Dog ****


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Ok for the fourth time this month I just spent over an hour steaming, scrubbing shampooing and literally HOSING the car rug under my grandfathers feet. I swear to god I cannot take dog **** in the car anymore. Every freaking time my grand[arents get out of the damn car I want to wretch (litterally I spend the trip home gagging and dry heaving). Put down a matt you say? I do, so he scrapes his damn feet on the side of the floor. I had an old table cloth down and he moved it out of the way. Tonight (after it dries) I am going to tape window plastic to the floor so at least I can wipe the smell away. They don't care (their house if full of animal **** that's where it all comes from) I even called the SPCA and told them not to give them a dog so they went somewhere else. ARG!!!!!!!!!!

I drive them as they canot drive and I get to use the car for my own use (I could not afford a car grandma could get in and out of, not that I would let them NEAR a car I owned) My mom just got a new car and banned them from it. ARGARGARGARGARG!!!! I am in such a piss ass mood now!!!!!

I HATE DOG ****!!!!!!

ok that rant made me feel a little better
tizz said:
They don't care (their house if full of animal **** that's where it all comes from) I even called the SPCA and told them not to give them a dog so they went somewhere else. ARG!!!!!!!!!!
That is just unsanitary. How many animals do they have in the house?
ToriAllen said:
That is just unsanitary. How many animals do they have in the house?

They INSIST on having three anomals (my grandma actually got a complete stranger she met while calling for dogs to take her around to find one behind our backs) One dog, two cats. She does NOTHING to take care of them and my grandpa is old and I just won't do it anymore (there is a reason I won't let my one kid have a dog) and they have ALWAYS been like this. It's not even because they are old. The dog was paper trained (kennnel trained) and after the novelty of a new dog wears off they NEVER take it out and don't even leave paper out anymore or put it in it's kennel. The damn thing is getting nasty.
I know it's family and all, but...I would call animal control and tell them they are neglecting their pets. It may not prevent them from getting more in the future, but maybe it'll teach em' a lesson.
Ya but I soend the most time with the woman and would have to kill myself after listening to it all. (I damn near ran away from home after I had the SPCA put a ban on her) Besides, she would just find a way to get another one. She has been doing this **** her whole life. I do feel sorry for the animals, but I can't even bring my kid in the house without her ending up with **** on her shoes (or worse) Believe me, if I wasn't going to be the one to suffer for it, I would call animal control
tizz said:
Ok for the fourth time this month I just spent over an hour steaming, scrubbing shampooing and literally HOSING the car rug under my grandfathers feet. I swear to god I cannot take dog **** in the car anymore. Every freaking time my grand[arents get out of the damn car I want to wretch (litterally I spend the trip home gagging and dry heaving). Put down a matt you say? I do, so he scrapes his damn feet on the side of the floor. I had an old table cloth down and he moved it out of the way. Tonight (after it dries) I am going to tape window plastic to the floor so at least I can wipe the smell away. They don't care (their house if full of animal **** that's where it all comes from) I even called the SPCA and told them not to give them a dog so they went somewhere else. ARG!!!!!!!!!!

I drive them as they canot drive and I get to use the car for my own use (I could not afford a car grandma could get in and out of, not that I would let them NEAR a car I owned) My mom just got a new car and banned them from it. ARGARGARGARGARG!!!! I am in such a piss ass mood now!!!!!

I HATE DOG ****!!!!!!

ok that rant made me feel a little better

Stop bitching if you are USING THEIR CAR FOR YOUR OWN USE.

I always find it odd that people USING other people love to act put upon. DON'T drive them if it gags you out so much.

Here's an idea: Pay for your own wheels...then you get to choose if dog **** is allowed or not.

Sorry, not buying the Mother Theresa act.
Elmoish said:
Stop bitching if you are USING THEIR CAR FOR YOUR OWN USE.

I always find it odd that people USING other people love to act put upon. DON'T drive them if it gags you out so much.

Here's an idea: Pay for your own wheels...then you get to choose if dog **** is allowed or not.

Sorry, not buying the Mother Theresa act.

Balling!! RFLMAO ,I'm a broken record with telling people that. geez
I guessed I failed to mention that I pay for all the repairs gas and upkeep for them (which lately is a lot more than it should be damn car) and that I was ready to get a car for myself but that SHE asked to make this deal with me. I also pay partial insurance and car payments, I work part time in order to have my afternoons free to drive her around and also take care of a lot of other crap for her that no one else wants to. It's HARDLY a free use thing.
tizz said:
I guessed I failed to mention that I pay for all the repairs gas and upkeep for them (which lately is a lot more than it should be damn car) and that I was ready to get a car for myself but that SHE asked to make this deal with me. I also pay partial insurance and car payments, I work part time in order to have my afternoons free to drive her around and also take care of a lot of other crap for her that no one else wants to. It's HARDLY a free use thing.

Get your own car. Take them around at your convenience.

Still not buying the Mother Theresa thing.
**** I ain't mother teresa, I just hate driving around with the stech of dog **** in the car!!!!!!! Can't get a car now I just sunk $700 into theirs.
tizz said:
Ok for the fourth time this month I just spent over an hour steaming, scrubbing shampooing and literally HOSING the car rug under my grandfathers feet. I swear to god I cannot take dog **** in the car anymore. Every freaking time my grand[arents get out of the damn car I want to wretch (litterally I spend the trip home gagging and dry heaving). Put down a matt you say? I do, so he scrapes his damn feet on the side of the floor. I had an old table cloth down and he moved it out of the way. Tonight (after it dries) I am going to tape window plastic to the floor so at least I can wipe the smell away. They don't care (their house if full of animal **** that's where it all comes from) I even called the SPCA and told them not to give them a dog so they went somewhere else. ARG!!!!!!!!!!

I drive them as they canot drive and I get to use the car for my own use (I could not afford a car grandma could get in and out of, not that I would let them NEAR a car I owned) My mom just got a new car and banned them from it. ARGARGARGARGARG!!!! I am in such a piss ass mood now!!!!!

I HATE DOG ****!!!!!!

ok that rant made me feel a little better

So, your grandfather is actually your dog, and he shits in the car?

Cool family.
Elmoish said:
Get your own car. Take them around at your convenience.

Still not buying the Mother Theresa thing.

Pssst! Elmoish, how did Tizzy's rant on dogshit suddenly get turned around so that you are now basically accusing her of pretending to be a saintly martyr?

Many people put up with or deal with the most ****ed up **** in the world with their own family. We do things and put up with things and deal with things within and for our families that we would run screaming from - if it were to be for a stranger instead.

Bitching about it once in awhile is venting. After spending hours catering to a delusional ill relative, crapping themselves and spewing from here to Kingdom-come - venting is sometimes necessary.

Anyone with a family and a sense of duty and responsibility will understand this post.

Tizz - I'd say, their shoes go in a plastic bag in the trunk and they get them when they get out of the car. or is the dogshit all over the clothes too?
OK so you wanna know why she is on my last nerve? Here I am taking a nice poo, and reading an old Yankee Mag article and the phone rings. OK so I will let the maching get right? That's not good enough for this woman. She had to call # times and leave THREE messages and still call one more time in less than five minutes (we have caller ID and YES it was LESS than 5 minutes) So I FINALLY get the phone (now thinking it MUST be an emergency of sorts) and she has to go to the store AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Ok so I try to politely explain that we have a machine and that leaving a message ONCE is enough. Now she is all pissed off and probably popping a pill right now. WTF????

Her record is 23 calls in less than 15 minutes while no one was home. @# CALLS and that wasn't even for the whole day!!!!!!!!! We actually wrote it down and put it on the wall. We figure she should get the gold plated fone if she can manage to top that one. I can't even dial that fast for ****s sake!!!!! Then she will get all mad when you do get her. Last time she did that I was AT WORK and she KNEW IT. SHe wanted to make sure I got the F king message!!!! This is why I will literally KILL anyone who gives her my cell number (last time she had it I ran out of minutes checking my messages) I am not kidding about that. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!!

BTW if you couldn't tell, yes I was in a bad mood already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a window right here, can I get a chant for JUMP?

**** **** DOUBLE **** **** GOD DAMMIT

(I WAS going to have a nice, ok nice for my kid, afternoon at Chuckie Cheez. Not I have grandma AND my kid pissed at me SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!

I am so gonna run away!!!!
skategreen said:
Pssst! Elmoish, how did Tizzy's rant on dogshit suddenly get turned around so that you are now basically accusing her of pretending to be a saintly martyr?

Many people put up with or deal with the most ****ed up **** in the world with their own family. We do things and put up with things and deal with things within and for our families that we would run screaming from - if it were to be for a stranger instead.

Bitching about it once in awhile is venting. After spending hours catering to a delusional ill relative, crapping themselves and spewing from here to Kingdom-come - venting is sometimes necessary.

Anyone with a family and a sense of duty and responsibility will understand this post.

Tizz - I'd say, their shoes go in a plastic bag in the trunk and they get them when they get out of the car. or is the dogshit all over the clothes too?

Yes dealing with people that creep us out can cause a vent.

Just not buying the "it's their car, I use it, but they gag me" routine.
phreakwars said:
I'm confused still myself... where did the dog **** again ?? and why ?.. and ... oh never mind..


haha...thats funny after reading what tizz worte.