Farewell Everyone


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

you are hot and intelligent, just give up that evil religion.
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

where are you going and why?

maybe I've missed something.....been busy lately. Are you moving out to the woods or something?
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

What??? Don't leave me now. :confused:

MRIH will so miss you, Darling.

And so will I. :cool:
Good riddens...

Eh, okay **** it, I'll miss you. You bought some spice here. And you are cute. THERE I SAID IT OKAY!?!?! :(

I feel like such a goofball now. Have I gone soft?
When you martyr yourself A.I.G., make sure you ware a football helmet, those bombs tend to blow ones face clean off the skull... it just makes the funeral go smoother if they can sew you head back on for viewing.
phreakwars said:
When you martyr yourself A.I.G., make sure you ware a football helmet, those bombs tend to blow ones face clean off the skull... it just makes the funeral go smoother if they can sew you head back on for viewing.

LOL, this thread did have that air didn't it???

Farewell???, sounds a little dramatic...

I guess she wanted to make sure we noticed she was gone.
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

Oh damn AIG :( ...it was nice knowing you...I genuinely wish you well...

..the pleasure was all yours :p
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

Yes i have somethinhg to get off my manly heaving chest.......

why are you leaving? I dont want you to go....but i really want to know the reasons......

and you should know i dont want you to go because the "im leaving you wont see me again posts" annoy the hell out of me!
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:
Why are you leaving? Right now, together we are known as being the strong, outspoken (yet remarkably good looking) women. If you leave, your half of that responsibility will fall on my shoulders. I can't do it alone :eek: ...Don't leave.
Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

In the mortal words of Barry Manilow...

Bluer than blue, sadder than sad
You're the only light, this empty world has ever had
Life without you is going to be bluer than blue

More like this... Get The Funk Out by Extreme

If you don
WYPO calls it being an Attention Whore, the psychiatric community calls it Histrionic behavior...

Emotional Vampires

Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D.
Histrionic Vampires.

"Need for Attention

Attention is the lifeblood of Histrionics. If they don't get enough of it, they feel themselves start to shrivel up and die. Histrionics always seek out the most appreciate audiences. This tendency can destroy relationships. If anybody flirts with them, Histrionic Vampires will usually flirt back, regardless of their intentions.
If their bosses and coworkers don't give them enough attention, these vampires will just go down the hall and get some. Where they go is immaterial to them, but it may play havoc with the chain of command. They might drop into the CEO's office for a little chat, or pick up the phone and gossip with a customer about all the problems a company is having. They don't mean to cause trouble, but they always seem to create far more than their share.

Need for Approval

Histrionic Vampires prefer that all the attention they get be positive. They strive for social acceptability and work hard to live up to everyone's expectations.
Histrionic vampires hope everybody thinkgs they're wonderful. They regard criticism either as meaningless grumpiness to be charmed away or as an affront to natural law. Either way, they will not hear anything but unqualified praise. Pity the poor manager who tries to write something in the needs to improve box on a Histrionic vampire's annual review."

Farewell, cruel world (WYPO)...
LOLOL, everytime I see this thread, I have to read out 'farewell...' in a really soap opera, melodramatic way and then I get the giggles and laugh for awhile.

AIG, don't let the door hit you in the ass !!!
ToriAllen said:
Why are you leaving? Right now, together we are known as being the strong, outspoken (yet remarkably good looking) women. If you leave, your half of that responsibility will fall on my shoulders. I can't do it alone :eek: ...Don't leave.

There is a difference though Tori...I am sure you know already.
Your breakin my heart
your tearin it apart so **** you!
You stepped my ass
your breakin my glasses too!
All I wanted was to have a good time now I
ToriAllen said:
Why are you leaving? Right now, together we are known as being the strong, outspoken (yet remarkably good looking) women. If you leave, your half of that responsibility will fall on my shoulders. I can't do it alone :eek: ...Don't leave.

No need to worry, Tori.

Not only is she not actually leaving, but I'm better looking, smarter, stronger, and more outspoken than both of you :p

I'll be more than happy to carry that particular burden.
Anna Perenna said:
No need to worry, Tori.

Not only is she not actually leaving, but I'm better looking, smarter, stronger, and more outspoken than both of you :p

I'll be more than happy to carry that particular burden.

I'm not usually one for such remarks but wow, what a concieted bitch! :eek: