emo ****heads

Firstly, who gives a **** about dweebs. Yah they're whiney idiots but hey it dosn't really matter. Eventually they'll snap out of it, stop hastling your brother as it will accomplish absolutly nothing positive.

Builder, you're son is probably going to stay that way for awhile. I see the emo culture as creating a image of depression that is almost glamourized. While in some cases you're dealing with truly depressed indivduels there are also he dipwads who have found them accepted by this social group. Without the depression or emo-poetry you aren't really accepted and so the GROUP makes feeling bad a common necessity.

However the mentionned catagories are pretty slim, people of all walks of life end up in all kinds of social groups just with some vague thing in common amoung them. These bullshit titles eventually fade (as was said, they're only young) so there is no need to worry about it. You're upset he's emo, ashamed? Thats pretty harsh, same deal as scoulding little Johnny for becoming a greeser or gay or anything else dipshits felt was wrong over the years.

If you worry is more about his general well being (its tough being down all the time) Then, if its not too late, then try and subtly hook him on something productive. An insturment, a sport (less likely probably), sewing or whatever. If this fails then just ride it out, take it with good spirits, its not going to ruin him, you too must realize that he's only young and has so much to live for.

All in the end though, this thread is horribly generalized and its bullshit to say that all 'emo' kids are whiney and depressed, people are unique...yes, even amoung subcultures. EG: I live in what our friends call "The Metal House" but in comparsion to other genres, we listen to much more Non-Metal. From Blue Grass, Classical, Techno, Industrial, Folk, Rap and pretty much anything. While looking sterotypically 'metal' I make a point to be a friendly and generous as possible to people just to show them that sterotyping is bullshit. Don't judge a person by their taste in music or cultural tags (like looking 'emo' or punk' or 'thug') Its all just over simplification.
it's that type of passive child raising that has lost so many generations... **** that... take charge and show him where he is going wrong...
What in the blue hell is it with people and "goths suck" "Preps suck" "Punks suck" "EMOS SUCK" WHEN WILL PEOPLE pull the stick from their ass and realize that not all of us are into the same ****, and people deal with things differently than the other group.

thats my point..theses emos dont seem to deal with it at all..they just want to sit their and cry sinking further into their self created pool of misery and complain about it!!!

they dont want to try and be happy..as fullauto said they want to be happy without trying to be
Yep, we haven't seen SD87 round here in quite a while... her EMO antics were always good for a laugh or 2.
fyr4h said:
thats my point..theses emos dont seem to deal with it at all..they just want to sit their and cry sinking further into their self created pool of misery and complain about it!!!

they dont want to try and be happy..as fullauto said they want to be happy without trying to be

Hmmm....maybe they do this because they're gullible (and very cynical) teens/tweens/young adults who are suckered by a mass produced marketing gimmick that glorifies being pissed off all the time.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Hmmm....maybe they do this because they're gullible (and very cynical) teens/tweens/young adults who are suckered by a mass produced marketing gimmick that glorifies being pissed off all the time.

If you're sad, it shows that you're real and obviously know/experience things that all the happy people never know/did or they'd be sad too. :rolleyes:

Its how you know you're better then them.
If you're sad, it shows that you're real and obviously know/experience things that all the happy people never know/did or they'd be sad too.

or it just goes to show that they are retards who cant get over themselves
Sadly, emo is a physical/visual trend first, more than it is a state of mind.

Steps to becomming emo:
1) Purposely induce a state of mind that everything sucks
2) Cut your hair, dye it dark
3) Be unable to differentiate between male/female/transvestite for all the eye makeup that they may wear
4) Optional: cut yourself, and say it looks pretty
5) If having done number four: have cutting parties with your friends, and talk about your experiences
6) Can't forget to wear dorky looking shoes, striped socks, and optional: fishnetting.
7) Paint your finger and toenails black.
8) Optional: wear jewelery and accessories that may also be associated with being gothic or metalhead
9) Don't do anything with your life. Just whine.
10) Express creativity by writing piss poor poetry and depressing live-journal entries.
11) Wear thick plastic glasses with black rims - even if you don't need them

Once having followed these 11 steps, one will successfully be an emo.

To counteract emo-ness:
1) Get out of a selfish state of mind where only your life can suck.
2) Take a shower.
3) Dump out all your bad emo music that abets your emo state of mind
4) Snap your pencils in half and quit writing bad poetry
5) and eventually, just grow up.

It's just a lame trend started, and survived by teenagers & some college kids, and soon fades away with age (I hope!)
TheJenn88 said:
Sadly, emo is a physical/visual trend first, more than it is a state of mind.

Steps to becomming emo:
1) Purposely induce a state of mind that everything sucks
2) Cut your hair, dye it dark
3) Be unable to differentiate between male/female/transvestite for all the eye makeup that they may wear
4) Optional: cut yourself, and say it looks pretty
5) If having done number four: have cutting parties with your friends, and talk about your experiences
6) Can't forget to wear dorky looking shoes, striped socks, and optional: fishnetting.
7) Paint your finger and toenails black.
8) Optional: wear jewelery and accessories that may also be associated with being gothic or metalhead
9) Don't do anything with your life. Just whine.
10) Express creativity by writing piss poor poetry and depressing live-journal entries.
11) Wear thick plastic glasses with black rims - even if you don't need them

Well isn't this the kind of person you are?
fyr4h said:
if theres one group of ppl in this world that piss me off it would be those ***** faggy emo ****heads. wtf is your problem??? you seem to think life is so **** wen u have no ****ing clue about nething thats going on. as far as im concerned you are all just a bunch of attention seeking lowlifes. i once talked to an emo about y he thought his life was so bad...and surprise surprise all i got back was "i dont know i just wake up every day feeling like **** i just want the pain to stop"..wat pain..is it the pain from the starvation you go through bcoz you live in a poor country like ethiopia? no...was it the pain you go through from living on the street? no....was it the pain you mite feel if you lived in poverty? no...so wtf have you got to cry about you live in a nice home with a family that cares about you and a loving circle of friends and it pisses me off that they think there lives are so bad wen theres so much worse out there...im not saying ppl shouldnt get depressed **** happens to everyone..ffs my gf dumped me for my best friend but did i sit there and whinge about it no i moved on...bcoz thats wat life does it goes on. the other thing about emos that pisses me off its that they some how feel they have the right to call them selves punk with there whiney teenage bands eg the used, behind crimson eyes etc. do you think ure punk bcoz you can cry, perhaps bcoz you think its cool to cut ureself? or maybe its coz you wear makeup and dress in black. **** OFF!. punk was fukken created in the 80s by bands such as nofx bad religion suicidal tendencies. it was allabout rebellion against oppression, the state of the world, partying/getting wasted, and rising up against authority. so im going to take the chance here to say all you fukking emo ****heads out there...do us all a favour and actually kill yourself rather than whinge about how youre going to and **** YOU!

Thank you. Now I have a migraine and I'm cross-eyed. RO, I'm with you.
Its hard to know why someone feels like they do, but waking up feeling alone and disolutioned is a common modern complaint and is one of the symptoms of depression, a metal illness that is growing in western sociaty. Depression is treatable, but only when the sufferer admits they have a problem in the first place.
Someone with depression can either by hyper, with massive mood sings, violent and outgoing, but they can also be withdrawn, finding it hard to communicate there feelings to other and just cope with life in general.

But then again they just might be a bunch of winging litle **** tards who think life is to hard and they have been given a rough go because they have gotten every thing they have ever wanted.
I hate my self for saying this, but this is one part of religion I agree with. Only through personnal suffering and the understanding of ourself can we grow, and gain a greater understand of the world around us.
Perhaps these Emo's are longing for that understanding and are unable to communicate this.
Only through personnal suffering and the understanding of ourself can we grow, and gain a greater understand of the world around us.

i fully agree...but these emo ****tards dont seem to grow at all they just dwell on their own personal suffering..they learn nothing and as such feel that their life is controlled by their suffering

and rather than taking control themselves and fixing it they expect others to fix them for them or for the problems to fix themselves.
hugo said:
Put down a fifth and it might get more interesting.

lolol, maybe I'll give that a try...
As for dealing with people who are mentally ill...because thats what EMOS sound like...I only willingly do that when I'm being paid to do so...
quarky said:
Only through personnal suffering and the understanding of ourself can we grow, and gain a greater understand of the world around us.
Perhaps these Emo's are longing for that understanding and are unable to communicate this.

Coming in late, but in our modern society, people don't want to suffer. We've been deceived that we don't have to suffer. But suffering isn't all that bad when put in perspective.
quarky said:
Someone with depression can either by hyper, with massive mood sings, violent and outgoing, but they can also be withdrawn, finding it hard to communicate there feelings to other and just cope with life in general.

But then again they just might be a bunch of winging little **** tards who think life is too hard and they have been given a rough go because they have gotten every thing they have ever wanted.

Perhaps these Emo's are longing for that understanding and are unable to communicate this.
The Emo movement is a trend. There is an expected attitude that is supposed to come with it, and the idiots assume the attitude in order to fit in to the group. I think their search is for acceptance rather than understanding. It may be that they see the Emo group as the easiest to fit into, (the path of least resistance). I good portion of them are well-off, but that is no predictor for mental heath. Depression may stem from many things, and the wealthy are not immune to life
angie said:
Oh. My. God.
That video was priceless.

Agreed. It also put my mind at ease a bit about my son. He's emo just a little bit in the crap clothing choices (he wear boots and black jeans to the beach), he swapped a thousand bucks worth of drum kit for an X-box, because I flatly refused to buy him one, and his old nintendo has been resurrected.

But hey, he does have a girlfriend, and he is faithful to her, and he hasn't yet died his hair black or self-mutilated.

There is hope for him yet. ;)