Don't ****ing ever wish me a Merry Christmas.

I get that pre-holiday depression stuff a lot. It eats your soul, but then you get over it and life goes on. I look at it as kind of a cleaning myself out period.
Lethalfind said:
Evidently in spite of being depressed, they don't want to spend time in a straight jacket over the holidays, go figure...

Never would have guessed... Thats quite the conundrum! :rolleyes:
berniec said:
What a depressing thread this has been to read. Everyone seems to have lost the point off what it is all about. A time off giving and forgiving,a time for families to get together and enjoy each others company even if is only once a year. A very,very early best wishes too you all.

You have obviously lived a VERY different life then I have if you believe the rot you just wrote...
Maybe this thread will help you get a grasp that not everything is as it should be...
AND by the way, you did notice the name of it right??

Don't every ****in wish me a Merry Christmas.
Lethalfind said:
You have obviously lived a VERY different life then I have if you believe the rot you just wrote...
Maybe this thread will help you get a grasp that not everything is as it should be...
AND by the way, you did notice the name of it right??

Don't every ****in wish me a Merry Christmas.
Hmm, i see. So wishing you the best is wishing you a Merry Xmas. Ok then, what if i wish you the worst. Feel better.
My real beef about xmas is..............drum roll...............I don't get no ****ing holiday pay. I wouldn't really know this was a problem, but I went and got a real job for three years and got four weeks holiday pay, plus pay in lieu of weekend overtime at time and half and double time on sundays for taxi work for my teaching job.

Added up to seven glorious weeks of doing jack-**** on full pay. Every year.

Damn, I miss that ****.
WOW, when I was working in Retail management I got double pay for holidays that I worked on, this included Christmas eve and several other dates throughout the year that are considered a holiday but we were open anyway. But nothing like that.
I am going to love all the time off I have in between semesters. I get out of school 10 days earlier then my daughter and she is pissed...
Originally Posted by berniec
What a depressing thread this has been to read. Everyone seems to have lost the point off what it is all about. A time off giving and forgiving,a time for families to get together and enjoy each others company even if is only once a year. A very,very early best wishes too you all.

Ok. Put the bong DOWN.

You are obviously living in a fantasy world based on what people THINK it's supposed to be about. See, this is the problem. Everyone thinks that it's supposed to be a joyous time and everyone expects it to be perfect therefore resulting in hair-trigger emotions and overbearing behavior. And since one person's paradise is another person's prison, something is bound to snap. And usually does.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Ok. Put the bong DOWN.

You are obviously living in a fantasy world based on what people THINK it's supposed to be about. See, this is the problem. Everyone thinks that it's supposed to be a joyous time and everyone expects it to be perfect therefore resulting in hair-trigger emotions and overbearing behavior. And since one person's paradise is another person's prison, something is bound to snap. And usually does.

VERY well said, Komrade...
I especially like "one person's paradise is another person's prison"
How very true!!
Christmas is about whatever an individual chooses to make it about. For corporations it is about profit. For the individuals making up the corporation, the meaning is different for each person. Corporations have one goal. To make a profit for their shareholders. It is not the job of the corporation to be charitable or to find the true meaning of Christmas. It is true that Christmas has become commercialized, but this season is great for the economy.
You have to find your own meaning in Christmas. There are many people who give to charity all year long and there are others who can not afford to be so generous, so they share what they can during the holidays. The holidays are when individuals in need feel that need the most, emotionally and psychologically. I am not saying they do not feel that need at other times during the year, but holidays can be especially draining. I would never discourage anyone to give to charity, even if it is once a year.
CHARLIE BROWN: I guess I really don't know what Christmas is all about.
Isn't there anybody who knows what Christmas is all about?

LINUS: Sure Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.
Lights please. {LUKE 2:8-14}

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
As ****ed up as this world is Snafu, I am shocked nobody has tried to boycott "MERRY CHRISTMAS CHARLIE BROWN" Because of that religious reference.

And I guess it pretty much sums up what I hate about Christmas time...

There is no CHRIST in it.

Just the MAS(S)ES out ****ing up the holiday with this bullshit "SPIRIT" of the season.

The "SPIRIT" of the season, if you would, is the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Maybe I wouldn't call myself a Deist if more people understood those teachings and not the teachings of TV advertisements and corporate hoopla.
phreakwars said:
As ****ed up as this world is Snafu, I am shocked nobody has tried to boycott "MERRY CHRISTMAS CHARLIE BROWN" Because of that religious reference.

And I guess it pretty much sums up what I hate about Christmas time...

There is no CHRIST in it.

Just the MAS(S)ES out ****ing up the holiday with this bullshit "SPIRIT" of the season.

The "SPIRIT" of the season, if you would, is the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Maybe I wouldn't call myself a Deist if more people understood those teachings and not the teachings of TV advertisements and corporate hoopla.
Jesus Christ is a myth. Look up Horus, the egyptian God who is about 2,500 BC-years-old.

The bible makes statements about the existence of God, facts on the other hand make statements about the non-existence of God. The bible is only filled with statements, while facts are supported by physical evidence. Therefore, God has claimed to exist without evidence to backup his existence, hence he doesn't exist.
pissed_off101 said:
Jesus Christ is a myth. Look up Horus, the egyptian God who is about 2,500 BC-years-old.

The bible makes statements about the existence of God, facts on the other hand make statements about the non-existence of God. The bible is only filled with statements, while facts are supported by physical evidence. Therefore, God has claimed to exist without evidence to backup his existence, hence he doesn't exist.
For the love of God, SHUT UP!!
You have contributed NOTHING to this thread. You are a walking Amtrak derailment.
If you're pissed off about Christianity, whine about it in your crackly teenage voice on an appropriate thread.
angie said:
For the love of God, SHUT UP!!
Correction one, God showing love is impossible. Correction two, God is literally impossible (to exist).
angie said:
You have contributed NOTHING to this thread.
That is correct.
angie said:
You are a walking Amtrak derailment.
That is incorrect, I'm only walking the path of justice.
angie said:
If you're pissed off about Christianity, whine about it in your crackly teenage voice on an appropriate thread.
One, I have every just right to be pissed off at Christianity. Two, read the name of this site. Three, how can you determine whether or not I have a cracky voice? Four, have you ever done research on Horus, Krishna, or Buddha? Five, have you ever done research on "macro-evolution"? Six, do you know what "micro-evolution" is? Seven, do you know what "relative dating" is? Eight, do you know what "radiometric or radioisotope dating" is?
angie said:
teenage voice
Was it really necessary for you to go to such lengths? This proves you were making fun of me, just because I'm a teenager, how immature...
Jesus was NOT a myth, he was a real person who walked on the Earth, that is not the ****ing argument. I was saying the "SPIRIT" of the season is supposed to revolve around the TEACHINGS of this person, not his ****ing alleged divinity.

But for what it's worth, the holiday has evolved over the years, so that the original "JESUS" theme that started it all, is now nothing but a memory.

Take for instance my son and daughter.

They have a Christmas program at school next week. My wife asked me if I was going to go. To which I replied NO..

I do NOT want to be a part of a holiday celebration at the kids school that does not include songs such as "O little town of Bethlehem" or "Silent Night" . So what's my only other option ?? Put them in a religious private school ??

I am a reformed Cathoholic, and now a Deist and my wife is a Luthren.

Even though my belief in God may differ from my wife's, I still think it is important that the signifigance of faith be emphasized. So I have no problem at all with letting my child be exposed to an envioronment which celebrates faith. I do however, have a problem with a society that disallows it because of others lack of faith and spirituality.

As for ****ing Santa Clause, my kids are only told that he is who brings the presents on Christmas if you have been good to other people.

It also gives me a way out of them asking what I have hidden away in the closets with all the wrapping paper on it.:D
pissed_off101 said:
Correction one, God showing love is impossible. Correction two, God is literally impossible (to exist).That is correct.That is incorrect, I'm only walking the path of justice.One, I have every just right to be pissed off at Christianity. Two, read the name of this site. Three, how can you determine whether or not I have a cracky voice? Four, have you ever done research on Horus, Krishna, or Buddha? Five, have you ever done research on "macro-evolution"? Six, do you know what "micro-evolution" is? Seven, do you know what "relative dating" is? Eight, do you know what "radiometric or radioisotope dating" is?Was it really necessary for you to go to such lengths? This proves you were making fun of me, just because I'm a teenager, how immature...

What gods I have studied is irrelevant. Did I ever claim to be Christian? No.
Where is the relevance in my knowledge of the theory of evolution? What I do or do not know is irrelevant to the fact that you are an abnoxious, attention seeking, hormonal brat.
Yes, I was making fun of you. If you weren't a teen, there would be something else. There are plenty of teens here that I DON'T make fun of because they don't sound like bumbling Neanderthals. You, on the other hand...well, that is self-explanatory.
phreakwars said:
Jesus was NOT a myth
Not only is this statement false, it's redundant. In correction, Jesus IS not a myth, not Jesus WAS a myth.
phreakwars said:
he was a real person who walked on the Earth
This statement is also false and redundant. In correction, to the first part, Jesus was not a real person, because there's absolutely no evidence that supports the notion that a "Jesus of Nazareth" ever existed. Contrare to the second half, walked on the earth is redundant. The word "on" wasn't necessary.
phreakwars said:
I was saying the "SPIRIT" of the season is supposed to revolve around the TEACHINGS of this person, not his ****ing alleged divinity.
Why should one be taught from a mythical figure? Note here that you think a mythical figure counts as a person. He's divine because a (real) person cannot be.
phreakwars said:
the holiday has evolved over the years, so that the original "JESUS" theme that started it all, is now nothing but a memory.
Good, because as of now, a memory is the only thing Jesus Christ deserves. He's a part of literature history. Christmans shouldn't be celebrated, at all. Reality doesn't appreciate it when religious people try to claim its territory.
phreakwars said:
I do NOT want to be a part of a holiday celebration at the kids school that does not include songs such as "O little town of Bethlehem" or "Silent Night" .
Good, because you shouldn't. Such hymns can cause psychological impairment, and, seeing as how such songs do exist, why isn't there a hymn called "The world is flat", or "Hail the all-loving God who allows the vast majority of his children to experience infinite punishment for finite sins"?
phreakwars said:
I am a reformed Cathoholic
Note here that Catholic is spelt incorrectly.
phreakwars said:
and now a Deist
Do you think an omniscient God created the universe just to abandon it?
phreakwars said:
and my wife is a Luthren.
Note here that Lutheran is spelt incorrectly. Why would she follow Luther? The guy believed that salvation is granted on the basis of faith, rather than deeds. Your wife is a hypocrite, considering how God is (supposedly) perfectly just.
phreakwars said:
So I have no problem at all with letting my child be exposed to an envioronment which celebrates faith.
This here, is essentially pointing out that want your children to grow up to be foolish persons. They will never understand what life can really be all about. I pity you for doing this to them.
phreakwars said:
I do however, have a problem with a society that disallows it because of others lack of faith and spirituality.
Here, you explain how you think faith, and spirituality are parts of the human genome. What religious people interpret as spirituality, is intepreted in reality as psychological factors of our cerebrum (brain). Faith, in yourself, is actually just positive thinking (you've increased the number of white blood cells throughout your blood stream), and faith in a creator, especially a universal creator is natural, but considering how gene activity (psycholgocial evolution) happens for a reason, believing in such things, nowadays, is nothing more than nonsense. We are living in such times, yet you still believe in creationism? This is sad.
phreakwars said:
As for ****ing Santa Clause, my kids are only told that he is who brings the presents on Christmas if you have been good to other people.
You lie to your children, and act very foolish this time of year. This is sad.
phreakwars said:
It also gives me a way out of them asking what I have hidden away in the closets with all the wrapping paper on it.
The only thing I got out of this is the fact that you deliberately lie to your children. You cannot get away with the whole "lie for the better" thing here, as my last "quote response" has explained.

I'd like to say that this post has been edited. I make spelling errors at times, spelling errors which deserve to be corrected.

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