Farewell Everyone


I'll second the comments that some have made here - you seem to be a reasonably intelligent girl - it's just a shame that your values, ideals and character are so corrupted by the evil religion you practice.

Islami is like a satanic cult, or heroin, or a bad accident that causes serious head trauma - you can start off as nice and intelligent as you like, but all it takes is this one thing in your life to totally ruin you as a person.

I personally think you're staying at GF, and this is just a thread to gather some attention for yourself...but if it is sincere, then I wish you all the best for the future. :)
Wow the person who posted above me really doesn't know what they're talking about! Of course, they are un-educated on the subject, yet they claim they are when most of them would list there sources as CNN, NBC, And Fox... But hey... I DO TOO! Figures...

Well AIG, I didn't really get to know you and don't worry I won't take anyone on this forums word for it. Allah Ma'ak. Have fun in your future endavours and you're very intelligent, don't let shitheads bring you down. See you in Gennah. :)
I thank you for giving me just enough of your time to be so Observant.
I don't understand why it annoys you so much that I created this thread,seeing as you're only the biggest contributor to it. shock!Horror!

Actually, as I said, I get a great deal of humour out of your need to make a post like this, I'm not irritated at all...
Let me say it again, nothing on the internet bothers me like you seem to think...
Geez, AIG is a strong member of this site. We may act like we hate each other but when someone is disappearing it's nice to know they are and perhaps why. Get over yourself Lethal. AIG is hardly the attention seeker. It's not a need it's just a heads up to those of us that actually bother to care about those we choose to piss with you moron. Looks more like you are jealous of the attention she IS receiving, not to mention the fact that we actually RESPECT her.

You are obviously CLUELESS. GO play with SD she actually IS and attention addict.
tizz said:
Geez, AIG is a strong member of this site. We may act like we hate each other but when someone is disappearing it's nice to know they are and perhaps why. Get over yourself Lethal. AIG is hardly the attention seeker. It's not a need it's just a heads up to those of us that actually bother to care about those we choose to piss with you moron. Looks more like you are jealous of the attention she IS receiving, not to mention the fact that we actually RESPECT her.

You are obviously CLUELESS. GO play with SD she actually IS and attention addict.

LOL, your kidding right??
you don't know me at all if you think the internet brings up that kind of emotion in me...I do this for entertainment. I don't have emotions or concerns to waste like that.
Who you do or don't respect doesn't mean anything to me.
I find it pretty funny how upset you are about this...Whatever (as I so often say after reading some of the posts on here)

You know I was having a hard time figuring who I "loved to hate"?
I don't pay that much attention. I mean there are always issues that people are going to disagree on, but then on the next thread people might agree. I don't pay enough attention to the ins and outs of people on here. Sometimes if several in a row are the same irritating way then maybe but I have other things going on, this is fun but not a priority...
So your saying you;re a self centered bitch who reconizes only the obsticals people present and not who is presenting them? These are people on this site, its not just a bunch of random **** generated by your computer so you can enjoy reading and responding.

If you're so concerned with her being an attention whore then why do you feel the need to make the most noise (And thereby getting the most attention) On a thread you don't care about?

If i am mistaken, please let me know.
I am not upset just sick of your bullshit. I swear you MUST be SD or at least her older sister. You are an annoyance in this thread.

I would hate to put you on ignore just to stop reading you here. GET IT YET?
Well I guess we all knew AIG couldn't leave quietly without SOMEONE making it a drama. Funny, I thought it would have been MRIH LMAO
cybacaT said:

I'll second the comments that some have made here - you seem to be a reasonably intelligent girl - it's just a shame that your values, ideals and character are so corrupted by the evil religion you practice.

Islami is like a satanic cult, or heroin, or a bad accident that causes serious head trauma - you can start off as nice and intelligent as you like, but all it takes is this one thing in your life to totally ruin you as a person.

I personally think you're staying at GF, and this is just a thread to gather some attention for yourself...but if it is sincere, then I wish you all the best for the future. :)

Where have you been Cybacat?
Thank you,I will think over the information you so lovingly have given me. :rolleyes:
May Jesus save you from God one day.
Lethalfind said:
Actually, as I said, I get a great deal of humour out of your need to make a post like this, I'm not irritated at all...
Let me say it again, nothing on the internet bothers me like you seem to think...

Sweety,you're mistakin' me for someone who gives a ****.
Look lethal,I have absolutely no problem with you,probably because I've never even given you a second thought.Its also because your posts always contain the same rascist bullshit.Read one and you've read them all.
So why exactly are you giving so much attention to this brown,african,non american muslim? aren't I everything you hate? :rolleyes:
eisanbt said:
So your saying you;re a self centered bitch who reconizes only the obsticals people present and not who is presenting them? These are people on this site, its not just a bunch of random **** generated by your computer so you can enjoy reading and responding.

If you're so concerned with her being an attention whore then why do you feel the need to make the most noise (And thereby getting the most attention) On a thread you don't care about?

If i am mistaken, please let me know.

I am far from self centered, I have alot going on, this can't take a priority. I don't see anyone on the computer as an obsticle, what a strange thing to say. I don't see this as random, I find it very interesting the patterns of peoples reactions really. Like certain people have consistent concerns along a given topic. I like to hear peoples different views, however only once so far I put someone on ignore, I thought that the **** he was consistently writing was offensive to me (it was against gay men) and I didn't want to waste any more time reading his posts. I had read several and found no redeeming value (for me at least) in anything he had to say.
I am not concerned with AIG being an attention whore, I thought the pattern of her behavoir was indicative of that, however I am not licensed yet and its only a connection. Its nothing that bothers me. I find it all very interesting. I think AIG is one of the most interesting people on here because we have so little in common. Someone like AIG could teach me more about the way her mind works then someone who lives a similar life to me. I ask for no attention from any of you, read what I write or don't. I especially don't ask that you take on board what I write, please disagree and post why you disagree, it will make interesting reading later.
I think one of the things that makes me different from alot of people and I don't mean better is how I have learned to deal with emotions. I am not saying my upbringing was worse then someone else, I know that there are alot of people out there who have had alot worse time then I did. I was never physically harmed. My family is very out of control emotionally. It tears me up and leaves me feeling disturbed just watching never mind getting sucked in to the middle of it. Over time I developed a defense mechanism where I just don't get emotional about things. If you knew me in person you might think I was cold, detached etc. Its probably not the best way to have dealt with it but its they way I have come up with to deal with it.
Consequently, when people talk of battles on here or getting mad or needing attention, I am just not like that. I don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone on here, it won't ruin my day or even cause a blip on the screen of my day if you don't like me. I don't decide I dislike someone because they post things I disagree with. When they do that, it makes them more interesting. As I have said AIG is probably more interesting to me then any other female posting on this sight. As for the guys, I don't know, maybe Builder because he is from another country and that can make a difference in how people see things.
Because I don't react emotionally to things that go on here, I don't think I'm better, I'm just wired differently.
I admit I use this sight to practice my writing skills, I am back in school. Not my skill at making someone think what I do but in explaing, clarifying a certain point.
I realize you are all real people with interesting lives, that of course makes up who you are and what you bring to this sight, but if at some point who you are means you can't stand me then so be it. I know that some of my statements have offended people but its not something that bothers me.
I believe people have a right to communicate how they feel and expressing your opinion should not be taken as stepping on someone elses toes, at least it doesn't when I do it. Others might feel differently.
Save your emotion and concern for the real things in your life. Your family, your profession career and just enjoy this for the interesting interaction that it is.
sorry for the doctoral thesis...