Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!


New member
For one, im 17....I shouldn't be "Happily Married" yet...
For two, why are you talking about and putting up "scriptures" (I don't know what you call it in the bible thing you have) about Christians trying to take you away from your religion? I am a christian, but i haven't been trying to tell you to leave your religion. Me, along with all the others, are just showing you the faults and how moronic some of your beliefs are...nobody is trying to change you
(Somebody should tell you that those are one in the same)

We aren't trying to take her away from ISLAM...unfortunately for her, her beliefs conflict with ISLAM'S beliefs...



New member
hmm very intelligent comments from the above..I thought that was coming since you have no argument, it was obvious. Your actually pleased by your own comments, simple minds call for simple pleasures... Vile words for a vile little man.


Why shouldn't you be happily married? Still a little boy i think...Is that what society tells you to do??

Don't try to point anything out. You have made it clear you do not understand. You haven't the first idea of what Islam is so how can you possibly speak? Bible thing??? Lol see you do not have the first idea of what you are talking about!

All of your insults (and that goes for the others) are merely because you can't answer what I said; You believe in *** but you don't believe He knows best. So you are arrogant and think yourself higher than Your Creator.

Now instead of criticising that which is foreign to you, think about your own strange and flawed ideas. Your a Christian, you have the trinity, now thats a flaw...So get your head around that before speaking of Islam...



New member
Hey, Steven, this ***** is NUTZ!


Why shouldn't you be happily married? Still a little boy i think...Is that what society tells you to do??
Society can **** itself. Basic human psycology tells us that the human brain is far from fully formed at the age of 17. It's still developing. Which, would mean that it would be near impossible to a teen to be "happily" married, when they don't have the maturity to understand the implications. That's why IN AMERICA they have laws that say if you are under 18, your parents have to give written permission/consent for you to be married. And they have a fully developed brain. There's a rational behind it, Mariama. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it's illogical.

All of your insults (and that goes for the others) are merely because you can't answer what I said; You believe in *** but you don't believe He knows best. So you are arrogant and think yourself higher than Your Creator.
That's where you are wrong. We believe that he knows best, but you don't let the belief in a diety control your life. *** gave us free will specifically so we wouldn't lean on somebody else for direction. Unlike you, Mariama, we aren't sheep. We have our own thoughts and opinions. *** may know what's best, and he thougt it best to give us free will.

Now instead of criticising that which is foreign to you, think about your own strange and flawed ideas. Your a Christian, you have the trinity, now thats a flaw...So get your head around that before speaking of Islam...
(I seriously have to do this because this stupid ***** just ****** me off. Saying that a belief is a flaw angers me)




New member
Your a Christian, you have the trinity, now thats a flaw...So get your head around that before speaking of Islam...
Mariama, Salam.

Just because he is a Christian, doesn't mean he does not understand Islam. He may have different views about it, but that is because he is looking in, from out. And there is nothing wrong with it. We all do it... I do it myself more so than you would think.

Saying the Trinity is a flaw is wrong. It is slander. Allah (SWT) loves all *** loving and fearing religions, and those who simply just believe in ***.

*** teaches us to speak out against Slander and try to put a stop to it

And why did you not, when you heard it, say? "It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to ***, this is a most serious slander" (24:16)

Prophet Muhammad said :"Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "*** and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of *** said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him."

Islam teaches us that if people are being ridiculed or backbited in our presence, we should defend their honor. As I am doing now. :)


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
All of your insults (and that goes for the others) are merely because you can't answer what I said; You believe in *** but you don't believe He knows best. So you are arrogant and think yourself higher than Your Creator...
Say What?

You have a very strange way of coming to your conclusions; none of which is based whatsoever in fact or logical train of thought.

It is possible to believe in *** without believing that:

a) it has a purpose for us.

b) it wants to dominate and control us.

c) it requires anything whatsoever from us.

d) it plays favorites by holding in higher regard any of its creation over the rest.

e) it only talks to certain people.

What arrogance you have.

You are the one who is flawed. Your Koran is written by MEN, not ***. All books are written by men.

Your Koran, the Bible, the Torah, all "holy" books were written by men. Not ***. *** had nothing to do with them at all.

There is no devil, there is no ****, there is no heaven. There is this life, here and now. What matter is how you conduct yourself and your affairs here and now. How do you treat your family, your friends, the people you meet day to day. What we evolve into after the death of our physical body, nobody knows for certain. Nobody.



New member
Listen little boy, I read 1984 before you were a glimmer in your Fathers eye...
You clearly don't have the brains to understand what I'm saying.
You clearly haven't read the book.

In 1984, people are brainwashed to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING they're told. And, with most of the people, it was successful, since they were brainwashed from birth.

Now, Lethal, you can admit that you are wrong and, if you did read the book, you don't remember the major points of it.

But you'll probably continue with whatever screwed up belief you have that everyone is dumber than you are.



New member
lol...You believe in the existance of ***, but you do not believe He has any plan for you...
You have a mother, she tells you what to do (or taught you, depending on your age), and tries to guide you in the right way. Yet you believe in the Creator, but you have such little respect for Him that you think He has no right to guide you. How does that work?

Actually 124,000 prophets have been sent. Only a few were messengers. And Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was sent as a mercy to ALL mankind and there is not a person who doesn't know of Islam.
I have a Mother and I do my best to make sure I DO NOT follow what she says because I want to live a happier more funcitional life then she did...

I don't know if there is a ***. No one has the RIGHT to guide me, I make the final decision of course with input from the appropriate sources but the final decision is up too me.



New member
You clearly haven't read the book.
In 1984, people are brainwashed to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING they're told. And, with most of the people, it was successful, since they were brainwashed from birth.

Now, Lethal, you can admit that you are wrong and, if you did read the book, you don't remember the major points of it.

But you'll probably continue with whatever screwed up belief you have that everyone is dumber than you are.
Your arrogance is so typical of snot nosed little ******** of your age. I have read the book on my own, later in school had to read it again for class AND write a paper, I have even seen the movie. ALL prior to 1984. I then looked up the author and read all the books I could get my hands on that he had written because I liked it so much. The religious *** holes of my upbringing were not happy with it which egged me on even more. If they wanted me to NOT read it, I figured there must be something pretty good in his writing.

BECAUSE you still have your head stuck up your *** you aren't reading what I have said. I personaly don't understand how people can do this. I am not made that way. NO ONE could brain wash me to do something like that. Its completely illogical. Someone might be able to convince me to do something logical like killing the people that threaten me but not innocents.

I have always felt that some people are more open to being controlled and brainwashed then others. How else do you explain how some people (like me) rebelled against being constrained and brainwashed and how some people take it all on board.



New member
Your arrogance is so typical of snot nosed little ******** of your age. I have read the book on my own, later in school had to read it again for class AND write a paper, I have even seen the movie. ALL prior to 1984. I then looked up the author and read all the books I could get my hands on that he had written because I liked it so much. The religious *** holes of my upbringing were not happy with it which egged me on even more. If they wanted me to NOT read it, I figured there must be something pretty good in his writing.
BECAUSE you still have your head stuck up your *** you aren't reading what I have said. I personaly don't understand how people can do this. I am not made that way. NO ONE could brain wash me to do something like that. Its completely illogical. Someone might be able to convince me to do something logical like killing the people that threaten me but not innocents.

I have always felt that some people are more open to being controlled and brainwashed then others. How else do you explain how some people (like me) rebelled against being constrained and brainwashed and how some people take it all on board.
I'm not going to address your insults.

However, I have to point something out. You apparently missed the last quarter of the book where Winston is tortured into believing that 2+2=5.

And I wrote a 5 page paper on that quarter of the book. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

I really don't understand how "illogical" being able to be brainwashed is. I really don't. You say it like you know the exact workings of the human brain. It just never ceases to amaze me how YOU of all people are smarter than the rest of the board. ****, MM has a masters in Psycology and I don't think she would agree with you on most, if any of this.

And what you state about some people being more susceptable to it, isn't an opinion, it's fact.

One last thing: (I would do this in all caps, but I don't want to expend the energy being angry) You could be brainwashed to do anything. You think you are "so strong", but you aren't. You can be broken. You don't count on how you would respond to intense pain and fear.



New member

Interesting, you have an extremely illogical point of view there. So you know there is a Creator, but you believe He didn't have a plan for you..And you can do whatever you want. This is really illogical. There is a purpose for everything you do, down to the smallest thing and yet the biggest part; i.e belief is the Creator you say has no point...

Hamza Walaikum Assalam,

One thing lol, these are not I repeat NOT my brothers or sisters.

Shall I tell you what Allah teaches us? Shall I show you what the ONE sin is that Allah will NEVER forgive?? Shirk. Associating Partners with Allah; i.e the Christian doctrine.

Allah says: "Surely Allah will not forgive the association of partners (shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less then that to whomever He wishes"

(Surah An-Nisa 4:48)

"I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me"

(Surah Ad-Dhariyat 51:56)

This day, I have perfected your DEEN (way of life) for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you ISLAM (submission to Allah) as your DEEN (way of life).

(Surah Al Mai'adah 5:3)

BTW, your Shahada states there is NO *** BUT Allah and Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah. I suggest you check Bukhari for Hadith, because there are some there that are bout this very subject.



New member
Mariama left out this verse of Muhammad addressing a Christian:

I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
(Surah An-Nisa 5:22)
That Muhammad did have a way with words.



New member
Interesting, you have an extremely illogical point of view there. So you know there is a Creator, but you believe He didn't have a plan for you..And you can do whatever you want. This is really illogical. There is a purpose for everything you do, down to the smallest thing and yet the biggest part; i.e belief is the Creator you say has no point...

Hamza Walaikum Assalam,

One thing lol, these are not I repeat NOT my brothers or sisters.

Shall I tell you what Allah teaches us? Shall I show you what the ONE sin is that Allah will NEVER forgive?? Shirk. Associating Partners with Allah; i.e the Christian doctrine.

Allah says: "Surely Allah will not forgive the association of partners (shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less then that to whomever He wishes"

(Surah An-Nisa 4:48)

"I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me"

(Surah Ad-Dhariyat 51:56)

This day, I have perfected your DEEN (way of life) for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you ISLAM (submission to Allah) as your DEEN (way of life).

(Surah Al Mai'adah 5:3)

BTW, your Shahada states there is NO *** BUT Allah and Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah. I suggest you check Bukhari for Hadith, because there are some there that are bout this very subject.
Shirk is not associating partners, Mariama, it is associating lesser beings with "Allah".

However, Christianity does not do this.

Jesus is *** in the flesh. So he is not a separate being from ***, we just know him as such. So there is no "shirk" there.

Now, I normally don't use Wiki very often, but this article sums the Holy Spirit up nicely.

Basically, in Christianity, *** is a composite of 3 things: *** the Father, *** the Son, and the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit is like Jesus in that it is *** on earth, but it is a Spiritual Guide.

Mariama, I really wish that you would stop slandering Christianity. You insist that it is Polytheistic, but it isn't. You are constantly talking **** about it, saying that its' beliefs are flawed. Guess what, Mariama? Beliefs cannot be flawed, because they are just that, beliefs. Now, a line of logic can be flawed, because it can have nothing to back it up. A belief automatically starts off without anything to back it. That's exactly why you BELIEVE. And without proof either way, it is impossible to prove a belief to be flawed, as you so suggested.

Now, I would study up more on Christianity before you debate the major tenents of it if I were you. You are trying to pass off things taken out of context as true knowledge about a religion. I could say the same with Islam. I could say Mohammed is a pedophile(I have). And where would I get that from? Your holy book, the Koran. Aisha was given to Mohammed when she was 9, so one could assume that he was a pedophile. Was he? Probably not.

You have been taking "facts" from your Koran out of context, and you do not look intelligent. You look like someone who is hurriedly trying to prove another religion is inferior to yours. And Mariama, it is not working. At all.



New member
You guys can agrue in-between Islam and Christianity all day, and the only conclusion you will come to is the same point you started this debate it... Mariama, Jokers doesn't hate Islam, he doesn't hate Muslims. If he thinks you're an ***, he doesn't care where you're from, what you do, he will say it. That is a quality. People have shead enough blood to fill up the room I am writing this post in a million times over, just because of this kind of debate. So we should appreciate this kind of stuff.

If you're a Christian, and you want to know more about Islam for interest or debate purposes, here is what I THINK you should know first.

A friend of my mother Dr. Jamal Badawi, a great western-speaker on Islam, has e-mailed me a few of his great articles and writings that I want to post on here.

"Dr. Jamal Badawi &quot]MUSLIM/NON-MUSLIM RELATIONS In conclusion and against this background said:
In addition, we find that within this broad rule of dealing with non-Muslims "the People of the Book" is a special term accorded to Jews and Christians in the Qur'an. Why "People of the Book"? Because the Muslim makes a clear distinction between a polytheist or an atheist and those who follow the prophets who originally received revelations from Allah. Even though a Muslim might point out areas of theological difference, we still believe in the divine origin of those revelations in their "original" forms. How should a Muslim treat these "People of the Book"? Says the Qur'an: "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for [your] Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just. Allah only forbids you, with regard to those (others] who fight you for [your] Faith, and drive you out of your homes and support (others] in driving you out, from turning to them [for friendship and protection]. It is such as turn to them [in these circumstances], that do wrong.' (al-Mumtahinah; 60:8-9)

In the world today all believers in Allah are facing common dangers: atheism, materialism, secularism and moral decay. We must work together. Allah says in the Qur'an: "... If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single People, but His Plan is to test you in what He has given you. So strive as in a race in all virtues. The return of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which you dispute.' (al-Ma'idah; 5:51)

I hope, feel, and trust that there is sufficient common ground for Muslims and Christians to meet, understand each other, join hands and move together in the Path of Truth, Peace, and Justice, the Path of Allah. Thank you very much for your patience and may peace be with you.

I would ask that if you did not read what I quoted to please read what I bolded, since those are the main points, and they give you a good understanding!



Thanks for reading!



New member
Oh jokersarewild, your a Muslim now are you??

What do you know of the Qur'an? What are you talking about?? Lesser being or not, it is still associating and making a partner, if you worship something else besides Allah you have made that thing equal to Allah in you own eyes, thus being a partner!!

You have made your own self look pretty stupid, show me the verse where Allah says Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was married at 9?? I can promise you, you will not find it!!

Infact you won't find any verse on the subject of her getting married.

A) She was married at 6

B) Allah did not reveal anything of the sort!

C) It is found in the Hadith!!

We do have scholars you know...There is not reason on earth to possible take anything out of context, we have something called Tafsir of Qur'an which the scholars will take you through step by step.

It has nothing to do with being inferior, it is logic, Islam is the truth, this I know 100%, Everything else is not, The Torah was correct, now it has been changed, the Gospel was correct now it is changed, Allah then revealed the Qur'an and said:

Al Yawma akmaltu lakum deenakum wa at mamtu alaykum nia'matee wa radeetul lakum ul islama deena.

This day, I have perfected your DEEN (way of life) for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you ISLAM (submission to Allah) as your DEEN (way of life).

(Surah Al Mai'adah 5:3)

This is not me being arrogant, you know *** exists? And you know He knows best do you not? So how can it be arrogance when it is not me speaking?? This is Allah.

Since all you lot do it slander Islam I find it extremely interesting that you get so offended, the only reason why I said anything in the first place is because Islam was basically called stupid!!

Thankyou Hamza, but I know who he was, he was good friends with my husbands imam. I don't need to see it, because you seem to forget one thing! I have a non-Muslim family who I love very much, I am very close with them, so your belief that I hate non-Muslims is not right, I live in a non-Muslim area, this has nothing to do with hating other people, I only ever came here because I was looking for something else and happened to see the slander of Islam and that is all I am interested in. I have no wish to like or be liked by such ignorant people, I will defend Islam and that is that. I have never slandered Christianity until now, since Islam was slandered by a Christian in a previous page I wanted to point out that until you understand your own deen how can you say things about another!!

I have NO wish to convert anyone since Allah guides whom He wills, it has nothing to do with me. It is a duty of EVERY Muslim to convey the message, after that it is in Allah's hands. I have not asked one person to "convert" nor am I going to, I have explained myself and that is all. As long a Muslim doesn't defend themselves everything is ok, but when someone does, it causes offence and I find that very sad.



New member
Oh jokersarewild, your a Muslim now are you??What do you know of the Qur'an? What are you talking about?? Lesser being or not, it is still associating and making a partner, if you worship something else besides Allah you have made that thing equal to Allah in you own eyes, thus being a partner!!
1. I thought I would research the argument, unlike you have. It made me better for debating with you. If you think it makes me arrogant, that's your problem.

2. You didn't read what I posted. I pointed out that the Holy Trinity is 3 essences of ***, and when combined are what Christianity believes is ***. It's like if Allah sent himself down to earth in two forms. If he did such, would you be commiting "shirk" because you would worship these forms also? No, you wouldn't because they too are Allah. The are just a different form then what you are used to.

You have made your own self look pretty stupid, show me the verse where Allah says Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was married at 9??
I never said she was married at 9. I said that Mohammed became her caretaker at that age. I would appreciate it if you would read what I post before saying I'm wrong so that we can avoid this.

I can promise you, you will not find it!!
Ok. I've already said that she wasn't married to him at 9. You are really, really starting to **** me off, considering I went through all that time to post, and you just ignored all of it.

Infact you won't find any verse on the subject of her getting married.
I find it funny you say that, considering I talked to Hamza about this, and he says that she was married at 16.

A) She was married at 6

Your case for Mohammed not being a pedophile is this??? Give me a break! Now, if you read the Koran at all, you would know that Mohammed had not recieved Aisha until she was 9.

Oh, and one more thing: If the Koran says nothing about her getting married, how would you know the age?

B) Allah did not reveal anything of the sort!

C) It is found in the Hadith!!

We do have scholars you know...There is not reason on earth to possible take anything out of context, we have something called Tafsir of Qur'an which the scholars will take you through step by step.
There are biblical scholars, too, but that doesn't mean people defending some absurd stance don't take things out of context. I guess it's good that you acknowledge that there are people smarter than you...

It has nothing to do with being inferior,
That's what you've made this about.

it is logic,
Which thing? The part where you don't know wtf you're talking about? Or the other thing you don't know wtf you're talking about?

Islam is the truth
Ok, I'll bite. But if it's the truth, then why exactly are you taking stuff out of context to prove your point? Maybe because what you say ISN'T THE TRUTH??? Now, if you knew anything about Islam, you would know that Jews and Christians are people of the book, and you aren't supposed to say that they are inferior.

this I know 100%
Nobody knows anything 100%. If we did, society as a whole wouldn't be so stupid.

Everything else is not,
You want the truth??? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! :rolleyes:

The Torah was correct,
Which means that you should probably follow it now shouldn't you?

now it has been changed,
??? What has been changed? The fact that you had a frontal lobotomy? I don't think that they can undo those damages... ;)

the Gospel was correct now it is changed,
Wanna know what's funny about holy books, Mariama? They were written by men. Wanna know something even funnier? They were copied multiple times by men, so certain things were left out, some put in, the list goes on and on.

Allah then revealed the Qur'an and said:
So, he revealed it? That would mean it was written by Allah himself! Logical question: Would a higher being really care that much about some ****-ant creation called humanity if he created a universe?

Al Yawma akmaltu lakum deenakum wa at mamtu alaykum nia'matee wa radeetul lakum ul islama deena.
Soy guapo, y su madre es mi puta caliente. Y tus hermanas tambien.

This day, I have perfected your DEEN (way of life) for you,
I'm sure killing others wasn't part of his plan.

completed my favor upon you
I think that's sexual innuendo ;)

and have chosen for you ISLAM (submission to Allah) as your DEEN (way of life).(Surah Al Mai'adah 5:3)
I don't know why you keep quoting from a book you refuse to follow completely.

This is not me being arrogant,
Actually, it is you being arrogant AND ignorant.

you know *** exists?

And you know He knows best do you not?
He probably knows a few more things then we do, since he created us.

So how can it be arrogance when it is not me speaking??
Look at that statement and figure out whether you've been typing replies or not...

This is Allah.
"Mariama, this is your creator speaking. I am damning you to spend the rest of your life in Washington, DC. And you won't die for at least another 100 years... laughs "

Since all you lot do it slander Islam I find it extremely interesting that you get so offended
We quote things from the Koran and ask you to explain them. We offer commentary, but we do not slander. I mean, you are saying that CHRISTIANITY(belief that Christ died and was ressurected(sp?))

Oh, and one more thing: All your base are belong to us ;)

the only reason why I said anything in the first place is because Islam was basically called stupid!!
No, just its followers who insist that they are Gods amoung men.

Thankyou Hamza, but I know who he was, he was good friends with my husbands imam. I don't need to see it, because you seem to forget one thing! I have a non-Muslim family who I love very much, I am very close with them, so your belief that I hate non-Muslims is not right, I live in a non-Muslim area, this has nothing to do with hating other people, I only ever came here because I was looking for something else and happened to see the slander of Islam and that is all I am interested in. I have no wish to like or be liked by such ignorant people, I will defend Islam and that is that. I have never slandered Christianity until now, since Islam was slandered by a Christian in a previous page I wanted to point out that until you understand your own deen how can you say things about another!!
You just can't come to terms with the fact that Hamza is right and you preach hate and slander other religions, just to say that you know "the truth". Guess what? The GNOSTICS knew "the truth" before ISLAM was even a glimmer in some dude's eye!!!

I have NO wish to convert anyone since Allah guides whom He wills
Suicide bombers say the same thing...and then they die.

it has nothing to do with me. It is a duty of EVERY Muslim to convey the message, after that it is in Allah's hands.
You convey a message of hatred. Nobody will ever believe in what you preach, because what you preach would mean living in a constant ****, Mariama.

I have not asked one person to "convert" nor am I going to, I have explained myself and that is all. As long a Muslim doesn't defend themselves everything is ok, but when someone does, it causes offence and I find that very sad.
No, when a TRUE muslim defends themselves, they tend to know wtf they're talking don't.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Interesting, you have an extremely illogical point of view there. So you know there is a Creator, but you believe He didn't have a plan for you..And you can do whatever you want. This is really illogical. There is a purpose for everything you do, down to the smallest thing and yet the biggest part; i.e belief is the Creator you say has no point...
Illogical. Hardly.

Illogical is your "faith" which isn't faith at all. It's blind following of ideas, tenants, and dogma created by MAN. Are you completely devoid of the ability to think for yourself?

*** has no plan for anybody. It allows all of mankind the most important gift, "free will". To preordain anything in a man's life would destroy this most important concept of "free will" and render us nothing more than puppets and slaves.

Unlike you, I do not believe in any writings or teachings of any MAN regarding *** but however rely upon my own internal feelings and realizations coupled with my own hearts understanding which allows me to have a pure, unaltered relationship with *** without the need for any false intermediary.

You are full of condemnation and judgment which does not surprise me at all given your Islamic beliefs. It is one of the religions of hatred and violence after all, as are all religions.

Your arrogance and obnoxiousness are simply overwhelming. Tell you what, go die for Allah and volunteer for the position of suicide bomber in Iraq. You'd be perfect for the job and frankly, I'd be entirely grateful.



New member
I'm not going to speak about Hamza, A Muslim is told never to backbite or humiliate another Muslim, so I won't discuss him with you. It is a major sin to do this...

I have to tell you it was 6. The hadith is clear:

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

Narrated 'Aisha:

that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

This is a sahih hadith, sound. The is no debate on this.

I have never spoken to a suicide bomber so I have no idea what they say. So you have spoken to one have you, just before they kill themselves?


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
I'm not going to speak about Hamza, A Muslim is told never to backbite or humiliate another Muslim, so I won't discuss him with you. It is a major sin to do this...
I have to tell you it was 6. The hadith is clear:

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

Narrated 'Aisha:

that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

This is a sahih hadith, sound. The is no debate on this.

I have never spoken to a suicide bomber so I have no idea what they say. So you have spoken to one have you, just before they kill themselves?
Congratulations! You have only reconfirmed what all of us around here have know for years...that Mohamed was a pedophile child molester. Nice.

No I haven't spoken to a suicide bomber yet I fail to see what this has to do with anything. I am simply suggesting that if you are as convicted of your faith as you claim, then put your money where your mouth is. Head to Iraq, strap on the explosives, and walk into the guard house full of infidel invaders and blow yourself and them right back up to Allah. Allah will welcome you into his bosom as a martyr! How glorious!

What? Not your cup of tea? No real conviction of your faith? Osama Bin Laden and the Imam's have called to you to rise up against the infidel invaders. Why are you sitting in the U.K. on your ***, enjoying the U.K. way of life when you have work to do in Iraq?

I'll tell you why. You are nothing more than a fraud full of hot air and all of your writings to date simply reveal you as the sanctimonious pompous *** you really are. 28 years old and you know everything. LMAO.

You are a fraud!

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