Don't ****ing ever wish me a Merry Christmas.

angie said:
What gods I have studied is irrelevant.
True, but there's nothing wrong with trying to help out a fellow homo sapien. Regardless as to whether you have studied these Gods or not, my input was only a recommendation.
angie said:
Did I ever claim to be Christian? No.
That's correct. I never made an assumption indicating that I think you're a Christian. But may I ask, and may I ask with dignity, why did you say "shut up"? You're obviously trying to defend something, or are just angry at the fact that I chose to come to this thread, and spit the truth.
angie said:
Where is the relevance in my knowledge of the theory of evolution?
You're right, there was no relevance to your knowledge of the theory of evolution, hence the reason for why I simply asked questions.
angie said:
What I do or do not know is irrelevant to the fact that you are an abnoxious, attention seeking, hormonal brat.
Here, you are essentially telling me that you think name calling was relevent, even though I did absolutely nothing to deserve such behaviour.
angie said:
to the fact that you are an abnoxious, attention seeking, hormonal brat.
You cannot call this a fact, seeing as how it isn't true. You are incorrect here.
angie said:
Yes, I was making fun of you.
I appreciate you clearing this up, however, due to my acknowledgement of this, it would be wrong to not acknowledge you, that I now know for a fact, that you are fond of acting immature.
angie said:
If you weren't a teen, there would be something else.
Why? Do you have something against very intellectual teenagers?
angie said:
There are plenty of teens here that I DON'T make fun of because they don't sound like bumbling Neanderthals. You, on the other hand...well, that is self-explanatory.
You obviously have something against very intellectual and mature teenagers. I don't go to a boarding school, if that's what you think.
piss_head101 said:
Not only is this statement false, it's redundant. In correction, Jesus IS not a myth, not Jesus WAS a myth.
I was not aware that GF graded on grammer and structure.

This statement is also false and redundant. In correction, to the first part, Jesus was not a real person, because there's absolutely no evidence that supports the notion that a "Jesus of Nazareth" ever existed. Contrare to the second half, walked on the earth is redundant. The word "on" wasn't necessary.
Again another teachers substitute tries to correct me over sticking with the topic...hmm.

Why should one be taught from a mythical figure? Note here that you think a mythical figure counts as a person. He's divine because a (real) person cannot be.
Buddy, what the **** are you even talking about now ??

Good, because as of now, a memory is the only thing Jesus Christ deserves. He's a part of literature history. Christmans shouldn't be celebrated, at all. Reality doesn't appreciate it when religious people try to claim its territory.
You missed the point, and you spelled Christmas wrong..:rolleyes:

Good, because you shouldn't. Such hymns can cause psychological impairment, and, seeing as how such songs do exist, why isn't there a hymn called "The world is flat", or "Hail the all-loving God who allows the vast majority of his children to experience infinite punishment for finite sins"?
I see where this is going...
Note here that Catholic is spelt incorrectly.
Really, then maybe I should break it down.. CATH-O-HOL-IC, KINDA LIKE ALCOHOLIC, but worse....

Do you think an omniscient God created the universe just to abandon it?
It doesn't matter what I think, it's not my thought to share.

Note here that Lutheran is spelt incorrectly. Why would she follow Luther? The guy believed that salvation is granted on the basis of faith, rather than deeds. Your wife is a hypocrite, considering how God is (supposedly) perfectly just.
Again with the spelling ?? Hmm... Hey DUMBASS, did I not say I am not a follower of Christianity ??? Does not mean that I should push my thoughts on GOD on my wife, she is free to choose to believe what she wants.

This here, is essentially pointing out that want your children to grow up to be foolish persons. They will never understand what life can really be all about. I pity you for doing this to them.
No, I let my children believe what they want based on what is presented to them.

Here, you explain how you think faith, and spirituality are parts of the human genome. What religious people interpret as spirituality, is intepreted in reality as psychological factors of our cerebrum (brain). Faith, in yourself, is actually just positive thinking (you've increased the number of white blood cells throughout your blood stream), and faith in a creator, especially a universal creator is natural, but considering how gene activity (psycholgocial evolution) happens for a reason, believing in such things, nowadays, is nothing more than nonsense. We are living in such times, yet you still believe in creationism? This is sad.
I believe the followings of creationism can be used to improve the general philosophys of PEOPLE, as to the validity of the "characters involved" if you would, it is irrelevant.

You lie to your children, and act very foolish this time of year. This is sad.
Yeah well, they seem to like it, so that is all that matters.

The only thing I got out of this is the fact that you deliberately lie to your children. You cannot get away with the whole "lie for the better" thing here, as my last "quote response" has explained.
The only thing I got out of your response is a deliberate attempt to derail the topic using worn out BBS chat things like ... YOUR SPELLING SUCKS, and YOUR GRAMMER IS WRONG. Not a very good rebuttal on your part, you then followed up with a IS JESUS REAL sideline subject... NOT on my posts buddy !!

I'd like to say that this post has been edited. I make spelling errors at times, spelling errors which deserve to be corrected.
Well whoopty ****ing do for you, next time I need someone to grade GF members posts, including my own, I'll send you a PM, until then, your just another idiot in the crowd.
phreakwars said:
I was not aware that GF graded on grammer and structure.

Again another teachers substitute tries to correct me over sticking with the topic...hmm.

Buddy, what the **** are you even talking about now ??

You missed the point, and you spelled Christmas wrong..:rolleyes:

I see where this is going...
Really, then maybe I should break it down.. CATH-O-HOL-IC, KINDA LIKE ALCOHOLIC, but worse....

It doesn't matter what I think, it's not my thought to share.

Again with the spelling ?? Hmm... Hey DUMBASS, did I not say I am not a follower of Christianity ??? Does not mean that I should push my thoughts on GOD on my wife, she is free to choose to believe what she wants.

No, I let my children believe what they want based on what is presented to them.

I believe the followings of creationism can be used to improve the general philosophys of PEOPLE, as to the validity of the "characters involved" if you would, it is irrelevant.

Yeah well, they seem to like it, so that is all that matters.

The only thing I got out of your response is a deliberate attempt to derail the topic using worn out BBS chat things like ... YOUR SPELLING SUCKS, and YOUR GRAMMER IS WRONG. Not a very good rebuttal on your part, you then followed up with a IS JESUS REAL sideline subject... NOT on my posts buddy !!

Well whoopty ****ing do for you, next time I need someone to grade GF memberts posts, including my own, I'll send you a PM, until then, your just another idiot in the crowd.
I spelt Christmas wrong that one time, because like I said, I sometimes make spelling errors, then correct them later on. I didn't notice this mistake though. I type pretty fast. Oh, and since I'm not able to edit my posts anymore, probably due to an immature moderator who is disallowing me to do so via bias, I have no choice but to call this person immature. It really does show how free-minded this person is. Oh, boo hoo, can't handle the truth?:( I think this person is a Christian, or a theist of some sort. Oh, and placing a "I am an Idiot" mark below my username is immature also. However, if this is only a matter of rep, I can only blame those who have decreased my rep, because a person of my stature should have an increasing one, not a decreasing one. There is nothing wrong with correcting spelling errors, etc.. It's my choice to do so, so stop making it seem as if it's a crime.
pissed_off101 said:
I splat Christmas wrong that one time, because like I said, I sometimes make spelling errors, then correct them later on. I didn't notice this mistake though. I type pretty fast. Oh, and since I'm not able to edit my posts anymore, probably due to an immature moderator who is disallowing me to do so via bias, I have no choice but to call this person immature. It really does show how free-minded this person is. Oh, boo hoo, can't handle the truth?:( I think this person is a Christian, or a theist of some sort. Oh, and placing a "I am an Idiot" mark below my username is immature also. However, if this is only a matter of rep, I can only blame those who have decreased my rep, because a person of my stature should have an increasing one, not a decreasing one. There is nothing wrong with correcting spelling errors, etc.. It's my choice to do so, so stop making it seem as if it's a crime.

Correcting spelling errors isn't a crime, but it's also not necessary and very annoying especially when the person doing the correcting is making spelling errors also. Reminds me of something I once heard about "Glass Houses" and "Throwing Stones".

You're probably the type that interrupts people when they are having a conversation, to correct something they said, even if the person isn't directing the dialog toward you. This is probably one of the vast number of personality defects you have and why you don't have any friends, people quit talking and walk away when you approach them and your mother had to home school you.

Until you decide to make a valid point, in the proper thread or at the appropriate time you definitely won't be gaining any rep points and definitely are an "Idiot" and need to stay in the Idiot Box until you figure this out. From this post/reply you obviously haven't.

Oh, and have a nice day.:)
Hey, it beats being at some BBS board and having the MOD be a dick and BAN you because he didn't like your remarks towards him.

The idiot box is a bit restrictive, but we still allow people to speak in topics they have not started.

I detect another follower of the teachings of Avril and Alanis amongst us.

Damn Canadians anyway.
pissed_off101 said:
Oh, and since I'm not able to edit my posts anymore, probably due to an immature moderator who is disallowing me to do so via bias, .
Uhm, yeah so, I run the board, I'll be biased if I want, AND DAMN, I have no idea what MATURE means. Gotta problem with that, then LEAVE, I ain't ****ing pushing you out.

Hell, I'm probably the most fair moderator here...

I've only been threatened with lawsuits 3 times...:rolleyes:

But damn, I ain't ever kicked anyone out..

Ooops, did I say AIN'T ???

Well **** me bending over.

But after all is said and done, I'm biased, immature, and grammatically incorrect, but your still an idiot.

phreakwars said:
I was not aware that GF graded on grammer and structure.
I only try to notify people about their mistakes. Sometimes, I just do it because it's fun to tick certain people off.:D
phreakwars said:
Again another teachers substitute tries to correct me over sticking with the topic...hmm.
That is half true, I do both.
phreakwars said:
Buddy, what the **** are you even talking about now ??
Confused over simple english, are we?
phreakwars said:
You missed the point, and you spelled Christmas wrong.
I know I did, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
phreakwars said:
I see where this is going...
Do you really? Can you verify?
phreakwars said:
Really, then maybe I should break it down.. CATH-O-HOL-IC, KINDA LIKE ALCOHOLIC, but worse....
This is beside the point.
phreakwars said:
It doesn't matter what I think, it's not my thought to share.
But you have shared this thought with me, by saying you are a deist in your last post. I then looked up the definition of this word, seeing as how I'v honestly never heard of it before. Deist means a belief in that God created the universe, then abandoned it. But this is impossible, as for he's omnipresent.
phreakwars said:
Again with the spelling ?? Hmm... Hey DUMBASS, did I not say I am not a follower of Christianity ???
Here, you use limited profanity, and acknowledge a so-called fact. I never assumed that you were a Christian.
phreakwars said:
Does not mean that I should push my thoughts on GOD on my wife, she is free to choose to believe what she wants.
Here, you essentially acknowledge that your wife doesn't care, at all, about what the bible says about God. The laws of the O.T. (Old Testament) are still in play, as for Mathew 5: 17-18 acknowledge. St. Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." St. Matthew 5:18 "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Luke 16:17 acknowledges that both heaven, and earth be wiped completely out of existence, if sin (as in sin of any kind, even if it only happens once, whether it be by ignorance, or done intentionally) is committed. St. Luke 16:17 "And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail"
phreakwars said:
No, I let my children believe what they want based on what is presented to them.
Here, you point out how your children ONLY chose to believe what is presnted to them. What about what is obviously not presented to them? Such as the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the theory of evolution. Although I've made my point clear here, it's still not the point, as for evidence is consistent with fact, not belief. Please laern the difference between religion and science, one is true, while the other is false. Religion is only a fancy way of saying myth, or fable. Any true free-minded person will tell you this.
phreakwars said:
I believe the followings of creationism can be used to improve the general philosophys of PEOPLE, as to the validity of the "characters involved" if you would, it is irrelevant.
This is beside the point.
phreakwars said:
Yeah well, they seem to like it, so that is all that matters.
This is beside the point.
phreakwars said:
This is incorrect. Your assumption of me thinking this way is false.
phreakwars said:
you then followed up with a IS JESUS REAL sideline subject... NOT on my posts buddy !!
Could this be because you're virtually incapable of handling the truth?
phreakwars said:
Well whoopty ****ing do for you, next time I need someone to grade GF memberts posts, including my own, I'll send you a PM, until then, your just another idiot in the crowd.
This is pathetic. Not only do you not care, at all, about grammar, you intentionally make a mockery of my matureness by deceiving me as being considered the 'idiot crowd". Speaking on behalf of everything that is politically correct, you're the one who's in the "idiot crowd.":cool:
So tell me then, who are you to tell me what I should think ??

For that matter what ANYBODY should think or believe about their existence ??

What's it any of your ****ing business ??

Do you somehow have a ****ing monopoly on PROOF of ****ing creation of life ??

If you do, then hoooraahh for you. That is NOT the basis of this topic.

Lets side track a little more and take EASTER as an example. Very much just like Christmas. Based around Jesus. Easter should not exist ??

WELL ****ING DUH !!!

Hey idiot, here is the KEY points to be made that you overlooked.

The holiday, no matter HOW celebrated today, was originally based on a concept of the teachings of the man known as Jesus Christ that is presented in the bible.

I really don't give a **** if the guy can be proven to be a fraud and in real life... had he ****ing existed, had been nothing but a ****ing pimp.

The message that is meant to be made in the teachings is the whole reason the WORLD has devoted a day to giving praise to someone whom they feel has been an inspiration in their worthless lives and have made them feel as if they were a better person because of the wisdom he has introduced into society.

It doesn't ****ing matter if Christians or Muslims or Buddhists or what ever ****ing religion there is, is worshipping a ****ing false idle, a myth, or misinterpreted scroll from ****ing aliens.

It is the IMPACT of these words and teachings that count the most. Not the final outcome of life and death and the ****ing hereafter or whatever the **** you wanna believe happens when your planted into a worm bed in a box.

See, it's ASSHOLES like you who have to go and **** up every one elses world of faith and spirituality that would make the holiday season a depressing time.

Am I saying I want to see "JESUS" back into Christmas even though the "GOD" I believe in is based on evolution ??

YES... and this is simply because when faced with the teachings of "GOOD WILL" from our alleged savior, over 33% off at ****ing Wal-Mart and schools getting pissed because some ****ing kid is an athiest and is offended by ****ing silent night, I'll take the "JESUS" Christmas anytime.

You on the otherhand, are a ****ing dork.

Your petty attempt to make a valid point in this topic has only proven to show you have a **** picking attitude because you lack any real substantial thoughts from your own mind.

If your gonna go around trying to give me a ****ing history or grammer lesson, then your ass can stay in "IDIOT" mode.

And if I wanna hear about the various GOD mythologys, I will consult "FULLAUTO" who probably has a better understanding through satanism (ALL HEIL EN'KI) of religion then the most common bible thumping assholes on the street.
phreakwars said:
Hey, it beats being at some BBS board and having the MOD be a dick and BAN you because he didn't like your remarks towards him.
If you're refering to Chris Baba of, then you can just hold it. He simply bans those who refuse to follow protocol. You, being religious, or a creationist, if that suits you better, I can see exactly why he may have banned you from the site. He bans you because he doesn't like your remarks towards him? This is incorrect, as he only follows a code of conduct. Like I said, it's only's only a matter of protocol. If you cannot handle his code of conduct, which is very reasonable and logical, then tough luck. This doesn't make him a dick.
phreakwars said:
The idiot box is a bit restrictive, but we still allow people to speak in topics they have not started.
Only an idiot would place sombody like myself in a "idiot box".
phreakwars said:
Uhm, yeah so, I run the board, I'll be biased if I want, AND DAMN, I have no idea what MATURE means. Gotta problem with that, then LEAVE, I ain't ****ing pushing you out.
This is self-explanatory.
phreakwars said:
Hell, I'm probably the most fair moderator here...
If you are, then this site must suck very much.
phreakwars said:
But damn, I ain't ever kicked anyone out.. Ooops, did I say AIN'T ???
I have no problem for the usage of "ain't", for it's only a contraction for "am not". I don't deem you all that smart.
phreakwars said:
Well **** me bending over.
How about no.
phreakwars said:
But after all is said and done, I'm biased, immature, and grammatically incorrect, but your still an idiot.
Yes, you are all these things. I'm not an idiot, just because you simply think I am. The facts say that you're an idiot.
If you want to spam out, I would appreciate it, if you did it in the SPAM forum.

And you STILL have not made any valid point on anything, except to complain about the way you have a pet peeve about the way a post is presented to you to read.

If you come here to see who you can get to sign up on that stupid site, then please take TIZZ.
phreakwars said:
So tell me then, who are you to tell me what I should think ??

For that matter what ANYBODY should think or believe about their existence ??

What's it any of your ****ing business ??

Do you somehow have a ****ing monopoly on PROOF of ****ing creation of life ??

If you do, then hoooraahh for you. That is NOT the basis of this topic.

Lets side track a little more and take EASTER as an example. Very much just like Christmas. Based around Jesus. Easter should not exist ??

WELL ****ING DUH !!!

Hey idiot, here is the KEY points to be made that you overlooked.

The holiday, no matter HOW celebrated today, was originally based on a concept of the teachings of the man known as Jesus Christ that is presented in the bible.

I really don't give a **** if the guy can be proven to be a fraud and in real life... had he ****ing existed, had been nothing but a ****ing pimp.

The message that is meant to be made in the teachings is the whole reason the WORLD has devoted a day to giving praise to someone whom they feel has been an inspiration in their worthless lives and have made them feel as if they were a better person because of the wisdom he has introduced into society.

It doesn't ****ing matter if Christians or Muslims or Buddhists or what ever ****ing religion there is, is worshipping a ****ing false idle, a myth, or misinterpreted scroll from ****ing aliens.

It is the IMPACT of these words and teachings that count the most. Not the final outcome of life and death and the ****ing hereafter or whatever the **** you wanna believe happens when your planted into a worm bed in a box.

See, it's ASSHOLES like you who have to go and **** up every one elses world of faith and spirituality that would make the holiday season a depressing time.

Am I saying I want to see "JESUS" back into Christmas even though the "GOD" I believe in is based on evolution ??

YES... and this is simply because when faced with the teachings of "GOOD WILL" from our alleged savior, over 33% off at ****ing Wal-Mart and schools getting pissed because some ****ing kid is an athiest and is offended by ****ing silent night, I'll take the "JESUS" Christmas anytime.

You on the otherhand, are a ****ing dork.

Your petty attempt to make a valid point in this topic has only proven to show you have a **** picking attitude because you lack any real substantial thoughts from your own mind.

If your gonna go around trying to give me a ****ing history or grammer lesson, then your ass can stay in "IDIOT" mode.

And if I wanna here about the various GOD mythologys, I will consult "FULLAUTO" who probably has a better understanding through satanism (ALL HEIL EN'KI) of religion then the most common bible thumping asshole on the streat.
Save it, because if reality doesn't care, then why should I? People can make themselves feel good by having influence from their family/friends. You don't a guy who approves of murder, rape, slavery, child abuse, pillage, plunder, infanticide (abortion), polygamy, theft, and a lot more, who actively committed suicide to tell people that they should feel good about themselves, especially when people should know that they should feel good about themselves. Jesus Christ is bullshit, always has been bullshit, and always will be bullshit.
pissed_off101 said:
Save it, because if reality doesn't care, then why should I? People can make themselves feel good by having influence from their family/friends. You don't a guy who approves of murder, rape, slavery, child abuse, pillage, plunder, infanticide (abortion), polygamy, theft, and a lot more, who actively committed suicide to tell people that they should feel good about themselves, especially when people should know that they should feel good about themselves. Jesus Christ is bullshit, always has been bullshit, and always will be bullshit.

Again, save it for the appropriate thread. If I'm not mistaken this one started out about Christmas and the commercialism that detracts from the meaning. That being celebrating Christ's birth.

pissed_off101 said:
Jesus Christ is a myth. Look up Horus, the egyptian God who is about 2,500 BC-years-old.

The bible makes statements about the existence of God, facts on the other hand make statements about the non-existence of God. The bible is only filled with statements, while facts are supported by physical evidence. Therefore, God has claimed to exist without evidence to backup his existence, hence he doesn't exist.

Are you trying to say that Christmas is about Horus?

What your defensive Idiot brain isn't comprehending is that you can bring all of the "Jesus doesn't exist or God doesn't exist stuff up all you want. Just post it in a religion or theology based thread where it belongs, not one about the commercialism of Christmas.
pain_in_the_ass101 said:
True, but there's nothing wrong with trying to help out a fellow homo sapien. Regardless as to whether you have studied these Gods or not, my input was only a recommendation.
You asked a question. You didn't make a suggestion. I have studied plenty of ancient religions. It's still irrelevant.
pain_in_the_ass101 said:
That's correct. I never made an assumption indicating that I think you're a Christian. But may I ask, and may I ask with dignity, why did you say "shut up"? You're obviously trying to defend something, or are just angry at the fact that I chose to come to this thread, and spit the truth.
I told you to shut up being you're being abnoxious. Not because I support Christianity. Because I don't. But to each his own. Unlike you, I have respect for other people's beliefs, and their right to have differing beliefs and opinions from my own.
Pain_in_the_ass101 said:
You're right, there was no relevance to your knowledge of the theory of evolution, hence the reason for why I simply asked questions.
So then why ask at all? You're wasting everyone's time here.

Pain_in_the_ass101 said:
Here, you are essentially telling me that you think name calling was relevent, even though I did absolutely nothing to deserve such behaviour.
You were born, and that's enough reason for me.

Pain_in_the_ass101 said:
You cannot call this a fact, seeing as how it isn't true. You are incorrect here.
What was the question again?

Pain_in_the_ass101 said:
I appreciate you clearing this up, however, due to my acknowledgement of this, it would be wrong to not acknowledge you, that I now know for a fact, that you are fond of acting immature.Why? Do you have something against very intellectual teenagers?You obviously have something against very intellectual and mature teenagers. I don't go to a boarding school, if that's what you think.
Boarding school? What? I think your train of though derailed a loooong time ago there buddy.
And as I have stated before....I have no problems with teens. My brother is a teen and I like him just fine. He's pretty damn smart too. There's other teens on this site that aren't idiots. I have no problem with them, either. You would be an idiot if you were 35. Age is nothing but a number in this situation. An idiot is an idiot, and you most definitely are one.
As for being an "intellectual teenager", you are being much too generous with yourself. You are simply spewing the garbage spoon fed to you by your 'infamous' Chris Baba. If he is half as full of **** as you are, the world is in trouble. We don't need any more garbage dispensers.
And while we're all sitting around the campfire singing Kum Ba Ya and eating S'mores, there are a few things that I would like to bring up.
All opinions are not equal. Valid opinions are based on accurate facts and are rationally and logically derived from these accurate facts. Please take the time to make sure your facts are accurate and that your opinion can be logically derived from these facts. Also be sure to check that you are not using any logical fallacies in your arguments. People who are unable or unwilling to do this may be banned. Here is a good link to read about logical fallacies:
What are is this wonderful, fair, genius Chris Baba REALLY saying? That if your opinion does not mesh with theirs, it's not valid. Yeah, sounds like a great site to me.
Posts may also be deleted automatically after a certain amount of time or at the discretion of the moderator in order to eliminate clutter. If a post is deleted, that does not mean that it was found to be abusive. Abusive posters will be banned.
So....they can delete what they want, when they want, for no reason at all? Sounds like oppression to me.
All posts are expected to be honest and at least semi-intelligent. This forum is not like many other forums where anything is allowed. Posters are expected to have a rational basis for their opinions and are expected to be able to support their opinion rationally.IRRATIONAL OR STUPID POSTERS MAY BE BANNED AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE MODERATOR. This is done in order to reduce the amount of nonsense and increase the proportion of posts that are worth reading.
Yeah. That's free speech at its best, ain't it?

You can take your and shove it up your ass for all I care. Sounds like a ****ing joke to me.
pissed_off101 said:
.I have no problem for the usage of "ain't", for it's only a contraction for "am not".

That ain't true. You might notice I just used ain't in place of is not.
phreakwars said:
It has been an official word for quite some time, any asshole who still plays those grade school games like "AIN'T " isn't a word, should really concider joining the 21st century.
"Ain't" is as much a word as Ebonics is a language. It has been acknowledged, but is still used mainly by the ignorant and uneducated. It is sometimes used facetiously by those who know better, but no one who speaks proper English would use that word in everyday speech.
All you have to do is look at the dozens of ways "ain't" is used to know it is used by those who have a limited vocabulary.

From my perspective, "ain't" is from the South. It is a word of local color very much like "y'all".

To me, language has value and meaning when it can be used in conversation and understood by the majoriy of citizens.

Unfortunately, "schnizzle 'fo nizzle" doesn't qualify.

And for the record, just what the **** does "Pwn3r" mean?
Pwn3r is computer gamer speak for owner. I don't use that though. I just like n00b.

Sorry I am going off topic, just helping CES here.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

From my perspective, "ain't" is from the South. It is a word of local color very much like "y'all".

To me, language has value and meaning when it can be used in conversation and understood by the majoriy of citizens.

Unfortunately, "schnizzle 'fo nizzle" doesn't qualify.

And for the record, just what the **** does "Pwn3r" mean?
I am from the South, and I will not use the word 'ain't', and I will not allow my children to use the word 'ain't'. In case no one has noticed, the South has some of the worst education rates in the nation, and Southerners are generally viewed as ignorant and naive by the rest of the nation.

ToriAllen said:
I am from the South, and I will not use the word 'ain't', and I will not allow my children to use the word 'ain't'. In case no one has noticed, the South has some of the worst education rates in the nation, and Southerners are generally viewed as ignorant and naive by the rest of the nation.


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