Does it **** you off when people drive and use a cellphone at the same time?


New member
Not unless they cross into my lane or stop short, some people can actually handle it others cannot like Snafu said. My son's paternal grandmother for example wears the headset for cellphone usage, but files her nails while she is driving on the highway (scares me to death to drive with her).
Next time she starts filing her nails you need to grab her nailfile and throw it out the ******* window.




New member
There is no situation where you can talk on the phone and drive at the same time. Do you think it is safer because there are fewer cars? Your attention should be on the road whether there are cars or not. There are other concerns as well, such as animals and children. People survived just fine driving from point A to point B without talking to others before cell phones, I see no urgency now. When you get in the car, turn your cell phone off. The three times I have been almost run off the road, it was in light traffic. Don


New member
When I am away from my daughter I NEVER turn my cell phone off...I have no intention of doing so. That was the whole reason I got the phone.
You would rather endanger the lives of other people’s daughters than turn your phone off. How very maternal of you. I wonder what you did before you got the cell phone. What percentage of the time do you use the phone because of emergencies involving your daughter as opposed to other types of phone calls? Nice try, but I’m not buying it.

I have never had a problem driving and talking on a cell phone, until it becomes a problem with my driving, I don't see why anyone should care...unless of course that person wants to force on everyone else their opinions. I just don't have the problem keeping my eye on the road and so forth that evidently you do.
How many people who drive drunk say that they drive great when they are intoxicated? Just because you haven’t been in a wreck yet, does not mean that you can talk on the phone and drive at the same time. No one ever notices the problems they have when driving while distracted. That is because you are too distracted to notice. Just wait until someone cuts you off and it takes you that extra few seconds to register what is happening because you were busy making a phone call. Or, perhaps someone’s child runs out in the road during one of those family walks out in the middle of nowhere. I have no problem keeping my eyes on the road, because, as I said, I do nothing that may distract me from the task at hand. I know exactly who is around me at all times, and I steer clear of idiots who think they can make a phone call and drive at the same time.

If I have a long drive on a quiet road I often take the time to connect with people that I want to talk to.
I thought you bought the phone incase someone needed to get in touch with you about your daughters well being. Doesn’t it kind of destroy the point of the phone if you are tying it up talking to someone else? Other people drive on those roads too. I’m sure a few families live on or near those roads, and animals cross those roads.

You must be one of those people who get annoyed when someone talks on their cell phone in a restuarant as well...whatever.
No, I don’t know of many people who are operating deadly equipment while they are in a restaurant, do you? I think it is rude to the people you are there with to be on the cell phone instead of interacting with them, but as another patron in the restaurant, I don’t care. It bothers me about as much as it would to have a person talking to someone who is there with them. If a person is loud and annoying than I get annoyed, whether they are on a cell phone or not.

Until it is shown to be a problem for that person then why do you care?
It is a problem for everyone. Until I see a study stating that there are some freaks of nature that can look at a cell phone and the road at the same time, or hold a cell phone and steer at the same time, then I will stand by the statement that cell phone use while driving is dangerous.

The road is unpredictable. If you are not comfortable using the phone in heavy traffic or when you have to make a lot of turns, then you should not use it while driving. You never know when you may have to swerve to avoid something or someone.



New member
I had a customer service job once and it lasted all of seven days. That ******* phone would not cease it's aggravating ring. I was fired for not being courteous to their dear, dear customers. These miserable ****** were being belligerent and irrational.

I told a dude to go **** himself and I was let go. The manager had the audacity to tell me that I was being rude. The ************ said I had no business on the phone because of my Southern Draw.

So I told the manager to kiss my white country ***. He made a security shitheel walk me out, like I was going to do something stupid. The guard said that he was just doing his job. I responded, "Doing your job don't make you right. Get out of my way.".



New member
However capable the hands of the person caring for the child, sometimes things happen...I want to be notified. I ran into a situation at my job, before I had a cell phone where the school called my boss and she purposely didn't pass on the information to me because I was on the phone, she put the call center in front of my daughter's safety. The school called to tell me that a fire was getting close to my daughters school and they were removing them as quickly as posible. Then my 80 year old Mother called, she was staying with me, she had no car to go and get my daughter and had gotten a call from the school and was frantic. As I said, my boss delayed some 30 minutes telling me this information because I was in the que...I almost killed her when I found out, I told her that job would NEVER be more important then my daughter and I left to get my daughter at her school. The buses that were normally at my daughters school were being used to evacuate another school that was even closer to the fire then my daughters.

I can use the phone to make sure I have contact with my daughter and talk to other people as well, as I said, I have caller id that beeps in when I am on the phone, I have a panel on the OUTSIDE of the phone that I can see the name of the person calling without picking the phone up AND as I said I don't have to dial numbers, they are on voice response. All I have to do it touch a button on the outside of the phone and say the name of the person I am calling. Naturally I don't initiate something like that when my attention should be on the road.

I am pretty sure that even down here in Florida that people would have been shooting me the bird left and right if my driving were bad. I also have never gotten a ticket for anything like that so that makes me feel pretty sure that my driving is pretty good.

You don't think a screaming baby, maybe having dropped their bottle or wriggling out of their baby seat can be distracting? Never mind people who have pets in their car unrestrained, thats an accident waiting to happen right there.

I don't think your inferior in general, I think I',m better at multi tasking then you are. I am also more open minded in that I see its posible that some people can drive and talk on a cell phone without causing a problem and clearly some people can't. Your the one with the RIGID idea that NO ONE should EVER drive talking on a cell phone even if they use an ear peice...thats just unreasonable. If the lawmakers of my state agreed they would have made the law already.

Just because you CHOOSE NOT to use your cell phone in the car or only EVER use it in Emergancies does not the rest of the world will follow your lead, why would we? I often use my cell phone when my daughter and I are out, she calls members of our family and tells them what we are doing AND often sends them pictures (we both have picture phones as well as members of our family) of the beach, or a sand dollar she has picked up etc. Cell phones are for alot more then just Emergancies. Its pretty narrow of you to think that aren't.

As for me feeling controlled...NOT. You are a very controlling person, that comes across in what you say and in your general approach too life assuming the opinions you express on here are genuine, thats pretty consistent with the perfectionist personality you clearly have. The world would be an awful place if we were all alike...having said that I will continue to talk on my cell phone in the car and if you and your kind don't like it, you better stay off the road...No one makes me feel controlled, grew up in that environment and it just doesn't work on me anymore.

I don't wish to change or control your opinion about your own actions...however I think your feeling that EVERYONE has to do what you say is unreasonable. My comments about being more talented were tongue and cheek, you brissle like a wet cat...who is being the child? However if there was a way to test what we are discussing, I think I would probably win. I have never been in an accident that I caused...I have never driven drunk or anything close, I have never gotten a ticket or driving recklessly, I have been quilty of speeding but I have not gotten a ticket for more then 4 years. I have been driving for 24 years, I started with a learners permit at 15. I can comfortably drive in places like Dallas, Boston, Atlanta...all those places where you hear its SO terrible to drive. I have driven through Atlanta at rush hour, pulling the largest U-haul trailor they have with no problems or concerns on my part. As a 21 year old I drove straight through from Boston to Dallas with only a couple hours sleep on the side of the road. More recently I pulled a trailor from Dallas to Orlando, stopping once for the night. I have'nt found the vehicle I can't drive, everything from my Fathers Kabota tractor (with or without the implements) to my Fathers Peterbilt cab over (although I never got a license to drive the Peterbilt) down to normal cars, stick shifts to automatics.

Do you also think that truckers shouldn't be allowed to talk on the CB? I can do that as well, either in a normal truck or in the Peterbilt Cabover, that bad boy had 15 gears, way too much fun...I haven't driven a long nose truck, I hear the ride is more comfortable because the cab isn't sitting over the wheels...

I am clearly alot more relaxed behind the wheel then you are.



New member
I've always heard the old saw about how women's cycles start to coincide when they live together.

I never knew it could happen by being on the same chat board.



New member
I have no doubt that the school would not have left her there to burn, that was not the point. I was unable to get information about my daughter in a timely manner, its not only my right to but my responsibility to make sure I get this information. The school was doing the best they could do, it was their inability to contact me directly that was the problem, and they were unable to because I was working in a call center and was not allowed to take direct calls. The cell phone corrected that.

Given what your saying about the usage of cell phones then surely you must also object to people using CBs in a car or truck as well. At least with a cell phone you can just talk, with a CB you have to key up the mic to talk and then let it go to let the other person talk, then of course sometimes you are switching channels etc...

I don't think your trying to control ME in particular, I think you feel you have THE answer on this topic and you think everyone should do what you say...not me in particular.

You have to know that the more experience a driver is, the more likely they are to be able to handle unusual circumstances in general. I would NEVER think it a good idea for my daughter to be talking on the cell phone right after she got her license because of her inexperience in driving. Over time I think drivers CAN learn to do things like talk on a cell phone or deal with an unruly child better then a new driver.

When I mention driving other types of vehicles, let me clarify. While driving a Peterbilt, I was also able to use the CB, I only ever pulled a trailor once and it was an empty referigerator unit and I didn't have to back it up. I have never driven the truck or the truck and trailor in icey conditions. When your driving a car down the road that is all you have to pay attention to, if your driving something like a Peterbilt (its bigger then your used to, their are MORE gages to pay attention to for example) or a reg truck with a trailor there is more to pay attention to, just like driving a regular car and talking on a cell phone. Its about experience. There are definetly people who should do neither but there are people who can handle it.

I would love to hear ANYONE try and convince the truckers out there that they shouldn't be talking on the CB while their driving...Its MORE distracting then talking on a cell phone in my opinion.

The fact that you can't take a few jokes and refer to it being "childish" and referring to me trying to spin it...just illustrates my point, your rigid and HAVE to believe you have the last word on a topic.

Some people shouldn't talk on a cell phone while driving because they are not able to pay adequate attention to the more important task of driving BUT not everyone is like that so why should EVERYONE be punished and have to live by the restrictions that fit people of lessor experience with driving.

When I was a teenager (back when people lived in caves) you could get a hardship license at 15, you had to show that there was no one to drive you too school or work. This license acknowledged the need might be there but with the caveat that the less experienced driver was not allowed to drive after dark AND was not allowed to drive anywhere else but to work and school. Of course once the person had more experience they were allowed a full license. Everyone is different.



New member
Any mother would be mad at their boss for doing that, but I do think you are a bit of a drama queen. This really has nothing to do with using the cell phone and driving. You were not in the car when this incident occurred.

This thread is about cell phones, not CB


New member
I've always heard the old saw about how women's cycles start to coincide when they live together.
I never knew it could happen by being on the same chat board.
OH, look she can post an opposing view to someone...



New member
You are the one who said you didn't believe I got a cell phone to make sure I was always reachable if anything came up about my daughter.("What percentage of the time do you use the phone because of emergencies involving your daughter as opposed to other types of phone calls? Nice try, but I


New member
I've always heard the old saw about how women's cycles start to coincide when they live together.
I never knew it could happen by being on the same chat board.
That was kind-of Bitchy. I guess your cycle matched up as well.



New member
Just because some dumbasses can't handle their liquor does not mean I should not have the right to drink and drive.
Why are there so many laws that protect us from ourselves? Seatbelt laws, helmet laws, etc, etc... If I want to go 120 MPH on my bike sans helmet, that should be my ************* prerogitive. If I injure someone else because of my haphazard manner, then I'll have to live with the guilt.



New member
I guess what Tori wants is for the Government to step in a baby sit us some more.
I would rather people be intelligent enough, and courteous enough, to not need a babysitter.

I have a cell phone. I use it when I drive. I think I can do both at the same time. I don
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