Fight! Fight! Fight!


New member
I've had a taste of Chi vs. eddo in the past, but I think a full out war between the two of them would be something to see.

Chi is fiesty as heck, but eddo has staying power to stand his ground during Chi's ferocious word storm.

Honestly, I don't know who would win! :confused:



New member
emkay vs. IWS

Why? Because both have the ability to stay so calm and collected. They are both subtle in their approach to dealing with adversity and great at staying on topic. It would be interesting to see who could "out calm" the

Who would win? - I'd go with emkay. No offense, IWS!



New member
Merc vs. RO

Both clever opponents. RO knows his stuff, but I've seen Merc hold her own against BCAR and hugo in a debate quite well. I think they'd both bring some fantastic points to the discussion. RO would likely adopt the logical, fiscally aware, "how will this affect our rights?" angle while Merc usually works the compassionate, nurturing, "how will this affect your family?" approach.

It would be a debate worth watching.

Who would win? - I'm going to have to go with RO simply because I've literally heard him dog cuss someone before. **** merc...if that wouldn't break you, you're made of tougher stuff than I am. LOL!



New member
I've had a taste of Chi vs. eddo in the past, but I think a full out war between the two of them would be something to see.
Chi is fiesty as heck, but eddo has staying power to stand his ground during Chi's ferocious word storm.

Honestly, I don't know who would win! :confused:
She'd flash me, I'd pass out, and she would claim victory...



New member
Ali and TJ---there would be blood...Ali would win.

RO and Eddo---they'd end up shnoodling.

Eddo and Wez---I'm not you don't try to make me you...errr...let's leave them to fight one wins.

Snaf and I--Well Snaf would insist on some sort of edible oil product. I'd win because I fight dirty...and I bite.

IWS and I would go get a beer, agree to disagree and just be done with it all.

RO and I--I'd pretend he won. Twist my arm behind my back...okay?

Chi and I--Evil incarnate...I'd lose...she's an assassin.

TJ and I--TJ would win. I'd have lost interest long before the fight was over lol. No longevity for me.

Ali and I--Ali would win hands down...but I wouldn't mind cause we're soul mates.

Atlantic and I--She's too sweet and I can use a barrel of monkeys with deadly force. She's going down!!!!

jenn88 and I--I`m not sure...I haven`t had a chance to feel her out (heehee).

Tori and I--She`d discover I`m not an easily breakable Libra. She`d lose :D

Bender and I--I like pizza.

RaE and I--I`d win...unless I leave my back exposed and he has a chance to pin me...(ouchie forcible **** secks). He`s best avoided unless you feel unusually spry.

Merc and I--We don`t fight it out we hug it out lol.

Hack and I--it would be messy and fraught with taunts about the oppositions hockey team. It would also be naked except for our toques in traditional Canadian style.

Hugo and I---He`d call me a commie I`d call him a sheep ******....basically redneck foreplay...we`re good to go! I`d win!

Wez and I--We`d play a game of street hockey...and the loser has to wear panties. Wez loses and I WIN!!!!Noice big gurl panties Wezina! Very noice!

Keth and I--Well I don`t beat up pregnant chicks so we`ll have to wait.



Active Members
I'm a lover not a fighter ;)

If your talking about a physical battle me and IWS might be the closest good fight, he is a cop and has some training and should be tough on a mental level because of the job but I actually teach DT and I would end up winning by superior fighting knowledge/skill.

I don't see anyone else standing a chance against either one of us on a physical level.

In a verbal battle that had to stay away from personal attacks that would put IWS, Snaff, old salt, and myself at the top with RO if he could resist the urge to play attack dog, I have noticed when he is in that mode he stops thinking.

emkay is pretty smart but I don't see her as wanting to really put in the energy to have a real debate, not that she was unable, just that she would not find it fun.

Hack, Ali, eddo, Chi, Bender, Merc, and several others are all very smart but tend to restrict their comments to purely politically correct lines or in the case of eddo, he will simply agree with Ali, lol.

In all honesty, I would love to see a pure debate on this forum, to date I have never seen one that has not ended up with people flaming the posters and completely ignoring the topic or the facts offered, lol.



New member
yes I had to look it up, and yes I wish I hadn't...
LMAO!!!!!I knew you`d have to and that made me laugh laugh laugh! :D

...and Emkay is pretty smart????? I`m really very smart thank you very much! Wanna fight!?



New member
Ali and I--Ali would win hands down...but I wouldn't mind cause we're soul mates.
I'd never argue with my bestest sleeping bag buddy!!!!

I'm a lover not a fighter ;)

If your talking about a physical battle me and IWS might be the closest good fight, he is a cop and has some training and should be tough on a mental level because of the job but I actually teach DT and I would end up winning by superior fighting knowledge/skill.

I don't see anyone else standing a chance against either one of us on a physical level.

There's someone else here who could take you.

In a verbal battle that had to stay away from personal attacks that would put IWS, Snaff, old salt, and myself at the top with RO if he could resist the urge to play attack dog, I have noticed when he is in that mode he stops thinking.

You prefer to put yourself at "the top" with fellow conservatives who generally agree with you. Interesting. Nothing like stacking the deck in your favor, huh?

You forgot hugo and Bender with regards to political debate skills. They are both easily on par with anyone here in that arena. Did you gloss over them because they don't agree with your views?

emkay is pretty smart but I don't see her as wanting to really put in the energy to have a real debate, not that she was unable, just that she would not find it fun.

emkay is INCREDIBLY smart. Smarter than all of us, I'd say, because she knows when to steer clear of the bullsh!t.

Hack, Ali, eddo, Chi, Bender, Merc, and several others are all very smart but tend to restrict their comments to purely politically correct lines or in the case of eddo, he will simply agree with Ali, lol.

Wrong. Me, politically correct? Ummmm, ok.

Again, any side that you feel opposes your own you view as "lesser", not just different.

In all honesty, I would love to see a pure debate on this forum, to date I have never seen one that has not ended up with people flaming the posters and completely ignoring the topic or the facts offered, lol.
Funny how things are smooth sailing in that arena when you aren't around. :rolleyes:

I guess that means you're part of the problem, hot shot.



New member
<humor & sarcasm>

TJ and I- I'd kick TJ's buttocks. His super ninja skills are nothing compared to the front grill of my GMC. It's got a fake front too. :D

Ali & I- She too has the GMC power, so it would come down to the locale. In ND, she'd win cause I'd be a Popsicle. In AZ, I'd win because she'd melt. Wait, who am I kidding? She'd say "Regina" and I'd fall down laughing and then receive the **** whopping of the century.

Hack & I- Hack would win. He's got the hockey experience, and mine is all NASCAR. Hockey has better fights. period.

RO & I- RO could give me a tongue lashing that would make me wet myself and crawl into a ball and cry for his mommy. I'll just forfeit now and keep my shorts in the somewhat clean state they are already in.

Brotherman & I- as long as I don't let him get a look at my ***, I should be ok. Is it a cheap shot to hit him in the nuts? Cause I'm all for the cheap shots. ;)

Wez & I- Like usual, I'd get bored and quit. Of course, since he has taken to encouraging people to off themselves, this would be a direction that i am not used to taking in our fights, so who knows. although, if anyone else kicks my ****, it's be nice to be sent to Wez's hospital so he could take care of me. I'd **** my pants daily if I knew he'd have to clean me. :)

I already addressed Chi and I, but we all know she's a gangster at heart, so she's probably packing heat. or an Obama '12 sticker. Either could be deadly.

IWS & I- Now IWS is a cop, but come on, he's in the midwest. Short of arresting people for feeling up their toothless sisters, what kind of real action does he get to see? I think I can take him. (Maybe I'll borrow an Obama sticker from Chi, just in case.)

Merc & I- Merc wins. and I bet she'd take some amazing pics of my beat down and bloodied body.

Hugo & I- Hugo would win and either make me wear a sheep costume or tie me up and make me listen to HappyBee all night. Either way, I'm screwed.

Emkay & I- It might be a challenge, but she'd throw paint in my eye and take my knees out. I'd wake up the next morning with a hump of my own, but it'd have a lovely mural painted on it.

Snaf is a postman. I ain't messing with that.

Kethria & I- This would be too easy. I'd get caught staring and unable to move. I'd give Omar a hi five me and then he'd kick me in the nuts.

</humor & sarcasm>



Active Members
There's someone else here who could take you.
Maybe, It is ALWAYS possible to be beat, that is the point of the DT class I teach for women, one of the things I teach them is to use the overconfidence a man will have when attacking a woman to their best advantage to set up their element of surprise.

I will say that nobody can easily take me, though, lol.

You prefer to put yourself at "the top" with fellow conservatives who generally agree with you. Interesting. Nothing like stacking the deck in your favor, huh?

You forgot hugo and Bender with regards to political debate skills. They are both easily on par with anyone here in that arena. Did you gloss over them because they don't agree with your views?
I didn't forget them, they never debate or answer direct questions asked of them. They want to preach from their soapbox and if you dare to question them they either ignore the questions or pretend the point you made is beneath them to answer. How many times did IWS post Republican idea after Republican idea just to have Bender claim Republicans never have their own ideas? IWS proved Bender wrong and Bender just waved it off as never happening.

On the whole Conservatives are more capable of honest debate because we are too independant to think in the restricted ways Liberals do to always do or say what is set out by their marching orders.

emkay is INCREDIBLY smart. Smarter than all of us, I'd say, because she knows when to steer clear of the bullsh!t.
Some bullsh!t can be fun, but I already agreed Emkay is very smart.

Wrong. Me, politically correct? Ummmm, ok.

Again, any side that you feel opposes your own you view as "lesser", not just different.
Everyone has their own ideas of what is or is not politically correct. In your case you hate to see anything negative about women even if it is 100% dead on. You will turn to personal attacks and completely ignoring facts when these discussions come up.

Other than that, your very smart and I think you could be very good at debating if you stopped taking everything so personal.

Funny how things are smooth sailing in that arena when you aren't around. :rolleyes:

I guess that means you're part of the problem, hot shot.
Things are smooth sailing until someone turns to personal attacks Ali, and most of the time your the first one to draw that blood. That is why I said I would love a pure debate to happen because some people like you refuse to stay on topic if the people in the discussion are not agreeing with you.

You can't blame me for your own bad behaviors Ali, I am not Mangiafuoco.



New member
hugo and I - I'd get the ******* drunk. And he'd STILL kick my ***. He'd have me crying "Walter Williams is my daddy!" before the night was over.

Old Salt and I - He's too sweet to stomp on a lady, even though he could run circles around me. That's why he's one of my favorite people here. :)

IWS and I - We'd go at it like crazy. He'd push my buttons. I'd push his. It would get physical and I'd pull his shirt over his head hockey style exposing his glorious side **** which would leave me mesmerized and vulnerable. The make up *** would be OUTSTANDING!!!!

hack and I - We'd be too stoned to fight.

eddo and I - We'd be too busy giggling for fisticuffs. Then we'd forget all about the argument and run off to do something fun!

Chi and I - You know...I think that might actually be an interesting match! We'd charge $10 a ticket and make a little scratch for our efforts.

emkay and I - emkay would roll out the sleeping bag and I'd melt. No fighting for us!

RO and I - Unfortunately he can best me, the scoundrel. Lucky for me, my *** awful North Dakota accent has a calming affect on the raging beast and we'd wind up laughing with him telling me stories and trying to feel up my ****.

RaE and I - Who has time for fighting when there's so much hot, sweaty, fat armpit *** to be had?

Merc and I - I would love to yell at merc. I'd say, "Dammit,'re beautiful, smart, talented, adorable and good hearted! Why in the **** do you spend time bantering with a bunch of jackholes like us?" Then we'd go to the spa.

snafu and I - It would start out ugly but by the end of the night we'd be at a karaoke bar singing Kelly Clarkson songs badly together.



New member
I didn't forget them, they never debate or answer direct questions asked of them. They want to preach from their soapbox and if you dare to question them they either ignore the questions or pretend the point you made is beneath them to answer. How many times did IWS post Republican idea after Republican idea just to have Bender claim Republicans never have their own ideas? IWS proved Bender wrong and Bender just waved it off as never happening.

On the whole Conservatives are more capable of honest debate because we are too independant to think in the restricted ways Liberals do to always do or say what is set out by their marching orders.

Everyone has their own ideas of what is or is not politically correct. In your case you hate to see anything negative about women even if it is 100% dead on. You will turn to personal attacks and completely ignoring facts when these discussions come up.

Other than that, your very smart and I think you could be very good at debating if you stopped taking everything so personal.
Your perception. I happen to think YOU "take everything too personal".

I wonder which one of us is right?

Perhaps we're both wrong.

Who knows.


Things are smooth sailing until someone turns to personal attacks Ali, and most of the time your the first one to draw that blood. That is why I said I would love a pure debate to happen because some people like you refuse to stay on topic if the people in the discussion are not agreeing with you.
You can't blame me for your own bad behaviors Ali, I am not Mangiafuoco.



Active Members
Now there was very good comeback, lol. So are you now saying Bender did admit Republicans did offer ideas? That every time IWS posted them Bender admitted he was wrong and Republicans were trying to offer new ideas?

You know **** well that Bender always ignored the many attempts IWS made, I also called Bender out on specific things that Bender refused to answer but that just shows how people like us who actually post facts and links are trying to have an open debate while people like Bender call us racists and use distraction and ignoring questions do dodge the questions and points.

At least your consistent, lol.

Your perception. I happen to think YOU "take everything too personal".

I wonder which one of us is right?

Perhaps we're both wrong.

Who knows.

And was it not me who made a post about perceptions and how they can transform reality to the person?

Did I take your attacks on me and Tami as personal attacks? Yes, but the point was why you had to make them in the first place?

No not bullsh!t, I have not put any strings on you, your not my puppet, your responsible for your own behaviors Ali, you can't blame me for your actions. If what I say is really so off the mark you could just ignore it as crazy the way I have decided to do with Wez, but if you instead find yourself getting angry and needing to "rip me apart" then that is all on your shoulders Ali, not mine.

In many ways I see you the way I see Obama. I do not hate Obama, but I do not like some of his policies and actions. I do not hate you Ali but I do not like your need to "get ******" when people do not agree with you.

Remember when you said you were ripping MrsK apart because of how she treated you in the past? You needed revenge, you saw a chance for revenge, and you took it without considering if it was right or wrong, you just did it to feed your anger. You do the same to me sometimes and for the same reasons of revenge seeking.

I keep saying I would love a real debate with you or anyone else with the rule that you can't turn to personal up for that Ali? Do you have the ability to do that?

Structured debates are actually pretty easy, we can pick a topic and both take two turns at offering our views one after the other and we let the audience decide how we did. "Winning" for you would be easy because there is not one person here who would vote for me against you no matter how well I did but to me the debate is the fun part, I do not need anyone else to agree with me or like what I say for me to enjoy the experience.

The best debates are when two people really do believe in the opposite sides but I can offer a reasonable arguement for both sides of any debate topic if that is what someone would like to do.

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