Don't ****ing ever wish me a Merry Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I think the thing about it that I hate most, is people give a false sense of "GOOD WILL TOWARDS MAN".

It makes me sick to see the fat Santa ****s standing around ringing a ****ing bell collecting money for the needy so they can have a very happy over commercialized holiday day too. Oh lets help someone this ****ing holiday season and ****ing donate some canned goods and some ****ing spare macaroni and ****ing cheese so their poor broke ass has a ****ing Christmas dinner.... yeah whoopy... hey mother ****ers, here's a hint....


For ****s sake.

What the **** is up with that **** anyway ??

Then you have Wal-Mart
But....but christmas is about joy and love and peace. Good will to your fellow man that just ****ing cut you off so he can get the new furby for his spoiled god damn brat and that fat bitch that rammed her cart into you because she thought you were gonna cut her off to get the new Xbox and all you want is a ****ing frozen dinner and a fifth of schnapps so you can go home and eat your shity dinner, get pissed and kick the **** out of your neighbors obnoxious jesus and the manger display only to spend the night in jail with the mental unstable salvation army guy that stabbed guy for trying to sit on his bench.
I forgo the capitalist bent of christmas. Hell, we just call it xmas, because it ain't about anything more than seeing if you can drink all of your own home brewed XXXX in two days without throwing up.

For the benefit of us all... please don't hit acid more than once a day.


phreakwars said:
I think the thing about it that I hate most, is people give a false sense of "GOOD WILL TOWARDS MAN".

I know, I know! This sucks. We're supposed to show goodwill towards man year around. Unfortunately, that's the way most people feel and that's the way things are.

I think it's funny how stuck-up snobbish *****s and ****s feel better about themselves because they attended church for the first time since Easter and tipped the Salvation Army bellringer bucket.

phreakwars said:
It makes me sick to see the fat Santa ****s standing around ringing a ****ing bell collecting money for the needy so they can have a very happy over commercialized holiday day too. Oh lets help someone this ****ing holiday season and ****ing donate some canned goods and some ****ing spare macaroni and ****ing cheese so their poor broke ass has a ****ing Christmas dinner.... yeah whoopy... hey mother ****ers, here's a hint....

The great corporations, department stores, etc feel that Fourth Quarter of the fiscal years is a great time to dump off a third of a percent in change or empty their bargain bin for the poor wretched masses.

phreakwars said:

I read an article once that said they didn't. Hmmm....

For ****s sake.

What the **** is up with that **** anyway ??

Then you have Wal-Mart
Christmas is way over commercialized.
I have to big of a family to do the gift thing to everybody. **** that would be a nightmare.
My parents like to get something for everybody. Their getting older now and so are the kids so money seems to do the trick.
We like to play the Chinese Christmas gift exchange. I don
I have not had a Merry ****ing Christmas in over two years. Hell last year I totally did not acknowledge its existence. I just don't have that X-Mas spirit this year. maybe I need to spend it with my family this year and see what happens. But I am not going to jump around like a jackrabbit on speed and say "IT'S X-MAS!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!"

I am totally sick of stupid ****s that ask me "What are you going to do on X-Mas?" Well gee, with the exception of being in the army, what do you THINK I am going to on that day? It isn't that ****ing hard. Visit family perhaps? Um...maybe get the kids in my family something? Ugh, and everyone acts like everything is all fine and dandy. Makes me sick.
Today my daughter and I were on our own. We had a small but nice meal and then spent some time by the pool. Diane played with her friends and I took a nap.
Christmas on the other hand I hope to be in the arms of a man that has come to mean alot to me over the last 10 years. Maybe my attitude of Christmas will be very different then.
I have come to think of holidays as very depressing because its just my daughter and I on our own. My family frightens me so no solace there. I see other families together, Fathers playing with their children, Husbands hugging their wives and to be frank, its ****in depressing. I HATE the holidays because every year it throws a spotlight on one of the things I can't give my daughter and thats a complete family.
I try to focus on my daughter and we have fun together but in my heart something is always missing.
The whole giving to the needy only on christmas thing. THAT MAKES ME ****ING SICK. All year people don't give a **** if the poor are alive or dead, but then for one day a year, they toss them some money. People: If you're just going to toss money to them once a year, and then spend the rest of the year yelling "get a job!" to them, don't bother giving at all.

And I just LOVE the rampant Capitalism of the holiday season. And top it off, let's use a fictional character who gives toys to all the kids to give us all a guilt trip.

I say do away with the ****ing season altogether.
Lethalfind said:
Today my daughter and I were on our own. We had a small but nice meal and then spent some time by the pool. Diane played with her friends and I took a nap.
Christmas on the other hand I hope to be in the arms of a man that has come to mean alot to me over the last 10 years. Maybe my attitude of Christmas will be very different then.
I have come to think of holidays as very depressing because its just my daughter and I on our own. My family frightens me so no solace there. I see other families together, Fathers playing with their children, Husbands hugging their wives and to be frank, its ****in depressing. I HATE the holidays because every year it throws a spotlight on one of the things I can't give my daughter and thats a complete family.
I try to focus on my daughter and we have fun together but in my heart something is always missing.

Hey, I have had that feeling before any don't worry it's not so bad. As long as you have your daughter and your daughter has you then theres nothing in the world that should depress you! And if a good man comes into the relationship then thats just great... It's good too because you're daughter will easier adapt too him since she is young. You know how most teens have that 'reblious atitute', this ofcourse, doesn't occur to younger children so I think things will work out for the best.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
The whole giving to the needy only on christmas thing. THAT MAKES ME ****ING SICK. All year people don't give a **** if the poor are alive or dead, but then for one day a year, they toss them some money. People: If you're just going to toss money to them once a year, and then spend the rest of the year yelling "get a job!" to them, don't bother giving at all.

And I just LOVE the rampant Capitalism of the holiday season. And top it off, let's use a fictional character who gives toys to all the kids to give us all a guilt trip.

I say do away with the ****ing season altogether.

That fictional character actually never existed until Coca-Cola had the idea of putting a large man in a white beard and a read suit in their ad. I quite frankly think it's kinda cool.
I simply have no special connection to the holidays. My family was never religious, but the holidays are the only times when I end up seeing a bunch of family I don't particulary care about. Just a bunch of strangers really. But I do make some effort to join them as I know a few that really apprciate seeing me. Mainly my mother, and my grandmother on my dads side (My dad died when I was younger so she really enjoys seeing me and my brithers) and aside from that its just a lot of drunks, crack addicts and the odd uncle who didn't **** up but is just rich and snotty now. Birthdays even mean **** to me, my last birthday I spent alone doing nothing really and only had like 2 people who accually knew about it and wished me a happy birthday but its just pointless to me.

The only thing I DO like about the holidays is really giving. I love to make people happy with just the right gift or a good joke. I find myself often living through others happiness, when they're happy I am as well, same goes for when people are sad. So I guess I'm just selfish. In anycase, to each his own. If you're a phoney who only gets friendly during the holidays I don't give a ****. There is no point getting worked up over something you've no control over and bitching about it isen't in any way productive so I'll just sit around and whine about my sore back instead. (New Tattoo :D )
Hamza123 said:
That fictional character actually never existed until Coca-Cola had the idea of putting a large man in a white beard and a read suit in their ad. I quite frankly think it's kinda cool.

Accually Saint Nik DID exist, but Santa as portrayed with the red suit and the like was created by Coke.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Yea sure it was a genius idea for a marketing gimmick...but it's still a sick guilt trip and blatent exploition of children

Damn, and here I was thinking it was the kids who are exploiting us parents with their guilt-trips. I'm so ****ing confused now. ;)
If you're not a consumer in a capitalist society then you're not a human and will be shot. You're not promoting the slaughter of humanity's future are to KVH!!?

Are me and you the only anti-capitalists here? I've not encountered any other ranting lunitics. :p
Hamza123 said:
Hey, I have had that feeling before any don't worry it's not so bad. As long as you have your daughter and your daughter has you then theres nothing in the world that should depress you! And if a good man comes into the relationship then thats just great... It's good too because you're daughter will easier adapt too him since she is young. You know how most teens have that 'reblious atitute', this ofcourse, doesn't occur to younger children so I think things will work out for the best.

Thanks for the encouragement Hamza but it truly does suck. Everywhere you turn you see families, Mom AND Dad...
I am very thankful for one thing, Diane, my daughter has never known the kind of holidays I had growing up, the kind where someone was screaming at someone, my Dad leaving to avoid the fray.
She is used to it being quiet. Today she told me she had a nice day. I don't know if you can miss something you have never had.
Some of the traditions I miss. By the time I was 5 I could set an entire table, with all the extra flatware, multiple forks and glasses etc. My Grandmother taught me. We always tried to hide behind the trimmings of a formal sit down meal at my house. All the extra flatware didn't change the fact that I worried that at some point someone was going to start throwing the formal china and Grandmas Crystal.
Diane and I sat at the formal dining table (passed down to me) and watched the Thanksgiving Day parade while we ate. So much more peaceful then what I grew up with. I do try and be thankful but it gets hard sometimes.
eisanbt said:
I simply have no special connection to the holidays. My family was never religious, but the holidays are the only times when I end up seeing a bunch of family I don't particulary care about. Just a bunch of strangers really. But I do make some effort to join them as I know a few that really apprciate seeing me. Mainly my mother, and my grandmother on my dads side (My dad died when I was younger so she really enjoys seeing me and my brithers) and aside from that its just a lot of drunks, crack addicts and the odd uncle who didn't **** up but is just rich and snotty now. Birthdays even mean **** to me, my last birthday I spent alone doing nothing really and only had like 2 people who accually knew about it and wished me a happy birthday but its just pointless to me.

The only thing I DO like about the holidays is really giving. I love to make people happy with just the right gift or a good joke. I find myself often living through others happiness, when they're happy I am as well, same goes for when people are sad. So I guess I'm just selfish. In anycase, to each his own. If you're a phoney who only gets friendly during the holidays I don't give a ****. There is no point getting worked up over something you've no control over and bitching about it isen't in any way productive so I'll just sit around and whine about my sore back instead. (New Tattoo :D )

Thats exactly what gets me through Christmas, enjoying my daughter and her reactions to what she has been given for Christmas. You all know we live for Disney so there are always alot of presents from the Disney catalog and website. This year she is going to get a new TV and DVD player, pink by Disney. She is going to love that. I have also ordered her a couple of things from the catalog. We are going to take our gamecube with us to Texas and play video games. I love to play games with her. I'm a cool Mom that way, we live to play games. They have a big screen TV so it will be fun. I am hoping that my Mom will chip and we can get her the new Gameboy DS, EB boutique gives a warranty on the item for very little money and with the touch screen I think we will need that. Diane and I both love Mario and there are alot of games our for the DS with Mario in them.
Aw, ya'll grinches are ruining the Christmas music I was just listening to! It's a fabulous time of the year! Screw gifts, screw bad moods, fake attitudes, the whole lot! Just, enjoy the smells, the pretty snow, and good food :) It's a beautiful time of year if you make it what you want to be. I love when other people are in good spirits, and if they need a "time of year" to be good spirited, so be it. I'd rather have at least a season of good spirits, versus nothing throughout the whole year.

Thhhee fiiiiiiiiiiiiirsssssst noooooellllllllllllllll....

I love the music :D I've been listening to it since halloween!

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