Falling dollar.. Good or bad?


New member
It's still not a good thing for us.
More quantities for others, yet less profit for us= not good.
By exporting our goods to other countries, that means money entering our economy from other nations in stead of all our money leaving to other countries for goods from China and oil.

Money in = good for economy



New member
By exporting our goods to other countries, that means money entering our economy from other nations in stead of all our money leaving to other countries for goods from China and oil.
Money in = good for economy

Yes this makes our goods cheaper and more will buy American products. Also it will stimulate more tourism which will stimulate our economy.
The way I see it, people that want to buy American products will buy American products regardless. That's why you see people in other countries willing to pay sometimes even 4 times what we pay for things (and it's even expensive for us) for things like IPods, IPhones, etc...

But I see what you guys are saying, we can try to make up the difference in quantity. Hey, it works for Walmart. They charge a lot less for their stuff, but still make a ton of money by moving a lot more product than the competition.



New member
Hope I didn't read this here. I don't wanna look dumber than I already am... :rolleyes: . I think it was a local report, but they were saying America is for sale. The decline of motor home rental was predicted to go down because of gas prices but becuse of the falling dollar tourisim is up. So with foreign tourism it's predicted to even it out.


New member
Basic economic theory is that a weaker exchange rate is good for labor, but bad for the consumer: the consumer must pay more but the laborer makes more due to increased sales of exports. The problem comes in when you are importing a basic input good. An input good is a good that is required in the manufacturing process. Oil is an input good. Higher price for oil adds to the costs of American manufactured goods thus weakening the benefit of a weaker currency. A weaker dollar would actually be good for us if we were energy dependent. That is a big if.


New member
Paulson: New way to help mortgage market - Mortgage Mess - MSNBC.com

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and federal banking regulators joined with the nation’s four largest banks Monday to endorse a new way to pump money into the battered U.S. mortgage market.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson unveiled a set of best practices designed to encourage banks to issue a debt instrument known as a covered bond. The administration hopes these bonds will replace some of the mortgage financing that has disappeared as investors have incurred billions of dollars of losses on mortgage-backed securities.
Now that's how ya run a free market... Way to go Hank!



New member
Conservative communism.... f ck them!

President Bush signs massive housing bill - Mortgage Mess - MSNBC.com

The Treasury Department gains unlimited power, until the end of 2009, to lend money to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or buy their stock should they need it. The Federal Reserve takes on a new “consultative” role overseeing the companies.

Conservative Republicans were vehemently opposed to the bill, particularly the help for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Critics charge the companies enjoy lavish profits in good times and wield their outsized political clout to resist regulation while depending on the government to bail them out should they falter.


New member
And the lesson that you can just do whatever you want and never have to answer for it continues. Run a system or bank into the ground. No worry, the American taxpayer will foot the bill.

I wonder what the downside to mortgaging the future of America could get you? Oh, yea...

Last year, Freddie Mac paid Chairman and Chief Executive Richard Syron nearly $19.8 million in compensation even though the mortgage company's stock lost half its value. During the same period, Fannie Mae President and Chief Executive Daniel Mudd got compensation valued by the company at $12.2 million, including a $2.2 million bonus.
Millions of dollars and even a bonus check worth $2.2 million. I really wonder what the criteria for earning a bonus is at Fannie? Most companies only give those if you perform well in your job and company thrives. :confused:



New member
And the lesson that you can just do whatever you want and never have to answer for it continues. Run a system or bank into the ground. No worry, the American taxpayer will foot the bill.
I wonder what the downside to mortgaging the future of America could get you? Oh, yea...

Millions of dollars and even a bonus check worth $2.2 million. I really wonder what the criteria for earning a bonus is at Fannie? Most companies only give those if you perform well in your job and company thrives. :confused:
The bonus was prolly for stroking their buddies in congress for a "risk - free" business plan... They did perform well and apparently will continue to thrive.. You wont mind working 120 hours per week to live your entire life in debt, will ya? I know I wont...



New member
And the lesson that you can just do whatever you want and never have to answer for it continues. Run a system or bank into the ground. No worry, the American taxpayer will foot the bill.
You are absolutely right,and it sucks. So because I am current in my mortgage, haven't overspent my means, and take care of my finances- I get screwed.

Others get free money and assistance to keep their houses, all the while my house devalues itself because they couldn't pay the bills in the first place. nice.




New member
Saw some steaming pile of dog sh t being lauded on CNBC this morn claiming 50 year mortgages are the answer to our problems...

f ck me...



New member
Saw some steaming pile of dog sh t being lauded on CNBC this morn claiming 50 year mortgages are the answer to our problems...
f ck me...
50 year mortgages? Holy **** batman...



New member
And who brought us to the brink? Alan Greenspan and his policies.

Surreal, is'nt it? :confused:

Calling the current crisis in the financial markets a "once-in-a-century phenomenon," Greenspan said the Treasury had no choice in its recent moves to backstop the two government-sponsored mortgage finance giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But he said the government will probably have to nationalize the two companies, calling them a "major accident waiting to happen."
Nationalize? What's that? Unreal....

Communalize? So will I own one of "our" McMansions?



New member
And who brought us to the brink? Alan Greenspan and his policies.
Of course when he was in charge of th Fed, he did get us through the S&L bubble and the .com bubble, without the widespread economic problems we are having with this mortgage bubble.

I don't know if it was coincidence, but I don't think he ever dropped interest rates and continued to print unbacked currency like Bernake is doing, and we didn't have the inflation that goes with those practices.

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