Farewell Everyone

Sweety,you're mistakin' me for someone who gives a ****.
Look lethal,I have absolutely no problem with you,probably because I've never even given you a second thought.Its also because your posts always contain the same rascist bullshit.Read one and you've read them all.
So why exactly are you giving so much attention to this brown,african,non american muslim? aren't I everything you hate? :rolleyes:

AIG, I have no doubt that you don't give a ****, if you had read my posts, I was pretty clear about that opinion.

Again if you had read my posts, you would see they are not all about you and your people. I prefer to NOT think about Muslims. I tend to care more about this country and its laws with regards to the elderly, children and mentally ill. That is what I consistently post things about.

And finally, your not everything I hate. I find people who are histrionic irritating but I don't hate them. Hate is strong sentimate, when you hate you give your power to the person you are hating, you are expending an awful lot of emotional energy in a negative way. I just don't feel that strongly about people.
Lethal... So you mean to tell me that you don't care if it's a Muslim or a Jew or anyone of that matter, who is jeopardizing your people? Well, thats truely sincere, kind of like the situation in the Middle East.
Hamza123 said:
Lethal... So you mean to tell me that you don't care if it's a Muslim or a Jew or anyone of that matter, who is jeopardizing your people? Well, thats truely sincere, kind of like the situation in the Middle East.

Now your getting it Hamza, I don't care what a persons religion is, if you threaten my life, my country, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Agnostic, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately religious rhetoric often organizes their people to harm others, not just Muslims. You don't have to look far back in history to see its not just Muslims. TODAY its Muslims, who knows who it will be next year.
ToriAllen said:
I guess we'll just have to take your word for that

I think the evidence scattered all over this board speaks for itself, actually :p

Allah is Great said:
Anna ........ Anna ............. Anna ........ Anna........Anna..... etc .... ad infinitum .... envious goat!

Hmmm, interesting. I wrote a short tongue-in-cheek post in this thread, and it wasn't even directed at AIG. Yet, she has mentioned my name repeatedly.

I suppose that's because she isn't paying any attention to me, doesn't take me at all seriously, isn't threatened by me, isn't jealous that Builder adores me, and finds me, on the whole, rather insignificant. ;)

p.s. What am I supposed to be envious of exactly? Her complete lack of wit? The fact that she never says anything remotely clever? Or is it the fact that she has made a complete arse of herself by pretending to leave, in a sad attempt to get attention?

Sorry, but among other things I find utterly pathetic, contradictory, and retarded about AIG, I find it impossible to envy someone,who never learnt,that you are supposed to,put a space after your commas,when writing a sentence :p

Eisanbt said:
If you're so concerned with her being an attention whore then why do you feel the need to make the most noise (And thereby getting the most attention) On a thread you don't care about?

Lethalfind is enjoying herself making fun of AIG.

Much like anyone who can see right through her sad charade is doing.

Tizz said:
omg lol omg lol you said someting mean to Anna! I am going to miss you omg lol omg lol

Yeah, please don't go!

Make a fool out of yourself fighting all of the battles (that Tizz started) for her - because she's too weak and stupid to do it herself!

If you go, she might just have to un-ignore me, and make a fool out of herself mindlessly attacking me all over again!
posted by Anna

"Lethalfind is enjoying herself making fun of AIG."

Anna, I admit it, I am small and petty...one thing I am not is Envious of dear AIG. There is nothing about her that I would want in my life, especially the part about being a slave to her religion.
Hamza123 said:
Lethal... So you mean to tell me that you don't care if it's a Muslim or a Jew or anyone of that matter, who is jeopardizing your people? Well, thats truely sincere, kind of like the situation in the Middle East.
How so?
Please explain the "jeopardy" oh, so well informed teenager...this ought to be ****in' great :D
Jeopardy... Let's see, Putting/Being at risk of something not wanted... In Lethal's case Islamic Extremists jeopardize the US. Was that good enough for you?

Jeopardy: Risk of loss or injury; peril or danger.
Hamza123 said:
Jeopardy... Let's see, Putting/Being at risk of something not wanted... In Lethal's case Islamic Extremists jeopardize the US. Was that good enough for you?
No. Not hardly. How does an Islamic quack "jeopardize" my life any more than that of a, let's say, drunk driver?
I never said "it did" I said thats what it may seem to you. I am Muslim, do I "Quack" an attack? Maybe not to you, but it may seem so to someone like MRIH soley because I am a Muslim.
MRIH and I see eye to eye on this topic. Although not as prolerifous as he in his outspokeness towards the "pig-**** Qu'ran" I do share his sentiments.
You are still young and very influencial. Give it time, my son. You will have C-4 strapped onto your back in due time. :D
Hamza123 said:
...Meh. Better than getting it up the hershey highway.
WTF? Are you saying that getting murdered by a slobbering islamic jihadist is better than getting ****ed in the ass?

Hamza, my oppinion of you is plummetting with every post!
When I said that, I meant better on the back than elsewhere, as a joke... Sorry then... Say what you wish, I have no business to argue.