New member
Emo is short for Emotional. I don't know how to expand on that, so... I'll leave it at that, lol.
i HATE gay bashing. it makes me seriouly want to kill that person. my dad does it to the persons face..i tell my dad to stop and he doesnt and for that i hate himGay bashing too.
I hate how people can't just accept other people the way they are instead of saying they HAVE to be someone else. grr
That is exactly what I was thinking! heh...*high five*This word, it disgusts me.not because i hate 'emos' lyk ohmygeez
Its because i dont believe in it.
yeah its become a really common trend
but everyone is emo because EVERYONE has emotions
you dont have emo hair because hair doesnt have any emotions
you dont dress emo, because clothes dont have emotions
if i cry, am i emo? i guess so
i punch a wall when im mad. emo? alright
when im ***** as ****, does that make me emo? trust me thats my most common emotion....then yes, im emo.
i swoop my hair partly to the left.....LYK OMG MY BANGS ARE EMO
aye my friend is so annoying she associates EVERYTHING with emo. i finally snapped at her and said "OH MY **** YOU THINK EVERTHING IS EMO! 'THAT SANDWHICH IS ALL ALONE OMG ITS S0O0O0O0O0O EMO!"
i hate it too theres this little gay(but doesnt know it yet but he so is) kid in year nine and he always says hi to me, and when i was catching my bus in the afternoon he said bye to me out of a bus window and i said bye back and richards like you even talk to that ****** and im like what? shut up hes nice just a little femoin(sp?).
like ******* **** like them for the great person there are not the sexual pref.