Fat People

Sure people might have to pay more taxes because of some fat guy trying to change the world but think of how much profit a store makes after a fat guy buys enough food to last him a day :eek: .....it's all paid for. :D
cool_dude said:
Sure people might have to pay more taxes because of some fat guy trying to change the world but think of how much profit a store makes after a fat guy buys enough food to last him a day :eek: .....it's all paid for. :D

You're a ****ing moron.
Obesity rates are rising drastically and shall continue:
GENEVA (AFP) - The number of overweight and obese people worldwide is set to increase by half over the next ten years, heightening their health risks, the World Health Organisation warned.
Around one billion people are currently affected worldwide, and the figure is set to rise to 1.5 billion by 2015 if current trends continue, the WHO said ahead of annual World Heart Day, which is marked Sunday.
Excessive weight and obesity -- the next step up -- are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death worldwide, claiming more than 17 million lives a year.
Long seen as a problem of the rich world, it is on the increase in poorer nations.
The change is tied to a global shift in diet towards foods containing more fat, salt and sugar, said the WHO.
It also highlighted reduced physical activity because of the sedentary nature of many modern jobs, plus growing reliance on motorised transport particularly in sprawling cities.
According to the UN health agency, more than 75 percent of women over the age of 30 are now overweight in countries as diverse as Barbados, Egypt, Malta, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, and the United States.
Estimates are similar for men, with more than three-quarters now overweight in, for example, Argentina, Germany, Greece, Kuwait, New Zealand, Samoa, and Britain.
"The sheer magnitude of the overweight and obesity problem is staggering," said Catherine Le Gales-Camus, the head of the WHO's noncommunicable diseases and mental health division, in a statement.
"The rapid increase of overweight and obesity in many low and middle income countries foretells an overwhelming chronic disease burden in these countries in the next 10 to 20 years, if action is not taken now."
Excessive weight increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
"The real tragedy is that overweight and obesity, and their related chronic diseases, are largely preventable," said Robert Beaglehole, a senior WHO expert.
"Approximately 80 percent of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, and 40 percent of cancer could be avoided through healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoidance of tobacco use."
So 80% of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes could be PREVENTED if the fat asses would put down the ****ing twinkie and go walk around the block a few times. Doesn't sound very complicated to me...It just disgusts me. Don't the fat people want to live? Or are they intentionally commiting passive suicide?
angie said:
Obesity rates are rising drastically and shall continue:

So 80% of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes could be PREVENTED if the fat asses would put down the ****ing twinkie and go walk around the block a few times. Doesn't sound very complicated to me...It just disgusts me. Don't the fat people want to live? Or are they intentionally commiting passive suicide?

My point exactly. I'm being ostracised because I choose to smoke. I'm being taxed to the eyeballs to enjoy a habit that was encouraged by the gov, because I am likely to become a burden on the health system. As if. I run 40 miles a week, and ride my bike to the shops.

Fat arses will be a burden on the health system. Tax the **** out of fast food. If maccas was twice the price, more people would consider making themselves a sandwich instead of swallowing pre-chewed food.

These fat ****s are more of a burden than smokers. They can't work, they can't contribute to society, they can't even get off their collective arses to vote. Fat ****s suck. Tax the **** out of their addictive substances. Make them pay for the burden they become. The fat ****s. ;)
One of my ex co-workers...Her father was on disability because he was the size of a Beluga whale, which in turn gave him a breathing problem. You know what he used to do with his government handout? Go to the Casino several times a week. He SHOULD have been on a tread mill losing that weight so he can work like the rest of us...but NOOOOO. He took his welfare check and put it in a slot machine.
OK that's it, I AM jpoining curves TODAY!!!! I am not quite FAT or obese but I could stand to loose a few and get into better shape. This thread actually grossed me out!!!!!
In the US we have a federal law called "Americans with Disabilities", this law widened to a ridiculous degree who can claim a disability. Fat people, drug addicts just to name 2. They are due all kinds of extra perks that the rest of the responsible world does not get. It annoys the **** out of me that you can make a choice that gets you the right to be disabled.
I love watching this show called Airport, its on A and E here in the states, they show fat people being required to buy 2 seats of they don't fit into one so that the people sitting next to them won't be inconvenienced with a lap dance.
One time I caught a flight to Phoenix on Southwest airlines. There was a dude on the flight that was so disgustingly obese they made hime buy the whole row!
Now thats "Hindenburgh" fat!!
angie said:
One of my ex co-workers...Her father was on disability because he was the size of a Beluga whale, which in turn gave him a breathing problem. You know what he used to do with his government handout? Go to the Casino several times a week. He SHOULD have been on a tread mill losing that weight so he can work like the rest of us...but NOOOOO. He took his welfare check and put it in a slot machine.
They should hand out vouchers for a gym instead of money. Handouts should fit the disability. 'You obviously don't need money for food, so we will pay for a gym membership and the gas to get there...' or 'We will help you re-budget so that you can learn to divert that food money to other areas of necessary living.' :rolleyes:
ToriAllen said:
They should hand out vouchers for a gym instead of money. Handouts should fit the disability. 'You obviously don't need money for food, so we will pay for a gym membership and the gas to get there...' or 'We will help you re-budget so that you can learn to divert that food money to other areas of necessary living.' :rolleyes:

Good idea....and they should be monitored to make sure they're following through. I recently heard a good idea: They should put restrictions on what you can buy. Make it kind of like WIC. You can't buy beer or smokes with the food stamps, why not make it so they can only buy fruit/veggie/bread/pasta/dairy products (minus Ice Cream)?
Furthermore, in order to ensure that these people are spending society's hard earned money wisely, they should be required to take health and nutrtion classes. I worked as a cashier in high school, and it was SICKENING what the majority of welfare people spent their money on: the mini jugs of juice (LOADED with sugar and no nutritional value), chips, cookies, Hostess/Little Debbie garbage, frozen dinners (not the nutritious kind) soda, and any other disgusting junk food you can think of. And their "main" meals were Ramen, mac and cheese, Chef Boyardee.....So not only are they killing themselves, giving themselves cavities, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes (to name a few) they are teaching their children these diet habits, in turn ruining their health, and not teaching them about proper nutrition. It is a vicious cycle and something needs to be done about it.
Well fat people gross me out, too. The ones that ride the motorized carts at the grocery store are pretty hard to take.

I, however, have a different take on real obesity and how people react to it.

The true, disgusting fatties are disfunctional humans. It is OBVIOUS.

Most people have disfunctions.

Some smoke pot until so unmotivated they can't work and have to live with their mammy. Some drink a bottle of vodka everyday and destroy their health and relationships. Some do "legal" drugs and turn into zombies. Some run and excercise to the point of insanity. Some are workaholics and lose their families. Some spend money on useless things and abuse credit then file bankruptcy. Some screw with abandon until they get HIV.

Etc., etc. These are all pretty easily hidden from the general population. I mean, you can go to the mall pretty wasted on Xanax, but as long as you don't fall on your face on the escalator...nobody will even notice.

But be FAT, really, really FAT and everybody else (and most have some disfunction themselves, secretly) can glare and giggle and nudge, nudge, wink wink. It's the only disfunction that is glaringly obvious and I think it makes everyone feel just a bit better about themselves.

Just my opinion. I actually feel as sorry for an out of control fat person as I do for a person that has anorexia. The anorexic is not as gross, really, but plenty scary to look at.

I say, try a little kindness if you can.

But don't let them leak onto your bus seat for heaven's sake. That's not at all fair. They should pay for 2 seats.
Elmoish said:
Well fat people gross me out, too. The ones that ride the motorized carts at the grocery store are pretty hard to take.

I, however, have a different take on real obesity and how people react to it.

The true, disgusting fatties are disfunctional humans. It is OBVIOUS.

Most people have disfunctions.

Some smoke pot until so unmotivated they can't work and have to live with their mammy. Some drink a bottle of vodka everyday and destroy their health and relationships. Some do "legal" drugs and turn into zombies. Some run and excercise to the point of insanity. Some are workaholics and lose their families. Some spend money on useless things and abuse credit then file bankruptcy. Some screw with abandon until they get HIV.

Etc., etc. These are all pretty easily hidden from the general population. I mean, you can go to the mall pretty wasted on Xanax, but as long as you don't fall on your face on the escalator...nobody will even notice.

But be FAT, really, really FAT and everybody else (and most have some disfunction themselves, secretly) can glare and giggle and nudge, nudge, wink wink. It's the only disfunction that is glaringly obvious and I think it makes everyone feel just a bit better about themselves.

Just my opinion. I actually feel as sorry for an out of control fat person as I do for a person that has anorexia. The anorexic is not as gross, really, but plenty scary to look at.

I say, try a little kindness if you can.

But don't let them leak onto your bus seat for heaven's sake. That's not at all fair. They should pay for 2 seats.

I'm not mean, or rude to fat people. Unless of course they are rude to me first or give me a damn good reason to be nasty. I'm not rude to anyone unless they give me a REALLY good reason to be.
I understand that for some eating is an addiction. However, they should attempt treatment the way drug addicts should get treatment, alcoholics, anorexics....Hell, even if they EXERCISED once in a while and chose to eat better foods they wouldn't become so grotesque.
Honestly, I generally don't laugh when I see an obese person. It really isn't funny. I get nauseous, sick to my stomach, disgusted. The same way I get nauseous and disgusted when I see someone drunk off their ass in public, or someone who is skeleton thin, or obviously a drug addict. I know I am not perfect but one thing I make sure to take care of is my health. I only have one body, and I have a child on the way. I want to be around for her as long as possible, and be a positive role model for her. Not only in my diet and exercise habits, in all aspects of life. You only have one life, do it right.
Last night I was watching a show on people over 600lbs, one was 1000!!!! I did feel sorry for these people but none of them were powerless to stop it they just didn't and nobody around them cared wnough too. Two of the people DID go to great lengths to get it under control (one nearly died in the process). I cannot imagine what allows a person to let themselves go that far. I know there are metobolic conditions that make it hard for some people to keep wieght off or to stop eating, but wouldn't you go to a doctor if you found yourself getting so fat you couldn't fit through doors? (these people could not get cat scans because they did not fit) I think I accuse the people watching it happen as much as the ones it is happening to. I mean if they can't get out of the house, you don't have to go out and get them CRAP to eat, and you don't HAVE to anser the door for dominoes.
No pics allowed in this forum.

If obesity is indeed a disease, then how come fatties don't seek treatment?

Laziness is the real disease.

Get off your arses, and get moving. If you think you might be fat, just think what the people around you think.

When I was at school, there were few fat-arses. Those that were "short-for-their-weight" were endlessly bagged out. In today's PC world, that sort of bagging is punishable.

Take pity on the fat ****s. They will die young, leaving an ugly bloated corpse.
angie said:
Good idea....and they should be monitored to make sure they're following through. I recently heard a good idea: They should put restrictions on what you can buy. Make it kind of like WIC. You can't buy beer or smokes with the food stamps, why not make it so they can only buy fruit/veggie/bread/pasta/dairy products (minus Ice Cream)?
Furthermore, in order to ensure that these people are spending society's hard earned money wisely, they should be required to take health and nutrtion classes. I worked as a cashier in high school, and it was SICKENING what the majority of welfare people spent their money on: the mini jugs of juice (LOADED with sugar and no nutritional value), chips, cookies, Hostess/Little Debbie garbage, frozen dinners (not the nutritious kind) soda, and any other disgusting junk food you can think of. And their "main" meals were Ramen, mac and cheese, Chef Boyardee.....So not only are they killing themselves, giving themselves cavities, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes (to name a few) they are teaching their children these diet habits, in turn ruining their health, and not teaching them about proper nutrition. It is a vicious cycle and something needs to be done about it.
My husband noticed the same kind of thing working at a gas station. Big women, who obviously were not starving, with $20 nails, $50 hair, driving an Escalade, and bringing $200 worth of food stamps in so that they could buy junk food. What a joke. If you are already over 250lbs what the hell do need food stamps for? Sorry. The improper use of the system is for another thread.

Obese is unhealthy and should not be encouraged.

builder said:
If you want anyone to read your posts, lose that piss-poor, gratingly annoying, peurile avatar. :rolleyes:
I think it is cute.
builder said:
If you want anyone to read your posts, lose that piss-poor, gratingly annoying, peurile avatar. :rolleyes:

If you want anyone to read your responses, idjit, learn how to spell puerile. The smilies are a nice touch though. Usually, I only see them used by the the most sophisticated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rolleyes!!!!! Smile!!!!!! Frown!!! I'm Confused!!!! Big effin' hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elmoish mentioned the fat people that ride the carts at the grocery store. That really pisses me off because a true handicap (to me at least) is one that you have no choice in, you were born that way or God forbid you were injured. I watched a show about a man who lost a leg in Iraq. He made a choice to do what he felt was his duty and lost his leg. People who make the choice to ignore their own bodies until they swell to 600-1000 lbs so they have to ride a ****in cart around the grocery store should not be considered handicapped. I have a guy in my math class, he is so huge that he barely fits into the chair, after class I see him in the area where people eat, I have to wonder how he can put any food in his mouth without feeling like an idiot. Unless you wanted to consider them mentally handicapped because they have done something so stupid to their bodies.
Lethalfind said:
Elmoish mentioned the fat people that ride the carts at the grocery store. That really pisses me off because a true handicap (to me at least) is one that you have no choice in, you were born that way or God forbid you were injured. I watched a show about a man who lost a leg in Iraq. He made a choice to do what he felt was his duty and lost his leg. People who make the choice to ignore their own bodies until they swell to 600-1000 lbs so they have to ride a ****in cart around the grocery store should not be considered handicapped. I have a guy in my math class, he is so huge that he barely fits into the chair, after class I see him in the area where people eat, I have to wonder how he can put any food in his mouth without feeling like an idiot. Unless you wanted to consider them mentally handicapped because they have done something so stupid to their bodies.
No ****! They need to get their fat-asses out of those carts and walk some of that lard off!