First Names

Good grief you guys have it made with your names. It was a living hell growing up with my name. Until I played along and started calling myself that. Then it became no fun for the kids to tease me.

Crap! I thought I wrote down Tori's. Is it Beth?

And Jenn didn't you say your name was Avril before?
Lethalfind said:
I have always hated my name, from a young age. I remember hating it in 1st grade...My Mom acted like I had tried to murder her when I told her I didn't like it and wanted to go by my middle name.

Angie, what name have you chosen?
I've never been fond of my name. Particularly my middle name.
Isabel Lucia (for my daughter). Lucia is my Abuela's name, but I figured she'd get picked on if I gave her that as her first name :p
angie said:
You know....I wonder if my daughter will hate her name. Most people I know don't really like their names. Makes me wonder if 20 years from now, our kids will hate us for the names we gave them.

I've always been very fond of my name, even when the mean kids made the rhymes in school....they were just junky boys, so who cares anyway?


I've given out my name, and don't much have anything big secrecy computation on it. My name is Lea. I think part of the reason I always loved the name was the way Dad hung so many nicknames on me, based up on it..

Leo the Lion
Leo the Lion Hearted Lion


Oh what I'd give to hear him clumping into the house calling out, "where's the Lion?"

Course, years of people getting it wrong and arguing with the pronunciation have been a drag, phonetically it IS pronounced the same as Lee, and it DOES rhyme with Tea.... shrug. I still like the name.

My daughter likes her name too....she tells people, "it's Sherry, like the alcohol".

So there you go Angie...two that don't hate their names!
angie said:
I've never been fond of my name. Particularly my middle name.
Isabel Lucia (for my daughter). Lucia is my Abuela's name, but I figured she'd get picked on if I gave her that as her first name :p

I love those names, they are so tradtional. They are very pretty.
Lethalfind said:
Please don't look me up for an unannounced visit, I'm not pleasant when surprised.
Oh, come on. I was planning to swing by on my way to south Florida on the 18th.
Lethalfind said:
If you all have any suggestions of what I should change my name to, please let me know. I want something simple.
Lacey? Lonni? Are you trying to stick with the L theme?
snafu said:
Crap! I thought I wrote down Tori's. Is it Beth?
I like my full name. Beth is the shortened version. I’m not a big fan. I think because there was another Bethany at the private school I went to and the teacher made me go by Beth. I was always a little resentful of that. I like the rarity of my name. The fact that there was another Bethany at a private school of sixty kids still amazes me. I have met less that five my entire life.
Lethalfind said:
YES, but the real question is, does he deserve it??
Does RO? I didn’t get to see those pictures.

I wonder if Tonon will look at this thread…
I'm just a Richard (boring) and all though the people that work for and with me say i can be a Dick, I'm not I'm a Rick. I have a daughter that is "like the wind".
When I was young everybody called me Chucky or Chuck. I think I hated that more. Then they found out my real name. I don’t really mind Charlie Brown now. Kids these days don’t even know who he is any more. My nickname is CB.
I was going to name my son Tim after my best friend that was stabed to death at the age of 25. But we decided on Christopher Charles.
Lethalfind said:
I think your name should be Angelface...

or maybe something Indian like "He who walks with large stick"

Maybe tripod

As an honorary member of the Cherokee Indian tribe, my name in their tongue is "He Who Dangles Manhood Into Lake To Test Heap Big Depth.".
RoyalOrleans said:
As an honorary member of the Cherokee Indian tribe, my name in their tongue is "He Who Dangles Manhood Into Lake To Test Heap Big Depth.".

LOLOLOL, thats more like it...
He who dangles manhood...lolololol