
What do u think?

  • Drugs are far too dangerous

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Drugs are generally evil

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • I'm fairly liberal, I don't take em but don't mind others taking them

    Votes: 13 24.1%
  • Infrequant use is fine, moderation is key

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Life Just Isn't Life Without Experementation

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Life Just Isn't Life With Straight Vision

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Sausage?

    Votes: 6 11.1%

  • Total voters
Moderation is the key,one of the importants things you need to know in life!

Look at me, Senior year in high school & started drinking, smoking, & getting high, BUT, I knew how to control myself. I graduated, and now working at a job that pays $12 an hour, & looking at getting into a tech school for graphic design. I'm not saying drugs are good for you, because truly they're not. But if you can control yourself & have moderation in what you do, you'll be fine.
^^ I learnt from my experimentation what to do and not to do when on anything, making me a safer person to be around on nights out...... strange eh lol
i don't do drugs... i hate the smell of the cigarette or marijuana...and i don't like alcohol....but it doesn't bother me if others does.....unless they're too "close to me"..... with a cigarette or something like that.....i just hate smoke..
Only because most of the people I know, who were my friends started doing all that stuff and completely changed. I know very few people who can keep it under control, and thats just weed, which is no big deal. Im still friends with some people who do drugs, as long as they dont bring it around me.
Its gross too. I have tried weed and I think its extremely gross.
Ciggarettes get me the most though.
I hate seeing someone I care for so much[that had to be stressed] know that they are killing themselves.
Only because most of the people I know, who were my friends started doing all that stuff and completely changed. I know very few people who can keep it under control, and thats just weed, which is no big deal. Im still friends with some people who do drugs, as long as they dont bring it around me.
Its gross too. I have tried weed and I think its extremely gross.
Ciggarettes get me the most though.
I hate seeing someone I care for so much[that had to be stressed] know that they are killing themselves.
Yeah it's sad :( But it's there choice :p And very good points in that post :thumbsup: I completely agree with how not many people can keep it under control.
I chose E. Yes, I do smoke week sometimes. This passed weekend was the first time in a better part of a year that I've done it, though. I'm actually very conscious about drugs and such. Some of my friends are smokers, and they'll offer me a cigarette now and then, but I always politely refuse. I don't smoke cigarettes. One, I can't stand the smell. Two, I've seen the effects it has on people. My best friend's mother died of lung cancer because she smoked. This isn't to say that I'm all for everything else, that's not the fact at all. I know that drugs are dangerous if they're overused or misused, and I have no intention of ever doing any other drug. Weed is, like I said, a once in a while kinda thing for me and some friends, as is drinking (I don't really even like alcohol that much). So I don't really care if people around me do drugs, I just warn them to be careful about using them.
I can't really choose. I've never done drugs (well, nothing out of the most common ones...) so couldn't say.

If someone wants to use them, be my guest. No one to stop them but the law. *shrug*
i select C i never touch the drugs and never want in life.... my friends take drugs and i also seen how they get out of control.. i donot agree with the fact that you can control it.. you simply cannot... i really feel sorry for all the people who start destroying themselves by taking drugs!! buc i have seen my freinds sum of them died buc of this nd sum end up in rehabitliation house!!!
Look at me, Senior year in high school & started drinking, smoking, & getting high, BUT, I knew how to control myself. I graduated, and now working at a job that pays $12 an hour, & looking at getting into a tech school for graphic design. I'm not saying drugs are good for you, because truly they're not. But if you can control yourself & have moderation in what you do, you'll be fine.
not true, yet true
the problem is some people can some cant
so if everybody was to do that some would live some wont
you can just be lucky you can control yourself i guess
i'd rather not try
eehhh... well. Drugs are definitely not any saints to you body. I mean periodically it might make you feel stuff, but it does harm to you body. Addiction is what destroys people and makes them unable to live without these stuff. And even if you don't get addicted, I mean what's the point? There's other ways to be happy. I wouldn't do drugs, except for maybe a little alcohol. But not a lot either. (stick with water... haha) Besides, I'm not so much of a lose-my-conscience person. :\

But having said everything, I wouldn't judge someone just based on the fact of whether he/she takes drugs or not. There's more to people than whether they take or don't take drugs.
I love smoking weed every now and then. I was selling it for a brief period last summer, but that didn't last long, partly because it was a pain in the ass growing it, and partly because I'd smoke more than I would sell, haha.

Last summer I probably smoked everyday for a consecutive 5 months. I was ripped outta my mind most days. Now I do it in moderation, after all my important **** is done. Usually I only do it once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I think marijuana can be beneficial if done correctly by responsible people with enough knowledge about it. The problem is, too many people get out of control with it, and take it way to far.

Not to mention, some people are just overly and wrongfully paranoid with it. They think its the most horrible thing in the world and it will destroy you no matter what.... haha, I still laugh at those people, and let them think what they want...

Now drugs other than marijuana I tend to stay away from. I've never tried anything else, and I don't plan to... although I'd like to try shrooms one day from what I've heard about them. But that'd be like a one time deal.
Well me I Think I only do'em here and their now,
I don't see the point in doing it all the time...sure I like the high,
I was an addict and pratically lived off it....so I had to stop for a while
and now I just do it here and their.

My vote goes too.....
Life Just Isn't Life Without Experementation
"I never understood what separated recreational drug user from habitual." -Lord of War

This is appealing to me, having done just about every heavy drug under the sun (aside from crack) this one sentence makes my mind wander. Mainly because at any given time I was able to walk away from them on my own power while other people continued to do them all the while saying "I can quit if I want too", personally I always found it laughable in the way they were so blunt about that ability yet I was the only one that was actually able too. A lot of people are misinformed about a lot of drugs such as cocaine, this leaf started as a pain reliever in a lot of tribal areas and is still used that way today, now the leaf is not what is dangerous as opposed to most people's thinking it's the additive that is added in production of coke (the white powder) which is addictive (the leaf is but not to the extent of powder). Marijuana is inconclusive as to whether it causes any health problems several investigations were mounted trying to find out (off the top of my head England) and have found inconclusive evidence, now that doesn't mean it doesn't cause health problems that just means they were unable to come up with an amount that will do anything. Marijuana is a rare drug in that it doesn't have a determined L.D. 50 (Lethal Dosage 50% body weight) unlike cocaine or heroin marijuana can be smoked in excess of a persons body weight in some cases and because of that it has an undertermined lethal dosage.

I'll leave the poll up too you, just make sure you understand the issue and how it has become an issue before you say something.
Not to mention, some people are just overly and wrongfully paranoid with it. They think its the most horrible thing in the world and it will destroy you no matter what.... haha, I still laugh at those people, and let them think what they want...

totally agreed

i never tried anything else besides weed and hasj, and i'm not going to, i do still smoke weed weekly or so though,
as long as i don't bother other people with it, why would it matter if i do