
ToriAllen said:
Abortion is barbaric. The nervous system is the first of the bodies systems to develop, so the child feels the pain when the doctor cuts him into pieces. Late term abortion is the worst. How can anyone support such a thing?

Partial birth abortion is what makes me want to burst into tears. Barbaric and evil- no other way to describe it. I didn't even think it was real when I first head about it. Killing a baby on it's way out of the birth canal? Give me a ****ing break!
Phantom said:
Partial birth abortion is what makes me want to burst into tears. Barbaric and evil- no other way to describe it. I didn't even think it was real when I first head about it. Killing a baby on it's way out of the birth canal? Give me a ****ing break!
That's exactly what I think of partial birth abortion! Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are for that sick **** and all kinds of stupid things that are turning America into a clone of what Russia was in the bad old days! Planned Parenthood and the mother****ing ACLU are America's internal enemies needing to get their sorry asses kicked!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
Kryptonite Man said:
That's exactly what I think of partial birth abortion! Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are for that sick **** and all kinds of stupid things that are turning America into a clone of what Russia was in the bad old days! Planned Parenthood and the mother****ing ACLU are America's internal enemies needing to get their sorry asses kicked!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Black Man With a Brain, there's an oxymoron, with your contempt for stupid people, ignorance, and liberals; I figured you'd be a supporter of the pro-choice movement. I mean, is there any other way to rid the world of stupidy quicker? Abort them before they can speak!
Royal, an oxymoron contains only two words. It's a real shocker that you are unaware of that.

I agree with Drunk, for the first time as I can see... thought I would mention it.
Ctrl said:
Royal, an oxymoron contains only two words. It's a real shocker that you are unaware of that.

Here's the REAL shocker...

ox‧y‧mo‧ron  /ˌɒksɪˈmɔrɒn, -ˈmoʊr-/ a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”


An oxymoron can refer to either two contradictory terms or a contradictory phrase. If you are too lazy, I can look up "moron" for you too! I'm helpful like that.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
If by "feminist" you are simply saying that you support equality and are independent, then why not use a more accurate term, such as "equalist" or "egalitarian?"

Probably because everybody besides a few nerdballs uses the term feminist.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
As I said ...
Haven't you learned by now, we don't really care what you say?

TooDrunkTo**** said:
If by "feminist" you are simply saying that you support equality and are independent, then why not use a more accurate term, such as "equalist" or "egalitarian?"

I didn’t come up with the terms; I just use them according to their actual definition. Not the definition that TDTF comes up with.
"Feminism is a diverse collection of social theories, political movements and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerned with the experiences of women. Most feminists are especially concerned with social, political and economic inequality between men and women (in the context of it being to the disadvantage of women); some have argued that gendered and sexed identities, such as "man" and "woman", are socially constructed. Feminists differ over the sources of inequality, how to attain equality, and the extent to which gender and gender-based identities should be questioned and critiqued. In simple terms, feminism is the belief in social, political and economic equality of the sexes, and the movement organised around the belief that gender should not be the pre-determinant factor shaping a person's social identity, or socio-political or economic rights."
"Egalitarianism is any belief that emphasizes some form of equality between morally-significant beings (usually meaning humans, but sometimes expanded to include certain animals as well). Such views hold that political, economic, social, or civil equality should prevail throughout human society. One can best understand various types of egalitarianism by asking, "Who is supposed to be equal?" and "In what respect are they supposed to be equal?""

Egalitarianism is obviously a much broader term encompassing many human traits. For the purposes of this discussion Feminism works better.
Ctrl said:
Royal, an oxymoron contains only two words. It's a real shocker that you are unaware of that.

I agree with Drunk, for the first time as I can see... thought I would mention it.

Simple oxymora: pretty ugly, larger half, and jumbo shrimp.

Complex oxymora: "I do here make humbly bold to present them with a short account of themselves... " Jonathan Swift

Oxymorons can also be wooden irons or sideroxylons in that they are in violation of the Principle of contradiction which asserts that nothing can be thought if it contains contradictory characteristics, predicates, attributes, or qualities.

Perhaps you were thinking of juxtaposition.
ToriAllen said:
Haven't you learned by now, we don't really care what you say?

Who is "we?" The people waving "Bush is #1" flags and having nightmares about being surrounded by "liberals?" Regardless, whether you care what I say or not has no baring on the truth of what I've said. Beyond that, if you really didn't care at all, you wouldn't reply. Whether you beleive what I say is credible or not is another matter. Not that I care.

ToriAllen said:
hugo said:
Probably because everybody besides a few nerdballs uses the term feminist.

And there are about as many people who use it to mean "hatred of men" as there are people who use it to mean "supporting equal rights." Just because it's commonly used doesn't mean it makes sense. A lot of people refer to Leonardo as "Da Vinci" due to a certain retarded book and movie, despite the fact that most historians considered it more proper to use his first name.

Being popular doesn't make something right. In fact, I'd argue that what is popular is crap more often than not.
Phantom said:
Do you feel feminism is really just a red herring for low self esteem? Do such women use feminism as a defense mechanism for low self worth?

Low self esteem? No. I think at it's roots the feminist movement was a good thing. I think it has since been taken over by dykes and lefties to the point that it has gone from a push for "equality" to a push for the legislature to write laws intended to be unfair to men in order to make up for what feminists see as biological unfairness toward women.

As a woman, do you take a man opening the door for you or paying for your date as a compliment or an insult?

I take it as simple human kindness and fairness. Sometimes he pays and sometimes I pay.

Is there anything wrong with a man doting on a woman and wanting to protect her? Are women that love doting on their husband or boyfriends weak and politically incorrect?

I like to be doted on about 2 times a month. Other than that I need my space. I DO like to feel protected, though. I kinda like Alpha males. A woman doting on a man... Politically incorrect?... yes. Weak?.. NO. Wrong?.. NO.. not unless the guy doesn't want her to do it. What two people do for each other in order to maintain a happy relationship is no one else's business.

Do you feel staunch feminists impose their ideals on feminine women or masculine men?

I think they try to. I am a wee bit fem. I have had feminist women tell me I take too long in the bath room, I shop too much, I am too picky about my shoes, I shouldn't wear make-up, yack yack yack.... I just tell them to screw off. people can't impose things on ya if ya don't care what they think.

I do see all around me that Alpha males are becoming extinct, tho. It's like the libs and feminists have force-bred a bunch of metrosexual whimpsters whio can't pop mommy's tit out of their mouths and grow the hell up... and they wanna wear yer house shoes, watch Steele Magnolias and cry on yer shoulder.

Phantom said:
Here's the REAL shocker...

ox‧y‧mo‧ron  /ˌɒksɪˈmɔrɒn, -ˈmoʊr-/ a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”


An oxymoron can refer to either two contradictory terms or a contradictory phrase. If you are too lazy, I can look up "moron" for you too! I'm helpful like that.

You can type or quote someone typing all you like. There is but one source of the english language, which is why dictionary.com will not agree with encarta.com neither of which are exactly the same as mirriam-websters.com most of the time.

The definition of Oxymoron is two words that contradict eachother by the Oxford English Dictionary. You don't get to change the ammount of a pound because you want to weigh double digits. If you are going to seek a free online source, I strongly recommend micro$oft encarta. It always has the closest to, if not duplicate of the OED.

Ctrl said:
The definition of Oxymoron is two words that contradict eachother by the Oxford English Dictionary.

I'm partial to Webster's 1828 edition.

Don't attempt to pwn me with dictionary.com ffs. Come strong or dont waste my time.

Next time I will be sure to write a 60,000 page thesis on the definition of an oxymoron... just for you.

You could of course mortgage one of your 6 ranches to pony up the 7 dollars a month for the OED Online if you wanted to argue "what does this mean" in the future.

I'm far too cheap. I'm a crazy super mega bajillionaire because I hoard my wealth. Even my $12 membership to this website was waived for giving all the mods hand jobs.

...so I would never be pwned by a wealthy tri-lingual internet pinup.

Everyone wants to be me. With all the magazine cover offers from Playboy, Forbes, and Texas Ranchers, I don't know how I will ever find time for me. Maybe sending them a picture of myself butt naked, wearing a cowboy hat, and laying spread eagle on a pile of hundred dollar bills will suffice.
Phantom said:
Everyone wants to be me. With all the magazine cover offers from Playboy, Forbes, and Texas Ranchers, I don't know how I will ever find time for me. Maybe sending them a picture of myself butt naked, wearing a cowboy hat, and laying spread eagle on a pile of hundred dollar bills will suffice.

That was not a bad pic.
Phantom said:
I'm partial to Webster's 1828 edition.

I dont give a **** what you are partial to. Words have meaning, you don't get to pick the meaning that suits your purpose. 5th edition OED is the defacto standard on the language, and attempting to argue that dictionary.com is more accurate truly shows your class.

Phantom said:
Next time I will be sure to write a 60,000 page thesis on the definition of an oxymoron... just for you.

Again, what YOU personally want to believe words mean has no relevance. Save the dissertation for your kids. They are the only ones who care. Words have meaning. Definitions are important. Do not attmpt to correct me with dictionary.com.
Ctrl said:
I dont give a **** what you are partial to. Words have meaning, you don't get to pick the meaning that suits your purpose. 5th edition OED is the defacto standard on the language, and attempting to argue that dictionary.com is more accurate truly shows your class.

Again, what YOU personally want to believe words mean has no relevance. Save the dissertation for your kids. They are the only ones who care. Words have meaning. Definitions are important. Do not attmpt to correct me with dictionary.com.

Both of those statements were wirtten in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I can't be faulted just because you choose to take everything so seriously. First of all, it is not dictionary.com- it is reference.com. Second, NO ONLINE link EVER serves as fool-proof evidence. I didn't realize you took all of this so seriously. Didn't mean to step on any toes, you reference.com hater, you!

Oh, and I never claimed dictionary.com [read: reference.com] was the end and be all of reliability or the default by which all definitions should be considered. Reference.com compiles articles from various sources- not just one. Perhaps your beloved OED is cited there, too. ****ing online dictionary Nazi.

Twist, twist, twist. ;)

Now kindly stop derailing this thread. Oh, and douching your anus would be the polite thing to do. It's starting to stink up the place.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
Who is "we?" The people waving "Bush is #1" flags and having nightmares about being surrounded by "liberals?" Regardless, whether you care what I say or not has no baring on the truth of what I've said. Beyond that, if you really didn't care at all, you wouldn't reply. Whether you beleive what I say is credible or not is another matter. Not that I care.
Me and the voices in my head, of-course. You caught me. I really do care about what you have say, hanging on your every word, and hoping that you will throw me some scrap of kindness. The thought of a genius like you disagreeing with me keeps me up at night.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
Again I point out Martin Luthor King, who was so popular in part because he spoke out for equality between all races, rather than blaming white people for everything and attempting to "liberate the black man" or something along those lines.
I always thought he was popular because of his drunken orgies. Huh, go figure.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
I'm fully aware of the history and the definition; a definition which through time has come to take on broader contexts. When people use the word "feminism" today, there's about a 50/50 chance between whether they mean supporting equality or being biased for women/against men. And with good reason, given the "feminist" authors over the years and the very name.
Of course words take on different meanings over time. I'm in the 50 percent of feminists that use the term to seek equality.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
And it's not "my definition"; rather, I logically pointed out why feminism is linked to misandry. It's very easy to recognize.
I recognize that the term feminist is linked to man hating dykes, and I know why it is. That doesn't change my use of the word, nor does it necessarily make egalitarian a better word.
ToriAllen said:
I'm in the 50 percent of feminists that use the term to seek equality.

Me too, although I believe men and women are separate but equal. Although our differences should be respected (dare I say celebrated?) I firmly believe both genders and all races deserve the same chance.

I do see all around me that Alpha males are becoming extinct, tho. It's like the libs and feminists have force-bred a bunch of metrosexual whimpsters whio can't pop mommy's tit out of their mouths and grow the hell up... and they wanna wear yer house shoes, watch Steele Magnolias and cry on yer shoulder.

I completely agree. It is almost as if the sexes are being bullied into taking on the characteristics of the opposite sex for the sake of politically correct equality. WTF?
It seems that what has occurred is that masculinity has been confused with machismo... and has been labled a "bad" thing. It really is shitty that the gay adoption movement is pushing the notion that the gender of the parents doesn't matter. It's like, all of the PC world (which includes the most often published psychologists) feel obligated to go along with it because to do otherwise would be seen as "gay-bashing"... so they say it doesn't matter that the dad is replaced with a second mom. Then you have an overwhelming majority of kids coming from divorced parents... who are being taught that dad really doesn't matter unless he's a flaming fairy dad.. in which case he is a good role model...

It's just fkn ridiculous.

I truly do feel for the men who have the courage to stand up to the bullshit and hold on to their masculinity while telling the shunning masses to **** off.

Bravo, Dude!!! Where ever you are!

I think equality sounds good on the surface... but the truth is that we are not equal in every wan and we should not be treated as though we are. This is the reason we have different PT standards in the military.. This is also the reason men don't get a epidural before a baby is born.

There are things they can do that we can not and there are things we can do that they can not so to treat us equally in every situation is ignoring reality for the sake of political correctness.

I prefer fairness over equality.