarely and I mean RARELY do. Some women are desperate to not be alone, but I was alone and I learned to enjoy it and deal with it. I got comfortable to be without and that's when I found Will. Being desperate nearly every single time means you will end up with crap, as far as my experience has taught me.

Where'd all this negitivity come from?
"Does a woman really need a man?"


However women like to think they do...The divorce rate is a little over 50%. Of those marriages that remain together, how many of them are happy? Maybe 25%?? How many people do you know that have a marriage you envy?? I don't know anyone that has a marriage I would be comfortable in.

As long as women are dependent, pointless, spineless creatures, men will take them for granted and honestly, I don't feel sorry anymore for a woman who can't stand up and say "NO, hell no"
hugo said:
Most women are ****ing socialists.

Aaaaaaaah, OK. Now I see that this is just your schtick. It'd be better if you said "Commies" instead of Socialists, though. Harkens back to great Cold War movies.
All I gotta say, is if a woman doesn't feel she needs a man, then she can count her self out of history. In Lethalfind's case, it would be no big deal, but unfortunately, her daughter may carry on her legacy of stupidity, perhaps we may get lucky, and little Diana will be sterile, but either way. From a mental standpoint, I think a woman can get by without a man, but I think from a human standpoint, even if a female is a lesbian, she can't be responsible for any outcome of the future of mankind but for only a generation.

A girl, like say Mellissa, or Lethal, can live their lives single, raise their kids on their own, and say something like "My kid is the only thing important in my life" which may hold true. But this importance in your life would never have been there if it wasn't for a man. So even if the man has no part of their lives, they still indirectly, needed that man to help fulfill their lives with the child they have.

But hey, what if neither got knocked up ?? Would they still claim to not need a man ?? My money says that their opinions would differ no matter how much they deny that, that would be the case.
phreakwars said:
All I gotta say, is if a woman doesn't feel she needs a man, then she can count her self out of history. In Lethalfind's case, it would be no big deal, but unfortunately, her daughter may carry on her legacy of stupidity, perhaps we may get lucky, and little Diana will be sterile, but either way. From a mental standpoint, I think a woman can get by without a man, but I think from a human standpoint, even if a female is a lesbian, she can't be responsible for any outcome of the future of mankind but for only a generation.

A girl, like say Mellissa, or Lethal, can live their lives single, raise their kids on their own, and say something like "My kid is the only thing important in my life" which may hold true. But this importance in your life would never have been there if it wasn't for a man. So even if the man has no part of their lives, they still indirectly, needed that man to help fulfill their lives with the child they have.

But hey, what if neither got knocked up ?? Would they still claim to not need a man ?? My money says that their opinions would differ no matter how much they deny that, that would be the case.

Now, how did I get dragged into this mess?

I have never stated that women didn't need a man. Here's what I believe. Because you painted me with a broad paint brush and I want to correct that. I don't NEED a man, to fix my house or ensure that my bills are paid. I don't need that. I'm looking for something far more in depth than that. I'm looking at compatibility not just now, but for life. Romance, to me, isn't just flowers on Valentines day. I stated as much on the thread for V-day. Romance is having my oil changed on any given Tuesday because you know that I'm going out of town. That's where the compatability comes in. He knows I won't remember to do that, and I know that over buying cards, he will change my oil. True love lasts longer than the stupid butterfly feeling you get in your stomach in the beginning of a relationship.

But I've never said I don't need this. I don't need it with the wrong person. I don't want Mr Right now, I want Mr. Right. Doesn't mean I don't NEED it. I do, just like every one else on the planet.