Fav coke flavour?


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Hmm, I'm in love with regular coke. Cherry Coke is really good too.... I hate Vannila Coke though. Lime Coke is heaven, and I loved that! They made Lemon Coke too, which wasn't included here, but that was good.
i love vanilla coke, yum yum diet vanilla is really nice too ^^ lmao the cherry one taste like bourbon and coke, lol
LPGirl said:
i love vanilla coke, yum yum diet vanilla is really nice too ^^ lmao the cherry one taste like bourbon and coke, lol

I'd rather drink pure bourbon than chew on some vanilla leaves, lol. I just couldn't stand the creamy vannila with that cola-ish coke. Which is why the fruit flavor's are what I prefer.
i like the original and vanilla the most,

im a coke addict lol, but yer, im in the current stage of trying to stop drinking it all together, i usually have 2L each morning, but in the past 4 days ive had only one can, so im doing good, hopefully by next week ill be drinking none.

the stuff is so damn good tasting, but after drinking it for so long, it made me feel crap and slugish, since stopping ive become so much more healthier and in alot better moods
T.H.A.W said:
2L wtf.. dude..!

yer i know, and that was just in the morning on the bus lol, i would have a can or so after school.

not as bad as my mate though, he has like 6L a day, its scary lol
Do u still have teeth? lol

and you must hae such a high blood sugar level and not to metion caffene level :/ man u must of crashed major when you did lol
Stenners said:
Do u still have teeth? lol

and you must hae such a high blood sugar level and not to metion caffene level :/ man u must of crashed major when you did lol

i still have teeth lol, and shockingly my blood sugar is perfect, i had it tested, and it came back fine, its creepy lol

if anyone finds the medical side effects of drinking coke, please post them here, because i swear that stuff causes depressive mood swings and other assorted things.