Education systems these days piss me off

fullauto said:
Does anyone here find KV's teen anxed problem mildly entertaining?

Of course, but only because he was one of the first to jump on the "teens are idiots" band wagon (behind me of course LOL) but acts more like one than most of the kiddies around here
He hasn't hit the point in life where you think of something you said or did at a younger age, and wanted to go back in time to slap the **** out of yourself.... LOL... I hope I still hear from him when that day happens! That's gonna be a hoot!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

CES's point is very valid...

1)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher but really doesn't then the student is a fool, because the teacher actually does know more.

2)If the student thinks he knows more than the teacher, and actually does know more, then he is still a fool for wasting his time for knowingly being under said teacher's tutolidge.

BINGO! You got it! Excellent MRIH!
Crazywumbat said:
And any person that thinks just because someone is younger than someone else, they can't know more than that person isn't an arrogant fool, just an all out fool.

At least youthful bravado is consistent throughout the ages. You'll learn the truth later when you
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Oh how I wish that I could be a fly on the wall when you try to hand this bag of crap excuse to a professor in college for pulling a bonehead stunt like you did. If you are planning on attending any college of substance, you are in for a rude awakening. Nobody needs an education on how to think, act, and rationalize like they already do. The specific purpose of an education is to cause you to think and act in new and different ways, with different approaches to problem solving and the willingness to adapt and change. That is an education while anything less is just short term memorization and regurgitation.

Well, I'm not sure if you noticed this, but a highschool elective taught by a fund-raising counceler, who lacks a real teaching degree, is a hell of a lot different than a college level academic course.

And you're missing the broader scope of it. Firstly, as I stated, I did do the ****ing project. One part of it, roughly one paragraph out of a 3 page paper, was on how it effected us. That is the part I ****ed around on. so roughly 1/15, because of an obvious joke the woman TRIED TO SEND ME TO A REHABILITATION CLINIC! Now tell me, how do you justify that?

Nothing funnier than a 17 year old calling me a fool. That's truly a laughable event. To clarify, I don't believe I called you a fool, but rather stated that it is a fool who thinks that they know more than the teacher. MRIH had it absolutely correct because either way, you end up being the chump.

Nothing funnier than those who equate wisdom with intelligence. Some of the smartest people I know, intellectually wise, are fools. And some of the wisest people I know are clueless when it comes to any academic topics. I'll call you, or anyone else for that matter, a fool when they make assumptions about me or anyone else while they have no clue what-so-ever as to what makes them tick.

Great. Good job. I bet you could do better but you have convinced yourself that you are fantastic. NEWS FLASH: The SAT is a joke. 20+ years ago I nailed a 760 verbal and 780 math, and 2 people in my school nailed perfect 1600. I'm most certainly an average intelligence individual in terms of intellectual capacity, but I believe that I utilize that potential effeciently.

Don' be convinced of greatness from an aptitude test, especially the SAT.

I was not trying to convince myself, or others, of my greatness. You were trying to ride me off as an idiot, so I provided proof that I wasn't and that your claim had no basis in reality.

NEWS FLASH: if you scored that high on the test, you are most certainly an ABOVE average intelligence individual. If you fail to recognize that in yourself, and it's fairly obvious to see, than you truely are a foolish.

You've missed the boat here entirely. Let me back up so you can hopefully catch up. I don't care if you thought the assignment was goofy, or stupid, or mind numbing. It was the assignment. Instead of seeking to craft the best work you could out of the given situation, you decided to make it into a farce and got nailed for it. GET A GRIP HERE! This is EXACTLY how life works. If you think that every assignment you will receive in your college experience and especially your real world working career, is going to be tailor made to your expectations or desires, your going to be really miserable.

You may have some basic skills, but your own statements demonstrate your lack of finesse to take those skills and overcome obstacles to produce a well crafted finished product.

I've worked with many kids and have even taught, and I see this over and over again. Do yourself a favor and seek out in an education, to rise to the challenge in that what you initially find to be irrelevant or lacking, you can create its relevance and support its importance. This is knowledge converted into wisdom.

That is what I like to do here a lot. I will argue the exact opposite of what I may personally feel, so that I can develop wisdom from the experience. Point to ponder.

Yes, I understand what you're saying. I've argued in defense of things I disagree with as well, racism, religion, etc. But I draw the line somewhere. And I hate to sound like another random bratty teenager, but the fact is I could have cared less about that class. If I had been able to drop it, I would have in a second. I had lost all faith in the subject material, and the teacher herself after about the first week of it. Ah, and here's the kicker. The woman "supposed" to teach the class was in the room, once, twice a week. So maybe, until you expierienced the class, and the horrors it entailed, you shouldn't make assumptions about it. Whats to say if when you were that age, if you had expierienced it just as I had, you wouldn't have done the same thing? Point to ponder.

Did you stick your tongue out at the monitor as you wrote this?

Yes, but I had my thumbs in my ears and my fingers waving as well.

Suffice it to say that that teacher and class was not your "cup of tea" as it were.

You deviated and she escalated. What a waste. Oh well. It's water under the bridge.

Perhaps you actually learned something from the situation you really even hadn't realized.
Crazywumbat said:
Well, way to completely ignore the broader idea of the post, but whatever.

You're giving this bitch way too much credit Tizz. It did not delve that deep into the historical contributions of Sesame Street on society. And this is creative how? Insulting the intelligence of a group of people by subjecting them to the mind-numbing stupidity of a children's show whose success has shown just how retarded people are to by into, and be entertained by that bull ****? How does one realize how our early childhoods effect the rest of our lives through studying Sesame street, pray tell? Especially you have no rememberance of this show what-so-ever and in all likely hood viewed it once, maybe twice maximum?

Two studies certainly is proof enough that MOST majors study the political implications of Dr. Seuss. And even if that is true, atleast the POLITICAL implications have some relevance to a POLITICAL major.

You my friend are a dumbass. If oyu had ANY intelligence at all, or were actuelly on tenth the smart ass you WISH you were the least you could have done (if you were too damn stupid to see the relevance of such a study) is to use it to your advantage and be able to prove your teacher wrong by gearing the study to youadvantage. BUT.. You are not that clever are ya kid. If you don't think things like television, or education influence us in our earliest years then you ARE a complete dumbass. You learn more in teh first three years of life than in the rest of your life combined!!!!!!! Get with the program, don't pay ANY attention in school?????

Dumbass... Time to get back to class, try staying awake for ten minutes you might learn something (and be too stupid to refute it)
There are many teachers in the public school system that are truly a waste. I will give KVH that much.
My junior year of high school, I had to take trig/pre-calc. math isn't my strong point
First semester, I had a HORRID teacher. I didn't even come anywhere NEAR passing the class. And not for lack of trying. I just couldn't grasp the 'sin, cosin' crap. Over Christmas Break, something happened to her, and she left her job.
Second semester, I had a FANTASTIC teacher. I went from having a 45 average to an 85 because I had a better teacher who knew how to teach, and suddenly EVERYTHING made more sense. It's strange how the teacher can affect how much you learn, especially if it is something you struggle to understand.
I had several teachers in high school that I absolutely adored and learned more from than they know. Hell, if I could, I would take classes with them NOW because of their skills. One English teacher, and one social studies class. All in all, I can't complain about my education too much. What I didn't learn was my own fault because I was too busy being a shitty attitude teen.
What they say is true:education IS wasted on the young. Because if I was going through high school now, I would look forward to waking up in the morning to see what I had to learn next.
tizz said:
You my friend are a dumbass. If oyu had ANY intelligence at all, or were actuelly on tenth the smart ass you WISH you were the least you could have done (if you were too damn stupid to see the relevance of such a study) is to use it to your advantage and be able to prove your teacher wrong by gearing the study to youadvantage. BUT.. You are not that clever are ya kid. If you don't think things like television, or education influence us in our earliest years then you ARE a complete dumbass. You learn more in teh first three years of life than in the rest of your life combined!!!!!!! Get with the program, don't pay ANY attention in school?????

Dumbass... Time to get back to class, try staying awake for ten minutes you might learn something (and be too stupid to refute it)

OK bitch, what the hell is your deal?

I never said television does not influence us in our early years. If you somehow saw the letters in my posts rearrange themself into saying something even remotely close to that, then please, pass over the pipe cuz you're smoking some good ****. Now answer me this, how is something that I've never seen, never payed attention to, and never cared about, going to impact my life? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you've never heard of or listened to the band KMFDM. Now, if I were a teacher, you a student, and I assigned a project to talk about the political implications in KMFDM songs and how the band has changed your life, what would you do? How has something that you've never heard of changed your life in any way, shape or form, period?

Prove the teacher wrong of what might I ask? I never said she was wrong, I said she was a psycotic, brain-dead bitch. And if you had actually read what I posted, you would have seen that I DID do the ****ing assignment, minus one part that I added some flair to, because had I not it would have consisted of "I never watched the show". But alas, you make yourself out to be a level-headed person, but you skip over have the argument and result to childish insults. Guess I should be thanking you, though, for revealing your true self to me. Atleast I won't have to waste any more of my time reading your drivel.
KMFDM? LOL They STILL around? Damn what are they in walkers or what LOL YOU are the one they whined about being assigned what is probably one of the most creative assignments I have ever seen given in a HS level. Anyone with a mind ordesire to learn would jump at that chance. You could have USED the assignment to show what you thought of a stupidity on your teacher's part, but you are NOT that clever. You could have twisted it to prove some twisted idealism, but oyu are NOT that clever. You could have explained that alothoug you did NOT watch sesame st. (?????) DID have an impact on your life or simply on the general public, or that television in anyform is a waste of brain cells. The possibilities are ENDLESS, BUT YOU are NOT that clever. I mean comeone, here you are all kinds of pissed at me and the best you can do is muster upp BITCH??? It's not fault you just are NOT that clever
:confused: well here are my bitching of the school system
Here the grading system is completely different then i was use to growing up
90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D and below was a there is no D...its use to be all ****ed up...they changed 2 yrs ago but when i was in H. School it was 100-95 A 94-86 B 85-78 C and 77-70 was a D...They got rid of that CROCK OF **** after i graduated cause they switched to block scheduling. And the missing days thing is a ****ing stupid...3 missing days unexcused and you have to appeal to go to the next grade...I dont know what the hell my kids are gonna do when they go to school
Here the new grading system in the grammar schools requires a decoder ring (litterally) A is now C, B I think it=s like G, C is now A ect.. THey are trying to hide the grades from the kids so they don't feel bad. I can't figure it out for teh life of me. I don't know what I will do when my kid starts school next year. Hopefully I will be teaching there within a few years, maybe that will help LOL
Well, there's more idiocy on behalf of public schools. What happened to the simple, non-complex grading system?

Three days missing then you have to go engage in some legal bitchfest? Yep, they could be a straight-A student, but no, they'll be held back if they miss a few days.
3 unexcused days (no dr's note ect....) I would have beentotally screwed. I skipped 36 days straight (showed up for a class here and there to keep my gpa respectable) and never even had a note sent home. It became a simple game. I gave up after all my friends got caught and I had no one to skip with.
Yep..say you got sick but not sick enough to go to the DR...Your ****ed if you have something happen like that 3 xs. I hate school systems these days. I love DODD schools, (military schools) they are so helpful cause they are use to kid missing school and moving all the time...Civilian school do NOT understand. I have a friend who was suppose to GRAD last yr but since he moved from SC to GA he didnt have the requirments so he had to repeat a grade...and hes an 4.0 student. He had to also change his lang. he was taking cause they didnt offer German here ..only french and spanish. He took 2 yrs in SC and when he got here he had to do that all over again. Now this yr . They start German...HOW ****ING STUPID
We were allowed 8 unexcused days/semester.
Now tell me something-If I have a fever of 102, and I'm puking my brains out, do I need to go to the doctor to have them tell me that I am sick and should stay home? No. But according to the school system, if I want to be excused, I have to go to the doctor. What about people that don't have insurance? Are they going to go to the doctor and pay $70 to get a note from their school? It's asinine. There is no reason a parent shouldn't be able to excuse you from school. Just because you are sick doesn't mean you need to go to the doctor. Honestly, it is a waste of my time. And money.
Fist off in most US states, kids can get free insurance. As for the excuse, I am not sure if parents can write that one off for a kid or not. Its been a while since I forged a note and I don't remember