Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!


New member
umm, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to jokers...

May Allah guide you. Slandering the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a major crime, but can only hurt you in the long run, no-one else. So there is no need to do it...

Conviction to Islam has nothing to do with suicide bombing does it, this action would infact have the opposite effect. I won't be doing that because I know suicide bombing is Haraam. Its illegal.

One has to impliment the prayer before doing anything.

Conviction in Islam is based on five pillars;

Shahada (testimony of faith)




Hajj (if one can afford it)

To believe in the oneness of Allah, to believe in His messengers, His Angels, His Books and the Last Day.

Now I'm not sure about you, but I do not see suicide bombing mentioned anywhere there.

What has Bin Laden got to do with me?? I have never seen him nor have I spoken to him and to the best of my knowledge nor have you, so where is your proof that he has said anything of the kind?

What "Imams" would they be?

Jihad is for men,

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 595:

Narrated 'Aisha:

(the mother of the faithful believers) I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We consider Jihad as the best deed." The Prophet said, "The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabrur. "

So you see I am not obliged to fight.

So let me get this straight; so you consider someone who suicide bombs as a terrorist, and yet when a Muslim tells you that it is not allowed in Islam you consider them a fraud for not carrying it out, which is it?

btw, I'm not 28...



New member
umm, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to jokers...
May Allah guide you. Slandering the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a major crime, but can only hurt you in the long run, no-one else. So there is no need to do it...

Conviction to Islam has nothing to do with suicide bombing does it, this action would infact have the opposite effect. I won't be doing that because I know suicide bombing is Haraam. Its illegal.

One has to impliment the prayer before doing anything.

Conviction in Islam is based on five pillars;

Shahada (testimony of faith)




Hajj (if one can afford it)

To believe in the oneness of Allah, to believe in His messengers, His Angels, His Books and the Last Day.

Now I'm not sure about you, but I do not see suicide bombing mentioned anywhere there.

What has Bin Laden got to do with me?? I have never seen him nor have I spoken to him and to the best of my knowledge nor have you, so where is your proof that he has said anything of the kind?

What "Imams" would they be?

Jihad is for men,

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 595:

Narrated 'Aisha:

(the mother of the faithful believers) I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We consider Jihad as the best deed." The Prophet said, "The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabrur. "

So you see I am not obliged to fight.

So let me get this straight; so you consider someone who suicide bombs as a terrorist, and yet when a Muslim tells you that it is not allowed in Islam you consider them a fraud for not carrying it out, which is it?

btw, I'm not 28...
So I guess what we are technically doing is backbiting. However, you're slandering and misleading. So, who's the better of two evils???



New member
umm, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to jokers...
May Allah guide you. Slandering the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a major crime, but can only hurt you in the long run, no-one else. So there is no need to do it...

Conviction to Islam has nothing to do with suicide bombing does it, this action would infact have the opposite effect. I won't be doing that because I know suicide bombing is Haraam. Its illegal.

One has to impliment the prayer before doing anything.

Conviction in Islam is based on five pillars;

Shahada (testimony of faith)




Hajj (if one can afford it)

To believe in the oneness of Allah, to believe in His messengers, His Angels, His Books and the Last Day.

Now I'm not sure about you, but I do not see suicide bombing mentioned anywhere there.

What has Bin Laden got to do with me?? I have never seen him nor have I spoken to him and to the best of my knowledge nor have you, so where is your proof that he has said anything of the kind?

What "Imams" would they be?

Jihad is for men,

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 595:

Narrated 'Aisha:

(the mother of the faithful believers) I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We consider Jihad as the best deed." The Prophet said, "The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabrur. "

So you see I am not obliged to fight.

So let me get this straight; so you consider someone who suicide bombs as a terrorist, and yet when a Muslim tells you that it is not allowed in Islam you consider them a fraud for not carrying it out, which is it?

btw, I'm not 28...
I'm just curious, what is the current thinking in your religion with reference to sleeping with minors whether they be your spouse or not?



New member
Sleeping with minors??? For a start zinaa (fornication) is a major sin and there is no sleeping with anyone outside the marriage state.

We are living in different times. Most of history is going to shock you.

You will have to ask a scholar that.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
...btw, I'm not 28...
You're good at babble. Very good. Too bad babble isn't worth much around here. :rolleyes:

However, either you are a liar or horribly confused. You see, those of us with GREEN colored names are the MODERATORS. That means we can see all of your personal information when you registered, including your real email and birthday which you used.

According to your birth date you used when registering, you are 28.

So, Little Miss Do Good, which is it? A lie about your birthday, or a lie about your age?

Oh, Allah is going to be mad at you for lying. :eek: Bad Muslim! Bad Muslim!

umm, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to jokers...
How is anyone supposed to know who you are talking to since you put no quotes, or any kind of reference into your non-sensiccal babblings, hum?

...Slandering the Prophet (**** be upon him) is a major crime, but can only hurt you in the long run, no-one else. So there is no need to do it...
Mohammed(may **** be upon him) was a pedophile.

Mohammed(may excrement abide on his head) was a liar.

Mohammed(may pork be his only sustanance) was a terrorist.

No slander here, so no crime.



New member
How old are you, 10?Grow up...

You have no reason to know my real date of birth do you?
Don't you talk that way to my brother-in-arms, you contemptuous succubus. He will rip your head off and **** down your throat.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
How old are you, 10?Grow up...

You have no reason to know my real date of birth do you?
Sure I do *****... :cool:

I'm a Mod! ;)

So, which time did you lie? Bad Muslim!

I am kind enough to hide your personal email address and I have also edited out the URL address line from the picture, but everything else is just like you registered.

What a lying deceitful little pompous *** you are. You're out of your league.



New member
Oh he will do all that from his little computer will he? Very impressive I'm sure you must be so proud.

Like I said that is not my real date of birth. If this is the only thing that you can reproach me with then I feel for you.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Oh he will do all that from his little computer will he? Very impressive I'm sure you must be so proud.Like I said that is not my real date of birth. If this is the only thing that you can reproach me with then I feel for you.
Look at you squirm! You are not so holy are you? Crazed *****. Oh and by the way, you have never claimed that you registered with a false birth date, ever - until now (LMAO). (But I'm not surprised - all you Muslims are lying, sneaky, always lurking in the shadows scumbags)

Reproach? Oh are reproachable on several issues not the least of which is the fact that you are an adherent of a violent, warlike, socially destructive, female repressive religion known as Islam. A religion based upon the deranged mumblings of a self-confirmed pedophile.

People like you never cease to amaze me. The world holds many ironies.

In my life I have met:

- White people who try to be black

- Black people who try to be white

- Jews who thought the **** party had some good ideas.

- Blacks who secretly supported the KKK concept of racial purity.

- Gay Republicans (this one is mind boggling to me)

- Women who were against feminist activities.

- Catholics for birth control

- Religious whack jobs who think the government should be headed by

Christians and that the US should be Christian.

And the list goes on and on...

However, why any woman would want to support the views of Islam which clearly reduce women to nothing more than chattel, is beyond me.

My real question is this though, why do you Muslim people always want to move to the US or UK or Australia or otherwise decent places, and spoil them with your ****?

Your a Muslim right? Move to Saudi Arabia. Live in Mecca or Medina. Be a Muslim all you like there but please quit ******* up the rest of the world.

Or better yet, move to Pakistan or Bangladesh which is probably where your family comes from anyway right but decided to screw up the UK like most Muslims?



New member
Allah is the Holy...You seem to have a fixation with my date of birth..Move on.

Pakistan or Bangladesh huh? Thats where I'm from is it? Very good, very good...

Squirm? I'm laughing at you...


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Allah is the Holy...You seem to have a fixation with my date of birth..Move on.
Pakistan or Bangladesh huh? Thats where I'm from is it? Very good, very good...

Squirm? I'm laughing at you...
Good for you! In actuality, I couldn't care less when you were born. It's painfully obvious to everybody here what a spoiled rotten child you are.

Personally...I'm laughing at your so called "design" work. Needs improvement. RHODEC? LOL.

You wasted your parent's money at school and heaven help your first Interior Design client if you even get one.



New member
You wasted your parent's money at school and heaven help your first Interior Design client if you even get one.
"Ohh... the Great Room would look just perfect with a few spent shell casings in the corner to accent the cafe curtains. Over here we'll place an eternally burning effigy of George Bush."



New member
Ah yet the ignorant predudices continue revolving around 1/4 of the worlds population. Majorily, it was Black People, still is really, and now Muslims. History does have a tendency to repeat itself though.

You're good at babble. Very good. Too bad babble isn't worth much around here. :rolleyes:
However, either you are a liar or horribly confused. You see, those of us with GREEN colored names are the MODERATORS. That means we can see all of your personal information when you registered, including your real email and birthday which you used.

According to your birth date you used when registering, you are 28.

So, Little Miss Do Good, which is it? A lie about your birthday, or a lie about your age?

Oh, Allah is going to be mad at you for lying. :eek: Bad Muslim! Bad Muslim!
Even though I did put in my real age. I wouldn't for most websites, at all.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Ah yet the ignorant prejudices continue revolving around 1/4 of the worlds population. Majority, it was Black People, still is really, and now Muslims. History does have a tendency to repeat itself though.
Yes it does. Crazy Muslims are killing people left and right in the name of ***! :eek: Terrorizing other Muslims, cutting off people's heads with knives, murdering strangers and neighbors, and using suicide bombers to kill innocent people. Nice.

Even though I did put in my real age. I wouldn't for most websites, at all.
Why? Why fear THE TRUTH?


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member

I couldn't care less if you want to be a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, or even if you worship the Great Gumbo if all you did was say...

"I do this for myself and no other. I am responsible for me and my faith and no other. I expect no other to act in my faith as I do as I am not responsible for them nor are they responsible to me. My faith is personal and I keep it that way."

That I could entirely respect.

However, professing that others should be in faith as one is oneself, and being willing to incite and/or participate in violence and death in order to try to persuade them to be so, is criminal behavior in my book.

There is no greater crime against the free mind than proselytizing!



New member
Yes...And that is why America and the U.K are in Iraq, killing, raping and torturing innocent people and trying to force them to have a Western style government...Criminal behaviour in my book.

Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” (S

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