emo ****heads

builder said:
Agreed. It also put my mind at ease a bit about my son. He's emo just a little bit in the crap clothing choices (he wear boots and black jeans to the beach)

Boots and jeans to the beach? I've done this....

he swapped a thousand bucks worth of drum kit for an X-box, because I flatly refused to buy him one, and his old nintendo has been resurrected.

Now this I don't understand. WHAT IS WITH THE OLD NINTENDO OBSESSION. And the fact that it's aimed at TEENS. NES WAS OBSOLETE BEFORE TODAY'S TEENS WERE BORN. I doubt they even know anything about the damn thing.

But hey, he does have a girlfriend, and he is faithful to her, and he hasn't yet died his hair black or self-mutilated.

No comment.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Boots and jeans to the beach? I've done this....

But did you need a closed door in order to drop your jeans and step into a pair of board shorts?

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Now this I don't understand. WHAT IS WITH THE OLD NINTENDO OBSESSION. And the fact that it's aimed at TEENS. NES WAS OBSOLETE BEFORE TODAY'S TEENS WERE BORN. I doubt they even know anything about the damn thing.

My boy still has the SNES system, and the 64. he never could defeat me on the other Mortal Kombat. Nor the Empire Strikes Back.

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
No comment.

It's a bitch.
builder said:
But did you need a closed door in order to drop your jeans and step into a pair of board shorts?

I won't be caught dead in anything like board shorts. Ever.

Or are you implying that he stripped down and changed right on the beach. If so then "emo" isn't the problem here (at least not the only one)....

My boy still has the SNES system, and the 64. he never could defeat me on the other Mortal Kombat. Nor the Empire Strikes Back.

Hmmm....beat him at his own game...it's always good.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I won't be caught dead in anything like board shorts. Ever.

Or are you implying that he stripped down and changed right on the beach. If so then "emo" isn't the problem here (at least not the only one)....

No, I'm saying that he can't even change inside a big beach towel. He must have a locked room/cubicle, to change clothes.

Hmmm....beat him at his own game...it's always good.

He gives in far too easily.